phantomfivep ¡ 13 hours
You deserve someone who sexually devours you and emotionally protects you.
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phantomfivep ¡ 14 hours
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— my bad
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phantomfivep ¡ 14 hours
-𝔗đ”Ĩđ”ĸ 𝔅đ”Ļ𝔤 đ”Žđ”˛đ”¯đ”Ŧ ℜđ”ĸ-ℜđ”ĸ𝔞𝔡-
Black Butler Volume 4: Chapter 18
pt. 9
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Entering Soma's room, we can see that his tantrum has continued since leaving the drawing room, with overturned furniture, lamps and decorations on the floor along with the prince's outerwear, and the pillows discarded for him to wrap up in a ball on the bed.
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This is most certainly the first time Soma has ever been spoken to like this. With Sebastian being a servant - even if he is Head Butler - no one of his position would have dared speak to the prince in such a way, and also as previously discussed, Hindu culture surrounding guests also dictates that the host remain humble at all times, so he would never have been called a 'pest' for intruding on the hospitality of another before.
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Sebastian's lack of patience with the prince is evident in his sharpness. This is an attitude that we have not seen before from him when addressing any guest, remaining polite even to those he dislikes or who question him and his abilities, always aiming to reflect well on his young master.
Now, there is no such mincing of words. This is not Sebastian the Butler speaking with Soma, but Sebastian the Demon.
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Notice that Sebastian continues to allude to the symbolism of Agni as the sun and Soma as the moon, referring to Agni as Soma's 'last ray of light', with his bleak attitude now brought about by losing that light's reflected rays, preventing him from shining.
Interestingly, the demon employs many of the same techniques here that he does when convincing humans of their need for his services. He has a keen understanding of the human psyche, being able to take a person's fears and doubts and use them as tools to mould and manipulate them - the main difference in this instance being that he would usually take these fears and use them to convince the individual that he is their only solace from them, whereas in this case it is being used entirely to cast doubt upon Soma himself; a very abrasive means of having him do some self-reflection into his attitude and outlook.
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The panels have gradually been growing darker, mimicking the way that Sebastian plays into his true nature, as though it is his own darkness stretching out to envelope the prince.
Truly, the demon would be the expert on gauging human 'loss', taker of sacrifices as he is. This little statement may tell us equally as much about Sebastian and his system of determining those who are worthy as it tells us about Soma and his privileged upbringing.
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phantomfivep ¡ 14 hours
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phantomfivep ¡ 14 hours
Dolly bonuses!!
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Sebastian is a jointed doll while Ciel is a porcelain figurine (these portraits included)
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phantomfivep ¡ 14 hours
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I couldn't separate them..
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
need a fic where it's Sebastian who is in his most vulnerable weak state and he's truly terrified but ciel's got him. he's safe. he can trust him to keep him safe.
1. need that bitch to suffer
2. need the other bitch to express his protectiveness
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
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fem sebaciel 🤲đŸģ
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
You're telling me, these are not the same?
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Do you want more?
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In relation to this post
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
-𝔗đ”Ĩđ”ĸ 𝔅đ”Ļ𝔤 đ”Žđ”˛đ”¯đ”Ŧ ℜđ”ĸ-ℜđ”ĸ𝔞𝔡-
Black Butler Volume 4: Chapter 18
pt. 7
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Sebastian's plan has instantly backfired by scaring the absolute shit out of West. Interestingly enough, though, it doesn't seem to even be the possibility of an anthropomorphic deer that has him freaked out - it all comes back around to his precious plan.
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I love how Sebastian tries reintroducing himself as 'a humble deer' again, right after it's already failed the first time, like it's actually going to make some kind of difference.
Agni is quite rightfully shocked at being ordered to actually kill this mysterious adversary. If West truly does believe this to be a 'curry spy' in disguise, then he is knowingly ordering the death of a fellow human - but regardless of whatever creature this might be, humble deer-headed spirit of the forest or not, Agni has vowed never to repeat the sins of his past. Again, the threat of Mina's truth is presented to him; his own good karma, or the emotional wellbeing of his prince - which should come first?
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Agni's tears of blood are a very poetic symbol of just how deep his grief and torment run when forced to go against his morals and promises.
