peter3ismybf · 2 years
𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞- 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♢
♢ part 1 ♢ part 2 ♢ part 3
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peter3ismybf · 2 years
impossible choice- part 3
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Spencer stared at the computer screen, Penelope sitting beside him, watching anxiously. The house across the street from them had informed them that they had security cameras around their garage, and the bus stop was just visible. They had just sent it in, and now Spencer, Hotch, Penelope, Emily, and Derek watched closely at the footage.
It started normal, and within a minute Spencer saw his kids approach the bus stop. Eloise was hunched over her phone, per usual, which Elijah seemed to notice because he bumped her in the shoulder. She looked up and bumped him back, her face discernible but Spencer knew it probably showed mock annoyance. He felt himself smile despite the situation.
Suddenly, a car pulled up in front of them, a red pick up truck. Hotch put his finger on the monitor, pointing at the back of the truck. “Garcia, will you be able to enhance this to see the license plate?”
“I should be able to, it’s already pretty visible on it’s own.” She said and the silence resumed.
A man stepped out of the truck, and Spencer’s kids didn’t pay any mind to him until he approach them. He had his hands in his pockets at first, but Spencer watched in horror as he removed one of his hands, keeping it low. Even though he couldn’t see it, he knew it was a gun by the way Eloise’s and Elijah’s body language changed. He watched as Elijah nodded and Eloise seemed frozen as the man took both of their phones and threw them to the ground, smashing them.
With that, he guided the children into his truck, and within moments his children were gone.
It was quiet in the room as everyone processed what they had just watched. Spencer hadn’t even realized his hands had curled into shaking fists, and he could hear the blood rushing in his ears. He wasn’t sad anymore that his children had been taken- he was angry. 
He was angry that it had been so easy. He was angry with himself that he hadn’t taught them what to do in that situation- he’s an FBI agent for fucks sake and he hadn’t even thought to tell them what to do when someone points a gun at them. He was angry that this guy had enough nerve to take two innocent teenagers off of the street in broad daylight. 
Spencer turns and storms out of the room. He doesn’t know where he’s walking, his legs just carry him, much like they did the night he got that call from the twins’ mother. He enters an empty conference room, where a stack of papers sit on the table in the middle. In a moment of immaturity and rage, he swipes the papers off of the table, sending them fluttering to the ground. It’s like the papers he was reading had flown to the ground when he had stood so abruptly, finding out he was a father.
Everywhere he goes, he is reminded of them. 
He turns to see JJ standing in the doorway. She glances at the papers littering the ground, and returns her eyes to the broken man standing in the middle of them. 
“I’-I’m sorry, I’ll pick them all-”
In one swift motion, JJ crosses the room and puts her arms around him. His anger dissipates, and he lowers his face into her shoulder, sobbing. She says nothing- she doesn’t need to. She rubs his back soothingly, in a way only a mother could.
“I just want them back.” he whispers.
“I know, I know Spence. We’ll get them back, I promise.” She says.
“Let’s shoot him.”
Eloise looks up. She hasn’t sure how long it’s been- it couldn’t have been longer than 25 minutes, she knows, but the minutes seem like hours to her. She and Eli haven’t spoken since the man left.
“When he comes back, we’ll tell him we’ve decided.” Eli begins. “I’ll say we decided that I’ll sh-” he stutters over his words, incredibly uncomfortable with saying what he was going to say. “I’ll say we chose you. He’ll load the gun, hand it to me, and I’ll turn and shoot him.”
“But what if he has a gun?” Eloise asks.
“He’ll be shot, so it’s very unlikely he’ll get an accurate shot off at us.” Eli explains. Eloise considers this- it’s there best chance at survival, she knows this. Getting the man injured is their only way of possible escape.
“Okay, we’ll do it.” she agrees.
And now they wait.
Penelope’s yell from her room alerts the team, who rush to her. 
“Okay, so I tracked the license plate back to a man named Michael Walker. Now, Michael was just released from a local mental facility last week, and he was admitted for Dissociative Identity Disorder after ‘concerning his family with homicidal threats,’“ She begins. The team listens.
