phantomflower42 · 9 months
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phantomflower42 · 3 years
Deciding The Technological Level of Your Setting
When writing a story, it is important to determine what level of technology your characters have access to.  That determines what tools or solutions a character may have to solve a problem.  It will also influence their hobbies.  Before going too far, consider what technology actually is.  It’s not all about electric gadgets.
What is Technology?
Technology is knowledge used to solve problems or create useful tools.  Phones and computers come immediately to mind, but there are others.  Roman aqueducts are an example of ancient technology helping to solve a problem.  Knives are another basic example.  Medical care is a very important technology.
Basic Factors When Deciding Technological Level
If your story is a fanfiction for another work, research what items wouldn’t look out of place in the setting.  Take a look to see what the characters use in the work when completing tasks or performing hobbies.  If the work takes place in a certain real year or time period, look up that period’s available items such as radios or printing presses, and head off from there.
Sometimes, the development level isn’t the same for all areas in a work or for all types of technology.  This is okay.  There are many reasons why this may happen.  Some areas are more studied than others.  Rural areas take longer than cities to adopt now inventions.
The Legend of Korra is set in an analogue of the 1920′s.  Characters drive cars, ride trains, listen to the sport of pro-bending on the radio, and have sepia/black and white photos.  But when Korra and her companions visit the Earth Kingdom in season three, it is heavily undeveloped compared to the other settings.  It is hinted the Earth Queen’s corruption stimmed its growth.
In Naruto and its sequel series Boruto, they do not have cars, tanks, modern firearms, or many modern style shoes.  But, the setting has TVs, refrigerators, wireless radios, batteries, satellites, color photographs, and eventually phones and laptops.  They explore the advancement of the setting in several of the Naruto light novels, especially the first one (Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy Sky).  In Kakashi Hiden, it is mentioned that the invention of an airship will cause many people to lose their jobs.   
If your work is an original fiction, first decide whether it has its own timeline or is based in the real world.  If it takes place in a real world place and time period, please look up what people in that area used.  If a particular field of science or theory is more advanced in your work than in that actual time period, determine how it would influence the technology in the story, study in related fields, and the social classes interacting with each other.
Should the tale be based in its own world, you have free reign.  How advanced of a setting do you want?  Is it set in the beginning of time, in a medieval era, in your setting’s equivalent of the Victorian or Edwardian era, in modern day, in the far off future, or even at the end of the world?  
Are certain types of technology more advanced than others?  Which kinds are banned or discouraged?  Are certain parts of the world more developed than others?  Are supplies of certain items limited and/or nonreplaceable? How does this affect the average person’s lifestyle? You decide.
Making Original Technology For Your Story
Sometimes, the technology shown in an existing work isn’t helpful for dealing with a certain task.  Maybe your original story needs a special tool for issues specific to the setting or an equivalent item for a modern gadget that doesn’t exist in your world. Sit down, and ask yourself a few questions.
Why is this item needed?  Does your character need a way to store cold food?  Are their culture’s medical techniques different from the norm?  Do your characters need a way to stay in contact while split up on a quest?  Need is the mother of innovation.
What does it look like?  What materials is it made of?  Is it bulky or sleek?  How large is it?  What color is it?  How is it shaped?  Is it expandable?  It is the item’s first version, or an improved model?  How well does it perform?
What situations are this item used in?  Who invented it?  Has it been made in bulk?  If so, how does it affect trade, medical care, communication, hobbies, or travel?  How common is it?  How expensive is it?  
Besides the benefits, consider the item’s weaknesses.  Does it run out of its power source in a certain period of time?  Does it need a long time to recharge?  Is the item fragile?  Is it prone to malfunctions?  Is it too bulky to be hauled everywhere?  Is your setting’s equivalent of cell service patchy?  Does relying on the item for too long cause health problems for people using it?
Technology and Magic
If the story is one where magic also exists, consider how the two interact.  It may depend on the individual setting.  Remember that magic can be considered a scientific field.  If in a world where magical and non-magicals live separately, magic users may use their power to invent versions of modern tech.
Oftentimes, magic is presented as incompatible with modern technology, or at least electronic devices.  In the book series The Dresden Files, the main character Harry Dresden is shown to short out any inventions past the 1950s.  He actually has to leave modern hospitals as soon as he’s mobile after injuries, in fear of his magic shorting out another patient’s life support.  This issue also forces him to drive an old-school car, use an ice box to store cold food, and go without a lot of modern conveniences like heated water or air conditioning.
In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, it’s stated that technology fails around large amounts of magic or largely magical areas.  However, the limits are not clearly established.  Harry Potter uses a watch until it’s destroyed in the Triwizard Tournament’s second task in the Black Lake.  He continues wearing it out of habit afterwards.  Those usually require batteries.  
Certain technology can run off magic instead of electricity, such as the Weasleys’ car or Colin Creevey’s camera.  Diagon Alley is in the middle of London, yet there’s no fuss about random blackouts in the area or the local security cameras shorting out.   
In other situations, magic may coexist alongside regular technology.  They can even enhance one another.  In Sailor Moon, the Sailor Guardians protected the Moon Kingdom before its destruction, and gain magical abilities while transformed.  Yet, the Moon Kingdom and later Crystal Tokyo are depicted as  high-technology societies; the Moon Kingdom had an artificial climate dome around it, and an advanced computer.
