phantasmaia · 5 months
Hours passed during which extensive effort had been poured into dolling herself up for the handsome gentleman who had entered her life days prior. Excitement bubbled within her as the clock ticked closer to 7PM -- she'd never looked forward more to anything in so long; this was a date in which she didn't have to keep up a persona, where she could be herself.
When the door opens, it reveals a now slightly taller Satinium, thanks to the new high heels she'd donned. Her hair noticeably trimmed down to a more manageable size that shouldn't get in the way. Her attire simple yet striking; a short, bright yellow dress hugged her curves, the barest hint of thigh revealed through a small slit -- and to go with it, a matching bracelet hanging from her right wrist.
The look was finished off with the lightest of makeup, a dusting of white, glittery eyeshadow to complement her sugary freckles.
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"Hello, Eloi~♪!!" She greets him ever so enthusiastically in a sing-songy voice, not-so-subtly showing off with a hand upon a cocked hip as her tail wagged behind her.
He feels his heart skip a beat for a moment, but he doesn't really let it show on his face. The reality was coming in hot with the fact that he was about to go on a date with someone. This wasn't a job, this wasn't work, this was just...a casual thing.
...Made him feel like he was normal, even if it was just for a second.
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ꕥ✧∘* "And I'll make sure to put on a nice suit for you." He responds back smoothly, and leans down to leave a kiss on her cheek before backing away from her doorstep. "I'll meet you here again in a few hours. See you later." He says, and then turns to leave.
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phantasmaia · 6 months
Was it too soon for them to return to the battlefield? Yes. Did they have a choice in the matter? No; It was either SINK or SWIM.
Yet they found themself sliding back into their position so easily, so smoothly, and so naturally. They could not deny that a part of them missed this. The chance to do so much more for this world, especially with Altair's powers and training on their side...
They just had to maintain a healthy balance this time.
It was not a difficult battle despite the few mistakes they made, which they recovered from pretty quickly. Injuries were immediately patched up with his healing. Forcefields were deployed to protect themself and their teammates, or to trap an enemy for somebody else to handle them.
Even the Wrath fire made an appearance here and there, with great care taken as to not harm the surrounding nature.
Admittedly, they couldn't help but chuckle watching the opposition scramble as soon as they realized they could no longer afford to be careless in the face of a sharpshooter's terrifying accuracy, some Satiniums pushing forwards into the forefront to protect their tranquilized humans.
Those they did their best not to engage with too much. They had little experience fighting those -- it was safer to hang in the backlines and play support for now.
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phantasmaia · 6 months
You are allowed to be both the rose and thorn.
It’s a sentiment they’ve been repeating to themself ever since they decided to pick up where they left off with their Wrathful activities. Even the gentlest of animals have teeth and claws; they do not have to trade one over the other — it was a matter of finding their own comfortable balance.
One thing was immediately clear as soon as they stepped back onto the field — the opposition had taken advantage of their absence. These people... were few, more reckless and overconfident than they had ever witnessed during their time working for the AEGIS.
It was strangely validating to be seen as such a big threat for the opposition to feel so comfortable being careless as soon as they were gone, even when they had supernaturals with and against them. With one of the best engineers and snipers nowhere to be seen, these fools could afford to be less cautious, to unleash more damage, to bring more harm upon Mother Terratus as they please.
The grip on their rifle tightened as they felt anger course through their veins.
They didn't have to give it all up.
These assholes were celebrating their absence by doing everything they stood against. How dare they mock them, the AEGIS, and nature as a whole? How dare they step foot on one of the most precious beaches so callously; just to clean it out for a rich shmuck's new mansion?
No. It was time to announce their presence with a warning. They didn't aim for murder right now, but to cripple and strike fear into those cruel hearts. Let this be a lesson; do not underestimate us.
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phantasmaia · 6 months
They stood up as soon as the portal appeared, only to find themself captivated by his sheer beauty — stars above, he’s gorgeous.
Eyes linger upon him as they take in his stunning appearance, a soundless ‘wow’ escaping their mouth. Only right before he speaks do they snap out of their trance, shaking their head as they smooth down their dress before approaching him.
‘Decent’ was as far as a compliment they were going to get from him, and he seems interested. Good, good — they didn’t fumble the first impression of this ‘date’.