“He has one address here at 161 Baxton Road, and when I looked up the address, it comes up as a farm.” She says.
“Thats where he is.” Hotch says.
In a flash, the team is moving. Spencer leads the way down to the cars in the garage, him hopping into the passenger seat with Derek. 
For a minute while they drive, there is silence- neither of them bothers to turn on the radio.
“Listen Pretty Boy, we’re gonna get them.” Derek finally speaks.
“But what if we don’t, Derek?” Spencer asks, not using his last name. “What if he’s already...”
“You can’t think like that, Reid. We’re still in the 48 hour window, barely into it even.” Derek replies firmly, not letting Spencer get any other argument against it. 
Spencer watches the trees pass by the car, seemingly in slow motion. 
“Eloise knocked one of Eli’s teeth out once.” He says suddenly.
Spencer smiles, thinking of the memory. “They were 7, and I was working on something in the living room. The next thing I knew, I heard a thump and a scream and Eloise calling me. I rushed in there to find Eli sitting on the floor, and there was blood everywhere!” He laughs slightly, a breathy, exhausted laugh. Derek smiles, glad to see his friend lost in the happy memory.
“Apparently they were playing ‘Store’ or something, and Eli wasn’t following Lou’s instructions, so she punched him. Square in the jaw. She knocked out his front tooth, which he had been trying to pull out on his own for weeks. He was upset at first, and obviously I was upset with Lou, but after a while he kept coming to me saying ‘Daddy, it’s fine. The tooth fairy is gonna come!’”
Derek laughs, causing Spencer to laugh too. 
“They really are something kid.” Derek says.
“I love them more than the world.” Spencer admits, though this was a given truth everyone on the team knew. 
The door slammed open, the back hitting against the wall. Eloise and Elijah both jumped as the man entered. This time, he seemed more disgruntled, and his face bore no expression. He moved toward them and put himself between the two.
“Have you decided?” He asked in a gruff voice that seemed octaves lower than before.
“We have.” Eli said, his tone grave. Eloise liked to believe it was a facade, but something about his voice was real and raw, and it sent a shiver down her spine.
“And?” the man asked.
Eli glanced down. “I’ll shoot her.”
The three words made Eloise’s blood run cold, even though she knew it was a setup. Hearing her brother say he was about to shoot her was never something she thought she would have to hear. 
“Perfect.” The man said, satisfied. He picked up the gun from the ground and loaded a single bullet into the chamber. Eloise waited for him to hand it to Eli, but instead he stood behind Eli with the gun.
“Put your hands on the gun.” he instructed. Eli sent Eloise a panicked look. They hadn’t planned for this. 
It seemed so obvious. Obviously he would stand in a place where he couldn’t be shot. Of course he would direct the gun. 
Eloise was about to die.
Her breathing quickened. “W-wait, Elijah!” she choked out.
He shakily put his hands on the gun, mimicking the man’s hands. “Wait, can we- can we just take a minute and really talk-”
“NO! You had an hour to talk!”  The man barked, making Elijah jump. The twins were silent, and a look of comprehension passed over the man’s features.
“Oh....Oh! You were going to...Oh my god!”
He was laughing. 
This psychotic man, who was helping a teen boy point a gun at his twin sister, was hysterically laughing. Eloise felt like she should feel anger, but she shook like a leaf out of fear. She knew her face was pale, and tears were streaming down her face. Elijah wasn’t much better, tears streaking his cheeks.
“You two really are stupid, you know.” The man recovered from his laugh.
“What’s your name?” Eloise blurted out. She hadn’t thought to ask before, but now that she had said it in a moment of panic, it seemed like an obvious question.
The man cocked his head at her. “Why do you want to know?” he asked, genuinely curious. “You’ll be dead in a few minutes anyway.”
Eloise swallowed, ignoring what he had said after the question. “You know our names, it only seems fair.”
“Aren’t we playing a game? Like Saw?” Eloise asked. She knew she was stalling for time- why, she didn’t know, she was only prolonging her death.
The man smiled, a creepy, childish smile. “I guess we are, aren’t we?”
