perpetualshade · 1 year
Mun: Due to circumstances, losing a family member, and dealing with the aftermath, I will be on hiatus. Apologies.
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perpetualshade · 1 year
Mun: Alright I'm gonna sleep, least try to. I will be active tomorrow night maybe. Will work on asks sent and what not.
Current rp prompt is still active for people.
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perpetualshade · 1 year
Is there something about Finn that you fear?
☨- "Ha, no."
Belial doesn't comprehend fear within himself. It is with grand hubris that this particular Devil has forgotten what that is. Since he accepted his role as the embodiment and personified Evil. If ever there was a sense of fear within the former existence of space less darkness, it has been thrashed to permeant silence by the absolute rage that woken inside him. The rage is a unyielding roar for complete and utter desolation.
Instead he only is fear. The creator of anticipation and awareness of danger. Belial is the manipulating source of what causes chills up one's spine, the hair to raise on one's arm, and what makes you think you see something in the corner of your eye. Belial is the calamity that is felt in every day occurrences when one trembles, shows doubt, and whimpers in their confinements of their tortured mind. An impending smile of catastrophe.
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perpetualshade · 1 year
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perpetualshade · 1 year
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interview with the vampire, s01e05 “a vile hunger for your hammering heart” // hannibal, s02e13 “mizumono”
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perpetualshade · 1 year
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Hannibal and The Corinthian get dressed and admire their vanity
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perpetualshade · 1 year
☨- 6'8" human like /12'7" Monstrous form (we wont even go into detail of his third...)
Send 📐 + your character's height to compare with one or more of mine!
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☄️ "I hope you hit your head on every door frame." 🦋
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perpetualshade · 1 year
Bel really out here trying to shag his brother's gf while he's gone 💀💀💀
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☨- "Is that what you truly think and have percieved? Or is that what you hope to witness?"
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perpetualshade · 1 year
But he’s just a little guy :(
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☨- "...Do you shed a tear over crushed fire ants? Do you pity a mosquito after you swat it for taking your blood? Do you allow a wasp to make its nest near your home out of peaceful consideration? Or possibly do you spare the life of a centipede when it crosses over your feet?" Belial blankly stares at the stranger. His tone condescending. "Little things like him face the same consequences for simply existing. The same way insects and bugs do when facing struggles and entities far more powerful than them. The ongoing circle of life and destruction. Some are just naturally unfortunate."
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perpetualshade · 1 year
darker vibes
❛ i would let you rip me apart if it meant loving you. ❜
❛ this fear you feel? it won’t last. ❜
❛ you are my salvation. ❜
❛ i revolt you, don’t i? ❜
❛ get the hell away from me. ❜
❛ i want to sink my teeth into every inch of you. ❜
❛ i’ll be your dirty little secret, if that’s what you’re into. ❜
❛ worship me. until i tell you to stop. ❜
❛ don’t you know how sick with love i am for you? ❜
❛ fucking hit me already. ❜
❛ i would burn the world for you. ❜
❛ i don’t want to be good, no matter how hard you wish it. ❜
❛ i don’t know how you’ve bewitched me, but it needs to stop. ❜
❛ fix me. ❜
❛ they die for love, you kill for it. ❜
❛ you are mine, whether you agree or not. ❜
❛ do you like it when i bleed for you? ❜
❛ i will keep hurting. i will keep killing. anything to protect you. ❜
❛ i’m starved for you, morning and night. ❜
❛ now i get to ravish you. ❜
❛ i am your god and your executioner. ❜
❛ you are doing so well, my pet. ❜
❛ you’re my sweetest poison. ❜
❛ let’s do something about that mouth of yours. ❜
❛ your fascination with me will be your death. ❜
❛ you’re the monster that’s enticed me into your bed. ❜
❛ all you can say are pretty lies. ❜
❛ the fucked up thing is that it isn’t enough to just love you. ❜
❛ you’ve broken me. all i can think about is you. ❜
❛ you’ll beg for more. ❜
❛ an eternity with you would never satisfy me. ❜
❛ i would gladly let you drag me to hell. ❜
❛ everything i’ve done.. every horrible atrocity, it’s been for you. ❜
❛ you’re a fucking nightmare. kiss me. ❜
❛ feel grateful that i allow you to touch me. ❜
❛ every time your lips touch my skin, you burn me from the inside out. ❜
❛ there’s no black or white, only gray. ❜
❛ no one touches what’s mine. ❜
❛ make me indifferent, make me horrible. ❜
❛ i could never be the one to love you. i can only be the one that kills you. ❜
❛ your lips are poison, your laugh a curse. ❜
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perpetualshade · 1 year
Picks up a daisy, inspecting it for a second before handing it to him, smiling softly.
