personatusmiles · 3 years
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— excuse me did tumblr just post one of my UNFINISHED drafts by itself
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personatusmiles · 3 years
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— I don’t like how this turned out but my brain is living in the kabuki Killer universe and I can’t get out now
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personatusmiles · 3 years
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— My tablet’s pen just BROKE when I was trying to draw this so now you’re stuck with this Killer WIP until I get my replacement nibs tomorrow ;-;
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personatusmiles · 3 years
Moving soon to a personal blog
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MIK. it’s surely a while haha— Well, I will be coming back to tumblr and such, but more on my personal blog due the fact that I need more visibility for my artwork and commissions. Right now I don’t have the blog even made but soon enough – and I will make sure to let everyone in all my blogs to know. Especially those who are looking for artwork for their OCs and such. 
Still, if you want to commission or help me spread the word, I would appreciate it very very much because right now dear lord I am broke af. So I’m trying to get my crap together. 
♥ You can find me on twitter ( well, not that much ) @ MLK_ish , discord ( DM or inbox ) and on my Ko-fi. ♥
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I have some slots open RIGHT NOW and won’t open them until the next month at least. So, you can check here if you are interested in supporting, commissioning or just checking out my stuff. 
                    >>> https://ko-fi.com/mik <<< 
If you can help me out spread the word or with tips, it would be a great help for me rn since I won’t be able to do anything else but work on the commissions I have at the moment + the ones I have currently open. 
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personatusmiles · 3 years
The more he’s observing the male, and the more he’s certain that he knows exactly how to defend his ship. Probably Jovan shouldn’t sniff in the area, but he’s also quite eager to leave Sabaody as soon as he can. It’s been a while since he has been observing people from his cage, and it’s probably the first time in a long time he hears something which sounds familiar. The way that man is talking reminds him of his own region, before he had been caught and dragged to become someone’s pet. It’s perhaps in the way he rolls his R, or the rhythm of his voice, but it intrigues the wolf. His tail is slowly wagging behind his back, while he raises his nose up and hopes to scent more from the masked individual. His instincts are telling him to run away, but a part of him is aware of the risks he’ll have to take if he wants to remain free.
 “I don’t fear pirates.” Jovan states, his attention brings on the flag of the ship. He heard about those infamous sea dogs for sure, mostly from the mouths of the Celestia Dragons, but he has never been concerned with their existence, only if they were bribed to catch him. Pirates are free by nature, and this is something Jovan envies. He clenches his fists, observing the blond. “I’m only looking to escape them before they find me.”
He moves his clawed fingers to pat his throat, the visible red marks of his explosive collar still present. He managed to escape because a certain white-haired man set him free and wouldn’t pay too much attention to the captain who would provide him a lift. Jovan looks aside, actions better than words as the man is asking how strong he is. He eventually spots a log of wood abandoned near the arbor, probably used to reinforce the masts of the ships. Jovan crosses the distance, and easily picks it up, using his claws to rip and break the massive log in two parts. Flexing his biceps, he throws one of the pieces miles away, the flying log damaging trees on its flight. Jovan turns around, eyebrows furrowed.
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“Strong enough to do far worse to a human body.” He snarls sinisterly.
         IT DOESN’T TAKE LONG for Killer to start putting the pieces together. A slave, of course it had to be a slave. Who else would escape Sabaody in such a rush when no admiral is on sight ? He isn’t the first one he has seen in the Archipelago in the few days they have been there, but surely he isn’t the only one. What good does it make to the crew to bring him aboard ? He’s only another mouth to feed.
However, his stance quickly changes as he quirks his eyebrow under his mask. He lightly tilts his head, observing the now torn down log on the ground and puts his arms akimbo, pondering for an instant about how he has committed such a feat. He is undoubtedly strong, a man who lets his actions speak for themselves is one that can easily bring Killer’s curiosity to the highest level. levels.
❝ Fine. ❞
Killer usually wouldn’t allow anyone who would so desperately search for aid around his captain. If life has taught him anything, it surely is to not rely trust so easily. Everyone hides his intentions behind smiles and other gestures that may seem innocent. However, the prospect of another strong hand aboard seems interesting, even if it would be for a short while. He ponders the options for a second and finally turns back at the ship.
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❝ Is this perhaps your last resort ? ❞ He asks, emotionless. ❝ Your little stunt proves it, I would’ve taken your word for it, but it does help judge your character. ❞ He turns on his heels to face him one more time. ❝ The name’s Killer. Care to give me yours? ❞
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personatusmiles · 3 years
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@inksofoblivion​  ◘ I’ve got that bag of dicks of your captain tied up in my sub if you wanna come and get him. Surprisingly still in one piece.