Eloise racked her brain for ways to continue to conversation. “Have you seen the movies?”
The man’s smile faded. “No, I don’t like horror movies.”
Eloise laughed. She genuinely laughed, doubling over in her seat. She didn’t know if it was hysterics, or her completely just losing her mind. But something about her kidnapper saying he didn’t like horror movies was just so surreal to her that she couldn’t help but laugh.
“Stop! Stop it!” The man suddenly yelled, and Eloise stopped. The man had backed away from Elijah, bringing the gun with him. His hands were over his ears, and he cowered away from them, hiding his face. His shoulders slightly shook.
“Are you- are you crying?”
The man’s whole demeanor shifted. Instead of the gruff, cold man that had walked into the room, he now resembled the body language of a young boy who had just been reprimanded.
“Stop laughing at me! I’m in charge!” He yelled louder, lowering his hands from his ears. Angry, hot tears ran down his face, and his sadness was replaced with anger. He quickly walked back over to Elijah and clumsily positioned his hands how they were. Eloise’s eyes widened and Elijah started trying to squirm out of his hands.
“Wait, wait! I’m sorry I laughed!” Eloise said desperately, but the man shook his head, ignoring her.
“Shoot her!” he yelled in Elijah’s ear.
It was barely a whisper, but it echoed loudly in the room.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” The man said through gritted teeth.
“She’s going to shoot me instead.” 
“No! Elijah, no!” Eloise said urgently. The man looked up at her, and back to Elijah. He set his lips, and started to walk over to Eloise.
“Elijah, stop! NO, I’m not shooting him! I won’t do it! You’ll have to kill me!” She screamed like a wild animal, thrashing in her restraints. The legs of the chair scraped against the floor, making an earsplitting screech, but it was barely background noise in Eloise’s head.
The thought of her being shot was something that scared her. The thought of shooting her own brother was worse.
The man stood behind her and positioned her hands despite her thrashing. Her finger grazed the trigger, and she screamed even louder. 
“Stop screaming, or I’ll make it worse.” The man said in her ear, his breath hot on her neck. 
“There is no way this can get worse!” She hissed back.
The man didn’t say anything back, instead increasing his pressure on Eloise. His chest pressed painfully against her back and his hands squeezed hers so hard the gun seemed to mold to her palms. 
“Shoot him.” he says intensely, and Eloise shakes her head.
“SHOOT HIM!” He screams, and Eloise lets out a whimper, tears streaming down her cheeks. She looks up at Elijah.
He’s oddly calm. He manages a weak smile at her. “Lou, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
“No, no Eli. I can’t do it, I can’t, I can’t-” Eloise is a mess now, blubbering over her words not fully comprehending anything she’s saying.
“Lou, I want you to listen to me.” Elijah says. “Tell Dad I- I love him. Tell the team I love them.”
“No, NO ELIJAH!” Eloise screamed, her throat raw. Her shoulders shook with sobs.
“Lou, I love you, and I’m begging you please, pull the trigger.” Eli says. 
It’s okay he mouths.
Eloise has always had her brother in her life. From the first day of kindergarten, to their mother’s funeral, and the time she was being bullied by Gianna Nagoroski in the cafeteria and he had come up to her and “accidentally” bumped into her, effectively spilling his chocolate milk all over her white dress. Elijah was there when she got her period for the first time, and she was too scared to tell Dad, so he went to the gas station right by their house and bought her all of the neccessties she would need. Elijah was there on the nights when their Dad was out on a case and Eloise couldn’t sleep, the fear of the unknown about her Dad keeping her awake. Elijah was her slightly older brother, something he constantly reminded her of.
She couldn’t do life without him.
“Come ON! JUST DO IT!” The man snapped her out of her head, and she jumped.
It was a fear reflex, something that would have happened to anyone. Her body was already shaking and unstable, and the mans voice barking in her ear was the catalyst.
Her finger twitched.
Just slightly.
But it was enough.
She wasn’t prepared for the kickback, not even knowing her finger had twitched. Her shoulders hitched back into the man’s gut, but he barely moved, having been prepared for it. A loud bang ricochetted off of the walls.
