peyton-harrow · 1 year
“I knew there was a reason I liked you.” Emilia leans up to kiss Peyton’s cheek. “Peyton…” She quickly pulls the other away before anyone says anything about the drink. “You need to watch your drink.” The blonde laughs. “Are you having a good time?”
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“Oh oops,” Peyton said before apologizing to the man whose suit she just covered in tequila, “but I’m having a great time. Plenty of drinks, plenty of laughter, I just needed a good party. Are you having a good time though? Other than fuck that guy? Because you’ve beat yourself up so much lately you deserve some fun.” 
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
“I say give it about an hour for the alcohol to really soak everyone’s livers, then yes, dancing on a table.” Yvonne chuckled at the mental image. “Just be sure I’m around to grab some video. It’ll be the perfect “you losers are missing out” Insta post.”
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“Good, because I need a fun night,” Peyton giggled, “it sounds perfect. Like I know how fire I look, and everyone else. Plus if it happens to get some girls in my DMs well then that’s a win-win for me.” 
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
“Peyton!” A bright smile tugs on the corners of her mouth. “You look amazing. I don’t think anyone noticed that you might have already worn it. If it makes you feel any better I had this dress made for me.” She did a small twirl on the staircase the best she could. “Actually, it’s going better than I thought.” If she steered clear of a few people she would be fine. “Of course, but then you might have to steal me away from Nevra and Leyla.” 
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“Oh my god, really? Like a friend made it? Or someone fancy? I’ve always wanted to be some fashion icon’s muse,” Peyton admitted with a smile, “Listen Leyla loves me, so if I tell her that I’m stealing you for a dance, I’m sure she’ll say yes.” 
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
“Exactly, fuck him.” Emilia raised a brow at Peyton. “You mean you want to actually prove to them that we came as a date, not friends?” The idea didn’t seem bad, the only thing she worried about was stressing her brother out. “You sure you want to be tied to me? The pregnant, not married, Frenchwoman? You will feel the disappointment eyes on you.” She half teased.
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“It’s 2023, if people can’t handle an unwed mother they can literally go jump off this ship,” Peyton said, motioning with her glass towards the side of the boat (and accidentally splashing someone’s dress with her drink in the process) “Let them be disappointed, I don’t care what people think of me.” 
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
Location: Awards Afterparty
Peyton knew that she had drank entirely too much tequila to still be wearing heels when dancing on a table. But common sense had fled and she was having fun. Too much fun. Enough that she definitely did not realize someone had left their purse on the table and she stepped on it and fell.........into someone’s arms. “Wow, I guess you can say that I fell for you,” Peyton said, before dissolving into a fit of giggles at how horrible her joke was. 
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
“Oui, he did. He decided to show up with a Russian.” She sighs, shaking her head. “We are here to have fun. I am not going to let him ruin this.” Emilia wraps her arm around Peyton. “I think the only drama thus far is me punching him and the Rutherfords looking like we took candy away from them.” The blonde gives a small snicker. 
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“Well then fuck him,” Peyton grimaced, before smiling, “well we could give people something to talk about and make out on the bar. Let them guess if we’re getting together or messing with everyone. That’ll just be fun for us.” 
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
@mobscene-starters​ Time: After Patry
Exploring the levels of the yacht was an adventure on their own, yet at the same time reminded her that she certainly did not belong here. Her palm glides smoothly down the railing of one of the spiralling staircases, making her way back down to the main floor, when her steps halt coming up to a body in front of her. Amber orbs cast up to the face the body belongs to. “Merhaba. You look good.” 
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“Well thank you, don’t tell anyone but I’ve had this dress sitting in the back of my closet for ages. I figure that nobody would remember me wearing it if I waited a couple years between uses,” Peyton said, giving it a twirl, “but you look amazing too. Are you having fun? Prepared to save me a dance? Because it’s happening. You don’t get a choice.” 
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
Time: Post-ceremony.  
This was the first major event Eleanor had attended since dipping her toes back into the acting scene, and she was intent on enjoying it. She knew as soon as the after party kicked off, shit would hit the fan. Content to watch the drama unfold while she sipped down the seemingly infinite supply of champagne at her fingertips, Eleanor rose her glass in the air. “A toast to all the winners and nominees. Oh, and us losers too!” She announced proudly, the liquid courage already bringing Eleanor out of her shell more than usual.
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“Oh my god you’re Eleanor Shipley,” Peyton said, her jaw dropping as she almost dropped her glass, “I’m sorry...I’m just such a giant fan of your work. I didn’t know that you’d be here.”
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
@mobscene-starters​ Location: After Party
Yvonne stood on the deck of the second floor, overlooking the main dance floor. Now that the party had kicked off without any major hitches, she finally had a moment to breathe. There was still time for everything to turn to shit before the night ended, but for now her heart rate and breathing could resume their normal patterns.
At the sound of steps approaching her perch, Yvonne turned around with her warmest hostess smile spread across her lips. “Hi, thank you so much for coming.”