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      ❝ ... You’ve got that what of my what in your WHAT ? ❞
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personatusmiles · 3 years
He was underestimating her wasnt he? Well, wouldnt be the first nor last person who does that, she was used to it to an extent. But dang it still did sting, rolling her eyes at his comment she simply clicks her tongue in dismiss. No need to get on his bad side if she could avoid it. 
“What can I say when folks are desperate enough even someone like me can be a helpin hand “ she added with smug grin. Which wasnt so reassuring considering the signs of oil stains on her skin and clothes.  Turning on her heels she closes her notebook and waves hand at him.
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“Ya folks need to restock I reckon? Know nice folks on the edge of town with  pretty decent goods for a right price. Been workin on their machines and what not, plus they be takin care of my motorcycle as well~” her pride and joy and the only ride she completely relied on whenever traveling on a  solid road.
      KILLER perhaps wasn’t the most keen on accepting a helping hand. He surely wouldn’t from someone who he felt was too astray from his own personality and mindset. However, it had been a difficult trip and he didn’t want to think much more beyond what step to take next.
He couldn’t deny, for once he felt that those desperate were awfully relatable. How the tables had turned.
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❝ I guess... It won’t be bad to get some help from someone acquainted with the environment... ❞ He wrinkled his nose, trying to repress a long sigh. ❝ If I can get off this island faster with your help, might as well accept it, for now. ❞
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personatusmiles · 3 years
Where to go? When he got rid of that explosive necklace, and escaped his prior owners, Jovan never thought about anything else but a promised freedom. He has never been able to taste it for so many years, his whole life doomed to serve and suffer from the bad treatments of fickle and twisted men. He thought that it would be easy to find a goal, because as soon as he stepped out of his cage, everything would be clear. But all those years behind bars have been cruelly damaging, even for a man like Jovan. He has been wandering since the beginning of the morning, after a difficult first night hiding in the bubble forest of Sabaody, and now… He’s facing his inability to leave that place on his own.
Under his hybrid form, he senses someone coming, his developed sense of smell allowing to perceive the presence of another individual. His hair following the trail of his tail are all dressed, and he folds his wolf ears back against his skull, adopting a threatening attitude. He slowly turns around, amber eyes inspecting the individual. A masked blond with two blades and an impressive musculature. Jovan lets loose a deep growl.
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“I’m not going back.” Jovan snarls, his husky voice barely more audible than a whisper. If that man has been commissioned to chain him again, he would be more than ready to end his life. His tail slaps against his own thigh, only to show his lack of patience and trust. Though, the last sentence awakens his curiosity. His wolf ears suddenly peak up onto his skull, as he gives a side look at the hull of the ship. 
“Yours?” He hesitates. “You take passengers?”
           HOW UNUSUAL, Killer thinks to himself. His eyes scan the appearance of the man carefully and quickly realises he isn’t like the pirates and sailors that roam the archipelago. If anything, he is sure that the stranger unlike any other human he had ever run into before. His animalistic features, which previously didn’t catch his eye now have gotten his whole attention. Killer can’t claim he is all-knowing when it comes to species all over the world, but hybrid forms don’t fall far from Devil Fruits.
It isn’t everyday someone would simply ask for a ride from a pirate ship. Do they seem like a leisure cruise ? Surely the Victoria Punk has anything but a WELCOMING aura, but he surely will make sure to bring Kidd’s attention to the topic in the future. More undesired attention, his captain surely wouldn’t appreciate it.
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❝ I feel like you’re getting the whole ordeal wrong, buddy. This is a pirate ship, see the flag ? ❞ His hand points out at the main post, where the Kidd Pirates’ flag proudly waves. ❝ This vessel belongs to Eustass Captain Kidd, but if you’re so eager to “not go back” perhaps we can make an exception for once. How strong would you say you are ? ❞
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personatusmiles · 3 years
She did stare at his masked face for a brief moment, wondering how was it inconvenient for him to wear the dang thing. Especially in hot and humid environment how the fuck could he breathe? Even more surprising was the fact that he took time to chat, she honestly thought he would ignore her.
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“ Oh it did many times, but I have my ways to get out of the problem. Mainly trading info or skills do the thing “ she adds with the ever cocky smirk. Taking out a small slightly dirty notebook from her pocket she flips through pages while checking something.