Her brother slumped forward, crimson blood dripping down the leg of the chair. Everything was silent other than the echoes of the gunshot.
Elijah didn’t move. He didn’t make a sound.
Eloise didn’t move. She couldn’t breathe.
Eloise Reid had just shot her twin brother, Elijah Reid.
Shot her twin brother.
Twin brother.
Elijah Reid.
The voice of Derek Morgan outside of the door didn’t even phase her. She couldn’t think, couldn’t tear her eyes away from her dead brother. The brother she had just killed. She hadn’t realized that the man had backed away from her, the gun left in her hands, useless now without any bullets. Her head spun, and the world became fuzzy.
The door was kicked down. The man put his hands up in surrender, letting Derek handcuff him. JJ followed him, her gun raised. Eloise watched as she rushed to her brother.
“I need EMTs in the building immedietaly!” She said into her ear piece, but Eloise didn’t hear her. 
Hotch came into the room, his gun also raised. He took in the scene around him. He was the first to notice that it was Eloise, not the man, who was holding the gun.
It fell from her hand, clattering to the floor. His attention turned to the door.
“Let me in, Hotch! They’re my kids!” 
It was her Dad.
“Trust me, Reid. You don’t want to go in.” he said. He was a father himself- he knew he couldn’t stop him from going in, but he also knew he wouldn’t have wanted to see what Spencer was about to see.
Spencer pushed his way past him. He saw Elijah first, bleeding out onto the floor. He yelled his name, running to him. JJ was kneeling beside him, trying to talk to him and get him to say anything. She looked up at Spencer, and then looked over to Eloise.
He looked over to her. He was in front of her in a flash, holding her.
“I’m here now, Lou. I’m so sorry, I’m so- Eli’s gonna be okay, you’re safe now.” He soothed her, but she didn’t react. She continued to stare at her brother, who had not responded at all to JJ. 
She said it so quietly, Spencer hadn’t heard it at first, and he slowly pulled away from her.
“Dad...” she began. Just saying it pulled her out of her shock, and her chest began heaving.
“Dad, I shot him.”
“What?” Spencer asked, confused. Michael had surrendered immedietaly, and as far as he knew, he was uninjured.
“I shot Elijah, Dad. I killed him.”
The words didn’t compute at first as he pulled his arms away from her. 
His daughter had shot his son. His daughter had killed his son.
It finally clicked and he recoiled like he had touched something hot.
“You, you what?”
It wasn’t an angry question. He sounded broken, betrayed. It broke Eloise to her core.
Without another word, he walked out of the room.
“Dad, Dad wait! Dad!” Eloise called after him, but he didn’t respond. He walked out of the room, leaving his children behind, one bleeding out, and one crying so hard she could barely breathe.
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peter3ismybf · 2 years
impossible choice- part 2
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part 1
At some point, Eloise must have dozed off because the slamming of a door jolted her awake. A moment of panic swept through her as she reevaluated her position, forgetting momentarily where she was, and when she remembered it hit her like a ton of bricks. 
She looked up at the door to see the man coming back in. Instead of the anxious, fidgety person she had seen earlier, he was cool and collected, his posture rigid. His hands were folded neatly in front of his chest and his face bore no emotion.
“What are your names?” he asked. His voice was still gruff, but it was more even and monotone this time. 
The fact that he’s asking again could mean two things- it’s a test, or there’s something more going on. He could have multiple personalities, and this is a new one, or he’s trying to see if they’ll say the same names again. 
Defeated, and not feeling like getting choked out again, Eloise raises her head. “We lied earlier. I’m Eloise.” She says.
“Elijah.” her brother answers as well, and the man nods once and concisely.
“I appreciate your candor, Elijah and Eloise.” he says, and a small smile appears on his face.
“In a few hours, one of you will be dead.”
Spencer paced frantically in the meeting room, waiting for Hotch to enter as he requested he did a few minutes before. His fingers kept moving up to his hair, messing with it in an attempt to calm his nerves, but nothing was helping. 
His kids were missing. His only family he had left, other than his mother, but she was in a home. 