☨- "For me?" Belial plucks the daisy from their hand. It withers immediately. The daisy's life consumed and the petal's colors shrivel and grey. The smallest of winds flutter and carry its particle ashes, leaving only the dried up stem in his claw.
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"You shouldn't have."
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perpetualshade · 1 year
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☨- "Christ and you're shit at lying as well?" The Void shook his head in disbelief of the Nosferatu before him. "Spend a galaxy worth of eternities putting you spawns in place and I'm given a monster that walks around with his dick out barely obscured by his shadows."
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" If I am, what business is it to you? I don't get sentimental about things. " && No. They aren't literal clothes.
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perpetualshade · 1 year
“Mortals…they are so…strange to me.” - Unprompted
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☨- "Strange you say."
There's a rumbling amused chuckle. Kept prisoned in the hollow-shaped cavity of his chest. Mimicking the purring of a large feline. "When you've lived among them long enough. They become quite the predictable normality. You'd expect from a kind that has limited and borrowed time." Mortals were such a interesting possession to keep in his domain. Most of them were bound in sex and violence. Feeding upon their own obsessions. Considerably always in some form of broken state.
"It's the one's that defy death. Infecting themselves with sanguine hunger. Sick with satisfaction from being mind fucked into a prolonged oblivion...That are quite strange."
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perpetualshade · 1 year
☨- The thing made itself seen slowly. Cascading from all the darkest corners. The shadows dragged with him like a billowing cloak. As the sound of his clacking talons echoed along the stone floor. A choking scent of disintegrating corpses and warlike sulfur first spreads through the area. Strong enough to drive a person to a repulsive state of panic. Leaving victims to be vulnerable in taking their own lives for the sweet relief of the plague he brought. Until it's tamed and tampered down by a hint of hibiscus wine and burning cedar wood.
The sound of swords consistently brushing each other like metal chimes followed. As he folded his bladed and stained black multitude of wings inwards. Allowing more light to filter from where he had originally blocked it out. An extended claw of the eldritch abomination grabs the empty chair across from Rathma where he sat. Pulling it back, scraping it along, before sitting on it with the grace of wretched Fae king sitting upon his throne.
Dark course fur covered his waist to his legs, which cross over each other, as the mocking Kirin chimera stares at Rathma with spider-serpent eyes. Claws, poisonous and toxic, clasped together on his knees. The sclera of each eye pitch black. His pupils slitted with the hues of swirling suns and emeralds. Temple adorned with antlers and curling horns with a lion's mane of slithering obsidian tendrils for hair. A painted macrabe of nightmares sat before the Nephalem. No consummations of any demonic sort could replicate the void that this entity existed with. He was a bit more complicated to classify and most didn't live long to try.
"It's been some time since I've seen a creation of your sort walk without falling to it's baser instincts." He speaks, mouth rows full, of razor shark like teeth. The baritone voice is coated with the melody of a bass violin, spellbinded with a choir of bards. "And quite the scholarly sort at that."
Had he somehow performed a summoning, or had he simply gone mad from exhaustion once more? Perhaps both. He was not prone to mistakes, not anything that could do something such as this. Nor would he have done so intentionally. But it was as it was. He could feel, however, within the very essence of his soul, the demonic influence. That pull towards his darker half beckoning his curiosity. It was overwhelming, and would perhaps make a mortal man bend under it's weight, but he was indeed some breed of fuckery, as this thing had so blatantly put forth. He was not so easily intimidated by a demon. They had feared his kind once, and perhaps, even now, some of them feared him for simply still existing.
"...that I am." he would mutter with a huff; this interruption of his studies when he had been so close to his next breakthrough was not appreciated.