“I aint strong like ya lot to survive by strength alone, so if ya guys need somethin here feel free to ask. I might have some decent connections by now. “ mainly because she spent almost 2 weeks on island, and for now she had a somewhat decent reputation.  Mainly for her cheap but effective labor.
          HER GAZE was one Killer couldn’t seem to be comfortable with. His index finger tapped his right arm, still crossed. He could feel it, it wasn’t the same attitude as Kidd would constantly force him to deal with. 
His eyes scanned the notebook on her hands and he carefully listened to her words. A snicker nearly slipped past his lips, but he was capable of containing his voice. A maniac like her could make a living ? He’d sure love to see it.
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       ❝ I don’t seem to get who exactly would be so out of their minds to offer their “connection” to you. Sounds awfully irresponsible. ❞ His frown might not have been visible, but his body language showed his bemusement. ❝ But an informant, I see... I suppose I can understand the appeal in your services. ❞
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personatusmiles · 3 years
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◘ — An unexpected rendez-vous for @distopea​ || Jovan
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         SABAODY was a place where the lingering fear of an admiral could be felt among all pirates. A strange comradery among people who later down the road would aim for each other’s throats. Maybe that was his reasoning behind not wanting to follow that facade, but the sight of a complete stranger in front of his captain’s vessel made him feel uneasy.
His calm and careful steps allowed him to approach the stranger and, silently, he stood next to him at a cautious distance. Killer kept his blades near reach, concealing his distrust under his helmet.
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         ❝ You seem quite out of place in this pier, mate. ❞ He finally spoke with a monotone voice. His hands reached his waist and he lightly pulled his shirt to adjust it. ❝ One might misinterpret your actions if you stand so close to our ship. Are you lost or something ? Need directions ? ❞
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personatusmiles · 3 years
New island, new work to  do and money to earn. Life was not so bad when you are a vagabond, except when you are low on cash to eat and drink. Sighing she ruffles her slightly greasy hair, just finishing work on boiler room for local innkeeper, until she spots familiar masked figure. 
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Taking no offense that he assumed she died from booze and  even mistaking her name, the mechanic simply beams. “Its Franky mister Killer Mask~” she taunts back with hands on her hips, which was porbably not his real name but ey if hes gonna mistaken her name she might to that as well. 
“And nope, got no cash to drown myself in booze unlike ya all. What brings ya lot here? This place aint got much to offer except decent food and few neat shops “
      PERHAPS luck wasn’t exactly smiling on Killer’s behalf. For once, his mind wandered off to a more friendly approach, but it was going to be a decision he would definitely regret the rest of the day. His helmet hid his light grimace, something he was thankful for everyday. 
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        ❝ I was close enough. I wasn’t expecting to remember more than one letter anyways. ❞ Killer shrugged quietly, trying to keep his nerves on check. ❝ My captain doesn’t appreciate people sticking their noses into his business, little runt. Has that attitude never got you into serious problems ? ❞
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personatusmiles · 3 years
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◘ — A fateful reunion with @metalheaduo​​
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         A QUIET GLANCE at the town was enough for the pirate to notice that perhaps Kidd had chosen another uneventful place to rest for the night. A gentle whistle followed him along, just quickly stopped as a familiar pressence appeared near him.
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❝ You... I’ve seen you before, right? ❞ Killer crossed his arms, he was not one to easily forget a face. ❝ I remember now, the alcoholic little prick... What was your name again? Francis or something like that? I see you’ve not died of liver failure yet. Impressive. ❞
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personatusmiles · 3 years
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Like / DM me for a starter! I want to bring Killer back to life even if just a bit!
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personatusmiles · 3 years
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         ❝ Ah... I forgot the feeling of not babysitting a manchild. ❞
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personatusmiles · 3 years
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personatusmiles · 4 years
🎨 What are the mun’s hobbies?
Muse talking about Mun
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   ❝ Huh... Breathing and being alive maybe...? ❞
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personatusmiles · 4 years
👋 Do you and the mun agree on something? 💧 How often do you annoy the mun? And with what? 🔥 How would you spend one day with the mun if you could?
Muse talking about Mun
👋 Do you and the mun agree on something?
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    ❝ Butter pasta is a sin to the glorious art of making pasta. ❞
💧 How often do you annoy the mun? And with what?
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   ❝ She ignored me for 2 months. I feel like my mere existence is annoying. ❞
🔥 How would you spend one day with the mun if you could?
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  ❝ Far away from each other. ❞
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