It started with the call from the school, informing him that his children had not shown up. This prompted an argument between Spencer and the principal because he had seen Eloise and Elijah leave that morning to the bus stop. 1 call to the police, his fellow agents and the BAU, and another followup call to the school later, he found himself pacing in this meeting room, feeling like his world was crumbling around him.
The door opened, and Aaron Hotchner walked in. “Explain what happened.” he said, cutting to the chase as he usually did.
Spencer walked him through the events of the morning while he listened, his brow furrowing in concentration. “And you haven’t gotten any communications from them?”
Spencer shook his head. “No, no I went to the bus stop and their phones were there.” he recounted the dread that built in his stomach when he’d picked up the phones, both cracked and broken beyond repair.
It reminded him of himself, when they were born. Their mother- a one night stand gone horribly wrong. She hadn’t reached out to him after that night, and on a snowy night in February, he got a call from her.
“Hi, Spencer?”
He had been pouring over a case, analyzing each little detail meticulously as he usually did. He struggled to hold the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he scribbled down some notes in the margin of the paper he was reading.
“Hi, what’s up?”
“Its- you’re not gonna believe this.”
He had stood up so fast his papers spilled onto the floor, fluttering around him like little butterflies. Before his mind knew what he was doing, his legs carried him to his car outside, his hand turned the key in his ignition, and he was speeding off towards the hospital.
The roads were icy, but somehow Spencer had managed to arrive at the hospital, almost forgetting to put his car in park before jumping out of it and rushing into the white building.
She had left by the time he got there, having birthed the twins days prior. His mind was still fumbling over what she had told him.
“I had twins...they have to be yours....can’t take them....you decide....”
Standing in the nursery over the two little bassinets, his mind cleared suddenly and he thought nothing.
They hadn’t been named yet, and the staff at the nursery were warning him they would have to give them Jane and John Doe if he didn’t choose soon. That wasn’t a problem, because he had had names picked out in the fantasy world he ever had kids.
The boy would be Elijah, after the famous poet Elijah Fenton, who had contributed in writing the Odyssey. 
The girl- oh the girl. While he loved both of the babies equally, holding the little girl had melted his heart down to his feet. With Elijah, he felt a sense of responsibility, to be the father he never had. But with the girl, holding her in his arms, he felt a sense of protection, like nothing could ever touch her without him having a say in it.
The girl would be Eloise, after S.E Hinton, the author of The Outsiders, one of his favorite novels as a child. The name itself meant “warrior”, and he knew that his little girl would always be a fighter, a tough, beautiful warrior who would always be backed up by her brother and father.
It was a night he wouldn’t ever forget, and now, standing in the meeting room, he felt just like he had when he had gotten that phone call.
The weight of his words settled in the pit of Eloise’s stomach. “What do you mean?” She asked, despite her better judgement. 
“Exactly what I said.” The man said simply.
“Why wouldn’t you just kill us both then? Make it easier for you?” Elijah spit out, venom cutting into his voice.
“Me?” He asked. “No no no, I’m not killing anyone.”
“So what? Are we just going to sit down here until one of us dies of starvation?” Elijah fired back. Eloise wished her legs were closer to him so she could kick him in the shins.
“No, we can make things much more simple and quicker than that.” The man said and walked towards them. Eloise tensed as his hands found the ropes binding her arms and legs, flashbacks of him choking her out flooding her mind.
He turned their chairs so they were able to see each other. She watched Elijah’s face morph into a cringe as his eyes traveled to her neck. It probably was bruising.
The man stepped back and reached into a pocket. On the ground in the middle of the chairs, he placed a gun.
“You two will decide who shoots who. One bullet in the chamber- not yet, of course. But in an hour, I’ll come back and load a single bullet in. One of you will shoot your sibling. The other will go home.”
The color drained from Elijah’s face, his body going rigid. 
“Well, seems like you two have a lot to talk about. Clocks ticking!” He said shortly and left.
Silence closed in around the room, and Eloise found her breath hitching. “Eli...”