“Thank you, your royal radiance!” Vail replies in Helixian as they slide up beside Leviathan, offering an arm for him to link with. Honestly, they don’t expect him to take it — but might as well behave naturally, as they would any other date. Interestingly, they found it much easier to loosen up around him outside of his palace.
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“Let’s go, I reserved a lovely little spot!”
Leviathan doesn't show up early at all, nor does he show up late. He shows up right on the dot, and exits through a green portal, dawning a blue long stained glass inspired dress, with semi-translucent yellow flowers that complimented his attire and form greatly. He truly looked magnificent, enough to turn the heads of the Pride Satinium that normally kept their attention to themselves.
Beaming with obvious pride, he runs his hand through his beautiful locks of hair, and tosses Vail only a side glance, acknowledging their existence, yet noticing that they had actually put some proper effort into their outfit.
As they should.
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✥✧∘* "Seems you've picked something decent." He speaks, eyeing the restaurant with interest. He's heard of this place before, but he's never been to it. Fancy dishes were served at his palace on the daily after all.
✥✧∘* "Shall we go?"
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phantasmaia · 6 months
Did they have to show up twenty minutes early? No, but it was better than risking showing up late. King Leviathan greatly valued his time; they couldn't afford to disappoint him especially when he likely had high expectations.
Besides, they could do with a little time to compose themself and shake off the nervousness they felt. Even though they had a solid plan for this 'date', anything and everything could go wrong — which is exactly why they had to really make a good first impression. That would set the tone for the rest of the night.
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Up ahead from the sparkly floating bench they sat upon was a luxurious two-story restaurant; the ever renowned "Opulent Ocean" ran by a duo of Envy and Gluttony five-star cooks. It specialized in seafood delicacies from all over Helixious, with an attractive menu that was sure to work up an appetite for even the pickiest individuals.
Of course, such an outing required appropriate attire. They'd chosen a sparkly sequin dress with sunset colours, and floral accessories to compliment their curly hairstyle and light makeup. It was a simple look, yet fancy enough to look good next to him without overshadowing him — he had to be the prettier one.
And they awaited his arrival with anticipation, legs kicking above the ground as they observed the gorgeous Pride Satinium passing through the lively, bright and shiny purple streets.
Hmph. They better give him his cake.
Taking the dessert from their hands, he sets it aside and lets out the smallest sigh. He can't believe he was even entertaining this. Just what exactly was he about to get himself into?
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✥✧∘* "...You're excused then, but this little 'date' better be worth it. I do not like having my precious time wasted."
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phantasmaia · 6 months
top 3 sexy things that bug man likes
“Nosy lil’ bugger, ain’t ya?” He rolls all six of his eyes with a huff, walking away from them as he continues talking.
“I like fuckin’ ‘em rough, makin ‘em bleed, ‘n chokin’ ‘em. That’s three things. Now go pester somebody else.”
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phantasmaia · 6 months
Your golden rod huh? Does it also have holes? Can people play it like a flute. Doot doot am I right
He’s taken aback for a moment before bursting into laughter, forgetting all about his annoyance from earlier.
“Babe, if my dick had more than one, we’d have a hole problem! Ha-ha!” He slaps his knee, cackling at his own joke so hard there would be tears in his eyes if he had any. “But ya can play it like a musical instrument, make me sing outta my mouth hole!”
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phantasmaia · 6 months
Cheese head i bet you get 0 bitches
“Excuse you!” He scowls in annoyance, taking a big drag of his cigarette. “I’ll have you know I’m a REAL catch, plenty folks want a piece of my golden rod!”
He then puffs the smoke into their direction. It smelled like sweet syrup mixed with whisky.
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phantasmaia · 6 months
It's sinday! 💦 | Send my muse the dirtiest questions you can!
{ multimuse blogs please specify muse! }
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phantasmaia · 6 months
Tonight? That was much sooner than she expected, yet knowing he wanted to spend time with her so soon made her feel excited -- and for him to consider he comfort too? What a gentleman! "No, no!! Flight is absolutely perfect!!" She replies with unabating excitement. "It'll be fun!! It's not something I get to do much...!!" Especially with someone as handsome as him; the thought felt so warm that she couldn't help but giggle just thinking about it. Besides, she did wonder what his wings looked like. "I'll see you at 7, then??" She asks, stepping forward to trace a flirtatious finger along his torso. "I'll make sure to put on the cutest dress for you!!"
