perunakato · 5 years
Rahikainen: Mitä pietään lapsena rangaistuksena, mutta aikusena se tuo mielihyvvää? ;)
Lehto: Kuolema.
Rahikainen: Ei.
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perunakato · 7 years
.... sori Irlanti
Your Tumblr username decides your profession. How is your first day at work?
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perunakato · 7 years
tumppunen jouluaamuna
lumi on jo peittänyt kuvat tumblrissa
paskapostit jäätyneet talvipakkasessa
tumppunen pienoinen tehnyt joulupostauksen
paskapostit jäätyneet talvipakkasessa
suomitumpun askeissa toinen tumppu-kulta
pyysi hauskoi meemejä, “niitä saisko sulta?”
joulu on noteton tumppuseni onneton
pyysi hauskoi meemejä, “niitä saisko sulta?”
kuhameemit riemuiten haukkui nyymi-kulta
“jotain hieman tuoreempaa bloggaan kyllä sulta
palkita noteilla tahdon kyllä sinua
jotain hieman tuoreempaa bloggaan kyllä sulta”
“en mä ole tumppuni nyymi tästä maasta
olen Antti Holmasi tulen taivahasta”
meemisen pienoisen jonka annoit köyhällen
saikin Antti Holmasi enkeleitten maasta
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perunakato · 7 years
Important Finnish holidays include:
drinking in the cold and with dangerous fireworks (new years)
drinking because there’s two extra days off work (easter)
drinking while wearing your graduation hat or with a red flag (may day)
drinking when the sun shines all night (midsummer)
drinking in moderately chilly weather and with dangerous fireworks (summers end celebration/venetians*)
drinking while watching Unknown Soldier (independence day)
drinking while your family cries (christmas)
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perunakato · 7 years
Miks pitää käyttää aina niitä samoja tylsiä haukkumanimiä kuten paskiainen ja vitun mulkku, ku vois sanoo vaikka homeinen kurkkupurkki?
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perunakato · 7 years
Jos tää postaus saa 10 000 notea nii pukeudun ens vuoden Prideen Väinämöiseks ja soitan kanteletta
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perunakato · 7 years
Tein. Teetin. Teetätin. Teetätytin. Teetätytätin. Teetätytätitytätitytitityy… miten tämä %#$@& kieli toimii.
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perunakato · 7 years
Muumipeikko, Pikku Myy
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perunakato · 7 years
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☆  Urpo & Turpo moodboard ☆
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perunakato · 7 years
Suomalaisen velhokoulun tuvat
Perkele, Helvetin helvetti, Vittusaatana ja Kirkkovene
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perunakato · 7 years
kun ihmettelet minkä takia sun aseksuaali kaveris teki jotain
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perunakato · 7 years
Ku kentaurit o puoliks ihmisii ja puoliks hevosii ni oisko se sit eläimiinsekaantumista jos panis kentaurii?
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perunakato · 7 years
Koska en vissiin vielä seuraa kaikkia suomi blogeja nii reblogatkaa/tykätkää/huudelkaa tää nii alan seuraamaan, haluan kerätä koko runkkuringin
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perunakato · 8 years
Ylempie mukaa ilimeesesti tomaattisato
Reblog and write the opposite of your URL
thatwasnotveryravenofyou → itisextremelypigeonofthem
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perunakato · 8 years
Koe: tänään
Valmiuteni: olematon
Voi: vittu
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perunakato · 8 years
i’m still not over the linguistic miracle that is the Finnish expression “noni” and its variations
NOni (emphasis on the first syllable): “well now you’ve done it, good job” meaning you’ve majorly fucked up
noNI (emphasis on the last syllable): “I TOLD YOU DIDN’T I” meaning I totally was right and this argument is over
noni (literally no emphasis): “Anyway” or “I need to rearrange my thoughts, give me a sec”
NOniin (emphasis on the first syllable): “i admit my defeat you were right” meaning it definitely answers the noni above
noNIIN (emphasis on the last syllable): “let’s get started” or “okay anyway let’s continue”
NONni (emphasis on the first syllable): “aw, that sucks”
nonNI (emphasis on the last syllable): “without further ado, let’s get started”, usually after a long wait before a lengthy speech/presentation
nonni (again no emphasis): “you’re such a disappointment”
nonnnnnni (the length of the -nn- defines the meaning): “that’s too bad” or “i told you so” or “why would you drop the family heirloom vase it was literally worth 500k euros”
No. Nii. (the pause between no and nii defines the meaning): “yea, just like I was saying” or “and that’s about all I know about this issue” or “okay you’re right” or “hold on i need a moment to figure what to say next”
noniii (the length of the -ii defines the meaning): “ah, it’s finally working” or “I’m not so sure about that one”, or “well I guess you’re right but consider the following:” or “ah, buckle your seat belts, the ride’s about to begin”
no NIIN (sometimes no is almost swallowed and it sounds like “nNNII”): “finally finished”, usually after a lengthy speech/presentation
no nii-IH (if you forget the singsong tone this won’t work): “that’s what i’ve literally been trying to say for the past three hours” or “i know right ugh”
no niiii-i (the last -i is really short and sort of fades into the void of eternity, probably the most passive-aggressive word in the entire Finnish language): “i fucking agree” or “yeah tell me about it” after a very negative discussion, in which you usually complain about someone or something
NONIH (only mothers know how to say this one): “do this or so god help me” or “it’s six am on a Saturday morning and you’re about to clean up the entire house and the neighbour’s house too”
NOHNI (everyone driving a car naturally aces this one): “fucking. drive. you. slow. ass. slug” or “it’s fucking green it’s been green for 84 years” or “please don’t fucking hit me please” or “how the hell did that one even get a licence”
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perunakato · 8 years
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Joo, sama.
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