perrentesftw · 8 years
im still alive
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perrentesftw · 9 years
When are you going to update & the reason is you?
I already did... Months ago i think but i kinda lost my motivation bc i didn't receive any feedbacks at all. Glad to know someone is still reading. Thanks a lot!!! 💕💕💕
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perrentesftw · 9 years
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perrentesftw · 9 years
to all the lovely writers out there,
please continue writing. i know that having feedbacks help but please know that we all need more people like you. it doesn’t matter if you’ve only got a reader, or if you have none at all but never stop writing.
you may start badly now, but sooner or later, i know you’ll improve.
do not write for others, write for yourself. that’s the most important thing that you need to be reminded of. write whatever you want, whatever you like. write a story that you’ve always wanted to read. who the hell cares if you write about a flying dolphin with four arms or a girl who tries to get out of a wolf’s stomach- it’s your story.
remember: write for yourself. :]
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perrentesftw · 9 years
how-to become a better writer
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1. Read.
Yes, I know that you were told about this too many times but seriously, if you want to be a better writer then you better start reading!!! Although reading can be boring sometimes, pick the books that you intrigue you. This way, you can focus on reading. + reading fanfics can help you too!! I started reading fanfics when I was younger and they were actually the reason why I am still writing up to these days. If you manage to dig deeper, you’ll find very well written fics. I recommend to read fanfictions in AO3 or livejournal :]
Here are some books recommendation if you wanna read:
books that’ll make you laugh
books that’ll make you cry
books that’ll make you fall in love all over again
books that’ll make you wanna be in some other place
2. Keep a book. I am someone who really really loves her novels to be clean so I would keep a book rather than highlighting it and writing it down on the novel.
If you are too, then you should buy a book too!! Whatever book— a small book, a large book, a lined book; it’s your choice!! This can be very useful [it helps me!! so hopefully it’ll help you guys too!!]. Here’s a picture of my book:
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It was a 2013 monthly planner book [pls don’t laugh @ me] and because it was thick and the paper’s quality is very good, I decided to use the book for writing/reading purposes.
3. Love it? Write it down! I am pretty sure I am not the only one who find a few words in a book that I’d really love to tattoo on my skin, am I right? If you happen to find sentences that you love, write it down. This will help your writing skills. 
As for me, I would have two sections for this.
✽ When I read a book, I would jot down the title and then list down every sentence that I really like or find useful. Sentences that has a few highlighted words indicates that I do not know or do not understand the word; thus I’d highlight it and find the meaning of the word, like this:
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✽ You know how sometimes you read something from somewhere and you like it and you really wanna jot it down? As for me, I would place those sentences under #COMPILATION.
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3. Don’t understand? Write it down! I know that this can be exhausting and all, but trust me, this will help you a lot [I say this a lot haven’t I]!!! You may be thinking, ‘Ah, I do not know the meaning of this, I’m just gonna search the dictionary and not write it down’ NO!! Of course you will know the meaning, but it doesn’t mean you’ll remember it, don’t you? Besides, you can always refer back to your book if you do not remember the word!! (◕‿◕✿)
4. Learn new word everyday.
you can start by clicking here!! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
or here (•̪┌┐•̪) ♥  
5. Start writing. Obviously, if you want to become a better writer, why would you just laze around?! Open your microsoft word [or note, if you’re using apple] and begin to type! I’m sure you have a plot in your head; who the hell cares if it’s not planned? Just write it! You don’t have to begin with an introduction, you can start writing from a scene of the story you want to write. If you’re satisfied with your writing, save it— you might want to read and edit it again in the future. **For those who are very serious in becoming a writer, then of course you guys have to plan everything first. You don’t want to have writer’s block!!
6. Start now. What are you waiting for?? You can do this, I believe in you!!! (๑و•̀Δ•́)و + if you are feeling demotivated, click here :]
i rly rly hope that you guys will find this useful! i rly wanna contribute something to the studyblr community!!! i hope you guys have a wonderful day  ♡ 
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perrentesftw · 9 years
How many chapter are there to the victoria fic?