“Don’t, Eloise. That isn’t happening.” Elijah says, but his tone betrays him, fear seeping into his words. A tear slips down her cheek as she lowers her head.
She prayed her dad would march in the door then and scoop them up. He would smell like tea and vanilla and fresh laundry and he would hold her so close she thought she would absorb into him. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing for it to be true when she opened them.
But the world isn’t that kind.
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peter3ismybf · 2 years
impossible choice- part 1
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Spencer Reid’s twin children, Elijah and Eloise Reid, have been kidnapped by someone who is much more than they appear, causing Spencer’s world to fall right in front of him.
She was tied to the chair, her arms bound tightly behind the back of the wood. The sockets at her shoulders ached and she squirmed uncomfortably, trying to find some comfort in any different position, but it proved useless. Her ankles were also bound, her dusty white converse suddenly looking much dirtier against the muddy wooden floor. She guessed she was in a barn, or in an abandoned warehouse. It occurred to her that she could be anywhere- 5 miles from home or across the country. She had no idea how long she had been out after the man knocked her across the back of her head with the butt of his gun.
A groan sounded from behind her and her heart froze. Elijah. He was tied to a chair directly behind her, their backs to each other. He must be just waking up. She listened as he collected his bearings just as she had- twins work in very similar ways, her dad told them when they were younger.
Dad. The breath caught in her throat at the thought of him. After losing their mom, she didn’t know what he would do with them gone.
“Eloise?” Elijah spoke, his voice raspy.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Yea. You?” He replied.
She nodded, then realized he couldn’t see her. “Yea.”
They sat in silence for what seemed like hours until a man came into the room. he had some stubble, and purple bags underlined his eyes. His pupils were dilated- he’s on drugs, she concluded. His movements were frenzied and panicked, and it was like he hadn’t noticed the two kidnapped teenagers in the room with him until he cleared his throat.
“W-What’s your names?” He said.
Eloise scoffed in disbelief. Despite the present danger in front of her, she spoke. “You kidnapped two teenagers and don’t even know their names?”
The man’s eyes shot towards her, and almost as if he hadn’t moved he was suddenly in front of her, gripping her throat so tightly she began to see spots. “I don’t take disrespect from a fucking kid.” He said through clenched teeth, spit landing on the tip of her nose. He let go and she gasped, her lungs welcoming the air that flowed into them.
“I’ll ask again, what’s your names?”
Eloise coughed, hearing her brother say the fake name. Twins can sometimes read each other’s minds, another thing her father had told her when she was younger.
“Kathryn.” She followed suit. The man fidgeted in place before seeming satisfied with the answers. He started to walk back towards the entrance of the room before stopping and turning around.
“You’re parents, they’re not feds or anything like that, right?”
Eloise froze, and she could feel Elijah’s brain working furiously like hers. The two options both don’t have amazing results- should they say their parents aren’t, that just gives him more reason to keep them. If they say their dad is a part of the Behavior Analysis Unit for the FBI, he could panic and kill them.
“Our dad, he’s in the BAU.” Elijah speaks and Eloise sucks in air through her teeth. The man shoots Elijah a look.
“The BAU?” he asks.
“The Behavioral Analysis Unit, in the FBI.” Elijah answers.
The man’s eyes go wide and his mouth opens and closes as if he’s trying to speak, but no sound comes out. Eventually he leaves the room, bumping into a wall on the way out.
Once she’s sure he’s gone, Eloise turns her head as best as she can. “What the hell are you thinking? He’s going to kill us now!” she hisses.
“No, that’s why he asked. He won’t kill us if he knows the feds will get on him. He’s more likely to let us go.” Elijah answers as if it’s the most simple thing in the world. 
“But you don’t know that.” Eloise emphasizes and feels a lump in her throat.
“You don’t know that he’ll kill us.” Elijah answers.
“But he could.” she says in barely a whisper. A tear drops onto her jeans, the moisture spreading through the fabric and making a perfect little dot on her leg.
“We’re gonna be okay. Just trust me.” Elijah says softer now. She feels his fingers brush hers, and to the best of their abilities, they somewhat hold each others hands behind their backs.
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