...Of course her x-slate would be cute just like she is. He's just glad that she knew what he was talking about. Made this whole thing a lot easier on his mind.
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ꕥ✧∘* "I was thinking...tonight at 7? I'll uh...pick you up, and fly you there?" He suggests, pointing to his back with a thumb. Of course, his wings weren't out right now, but he was partially a Vanium at the end of the day. "Though, if you're afraid of heights or something like that, I'll just use a car to get there instead. I want you to be comfortable."
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phantasmaia · 6 months
Seafood. They had just the perfect place in mind too, having scouted Pride both online and offline the past few days. Of course, they could meet him there, but where was the fun in that? Best keep it a surprise.
"Oh!" They step closer to hand the cake over to him where he could take it. It was a four-flavour layered citrus cake; lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit with orange cream frosting. The rim was decorated with a simple, staggered arrangement of citrus slices and edible flowers; overflowing with quality and effort as always.
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"Here you go, King Leviathan! We'll meet up in abouuut six hours from now, at 7 PM! I'll text you the location!" Sure, tonight's a bit of a short notice -- but they can work with it. "I'll go get everything, and myself, ready!"
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✥✧∘* "Tonight. Pick a time." He replies as he once again places a hand on his cheek, as if he's bored, despite being anything but right now. "I prefer seafood." He continues on, as if it was obvious. Fruits, vegetables, bugs, and seafood were staples within this section due to the sheer amount of reptiles that his section had to offer. He's sure they at least have had some of the Envy palette by now with who they had as a mate.
✥✧∘* "Now, are you going to give me my cake or are you going to continue to stand there like a fool?"
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phantasmaia · 6 months
Oh, he -- he's actually going for it? Even though him not immediately reacting negatively was a good sign, they didn't expect him to actually agree. Still, it felt good -- not only did this mean they could appease him enough to get Livius back, but also get to know Leviathan a little bit.
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"I won't! When are you free?" They ask, still awkwardly standing there with the cake in their hands. "And--! Do you have any food preferences? I know you like citrus, but other than that..." Sure, things may be complicated between them, but they wanted him to actually have a good time.
As illogical as this all was despite their 'reasoning', he has to sit here and think about this for a moment. Of course--he could easily just reject them at the end of the day. The audacity to just simply ask him out on a date was comical enough, but to do so despite knowing that he didn't like them was something else entirely. Was this...the amusement that Superbia was talking about before? When people so far out of her league tried to go for it anyways?
Still, this...wasn't one of those moments. They were simply doing this to return Livius back into their arms. However--he couldn't help but to feel that smidge of curiosity about them. What was /so/ great about them anyways? How did this one even get a lick of Livius's affections?
Clearing his throat, he washes that surprise from his features as if it was never there in the first place, and responds to them.
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✥✧∘* "Fine. I will entertain this idea." It wasn't odd to have someone by his side at the end of the day, especially humans. Though usually they looked...a lot more dolled up than them. "Don't disappoint me."
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phantasmaia · 6 months
As soon as the location is sent, a little pop tune plays on her own x-slate notifying her of his message. She brings it up into view; a very bright yellow rectangle with various stickers all over its back.
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"Oh yes!! I've heard of it...!" She says as she checks the message. "Got a huge buzz online, it's the hot new trend down on Terratus!! I hear they got this big spicy chocolate shake with cinnamon fries that's really good..." She trails off, deep blush dusting across her cheeks as the thought of sharing one with him crosses her mind. "Spicy and sweet..." A giggle escapes her, finding the irony both amusing and endearing. She looks back at him with pure excitement and anticipation in her mismatched eyes, tail vibrating rapidly behind her. "It's the perfect location!! When are we going?? I'm free all weekend...!"
@phantasmaia - Continued from: Here
Seeing her enthusiastic response does get that tiny tail of his to start wagging, his own excitement incredibly obvious as he answered her question.
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ꕥ✧∘* "...There's a restaurant seating that I reserved that I think you'll really like." He begins, bringing up his x-slate into view as he texts her the location, the restaurant being somewhere on Terratus. "It's just opened up, and it's got a big focus on spicy and sweet cuisines." He chuckles, knowing the complete irony in it--which is why he picked it in particular.
