peter07h-blog · 7 years
What is the SMART thing to say when someone ask me why didn’t I know something?
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Things 23
Before reading about the 23 Things, my perception on social media and some online platforms were quite negative, mostly because people around are using it to socialise and not really mindful about online presence. I wouldn’t say I’ve changed much, but I have to say the rubbish content stands out because more people are interested in the rubbish! 
Having sat in industry for a bit my impression is that they have a team to take care of their online presence, so don’t worry about it (really what they mean is don’t mess it up). I have come across most of the platforms (other than blogging platforms) because when you sign up to a platform, one of the first thing it does is spam every person in your address book asking them to join (like LinkedIn), I’ll find out about it reading the spam.
I like and find most useful are the things on metrics, copyright and research tools. You can’t think about something you don't know so having a starting point for these important things spoon fed to me is great.
Now I have a cheat sheet on thing I might need in the future, when I need it. This blog will be renamed and updated when I have interesting thing to share, or most likely, when I have things to moan about.
I love ramping things in last minute!!!!!
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 22
Thinking from the practical side, every account I create is another set of passwords I have to remember. Can’t use the same password all the time because each site has a different set of rules for their passwords. Therefore, I tend to like tools that links to Google, Microsoft or Apple. LinkedIn is working OK, may as well keep using it. Do have Research Gate and ORCID as well, but there is nothing on it.
I think the best profile pages I’ve read has three things: a photo with a big smile, a semi-formal block of text introducing the person, and a list of outputs (such as past positions, publications, projects, etc.). This way I think it presents an approachable and knowledgeable person.
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
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10 posts!
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 20
These online tools are very good and it does version control for you. I prefer getting my own NAS (network attached storage) drive because I own and have access to the physical server, and I can kick people out whenever I want! The downside is it doesn’t do version control, which ain’t very good for data management, but I think a few macros can relief that…
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 18
I’m sure everything is possible as long as industry IT is not involved.
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 17
My research is about corroding the s*** out of materials, so crowd sourcing probably not so relevant. What I find interesting (not sure if that’s the right word, apologies for my narrow vocabulary) is how they know the crowdsourcing is answering their question? I do some SurveyMonkey questionnaires now and then and I have question on a few things (not that I want them answered, but I don’t see the point of the question sometimes because of these): 
a) How does the researcher know the people they are interacting with is speaking the same language? For example, a question that asks the responder to rate strongly disagree to strongly agree, how does the researcher know that the responder is using the same baseline to rate the statement?
b)  How does the researcher know the responder is “speaking the same language”? By this I mean how do they know they have minimised ambiguity in their questions or statements?
c) How does the researcher know the sample of audience reached in the crowdsourcing is representative? I mean it is more difficult to grab the attention of somebody you have absolutely no connections with, people who shares something in common will probably bias towards a particular outcome. For example, if a 20 year old researcher asks “is scraping tuition fees a good idea?” and his sample consist only people of similar age, who an earth would say no…
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 16
Had a go with the three databases, I used the following two journal articles by the same first author. It was expected that the second article will have less citation count not only because it is newer but also because the journal focuses on nuclear materials, which us a narrower field. 
I suppose industry partners also plays a part in the difference in citation count. My EngD sponsor advertises Scopus within the company but not Web of Science. If this is the case the Scopus world of journals will have more exposure… I suppose.
Terrani, K. A., Pint, B. A., Parish, C. M., Silva, C. M., Snead, L. L., Katoh, Y. (2014) ‘Silicon Carbide Oxidation in Steam up to 2 MPa’, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97(8), pp. 2331-2352.
Scopus: 46, Web of Science: 34, Google Scholar: 64
Terrani, K. A., Yang, Y., Kim, Y.-J, Rebak, R., Meyer III, H. M., Gerczak, T. J. (2015) ‘Hydrothermal Corrosion of SiC in LWR Coolant Environments in the Absence of Irradiation’, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 465, pp. 488-498. 
Scopus: 12, Web of Science: 10, Google Scholar: 21
Didn’t find the “Altmetrics donut”, but found some “PlumX” data. I’m quite impressed it even lists tweets and Facebook mentions of the article. I sometimes wonder (actually, more like all the time) does the researcher (or someone) really read through all that to measure impact? Do they have time left to get on with the research? Which is probably more exciting?
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 14
Prezi looks very good, but you have to make sure the computer you use is Prezi compatible, or you can plug in your own...
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 11
Freakonomics Radio is an interesting one http://freakonomics.com/archive/ 
Youtube is a great help, difficult to hear sometimes though.
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 10
I went to see this in 2014.
Photograph by Inagaki K 2009 URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kaz25/3804050951/in/photolist-6N9KPn-foryvb-6NdY1h-6A2mvg-6GL5jA-3NFRSA-8EZQ-6A6tPA-9GTmyF-6A6tLm-3o7oym-5uvXMc-6LAZ12-72QUf5-6NjHwX-6NjKee-6NjGJB-5ymcVi-6A6tMu-8yAPJf-9w3cv-659wRq-GkVeDP-6mNp4p-6vhfrn-7vLC9F-HLx8j-8yAPEA-4ZCv7V-6A6tJf-6vmrD9-6R5wbA-bHYAGe-aJX2Li-6vhfbk-bAcTcZ-6R5yXo-6vhfDX-qv3Bn4-bni2L1-bAcUo4-5eMjHD-5v5rSp-bAcTJe-kWY1-8wh9Ry-foryxb-6vmrQS-9pMCzq-bAcT8M  
Urr, so what happens to overseas content? Every country has its own copyright laws, right?
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
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5 posts!
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 7
I am in my third year and I still haven’t touched referencing software, I cannot get it to install properly in the first place. 
I am computer illiterate...
Typing out the reference isn’t too bad, it helps me to remember the citation and the contents. I use Harvard style in my work which is convenient, I have big trouble when I have to use the “number-style” (don’t know what it’s called) but I don’t need it very often. 
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 6
I’ve used LinkedIn for finding old friends and colleagues and chat to them. I’ve never used Facebook, can’t compare the two. 
LinkedIn is a good “online CV” and networking tool, I use it to find out where old mates are and to look up people before I meet them. 
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 5
I didn’t know what an hashtag was until I read Thing 5.
I never used Twitter to micro-blog; my hobby is reading manga so if I was to tweet my life it would become a long bibliography. I used to reply to interesting tweets form people I know though.
A lot of these platforms became advertising streams, many organizations and brands have account(s) to announce products and events. Last time I re-tweeted something was to enter a prize draw for a video card.
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 4
My name is so common there are hundreds of “us” on Google and LinkedIn.
There is one photo of me on Google when I search Surrey as well.
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peter07h-blog · 7 years
Thing 1
My experience with social media started in six-form, when lots of platforms appeared and everyone has one of everything. I only use Linkedin and Twitter.
It’s good to know there are more instructive uses of social media than stalking people! There must be better uses than stalking people!!
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