pettankoprincess · 9 months
I'm tired of debating every little thing. It's just constant arguing, all the time. I'm exhausted.
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pettankoprincess · 9 months
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Decided a new years resolution this year would be to draw some art. Felt like messing with some bold lines. Told myself I didn't even need to post it; that it was just for me. But I actually like how this came out.
Young people were pissing me off, so I drew a bitch flipping them off. 🙄
Still trying to figure out what style I'd like to branch out and experiment with.
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pettankoprincess · 9 months
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2023 was one of the best years to date! I went on a life-changing mountain bike trip through Utah, continued growing in my pole dancing journey, bought a HOUSE, had a badass bachelorette party in Fredericksburg, got MARRIED, went on a week-long Caribbean honeymoon cruise, set up my very own gaming office space, and started creating a foundation for a photobooth business.
So much is in our future, I manifest traveling more soon, getting my small business off the ground, and getting back into fitness and pole dancing. As long as I have my best friend by my side, I know we can accomplish all our dreams and aspirations for a bright future. Onto 2024! 💖🌟
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pettankoprincess · 9 months
Merry Christmas everyone!
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pettankoprincess · 9 months
I was trying to apply for an RP FC so I could meet new friends and play the game again, but I was rejected.
Haven't felt this depressed and hurt in a while.
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pettankoprincess · 9 months
I just spent the morning going through my old tumblr posts where I wrote down blurbs of RP, to try and piece together the bits of her history I totally have forgotten about. It's been very nostalgic and a bit heavy emotionally. But it's nice that I'll have somewhat of a summary of the….main events of her story, just for the record. I'll probably read it again in like another 10 years and just feel all this all again lol
The funnest part was finding screenshots and old sketches I did that go along with the story. It's like I made a piecemeal picturebook.
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pettankoprincess · 9 months
Hi Tumblr.
This is what I woke up to after seeing my package was delivered but not on my doorstep
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pettankoprincess · 9 months
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pettankoprincess · 9 months
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*sigh* It didn't used to be like this man. Really missing the old days.
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pettankoprincess · 10 months
I regret leaving Tumblr for Twitter, cause now I've left Twitter and feel so incredibly disconnected. 😔 Maybe I do need to come back to my roots.
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pettankoprincess · 10 months
Firstly, just know I just had a full-on crying sesh, and it took me a few minutes to pull myself together. Then I wasn't sure how to respond because this website is so different now. Comment? PM? Reblog? The latter is just what I'm used to, even though it looks weird on the dash now, but anyway. I feel like I could say that it means MORE to me that those stories inspired you. At this point it's been so many years.....so many years since I wrote about Portia, so many years since I drew her, or drew anything even. I don't draw anymore. I don't really play the game anymore. I still have a sub, if only to keep my houses, but I'm not caught up on MSQ even. Life is so different, and while I love my life and all I've accomplished, it's bitter-sweet to remember the past *decade* and all the friends I knew and played with and wrote with, and how it all is mostly gone now. I know this is the natural progression of life. But I get hit hard by nostalgia, and I miss when my life was filled by Tumblr and drawing and stories and Portia and all my friends and acquaintances and the inspiration that surrounded me. And while I'm sitting here missing all of that SO MUCH, feeling like it just has faded into nothing, hearing how this butterfly effect reached you and has changed your life in such a way....it just makes my experiences worth it. This time, when all I had was just.....passion, inspiration, and I just wanted to create for the sake of creating instead of for likes or views....in the end that was worth it, ALL THAT AND MORE, to know I made even a tiny impact. And knowing someone else felt all the things I felt back then, making that impact is the real reason we create. It's not for the fame and followers and stupid freaking likes. Because 10 years from now that stuff doesn't matter. It's....it's about knowing we as humans have helped and inspired each other. I'm so fucking happy for you. I'm so happy that I played a part. I wish ALL of the happiness in the entire world for you. And dude I'm still fucking crying like a baby right now.
Before I die I want to...
Find true love.
Kiss in the rain.
Get my degree.
Get married.
Live in a huge house.
Have a loving family.
Go on an adventure.
Ride a horse through the wilderness for a day, pretending to be a hero.
Represent a character with a PERFECT cosplay.
Create something beautiful.
Inspire someone else with my work.
Work on a hit video game.
Fly first class.
Stay in a suite in a fancy hotel in a big city.
Take an archery class.
Have a pet Shiba Inu.
Visit Japan.
Visit France.
Visit Italy.
Visit Greece.
Visit England.
Visit Ireland.
Visit Australia.
Visit Germany.
Write a book.
Live in another country for a period of time.
Be treated like a princess.
Have fans.
Have my dad around to see my children.
Become part of another family.
Drive a very sexy car.
Go to a concert of a band that I love.
Be an important person.
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pettankoprincess · 10 months
If anyone is still here, if anyone reads this, when I first made this post 13 years ago I had simultaneously posted it to Facebook. Well it just came up on on my Facebook Memories, and it didn't have the whole list. So I cam back here, thankfully Tumblr has a great archive search, and found the post so I could read the whole list.
I've done so much, hah. It would be really cool to tell freshly-graduated-high school Me that I've made a lot of her dreams come true.
Weird that I've had a Tumblr this long, to be able to see a time capsule like this.
Good job, me :)
Find true love.
Kiss in the rain.
Get my degree.
Get married.
Live in a huge house.
Have a loving family.
Go on an adventure.
Ride a horse through the wilderness for a day, pretending to be a hero.
Represent a character with a PERFECT cosplay.
Create something beautiful.
Inspire someone else with my work.
Work on a hit video game.
Fly first class.
Stay in a suite in a fancy hotel in a big city.
Take an archery class.
Have a pet Shiba Inu.
Visit Japan.
Visit France.
Visit Italy.
Visit Greece.
Visit England.
Visit Ireland.
Visit Australia.
Visit Germany.
Write a book.
Live in another country for a period of time.
Be treated like a princess.
Have fans.
Have my dad around to see my children.
Become part of another family.
Drive a very sexy car.
Go to a concert of a band that I love.
Be an important person.
Before I die I want to...
Find true love.
Kiss in the rain.
Get my degree.
Get married.
Live in a huge house.
Have a loving family.
Go on an adventure.
Ride a horse through the wilderness for a day, pretending to be a hero.
Represent a character with a PERFECT cosplay.
Create something beautiful.
Inspire someone else with my work.
Work on a hit video game.
Fly first class.
Stay in a suite in a fancy hotel in a big city.
Take an archery class.
Have a pet Shiba Inu.
Visit Japan.
Visit France.
Visit Italy.
Visit Greece.
Visit England.
Visit Ireland.
Visit Australia.
Visit Germany.
Write a book.
Live in another country for a period of time.
Be treated like a princess.
Have fans.
Have my dad around to see my children.
Become part of another family.
Drive a very sexy car.
Go to a concert of a band that I love.
Be an important person.
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pettankoprincess · 2 years
Sup y'all
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pettankoprincess · 2 years
missin u
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pettankoprincess · 2 years
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pettankoprincess · 2 years
Do you have any other social media?
I'm active on my twitter, @portia_bartel !
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pettankoprincess · 3 years
do y’all remember before direct messages tumblr had a dumbass ask limit of 10 per hour and communication was impossible until they introduced dumbass fan mail and we were basically sending telegraphs back in forth trying to communicate those were…dark times
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