petsofcloudclipper · 3 years
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@phoebastria submitted: I just went to a reptile expo and this one booth had dairy cow isopods ON A TINY DAIRY FARM 😭😭
This is so cute I'm going to WEEP
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petsofcloudclipper · 3 years
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the K-Pg risograph print is now up at greerstothers.shop!
there are only 20 copies available (I wasn’t anticipating so many people liking this!), and they’re 8 x 16 inches
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petsofcloudclipper · 3 years
isopod tea party 🥺
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petsofcloudclipper · 3 years
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Post brush play time!
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petsofcloudclipper · 3 years
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Whining to get into the craft closet is hard work!
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
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Welcome to paradise
(My fish room)
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
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Bluebonnet kitty.
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
A Veterinarian's Promise
Every few days I get asked the same question, “Am I making the right decision?”
The asker is always distraught, on the verge of saying goodbye to their beloved pet.
I usually just answer ‘yes’ or something similar. Sometimes i quote the statistics of survival for such a condition, because numbers are solid and devoid of emotion when your world is crumbling, numbers you can hold onto.
But what I want to answer is this.
“I wouldn’t let you make the wrong decision.”
As a veterinarian i routinely perform euthanasia to give pets a peaceful, compassionate death. It may be a pet I’ve known and treated for years, or it may be a pet I’ve never seen before who “Didn’t need to go to the vet because he’s healthy, but he’s on his way out now.” (Here’s a tip- most of the time those pets did need a vet, and that’s why they’re in the situation they’re in now.) But the past doesn’t matter. The fact is, the animal is lying before me now, on the brink of making a decision, and you have a choice to make.
A few days ago a lady brought her cat into see me. The cat was elderly, and had disappeared for a few days before coming home. The lady had thought her cat had crawled off to die, and was so relieved that she’d come home.
Her relief rapidly changed to concern when she saw my face drop. This happy, purring little cat was very thin, and I could feel a tumor the size of my fist in her abdomen. A tumor about as big as her head.
It was more than likely intestinal lymphoma. Now surgery was an option to remove the segment of intestine, but lymphomas often spread rapidly and any surgery should be followed up by chemo. Statistically, about a 30% chance of the cat being alive and well in three years time, after both  surgery and chemo. But in an old cat who’s lost a lot of weight, well, I was dubious that she’d be one of the 30%, and so was the owner. Palliation is also an option, but effective for about 8 weeks at most.
Things like this are of course extremely personal decisions. She asked me if she was making the right choice.
I wont let you make the wrong decision.
After than consult I had a phone call from a lady i had seen earlier in the day. Her old dog had been coughing a lot, and I had diagnosed it with moderate to severe heart failure.
She called because she was concerned that she was doing the wrong thing by her dog in keeping her alive.
I told her; your dog is happy. She eats. She walks. She sleeps. She has no difficulty going to the toilet with dignity. She recognizes you and her tail didn’t stop wagging the entire time she was here. I can’t give her a new heart. I can try to stop her heart getting worse, but there will come a day when the medication is not enough and she will no longer be wagging her tail. On that day that she is no longer a happy dog, rest assured I will tell you.
But that day is not today. While she’s happy, she’s happy. When she’s not…
I wont let you make the wrong decision.
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
Y’all ready for my current boys
First up: Eggs Benedict!!
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He’s a narcissist.
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But majestic.
Next up: Centauri!!
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He is literally impossible to photograph; all my fish like to nyoom, but Centauri does it like it’s going out of style. This is the only photo I have of him post-color change that’s not a blurred mess.
Third: Apollo!!
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Also impossible to photo, but because he likes to stuff himself in the back the moment he sees I have no food for him. He’s a spoiled brat.
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I call this “Talk to the tail >:c”. What a pretty jackass.
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This Giant Betta is even larger than the one I have in my 29g community. Atlas is working out really well there, so Orion’s going in a spare 10g once it’s finished cycling (for now, he’s chilling in a split 10g). This is the first Giant I’ve found at my LFS, and I was so excited to get him and introduce y’all to him. I love him.
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This absolute unit. A pensive boy, you ask????? Perhaps.
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Or perhaps not.
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
The coolest part of living with an animal is that after you’ve spent enough time just existing around the individual, different pieces of physical communication and body language become as clear as specific sentences spoken aloud. Their expressions become as clear to you as human expressions. You notice as many tiny quirks of their behavior, whether fidgeting or the miniature rituals associated with sniffing or eating or sleeping, as you do anyone else you spend plenty of time with. It’s not even something you consciously notice - you just absorb. Pretty cool, imo.
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
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As June is on its way, decided to redo my betta pride art and turning them into stickers! Going to be doing more, but if you’d like you can buy them here.
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
The Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum pair having an intense spousal conversation
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
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petsofcloudclipper · 5 years
man, I have very little sympathy for people who’re like “I gotta let them play in traffic, my cat WAILS and acts MISERABLE unless I let them outside!” 
because like……….so does mine? at a certain point each day Grim decides she wants out, and until that happens she a) follows me about SCREAMING, and b) sits atop whatever I’m doing and bites my hands. this is not an exageration
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wanna know what I do? I take her out. either supervised in my backyard or on leash in the front
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she naps in the sunlight, eats copious amounts of grass, rolls in dirt, and murders butterflies. after 15-30 minutes (equivalent to the time you’d spend on a neighbourhood dog walk) I take Grim back in, and she happily sleeps/plays/cuddles indoors for the remainder of the day
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it’s legitimately low-effort
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