I have not written them all yet but so far there’s only two (:
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perrentesftw · 9 years
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perrentesftw · 9 years
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Tony Perry, Jaime Preciado, & Mike Fuentes | Pierce the Veil
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perrentesftw · 9 years
one // the birth of victoria fuentes
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one // the birth of victoria fuentes
pairing: fuenciado & perrentes
synopsis: vic decided to prove mike and tony wrong by crossdressing as a woman only to be hit by the dude with weird hair
“Fuck these heels,” Vic Fuentes mumbled as he adjusted himself to walk comfortable in the 4 inch hot red heels that belonged to his close friend, Maria. Vic wondered why girls have to torture themselves by wearing such things. Not to mention that out of all days, God had chosen that day to be windy which cause the dark pink skirt he was wearing to lift up, revealing a little bit of his thighs, whenever the wind was blowing. Not just the skirt and heels were the problem; the wig he was wearing was problematic too. He regretted accepting the challenge. Vic was comfortably playing the video game at the living room with his little brother and his little brother’s boyfriend cuddling on the couch. Vic didn’t mind having them around although Vic had to admit that sometimes, whenever they’re doing ‘couple’ things, it sickened Vic. While he was too engrossed in playing the game, he could hear the couple behind him giggling and snickering, which annoyed the hell out of Vic but he continued to focus in his game and tried to win against the other player that was challenging him. “You sure, babe? I don’t think he could withstand it though,” and giggles again. Followed by chortles and a few whispers and then giggling again. Vic couldn’t hear what they were saying but Vic swore to God he heard his name being mentioned in their unimportant conversation. “Just imagine him walking in a skirt.” Irritated, Vic put down his controller – not caring whether he will lose to the challenger or not – and glared at the couple. The couples, though, were oblivious at the daggers that Vic was throwing at them but eventually shut up when they turned to see an infuriated Vic staring at them as if he was ready to murder them. “Alright, what the fuck are you guys talking about?” he snapped. “Nothing, just nothing,” Mike answered nonchalantly as his hand was rubbing Tony’s arm, calming him down as Tony shrunk, scared at the mad Vic. “I fucking swear you guys said my name. What is this shit about?” Vic asked angrily. “Alright, alright, take a chill pill,” Mike mumbled and then adjusted his seating position as he wanted to explain it to his older brother. “We were talking about cross dressers and Tony thought you could pull off as a girl perfectly but I think otherwise. So we were discussing about that matter and decided that you are too cranky to be a girl and people would notice you have balls easily.” Vic blinked. Then his gaze shifted to Tony. “Did you guys really talk about that?” Vic asked. Tony only nodded. Although it sounded absurd, Vic's lips formed into a smile. “But what if I say I can be a girl?” Vic began, suddenly he had the feeling to challenge them. “Nah, that’s impossible,” his brother answered. “Do you want to be proven wrong, Michael?” “Sure, I do,” Mike said nonchalantly. Mike knew his brother couldn’t do it. In fact, why would he? It was just plain stupid and super dumb. “But then, you have to do everything a girl do. Shave your legs, talk softly and shit. And oh, make sure to go walking down the street with killer heels and no one must not recognize you.” “And what will I get for proving you wrong, dear brother?” “You can sell my drums.” While the brothers were arguing and having an intense staring contest, Tony just sat there beside Mike, holding onto Mike's shirt while mumbling, “I don’t think this is a good idea.” To Vic, selling Mike drums might just be the best thing ever because Mike would usually play drums whenever he was trying to read and it was just hard to read when your little brother is hitting the drums loudly. “But what will I get for being right, Vic?” Mike asked. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe you can take my room?” And to Mike, having Vic’s room is just amazing because Vic’s room is three times bigger than Mike’s (because Vic is the apple to their parents’ eyes and that actually explains everything). “Challenge accepted.” Tony had suggested that Vic did not need the wig as Vic’s hair was already long enough and he had curls too. But Vic insisted that he wanted a wig and a chestnut coloured hair so that was why he was wearing the troublesome wig. Vic even applied two layers of lip gloss that he had borrowed from Maria, causing her to feel very curious as to why Vic was borrowing her heels and also lip gloss. But she didn’t expect him to borrow her skirt, shirt and purse too. And now, Victoria was walking down the streets, trying to walk comfortably in the heels that were killing her, and prayed to God that nobody noticed because she knew secretly, Tony and Mike was out there, spying on her because as Mike had said ‘no one should recognize Vic’ and they just wanted to see it for themselves. No one gave a fuck about Victoria though. The street wasn’t too crowded and so far, nobody noticed that he was actually a girl with penis. He went inside a café and ordered a latte, with