petrificuspotions · 5 years
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cant believe that this is how this scene actually went (x)
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
Honestly just give me the AU where Harry just stops giving a fuck in potions and just starts leaving messages and shit for Snape like He just hands in a homework assignment and it’s just 2 pages front and back about him talking about Bats and how cool they are.
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
lily: i have feelings for you
snape: i have feelings for YOU
petunia, narrating: the feeling was friendship, but neither one of them had ever experienced it
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
Harry, slamming the doors open: snape took points from gryffindor because he said I breathed too loud
Dumbledore: Uh-
Snape, already sitting in an armchair, waiting for Harry: and what about it?
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
Severus being the first one to answer both times Harry didn’t get to Hogwarts in time is honestly hilarious. In CoS he was waiting for them outside the great hall and in HBP he arrived to fetch him at the gates even though Tonks sent her message to Hagrid, meaning both times he was already looking for him. Lmao, boy was off his tits with worry the dumbass kid got killed between the station and the school…
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
Guys, it was obvious, we all should have seen it all along:
Back tO witches aNd wizards aNd magIcal bEasts, to gobblInS and ghosts and to magiCal feasts, it’s all that i lOve and it’s all that i need, hogwarts! hogwarts! i think i’M goING BACK!
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
Harry to Voldemort: Snape wasn’t yours.
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
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the man he hated | the bravest man he ever knew
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
One thing that always makes me laugh was how Bitter Harry was that Snape Thought he was stealing his stuff and was just mad Happy after he was able to prove it wasn’t him he was just like
“Yeah Ok I do sneak around the castle and I do have an authority issue and Yes I am scheming sometimes but I did not steal your shit so jot that the fuck down 👏👏👏.”
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
tumblr: if neville had been the chosen one snape would still be a death eater so his change of sides and the work he did for the order dont count lmao
also tumblr: omg can you believe narcissa lied to voldemorts face one (1) time to save her own son, we stan a #queen 😍
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
I just realized that the reason why people hold the fact that Snape only changed sides when Lily got targeted/killed is not so much because they think is not enough of a valid reason to defect (tho they do think this) but because to them that is the ultimate proof that Snape never defected ideologically and remained a blood supremacist / muggle hater at heart while only working for the good guys out of sheer sense of guilt and also perhaps revenge.
Which is obviously rubbish because a) upon learning harry would have to die for the greater good he accepted it, thus placing the well-being of the wizarding community over his debt with lily b) he went out of the way to save people who had nothing to do with lily and harry (“only those i could not save”), c) he snapped at phineas for using the m slur and d) it’s canon per cursed child that he came to believe in the cause of the light and would have kept fighting for it even when there would be no point anymore in doing for lily
like, go home people, you can’t keep throwing around the word “nazi!!1!1” as something to hold against a character that spent ~4 year of his early life in the ranks and the seventeen left actively fighting against them.
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
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Karkaroff intends to flee if the Mark burns. Does he? And are you tempted to join him? No, I am not such a coward. No, you are a braver man by far than Igor Karkaroff. You know, I sometimes think we Sort too soon …
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
snape clutching lily’s letter in grimmauld place isn’t supposed to be a sweet moment where you’re overwhelmed by the romance of it all, it’s supposed to be an ugly moment in which a grief stricken man tried to find comfort in the words of a friend who died decades ago. it’s supposed highlight snape’s isolation, how being a spy cut him off from other people and now he killed his last friend and was truly alone.
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
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“Five against one, very brave.”
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petrificuspotions · 5 years
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Severus Snape + his cape (twirling, swooshing, flowing, etc.)
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petrificuspotions · 6 years
Dumbledore: would you rather be loved or hated
Snape: loved by my friends hated by my enemies
Dumbledore: well too bad
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