ꕥ✧∘* "You might have heard of it, maybe? It's called Sweet Peppers." They have been making an online boom, and considering her work, he wouldn't be surprised if she did catch wind of it.
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phantasmaia · 6 months
There's a surprised blink at his reaction, having expected him to either be angry with them or laugh them out. It confirmed that he did indeed perceive them as a threat to his relationship with Livius, but also raised questions as to what he really thought of them beyond that.
After what felt like a long moment of silence between the two, Vail finally stands up to speak again.
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"... You like to be spoiled, don't you?" They lower the cake carrier so that it's no longer covering their face, revealing an awkward smile. "I was thinking about taking you to Pride. Dinner. Shopping. Whatever your majesty desires."
The moment that the suggestion left their lips, is the moment where complete silence is met from him. For once, he genuinely has nothing to say, eyes blinking slowly as he registers their request.
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✥✧∘* "...Why would..." He can't even finish that sentence. He's genuinely confused. That didn't make any sense at all. They needed to explain themselves.
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phantasmaia · 6 months
"Hey, so uh..." Eloi trails off for a moment, a bit of that earlier flustered look returning to his face again. It hasn't been that long since they've last seen each other, a few days at least, but she's clearly been on his mind since the last time they've seen each other. She wasn't a client or anything, so this was truly just a casual encounter.
"...You want to go on a date with me?" He asks M1d1, hoping that she'll say yes. "If so, I'd like for you to wear a dress."
@tribulitas When he asked to meet up at her place, she wasn't expecting this to be why. Being the celebrity that she was, she's had a few dates here and there, but this one was... different.
He wasn't one of her many fans, and he was an absolute gentleman towards her. It was nice for someone to be interested in her for... her, and she could feel a blush light up across her cheeks.
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"A date??" Her poofy tail wagged behind her as excitement bubbled within her core. "O.M.G, yes!! I would LOVE to go on a date with you, Eloi!!"
"I'll have to buy myself a dress first, but!!" She bounces in her place, hands clasped together. "Where and when is this happening, handsome??"
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phantasmaia · 6 months
Clear as his irritation was, they didn’t allow it to make them nervous. Instead, what they do is kneel before him, head down with the cake held up towards him.
“Firstly, I apologize for my transgression last time, King Leviathan. Secondly…” Vail takes in a deep breath before they continue. What they were about to propose next was something they weren't exactly keen about, but appealing to him required more than just an apology and cake.
“If I treat you to an expensive date worthy of your royal grace, will you let Livius go?” Straight to the point; no sarcasm, no passive aggression, but simply a genuine offer said in a soft yet serious tone.
Leviathan was no fool. He was certain that after their last disastrous encounter, that Vail would smarten up and leave him alone for good. So--that begs the question of why they were here now, but he figured it had to do with the only other reason why they would even bother to step foot into his palace again--Livius. Livius...who was currently resting within his bed chambers after a wonderful date last night.
So by all accounts...this was truly a bad time to meet. He didn't really have much patience for this mortal, even if they were his true mate.
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✥✧∘* "...What could you possibly want now, Vail?" He asks as if it wasn't obvious, rolling his eyes. What did they think bringing cake would do here? Appease him? Absolutely not, but he'd probably still eat it, just like he ate the tarts last time. As much as he didn't like to admit it, they were a good baker.
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phantasmaia · 6 months
Vail wasn't expecting to come here again so soon, but they had to. Over the course of their relationship, Livius had been kept by Leviathan for a couple days at most -- but to learn that it could be longer by weeks or months? It would be unbearable. And a certain revelation had not only explained so much, but made everything so much more complicated too. How to proceed with that knowledge in mind had yet to be determined, but that was a problem for later. One thing at a time. With a deep breath, Vail refocuses their mind on what's important right now: appealing to Leviathan once more. Dressed up in the same outfit as last time, they step into the throne room with a cake carrier held in both hands -- a layered citrus cake within.
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"King Leviathan, before you throw me out... please hear me out." They say it as soon as they walk in, face hidden behind the cake carrier such that they have yet to see what's in front of them. Best minimize the chance of him becoming incensed at their presence.
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