a tone higher than usual and thankfully the cashier didn’t notice anything weird about him. Vic was gifted with a soft, squeaky, cute voice that made him mistaken as a girl by strangers so it wasn’t hard for him to disguise as Victoria Fuentes. She sat down on one of the tables, waiting for his latte to be served. Her phone vibrated so he took it out from his friend’s purse and read the message from Mike. ✉ 1 new message from: mike Wut r u orderin? Tony wnts an espresso n I wnt icecream but we dnt wnt to enter café Victoria rolled her eyes, closed her phone and she didn’t bother to buy her brother and her brother’s boyfriend anything. The waiter came and served her latte and she drank it happily because she was pretty sure he would sell Mike’s drums no longer after this. As soon as she got out of the café, she began to enter shops that were attracting her eyes. She even got onto the shoe stores and tried a few heels with the shopkeeper’s guidance. She had received a lot of compliment for her ‘nice legs’ and ‘beautiful hair’. And secretly, Vic was happy to hear the compliments because he got through a lot when they were waxing his legs and the wig was just too hard to handle. Vic had spent his day as Victoria happily. When the instruments shop caught her eyes, she immediately got inside of it because of two things a) guitars and b) to check how much they would buy Mike’s customized drums set. The store was loud as soon as she entered. A pop song was blasting from the speakers and Victoria actually liked the song. There were a few customers at the counter so she decided to look around before asking the cashier about the price. She went to the guitars section and stared at it for a long time. Mike had broken his favourite guitar the week before and believe it or not, Vic actually cried about it. So she just stared at the selection of guitars that were soon to be hers when she sells Mike’s drums. The green one caught Victoria’s attention. But other than the guitar, something else also caught Victoria’s attention – the man with a very weird spiky hairstyle who was standing beside him, just smiling and staring at him.
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perrentesftw · 9 years
Truth Be Told
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when all of a sudden Mike and Tony bet that Vic would be recognized as a man in just a few minutes, Vic decided to prove the couple wrong and immediately regretted doing so when he met a guy with a weird hairstyle in an instruments shop. © perrentesftw '13 ❀ inspired by the song I'm The Secret by Jaime Preciado. this is only fiction; don't take things too seriously and they are not in a band. reminder: vic will play two characters in here - as Victoria & Vic. (yes, Victoria & Vic is the same person, i hope you guys won't be confused. if Victoria is mentioned, then it means Vic is wearing girl clothings therefore Vic would be mentioned as a 'she'.)
Click here to read on wattpad. Click here to read on AO3.
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001 // birth of victoria fuentes
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perrentesftw · 9 years
✽ Request: OPEN
alright guys i am bored as heck and i would like to write a few prompts that is if any of you guys are willing to send me. so go go go go
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perrentesftw · 9 years
[ONESHOT] To Michael
█ Title: To Michael █ Pairing: Mike Fuentes/Tony Perry [PERRENTES] █ Word count: 381w █ Warning: Multiple Personality Disorder, Abusive relationship █ Synopsis: Mike found a letter written for him.
Read on AO3 here.
This letter is addressed to the love of my life, Michael Christopher Fuentes.
Michael, by the time you read this, I will most probably be gone. To where, I am not sure yet. It’s not you, Michael, it’s me. I’m so sorry.
Sometimes, it’s so hard for me to deal with everything. I love you, I really do. But Mike… I cannot handle Mike. He was always angry and violent and it scared the hell out of me. You won’t remember this, Michael, but Mike injure me. Numerous of times.
Every time you come back, and ask me why my lips are bleeding and why my eyes are black, with those big concerned brown eyes of yours, I did not have the heart to say that it was Mike. Of course, I lied and say it was just some other homophobic kid. You promised and swore to God to hurt those people who hurt me, but no one hurt me, Michael.
Only Mike hurt me.
You are caring, Michael. You are sweet and understanding, you were the man who I fell in love with.
But Mike, god, Mike was vicious. He was brutal – he was everything you are not.
You are better, Michael. But Mike is the one who always show himself to me and it scares me to death.
My friends told me that I should leave you, Michael. I did not have the heart to do so, I really don’t. But I have to. Last night was the end of us. I’m so sorry, Michael. It’s not you but it’s Mike. I love you so much, darling, I really do.
But if you love me too, you will have to let me go, dear.
I’m so sorry.
Michael, I love you more than anything else in the world. Please remember that.
Mike, I love you too. But love does not mean that you have to be over possessive towards someone. Love is when you trust someone, but it does not seem like you trust me at all. I cry every night, Mike, every time you kill me with your words. Every time you damage my bones. Every time your nails bury deep in my flesh; every time you leave scars. But despite everything you’ve done, I love you equally as much as I love Michael.
