peridottea91 · 8 hours
My average writing experience:
"Alright I think I'm almost done actually-"
*Google doc grows second health bar and a choir starts singing in latin*
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peridottea91 · 8 hours
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peridottea91 · 8 hours
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peridottea91 · 8 hours
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peridottea91 · 20 hours
"You wearing a collar in public is bad cuz I didn't consent" you wearing a bracelet in public is bad cuz I didn't consent to it.
Yall don't really have a right to consent to other peoples clothes.
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peridottea91 · 20 hours
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peridottea91 · 20 hours
spotify is raising prices again here's the apk that gives you premium for free
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peridottea91 · 20 hours
Nail Polish Namer has to be a very specialized job.
"Oh! that pink is so pretty!"
"It's not pink! It's First Date Mango Madness Love Punch!"
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peridottea91 · 20 hours
@alleiradayne I think that's a little too much wishful thinking
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Mentally preparing myself for the dragon age fandom to inevitably revitalize the playersexual discourse
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peridottea91 · 20 hours
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peridottea91 · 1 day
Hey you! Yes you!
Have you tortured a blorbo today?
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peridottea91 · 1 day
Lightning fast reflexes
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peridottea91 · 1 day
Wow reblogging that popular post by my mutual huh? I bet you don’t even fuck with their flop posts. Name 5 of their personal traumas
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peridottea91 · 1 day
Medieval authors were so fucking funny. In "The Faerie Queene" this guy comes up to the main hero and is like "Don't go over to that cave, there's a guy inside that makes people kill themselves." And the hero is like "Bet." and goes into the cave. Then the old man (literally called Despair) is like "If you die, you can't commit sin." and can you guess what happened.
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peridottea91 · 1 day
demisexuality can be so hard to explain because it’s misconstrued as you just wanting to trust the other person before you have sex with them. and I get why the misconception happens. But demisexuality differs in that there isn’t sexual attraction at all before that bond forms.
I think what people have difficulty with is the idea that there are people out there who aren’t experiencing sexual attraction at all until a certain point, if ever, because we’re taught that sex, libido, and sexual attraction are all the same, both in and out of queer spaces.
And when you’re learning about asexuality and demisexuality, you may learn that people have romantic and aesthetic attraction separately from sexual attraction, and that sexual and romantic attraction aren’t necessarily intertwined, and that may challenge your worldview on sex.
But “I trust you enough to have sex with you” isn’t the same as “I’m not sexually attracted to anyone but you, and the reason I’m sexually attracted to you now after we’ve established this close bond is literally because of the bond of trust we’ve been able to form”.
It’s easy to see how those can get conflated. On the surface, if you’re unfamiliar with asexuality, they may sound the same. But it’s important to acknowledge the difference between “no sex until I trust you” and “no sexual attraction unless I trust you and maybe not even then”.
Demisexuality is housed under the asexuality spectrum. It’s part of the gray area between being allosexual and asexual. It’s part of why the definition for asexuality includes “little to no sexual attraction”. It’s a mostly asexual experience with an asterisk.
While being demisexual may have impacts on a persons sexual activity, even demisexuals have a varied relationship to the act of participating in sex. Libido and sexual attraction are not always intertwined either, which can make telling the difference tricky.
I think of sexual attraction as libido that has a compass. Since I rarely ever experience sexual attraction, but do have libido, it’s noticeable for me when that libido actually has a direction to go, rather than being a floating, nebulous, independent thing.
Remember, not everyone is demisexual. There’s a difference between waiting to have sex and not having sexual attraction at all until a certain point. This also inherently ties demisexuality to romantic attraction and relationships, and not all demisexuals are alloromantic.
But if you read what demisexuality is and think “everyone is like that” or “that’s just being a woman”, you either 1) are demisexual 2) don’t understand what it is or 3) both. And it’s okay to not know. Just as long as you’re willing to try to learn.
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peridottea91 · 1 day
genuinely one of the worst things that’s happened to television in the last few years (exacerbated by streaming services) is death of Filler. going from 20 episodes to 8 because “we didn’t really need that episode where the main characters went to the beach right? it had no long lasting effect” but we DID!!! we needed to see how they act without the Big Bad Plot and to establish the dynamics between the characters and lay in the sun (do they forget sunscreen? how do they react to a thieving seagull? do they get buried in the sand or do they do the burying?). the plot isn’t everything. the action doesn’t hit as hard without the quiet moments. give us character development and our little scenes back
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peridottea91 · 1 day
you should be able to call into work if you get a story idea. like i’m really sorry i can’t come in today im going to need 72 hours off to cope with my visions of This Guy
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