Rathma would peer upon the notes he had been scribing just prior; snippets about angelic blood, and runes that he had just begun to shape the intention of in relation. There had been nothing about demons scrawled in that particular tome that could have interacted poorly with the magics, and yet... this thing.
He would eye it intently. He did not fear it, but his confusion was more than apparent. None of the demons he had seen in his youth looked quite so much like this, nor did any of the darkest of their kind take on a similar form. This was something new, and as with all things new, there was a delight, but it was muddied by his yearn for sleep and his general resentment of the creatures.
And he would say nothing more; observation was more befitting than a forced conversation, especially one starting so crass.
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perpetualshade · 1 year
Why are you being so cruel to Finn?
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☨- "Little heroes, they all unbeknownst to their best intentions, crave the cruelty, to shudder and submit, and then defy. It impresses them. Leaves them sniffing for more of that indescribable source that will remind them that their lives are insignificant and can be easily snuffed out like a candle. They all need something to dreed. To feel alive and noticed."
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perpetualshade · 1 year
☨- "You sound rather pathetic right now Hanji. I can taste the loneliness on your tongue as you speak." Belial reached over her shoulder, his claw closing around her hands that grip her teacup. The oddity to feel the intense heat and ice he gave spread into her skin. Leaving her feeling as if she were swallowed up by fire and yet drowning the darkest depths of the cold ocean.
"You're also horrible at lying." He hisses into her ear. Removing her teacup from her hands and setting it on the table. The liquid inside is no longer safe to consume being touched by him. The bubbling dark ink that was left behind instead of the warm fragrant tea. Belial grips Hanji's chin and makes her peer up at him where she sits back facing him. "You miss it. You ache for the lost touch that used to bring you so much comfort. Darling, all have left, and yet the source of all your fear, pain, and unspoken desire remains." He was still there.
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Oh, how that sound of metal made her get heart palpitations. Yet the teacup in her hand remained still. She had a sip, trying to calm her nerves down. The human faced away from him as he walked up behind her. She could practically feel him breathing down her neck by the time he stopped. Fingers gripped the handle of the teacup so tight, it threatened to cause fracture in the ceramic.
"We are...but you need not worry over me. I don't feel abandoned or lonely at all. Just because my birthdays in recent years have had less...people to celebrate with, doesn't mean I feel bad or anything. Shoot, I wouldn't mind at all if it was just me, myself, and I on the fifth."
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perpetualshade · 1 year
☨- Belial watched her stomp her way over to him and deliver a swift kick to his shin. Had she been any other despicable creature, daring to mark his expensive dress slacks with the scuffs of their shoes, they'd be filleted with his talons, like a hawk voraciously skinning a rabbit's hide.
Instead the Ancient deity, worshipped in secret, marveled by man's greed and arrogance, and fueled by the absolute hatred and pride that polluted the universe. Took his adopted child's foot, and readjusted her strap to her pretty dress shoe, with their embroidered little cats on them.
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"My little loch ness princess, your pleading as delightful as they sound, will not grant you what you desire. Begging is for mortal peasants and immortal lessers. Besides you need to learn to play with others, how else will you make them your future subjects, slaves, and potentially meals?"
☨- "That is not how little princesses speak in public Emi.“ He teasingly chastises, pointing his index finger at her warningly. “If you feel entitled to mock me, you should use better forms of insult.”
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“Don’t be like your brother. It’s bad enough he recites meme’s in a verbal setting.” Belial resisted rolling his eyes at the flock of memories. “Why don’t you play with the other piglets?”
     the thought   ———   the AUDACITY of him! emi stomped her foot, barely a cloud of dust forming as she stormed over and gave him a kick on the shin. merely like a fly hitting a brick wall! “Better forms of insult? You’re the one who nearly peed himself about thinking riding a unicorn!” UNLIKE HIM, emi had to roll her eyes at the mention of her brother   ———   not at all helping her day by staying at home, like the MOPEY LOG that he is.
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     “I don’t wanna play with them! They’re smelly and loud and they always ask if I want to play. Which, I don’t!” she glanced over at the carousal nearby, her eyes, as bottomless as the VOID WITHIN HER STOMACH, took in the other children screaming in delight. emi’s small hands curled into fists, turning back to belial with her features now SOFTENED. pleading, even!      “Pleeee~eease? I promise not to tell Mark that you rode a pony!”
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