Because you are Michael.
Lots of love, Tony.
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perrentesftw · 9 years
Playing Cupid
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Title: Playing Cupid Pairing ▬ Perrentes Highschool!AU Status: Coming Soon Genre: Romance, Fluff Synopsis: Tony was quite well known in the school for matching people up as he was friendly and he knew quite a number of people. All of a sudden, Mike, who was known as a playboy, came for a girlfriend, maybe Tony need help from the Cupid himself too.   Length: TBA
© perrentesftw ‘15
❥ Date Started: 25/09/15 ❥ Date Ended: tba
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perrentesftw · 9 years
(25) & The Reason Is You
Synopsis : To say that Tony was an outcast in the school is an overstatement. The thing about Tony was that he liked to be left alone; life was easier like that. Not until Mike Fuentes came out of nowhere and decided that the perfect profession for him was to annoy the shit out of Tony.
I was not sure what I was thinking. Perhaps I was not thinking straight – choosing a mere boy over a family. But what use is a family when all they ever do is hurt you over and over again?
I slumped myself on the couch, trying to block every image and memories of Val from my mind. I felt terribly guilty and for a second, I was considering to take back my words. But I could not. This was my choice. This was what I wanted.
“Hey,” Mike whispered softly as he playfully poked my cheek with his index finger.
I looked up to him, feeling a joyous emotion as I saw his face.
“Hey,” I forced a grin.
“You okay?” he murmured as he sat beside me.
I nodded. He stared at me, hard. He knew. Of course he knew I was not okay. He was able to see through me and that was the thing I really hate about Mike. I could not actually lie to him. Every time he looked at me with those big brown eyes, I could not help but have this urge to tell him everything.
By everything, I literally meant everything.
“You’ll be okay,” he said.
And despite the fact that I was feeling very shitty, I believed in his words. I believed in him.
  I did not attend school for a few weeks, but once in a while, I would go to school wearing Mike’s shirt whereas Mike would work at The Grand Reel. His parents were away for a while now and I have to say, we were doing pretty well.
I actually felt as if I was a part of his family.
Vic was quite nice, although we rarely talk. We were quite awkward around each other. Jaime would come to visit once in a while; and he was the one that brought laughter in the house.
Mike would always be the loudest who laugh at Jaime’s joke. Sometimes I did not get it but seeing Mike laughing made me smile. His laugh was the cutest and I liked it.
Sometimes he would catch me staring. Usually I would pretend to look away but this time, I only smiled. He would smile back and looked away. It was adorable how shy he could get sometimes.
Although, honestly, I was not really sure what we were.
Were we together?
Did he actually like me?
There were a lot on unanswered questions, and I would very much like to ask him but I was afraid I might come out as a fool. Besides, whatever we were having now, felt nice. I did not want to ruin it just because of a misunderstanding.
But of course, every good moment had to end sometimes.
And mine ended with being forced to go back to my mom’s.
  It was that bad actually, seeing that I really did not want to face my mom and go home. If I were given a choice, I would rather spend a lifetime with Mike and his family than a minute with my satanic (homophobic) mom.
His parents arrived a few weeks later, looking exhausted from their trip. I could not assume where they have been but seeing their luggage was enough to make me deduce that they have been going out of the country. Maybe for a vacation. But their faces showed me otherwise.
I was in Mike’s room, with Mike. Even from upstairs, I could hear their exasperated tones and hushed voices from below. It took me a while to realize that they were speaking in Spanish.
I was sitting on the bed with Mike sitting across me. He was fumbling with his fingers. I watched him.
“Where’s your parents from?” I asked, breaking the silence.
“Mexico.” That explained the language and accent.
“Were they on a vacation? Was that where they went?”
The whole time he was answering me and I was questioning him, he did not look up. He stared at his long, slender fingers, as if they were much more interesting than me. I could feel that something was wrong.
Mike was not usually like this. He seemed a little bit off.
Something was bothering me and it frustrated me that I did not know the reason why.
“You okay?” I asked.
Mike did not answer. Instead, he let out a loud sigh. Immediately, it was confirmed – he was not okay.
“Why?” I murmured.
“Remember…” he began, but he had difficulty continuing his sentence. I waited patiently. “Remember the reason why I had to work at The Grand Reel?”
I could not exactly remember why.
But I thought it was to help his father or somewhat.
Suddenly, I felt something bad going to happen. Not to Mike, but to me.
