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lesbians love and support our trans sisters 💖💖
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if you’ve ever thought i’m standoffish, politely distant, or generally hard to befriend, know in your heart that i’m exactly the same in real life. my neighbours just showed up at my door drunk on Canada Day celebrations and told me how desperate they’ve been to meet me for the past few months and then tried to fix the water pump in my basement
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2 step guide to having a beach body!
1) Have a body.
2) Take it to the beach!
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Montage de photos
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just saw multiple people asking in the comments of a post if they can use and wear a carabiner for their keys if they're bi or otherwise not a lesbian and I simply have to ask if people know that carabiners are used for many purposes beyond signaling lesbianism. like girl they were invented in the early modern period for their functional use as a clasp it's not like they're some closed lesbian practice......
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In the 1980s in France, musicologists and archaeologists Iégor Reznikoff and Michel Dauvois used their voices to explore caves with notable Paleolithic wall paintings. By singing simple notes and whistling, they mapped their perceptions of the caves’ acoustics. They found that paintings were often located in places that were particularly resonant. Animal paintings were common in resonant chambers and in places along the walls that produced strong reverberation. As they crawled through narrow tunnels, they discovered painted red dots exactly located in the most resonant places. The entrances to these tunnels were also marked with paintings. Resonant recesses in walls were especially heavily ornamented.
In a 2017 study, a dozen acousticians, archaeologists, and musicians measured the sonic qualities of cave interiors in northern Spain. The team, led by acoustic scientist Bruno Fazenda, used speakers, computers, and microphone arrays to measure the behavior of precisely calibrated tones within the cave. The caves they studied contain wall art spanning much of the Paleolithic, dating from about forty thousand years to fifteen thousand years ago. The art includes handprints, abstract points and lines, and a bestiary of Paleolithic animals including birds, fish, horses, bovids, reindeer, bear, ibex, cetaceans, and humanlike figures. From hundreds of standardized measurements, the team found that painted red dots and lines, the oldest wall markings, are associated with parts of the cave where low frequencies resonate and sonic clarity is high due to modest reverberation. These would have been excellent places for speech and more complex forms of music, not muddied by excessive reverberation. Animal paintings and handprints were also likely to be in places where clarity is high and overall reverberation is low but with a good low-frequency response. These are the qualities that we seek now in modern performance spaces.
Sounds Wild and Broken, David George Haskell
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The Bus | Paul Kirchner | Via
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it pains me a little when usamerican friends say they wish they could move to europe to escape their rapidly nosediving political climate. like oh buddy. you think we don't also have that? i am so sorry to break the news like this, however,
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My dad was dealing with some mixed feelings so I told him "In therapy when something is too complicated to do a simple 'pro and contra list' we sometimes do an excercise where you imagine all these mixed feelings around a table in some kind of conference, letting each tell their bit and you leading the debate."
and my dad didn't really respond and just stared ahead so I kept preparing lunch. Until a few minutes later when he suddenly piped up: "I am having a bad time at the conference"
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Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield (1957) Julia Bowen and Sofia Vergara (2014) Maude Apatow and Sydney Sweeney (2021)
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method actor this method actor that. toshiro mifune played a guy getting shot at by arrows by getting shot at by arrows
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and yeah i believe it. ^ this is the face of a guy getting shot at by arrows
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rb to relieve the back pain of the person u reblogged this from
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