phantomdoodler · 6 hours
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WE DID IT. All 32 pages of my harebrained comic adaptation of @thedarkivistwrites' Rituals.
The fic that gave me worms (affectionate) here:
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The full comic in all its uncensored glory is posted here
And, last but not least...I'm going to try printing some copies and hand-binding them! Let me know if you want one here.
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phantomdoodler · 6 hours
one thing about me is that i will buy a beverage
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phantomdoodler · 8 hours
do you guys remember when we used to say oh worm all the time. remember that
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phantomdoodler · 1 day
It's time!
All the reserved copies have been shipped and leftovers are now open to the public.
For shipping to the US, fill out the order form here.
For international shipping, use this one instead.
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WE DID IT. All 32 pages of my harebrained comic adaptation of @thedarkivistwrites' Rituals.
The fic that gave me worms (affectionate) here:
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The full comic in all its uncensored glory is posted here
And, last but not least...I'm going to try printing some copies and hand-binding them! Let me know if you want one here.
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phantomdoodler · 2 days
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phantomdoodler · 3 days
just found out about the Cinnamon-headed green pigeon... holy shit how gorgeous
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phantomdoodler · 3 days
Please, oracle of kittydom, who scavenged the bin of leftover cat parts to create this patchwork worm?
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what a funky little patchwork beast!
this little worm looks like a black broken mackerel tortoiseshell tabby with medium white! what a gorgeous cat!
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phantomdoodler · 4 days
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phantomdoodler · 4 days
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phantomdoodler · 4 days
Even through the cover, a sweetish fragrance wafted up.
‘Lavender. Possibly lemon zest.’
Hubert’s sense of smell remained as sharp as ever and Ferdinand would find that impressive, were his unwelcome guest not a rodent born out of wedlock. Instead, he accepted the sweets, warm even through his gloves, and bowed his head slightly. “I cannot even fathom what we did to deserve you, Mercedes.”
She laughed softly and clasped her hands in front of her chest. “Just return safely.” She lowered her voice and added: “You may rest assure that Hubert is in good hands. Who knows? Maybe he’ll wake up before you’re back.”
“I- I have told you before, it is not like-”
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phantomdoodler · 4 days
The National Park Service has released crochet/knit patterns! The triops is my favorite.
Here's their Ravelry:
But wait there's more if Ravelry isn't your thing:
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phantomdoodler · 4 days
I have a severe case of wanting to do everything and ending up doing nothing
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phantomdoodler · 5 days
chess is set in a beautiful future utopia where becoming a woman is a form of upward mobility
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phantomdoodler · 5 days
hey kids did you know that computers didn't used to automatically connect to the internet. it used to make this screaming noise. we should have listened.
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phantomdoodler · 5 days
so many creatures putting SO much effort into putting ‘special’ fluids that TOTALLY aren’t water through every organ possible to clean them so they can use them again 2 seconds later. like why not simply sit on a damp substrate and pull water through your body by evaporating the extra out pores in your leaves lmaoooo
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phantomdoodler · 5 days
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phantomdoodler · 5 days
The thing about pain, that I never really knew until this happened to me in my thirties, is that if you are in bad enough pain or for a long enough time (and that's in weeks, not months or years) it can give you depression. Even if your quality of life isn't otherwise impacted -- if it doesn't impede your mobility or exhaust you so that you can't go out -- even if it's "just" pain, being in pain is depressing. And the thing about both pain and depression is that independent of one another, when you are in either one of them you tend to make poor choices. You aren't able to pay full attention to the decision and depression impedes your ability to envision your future, effectively making you feel as if there are no consequences or rewards for your actions.
Now, the nice thing about being a little older and having gone through stuff like serious physical injury, particularly a brain injury, is that it's a lot easier to recognize when you've begun to make poor decisions, and put a stop to it before you make some really poor ones. You can't necessarily just tell yourself "hey stop doing that" but you can readjust your risk assessment and also stop trying to make as many.
Like, you catch yourself walking in front of a car that probably can't see you at a dangerous intersection, and for the rest of the day you make sure you don't cross against the light even if you think you could probably make it. You take the ramp instead of the stairs. You move more slowly. You don't buy anything. You walk away when you might normally pick a fight.
I'm fine -- I injured my foot last night so walking is very painful today, but the wound isn't see-a-doctor serious and I'm getting around okay. I did have to come in to the office for a meeting, which necessitates walking, catching and boarding a bus, and navigating a downtown street that's still pretty busy even at seven in the morning. And I did catch myself walking in front of a car coming out of a driveway because I wasn't watching the driveway as I normally do, because I was in pain. So, for the rest of the trip, I moved as slowly as necessary, stopped at crosswalks if I didn't have a clear walk signal (ie, no flashing red hands), and kept my eyes on the ground. In the office today I'm going to stay quiet and I've made a mental note not to speak in the meeting unless directly addressed. I might catch a cab home, though that has its own perils and the bus is arguably more safe given my muscle memory of public transit. And that's just because I made one bad call after being in pain for like, twelve hours. But I know me, so, a couple of days of caution it is.
Anyway the only real point of the post is to let people know, because nobody told me, that if you're in longterm or serious pain, a) it can materially impact your mental health, and b) you should move a little slowly and not make any serious decisions if you can avoid it.
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