“Y-yeah?” I gulped.
“Tony,” his voice was so soft – softer than silk if that was possible. His voice was soothing, it could lull someone to sleep but there was something in them – something that indicated whatever he was going to say next might kill someone. “We had to move.”
My face fell for a moment.
He sighed.
“For now my parents are thinking that we should live with my grandma in Mexico.”
Then suddenly, all the scattered pieces fit together like a puzzle.
“They went there to convince my grandma to let us stay with her. We— we can’t pay for the house anymore, Tone.”
Oh my god.
It was such a shocking news – just when I thought everything was going to be okay, suddenly, it all crashed in just a few seconds. All because of a stupid rent.
“I have to leave.”
And trust me, nothing hurts the most than hearing him say that to me. Suddenly, I felt like Val. Was this what she felt when she was begging for me to stay? What this how she felt, trying to make me stay even though she was looking pathetic more than ever?
“W-why?” my voice almost cracked.
My vision was blurry with the tears that were forming in my eyes. I wanted to cry. It was so unfair. Everything was so unfair. Why was god being so cruel to me? He finally gave me something I’ve wanted – a family, and now he just wanted to take them away from me and let me suffer from the humiliation I am gonna receive from my mom.
Where else could I go?
I had nowhere to go.
This is like going back to square one, the first time I left home, but now I had no destination to go. I had no purpose.
“Tone, I know you will hate me for saying this, “ No, I would never possibly hate you. “But you have to live with your mom now. You have to come back to her and apologize to her. You have to do anything to stay with her – to have a home.”
I bit my lower lip.
Where the hell is home?
“But you’re my home, Mike. I’ve never felt so at home before,” I mumbled.
I sounded like an idiot but I was on the verge of crying – I was on the verge of begging just like Val.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, this time, he looked up to me. His big brown mesmerizing eyes were sad.  “I’m sorry,” he repeated.
“Don’t go,” I managed to squeak out.
“I have to. We have to. We have nowhere to go, Tony. You know how they treat us Mexicans,” he said with a heavy sigh. “It’s not like we have the money to pay for everything.”
It hurts me that I cannot do anything about this.
“Take me with you.”
It was probably the stupidest thing I have ever said in my whole life but I did not care. I did not want to go back to face mom and Val. I want to be here, where I feel more appreciated. The fuentes family was nice to me; why was I born in the wrong family?
Mike’s hand reached for mine and he held it, so softly and gently, as if he might break it into two if he applied even the littlest force.
“I love you,” he said, loud and clear. My heart was beating twice as fast, and I was pretty sure my face was red. And that was the first time he ever said. It was the first time someone ever said that to me besides Val. It felt nice, knowing that he loved me.
It felt special because it was the first time.
It felt special because I could see from his face that he truly meant it.
It felt special because all the time he said it, he was looking straight to my eyes.
It felt special because he was confident when he said those words.
It felt special because I believed it.
“I love you,” he repeated, a little slower this time. “God fucking damn it, I really do.”
I let out a small laugh, despite the fact that tears were threatening to fall. I felt touched and blessed.
“But, I have to go. And you have to go. I have been thinking and… I know your mom did not meant all the things she said. I know how worried she must be now, thinking of you and trying to reach you. I do not want to be the guy who stole her son away from her.”
“it’s my choice, Mike, she—”
Mike interrupted my sentence with a small smile on his face. “Do you love me?”
All of a sudden, the temperature in the room rose. I was getting nervous and sweaty. I gulped before nodding.
The grin on his face grew wider, yet sadder. “If you love me then please do me a favor.”
I waited for him to continue. He took a deep breath and said,
“Don’t ever forget about me.”
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perrentesftw · 9 years
so remember when i told you guys that something was wrong on my piercetheveilfanfiction account? well i could not log in and even if i do, the web asks me to create a new display name
so i decided to create a wattpad yay!
i won’t be posting &TRIY because i just realized how lame that fic truly is so i’m just going to post a less lame fic. besides, &TRIY is going to end soon!
to read my works in wattpad, please click here.
cheers everyone, have a good day.
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perrentesftw · 9 years
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❝You’re my favourite explosion.❞ – 23.09.15
For more perrentes and pierce the veil art, click here.
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perrentesftw · 9 years
Hi love, I see you like leaving us with cliff hangers? I hope you update soon c;
Hello darling! Yes, I am terribly sorry about that. But it makes a reader craves for more, isn’t it? Ehehe
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