Burmese Python From Pest Control Experts Greenville
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  Are They Coming Soon?
A native of Southeast Asia, Burmese Pythons are one of the 5 largest snakes on Earth. They are known to reach a length of 23 feet or more with some weighing up to 200 pounds. These slick slithering eating machines are currently terrorizing the Florida Everglades. The average human doesn’t have much to fear from the python. Native animals on the other hand have much to fear. Alligators are losing their spot as king of the hill as the swamp’s top predator. People ask why these snakes are such a problem. Why can’t experienced hunters walk into the Everglades and kill them? Burmese pythons from Southeast Asia are so stealthy that even experts have a tough time spotting them. Making it difficult to kill them. Since the pythons where officially recognized as a threat in 2000 they have put the squeeze on the swamp . Marsh rabbits, deer, bobcats, raccoon, and possum populations have declined. In some cases by as much as 99 percent according to researchers for the U.S. Geological Survey. Originally imported to the U.S. for the pet trade. Wild populations became established from animals that escaped or were intentionally released. There are reports of sightings going as far back as the 1980’s. In the year 2000 they were recognized as a threat to native wildlife by fish and game. The behavior of the pythons combined with the difficulty of navigating the terrain make it difficult to control. The Python spends most of the daylight hours in hiding, either in underground burrows or in the water. Bounty hunts, the type held in 2013 had 1,600 registered participants. It had cash incentives lasted for a month and only resulted in 68 python captures. A cold spell in 2010 with severe freezing in the Southeast acted as a selection even. Meaning that snakes that were able to survive this weather could have the ability to extend their home range.
from Greenville Pst Experts http://ift.tt/2sVAAd0 via Greenville Pest Experts
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Subterranean Termites From Pest Control Experts Greenville
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Subterranean termites are the most destructive insect pests in the United States. When it comes to wood they cause billions of dollars in damage each year. Having a tremendous negative impact on a family’s most valuable possession – the home.
In nature, subterranean termites are beneficial. They break down cellulose from dead and dying trees into usable nutrients. The biomass resulting from this process is recycled to the soil as humus. Subterranean termites are, therefore, considered important to our ecosystem.
Problems occur when termites attack the wooden elements of homes, businesses and warehouses built by humans. The presence of termites is often not easily noticed because their activity is hidden behind wall boards, siding or wood trim. Homeowners in all areas of NC should watch for subterranean termites. And take precautions against infestations. To minimize damage from termites, it is helpful to know. The description, life cycle and signs of infestation of termites as well as preventive control measures.
Subterranean termites are social insects that live in nests or colonies in the soil. They contain three forms, or castes: reproductive’s workers (pseudergates) and soldiers. Individuals of each caste have several stages: the egg; the larva that develops into a pseudergate. And eventually into a brachypterous nymph or soldier; and the adult. There are three forms of adult reproductive termites including primary, secondary and tertiary.
Reproductive males and females can be winged (primary) or wingless (secondary or tertiary). Females of each can lay eggs and produce offspring. The bodies of winged primary reproductive’s also called swarmer’s or alate’s, vary by species. They can range from from coal black to pale yellow-brown. Wings may be pale or smoky gray to brown and have distinct vein patterns used in identification
. Reticulitermes swarmer termites are about 1/4 to 3/8 inch long.
Secondary and tertiary reproductive’s live within the colony and are white to cream-colored. These termites form a backup for the primary queen and may replace her if she is injured or dies. These termites mate within the colony and lay viable eggs. If a secondary reproductive and worker termite become isolated from the main colony. They can have the ability to establish a new sub-colony.
Termite workers (psuedergates) make up the largest number of individuals within a colony and do all the work. They are wingless, white to creamy white and 1/4 to 3/8 inch long. They forage for food, feed the other castes, groom the queen and maintain and build tunnels. They also build shelter tubes. Their mouth parts are very hard and adapted for chewing through wood or other cellulose materials. The worker caste is responsible for the damage that makes termites an important economic problem.
Soldiers resemble workers in color and general appearance. The soldiers however have well-developed brownish heads with strong mandibles or jaws. Soldiers defend the colony against invaders, primarily ants and other termites. They cannot forage for food or feed themselves, and they depend on the workers to care for them.
Ants and termites often swarm at about the same time of year but control measures for each differ greatly. It is therefore, important to be able to distinguish between swarming termites and ants. From an Article Urban and Structural Entomology Program at Texas A&M University
from Greenville Pst Experts http://ift.tt/2nPN7dp via Greenville Pest Experts
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Kissing Bug From Pest Control Experts Greenville
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Are We Headed For A Kissing Bug Emergency?
The Triatoma sanguisuga more commonly known as cone nose bugs or chinches, another name for them is the Kissing Bug. Called the kissing bug because of their propensity to bite their victims around the mouth or eye. These bugs often carry the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite that causes Chagas disease.
What Is Chagas?
Chagas disease named after the Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas, who discovered the disease in 1909 According to Wikipedia In the early stage, symptoms are typically either not present or mild, and may include fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches. In some cases local swelling at the site of the bite. After 8–12 weeks, individuals enter the chronic phase of disease and in 60–70% it never produces further symptoms.
The other 30 to 40% of people develop further symptoms 10 to 30 years after the initial infection. This can include enlargement of the ventricles of the heart in 20 to 30%, leading to heart failure. An enlarged esophagus or an enlarged colon may also occur in 10% of people
Where Are Kissing Bugs Found? Kissing Bugs are found all over the Americas. In the United States Kissing Bugs have established a foothold in 28 different states. With eleven different spices of the critter identified and documented in the United States.
With the highest concentrations and the most diversity of the bug in the South West. States Like New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. In Texas over 50% of the bugs submitted for testing were positive for the parasite that causes Chagas.
If you see what you suspect is a Kissing Bug, never touch it with your bare hand. The parasite that causes the condition known as Chagas can be transmitted directly to humans.
What Is A Kissing Bug Bite Like?
Because an important stage of development depends on a blood meal, the Kissing Bug has developed stealth abilities. When it comes to actually feeling the bite, few people notice it. It is only after the bite when symptoms appear that people realize they were bitten. There is no one size fits all for the symptoms of Kissing Bug bite as it depends on the individual immune system. The reaction can be as varied as no detectable symptoms to Anaphylactic Shock. And everything between The most common reaction is swelling and possibly a fever. If you feel that you where bitten by a kissing Bug is is a good idea to see your doctor. If it is possible take the little bugger with you to the Doctor. He may have someone that can identify the critter. This will help determine whether you need treatment.
Texas A&M University
The parasite Trypanosoma cruzi causes Chagas disease in humans, dogs, and other mammals. In humans, Chagas disease manifests in two phases: acute phase and chronic phase. After becoming infected with the parasite, the acute phase can last for a few weeks or months. This phase can be symptom-free or difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are common for many types of sicknesses. These include fever, fatigue, body aches, headache, rash, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting. Of those who are infected with the parasite, approximately 30% are at risk of developing chronic Chagas disease. Chronic Chagas disease includes cardiac complications and/or intestinal complications. These signs may not be apparent until decades after the initial infection. Cardiac signs include enlarged heart, heart failure, altered heart rate, and/or cardiac arrest. Intestinal signs include an enlarged esophagus or colon, which can cause difficulties with digestion. Concerned individuals should discuss testing options with their physicians. Treatment of Chagas disease can be difficult. The drugs are available only through the CDC after consultation with a physician.
from Greenville Pst Experts http://ift.tt/2nRqBn8 via Greenville Pest Experts
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