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“Girl if someone tells me that you’re throwing a party on a yacht, of course I’m going to come to the party on a yacht,” Peyton smiled, before pulling her friend into a hug, “but seriously it looks so good. But I need to know the vibe before I start drinking...dancing on a table yes or no?” 
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
@mobscene-starters​​​ Tiime: After Party “Can I get a towel and ice please?” Emilia asks the bartender. She can feel her hand pulse, jaded hues glancing down at the red skin. “I don’t regret punching him in the face.” She mumbles belligerently to herself, feeling the tears prick at her eyes. “Merde, I hate these hormones too.” Her head glances up to find someone standing there. “Don’t mind me.”
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“First of all, if you’re the one doing the punching he probably deserved it,” Peyton said, giving Emilia a smile, “Second of all, catch me up on the drama and tell me why he deserved it and why I should hate him.” 
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
@mobscene-starters​ Time: After Party.
To the surprise of many, given recent events, he was in a remarkably good mood.
Perhaps it was the generally jubilant atmosphere of the party, or maybe it was the combination of not only his and Delphine’s awards, but the St. Clairs stealing family of the year right from under the British fucking noses…it didn’t matter much now. It wasn’t often that he got drunk at these kinds of things. A constant state of paranoia was both a blessing and a curse so far as his job was concerned. But with the French attending en masse, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to loosen up a little without the constant feeling that he had to look over his shoulder.
Even better that the organisers new how to stock a solid choice of cognac.
When somebody approached, he didn’t look up from his table before offering: 
“If you’re lurking in the hopes of getting a free drink, sit down. I’m feeling generous.”
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“Luckily I have plenty of free drinks,” Peyton giggled as she put down the three glasses that she had been carrying. “This one is named biggest womanizer, this one is named best sense of humor, and the water is best should be couple in honor of your sister. Figured for that one I shouldn’t drink something she couldn’t also have.” 
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peyton-harrow · 1 year
Speech for Biggest Womanizer
“I would like to thank everyone who voted for me for this monumental step forward in gay rights. It’s often said that to break a glass ceiling a woman has to work at least twice as hard as a man, and in this case, I want you to think about the men who have previously won this award and what that means for me,” Peyton giggled with a suggestive wink at the audience, “so thank you for recognizing my efforts, and ladies....I’m just saying hide your sisters and your wives, because if a man can’t do it for them, I’ll be available tonight after about 5 shots of tequila.” 
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peyton-harrow · 2 years
Text --> Ayda
Ayda: Gideon is. I'm sure there are people he is interested in that are nice.
Ayda: I have a lot to deal with.
Ayda: I don't see why they wouldn't love you.
Peyton: I have never seen him interested in a person. But also every time I have seen him ever was with his son (SUPER ADORABLE) and that one time he accidentally got lost in Vixen (SUPER ADORKABLE)
Peyton: Well why don't we go out to dinner and you can tell me about it. There's this amazing vegan place that I know that I PROMISE tastes like regular food.
Peyton: Everyone loves me. It's my superpower
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peyton-harrow · 2 years
Text --> Sofie
Sofie: Then it's up to you to decide if this is a deal breaker or not.
Peyton: I know. I just have to think about it.
Peyton: Which would be easier if I didn't alternate staring at her boobs and her eyes every time I see her.
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peyton-harrow · 2 years
@Peyton. [text]
Laurent: Hell no, I'm campaigning for you.
Laurent: Gonna make t-shirts and shit.
Laurent: Not really sure how I got in there this year. I guess I fucked so many women there's a lag, and people are still catching up. We're living in wild times.
Peyton: GOOD. Someone needs to break the glass ceiling with this award and I've already started drafting my acceptance speech and it'll be hilarious.
Peyton: I'm making a t-shirt for that one for you
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peyton-harrow · 2 years
Text --> Ayda
Ayda: I do hope you win them.
Ayda: Gideon and I are just friends. There is too much drama surrounding me that I am fine with nothing.
Ayda: You'll have to come to our borough one night and I can see who will come around.
Peyton: I mean Gideon is super nice and I'd love to see him with someone else super nice but I won't push. I'll just secretly ship it in my head.
Peyton: Perfect. I'll bring brownies and my cute looks and I'm sure they'll love me.
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peyton-harrow · 2 years
Text --> Emilia
Emilia: The only thing i know about her is that she is Hasan's sister and was fucking around with Olivier.
Emilia: Of course I am sure. Let me know when you are free and we can make a date of it.
Peyton: I mean I DID know about her and Olivier but like that was also kinda cute. (sorry I know that's a sore subject). But maybe you should just get to know her? She's a sweetheart I promise
Peyton: PERFECT. I'm free tomorrow but then I have a weirdly busy week this week (I'm pitching a new routine to Cece and I want to make sure that it's PERFECT) and then I'm free again next weekend? So we'll figure out what works for you
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