We have not yet come to understand Agni's right hand as the hand that makes the most superior of curry, so this speech leads us to believe that he is speaking entirely of using the blessing of his right hand to defend Soma, which we have also already seen him do. By this virtue, Agni saying that he would use his right hand 'for his god alone' puts a huge amount of trust in his prince's own goodness, and the belief that Soma would never himself order the death of another by Agni's hand.
The story will still make sense if we understand it in this way, but we can also look back and recognise that Agni is also speaking of the fact that he has already betrayed Soma by promising his skills to West in the curry festival, and that this forced action of 'sin' is the punishment being served to him for that betrayal.
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
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Saw the new card series and asked myself how do I make this about Black butler
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
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Upcoming Military Lolita Themed Outfits ◆ When They're Available for Shopping, They Will Be Listed Here >>> https://lolitawardrobe.com/c/military-lolita-collection_0441
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
-𝔗đ”Ĩđ”ĸ 𝔅đ”Ļ𝔤 đ”Žđ”˛đ”¯đ”Ŧ ℜđ”ĸ-ℜđ”ĸ𝔞𝔡-
Black Butler Volume 4: Chapter 18
pt. 8
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Samadhi is a concept which can be found across many religions throughout India, describing a state of heightened meditation. The Sanskrit 'ā¤¸ā¤Žā¤žā¤§ā¤ŋ' can be interpreted to have several different origins, but generally conveys a unification of the mind and spirit or completion of consciousness.
By my understanding, actual samadhi is achieved as a distinct sense of calm during meditation that is thought of as a oneness between oneself and the universe. Agni's own trance state seems to be a direct opposite of this - a state of immense turmoil brought about by a loss of connection with his 'god' - which could also be used to account for why we see it as a destructive power as opposed to a period of enlightenment.
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Sebastian is speaking again about 'Humans' as a separate entity from himself - a rare and intriguing breed - but perhaps to his audience, it may simply sound as though he is distinguishing them as above animals in respect of their skills (which, I suppose in a way he is).
The Berserkers were Norse warriors who entered a trance-like state of fury, granting them great strength within battle. They wore the skins of animals - 'berserker' itself likely deriving from the term 'bear-shirt' - to distinguish themselves from other warriors, and warn their comrades of their inability to tell friend from foe during their rampaging state; some depictions of the Berserkers show them in their animal hides being lead by the one-eyed Odin. It is thought that this frenzy may even have been a partial inspiration for legends of the werewolf.
The Paladins - or the Twelve Peers - were warriors of Charlemagne (Charles the Great), the first recognised Emperor to rule from Western Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire. With their strict code of honour and belief in their cause of ridding the world of 'evil', the Paladins were thought of as unstoppable in combat to the point of reputedly holding their own divine power. They were devout Christians, and Sebastian's use of the name 'Yahweh' - the Biblical pronounciation of YHWH, the god of the Israelites, both invokes the taboo of speaking the name itself and names this god as being simply one of many.
To Lau and Soma, it must seem that Sebastian is simply rather well versed in history, but it is very likely that the devil speaks from the first-hand experience of witnessing these groups in battle. Both the forming of Charlemange's Empire and many of the Viking raids took place between the 8th and 10th Centuries (700s - 900s AD), making Sebastian likely no less than 1000 years old at present.
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Just as alluded to by the previous mention of Ramakrishna, Sebastian confirms here that all paths of belief are as equally valid, all bringing that same meaning of love and devotion to those who practise it. Even with Agni's sense of purpose not being directed towards a true 'god' themself, his wish to serve is felt on much the same level, and brings him his own sense of power with which to do so.
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Again, Sebastian uses vague enough terminology that it can bypass his audience. 'Our like' probably refers to himself and others of his kind - beings separate from humans in their desires and showing of emotions, who put trust only in themselves rather than in another. To Lau and Soma, it must seem that he is instead speaking of himself and Ciel, their 'like' being those who are not strongly enough devoted to any such religion or personal faith.
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Sebastian looks incredibly proud of himself, casting a little smirk as though asking his master if he understands - and Ciel himself does seem to have seen past it, and is less than impressed by his Butler's speech - or with the cheeky side-eye he is being given. It is a reinforcement of the ideals behind their contract - a reminding statement that, no matter how much the demon may seem to 'care', his kind is not capable of such love and devotion, and Ciel should not allow himself to be fooled by any such acts.
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phantomfivep ¡ 2 days
You're so proud of your 'good plan' that you take a souvenir home and display it on the drawing room mantlepiece.
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