petiteb0nes · 4 years
“As you are shifting, you will begin to realize that you are not the same person you used to be. The things you used to tolerate have now become intolerable. Where you once battled and argued, you are now choosing to remain silent. You are beginning to understand the value of your voice and there are some situations that no longer deserve your time, energy, and focus.”
— Unknown
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
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via Instagram
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
Stop convincing yourself you’re wasting your life away. The time you’ve spent resting and healing was and is necessary. You’re not a waste of a person if you find yourself struggling right now. Healing, recovering, sitting with your pain is foundational. It’s not a waste. You are still whole.
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
“My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there.”
— Rumi
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
Me checking my final grades on the internet:
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
The most important spiritual growth does not happen when you are meditating or on a yoga mat. It happens in the midst of conflict- when you are frustrated, angry or scared and you are doing the same old thing, and then you suddenly realize that you have a choice to do it differently...
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
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529K notes · View notes
petiteb0nes · 4 years
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
you have to get yourself out of bad places. you need to resist the temptation to let everything slip and become apathetic & cynical toward yourself and your life. you need to accept that it takes time to change and it’s ok to fall over as long as u get back up. every morning is a new start and things don’t have to be this way forever. you can heal and you can change.
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
being in love isn’t a mood, it’s a commitment. even when you’re not in the mood for it.
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
Ask yourself: is this really how I feel or is this my emotional history trying to recreate the past?
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
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(more gifs here)
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petiteb0nes · 4 years
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solitary Montana skies
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