Consider what approach you want, and the consequences there of.  Settings where magic is supposed to be hidden have the risk of ‘outing’ magicals to non-magicals if electronics like phones or crosswalks fizzle out whenever they’re in public.  Modifying items with magic may be a special scientific field.  Imagine a person with a pacemaker or insulin pump wandering into a highly magical area, only for their medical device to fail on them.  Even a few bigoted magical folks would hate that they’re unintentionally causing harm.
Technology and Magic Subsection: Harry Potter
As Harry Potter fanfictions are very common, it’s important to address the series and its approach to magic and technology interacting.  As mentioned above, technology blacks out around high amounts of magic or highly magical communities, but limits on what is affected and what isn’t weren’t clearly established.  Battery-run items like Harry’s watch seem to work fine, but phones and bugging devices do not.  
In post-Deathly Hallows works, think of how jarring it may be for muggleborns or muggle-raised wizards to go from being able to text friends in a moment to having to mail letters to family members by owl.  New Hogwarts students despairing over not having Facebook anymore makes for a good joke, but consider practical problems.  
Say a girl with cerebral palsy has magic.  She uses an electric wheelchair because her limbs don’t work well.  She receives a letter from a wizarding school.  Let’s hope the girl’s parents and the school’s representative talk it over and find a solution to her dilemma before she sets foot in Diagon Alley.  She will otherwise be unable to move under her own power in a magical environment. 
Wizards are portrayed as ignorant to modern trends.  Arthur Weasley goes crazy over various gadgets.  He even wonders what people use rubber ducks for.  It’s implied that Harry Potter misidentified his cousin Dudley Dursley’s broken video game console as a Playstation One in 1994 when writing to Sirius Black.  The Playstation One was not released in Europe until September 1995.  Multiple wizards are shown fascinated with the Dursleys’ microwave when they visit at different times.  It is stated that pureblooded wizards resist adopting muggle tech unless there is no choice.   
That is not to say wizards are a technological blackhole.  Many items like radios, cars, and others can be enchanted to work off magic.  A lot of wizards enchant or create their own magical items.  Sirius Black and James Potter used a set of two-way mirrors during their school days, with the device acting similar to a cell phone.  They and their friends Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew eventually created the Maruaders’ Map, which showed nearly everyone on Hogwarts’ grounds and most of the castle.  The Weasley twins come up with Skiving Snackboxes so students buying them can skip class without too much trouble.     
Maybe Professor McGonagall goes soul-searching after the final battle, and tries finding ways to make the school more non-magical friendly.  She would have ample reason to do so; she would not want the Carrows’ days of cruelty to return in any form.  She may modify the wizarding wireless radios to cast local muggle stations or keep an enchanted phone in her office so non-magical families of her students can contact her in emergencies.          
Keep in mind that a wizard OC can’t sneak their modern video games into Hogwarts or Beauxbatons, but watches, certain cameras, radios, and handheld games with non-rechargable batteries could make it in.  Non-electric devices like notebooks, pencils, pens, paints, or board games have no restrictions.   
How Technology Affects Living Conditions
How advanced society is affects how housing and chores are handled.  Many modern perks like clean water, heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, and fast travel are taken for granted.  If the characters in your setting lack certain conveniences, think of how they will tackle different problems that usually require them.
For instance, a lot of people use electric washers and dryers to take care of their clothes.  Getting them cleaned, dried, and sorted is easy.  But, what if your world doesn’t have these items?  Do the local people scrub them by hand in a river or on a board?  How are stains dealt with?  Are herbs mixed with the clothes to freshen their scent?  Are they dried on a clothesline?  If it’s raining or snowing, what is done instead?
Think along similar lines for various issues.  Water might be boiled for safety, or mixed with alcohol.  Shades will be pulled if too hot.  A lot of food may be canned, cured, or otherwise stored in a root cellar when fresh cannot be bought.  Preparations for any trips may take a long while.  People will sleep under mountains of blankets to retain heat.  
Conversely, works set in the future may find all of this child’s play.  Think of how a lot of appliances can be activated now with a smartphone application.  Do robots grocery shop on the characters’ behalf?  Are clothes dried and sorted in one machine in a few minutes?  Can a room’s windows be programmed to show a certain background, like in the Hunger Games film?  Are fingerprint scanners used so characters may access restricted areas?
Think long and hard how the technology of your world will influence daily life.
In Conclusion
Technology is a powerful force.  Sometimes characters may solve problems too easily with it, but all time periods have some level of it.  It’s important to know what the limits of inventions in your setting are.  Otherwise, someone may complain ‘how did they end up with this issue when so-and-so gadget could have solved the problem?’, or ‘why is the ninja watching television?’.
Have a nice day.
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phantomflower42 · 4 years
Warriors OCs Relationships: My Take, ShadowClan Edition
Let’s face the facts: creating good Warriors OCs in general can be a nightmare.  The Warriors series by Erin Hunter is about four (later five) groups of feral cats called Clans that live in the wild.  They are frequently in competition with one another, but share much of the same culture and traditions.
Part of what makes Warriors OCs a nightmare is that they have a shorter lifespan than humans do.  Feral cats only live around two to five years on average.  That number can be bumped up for Clan cats because they have medicine cats to treat their injuries and illnesses, but only a couple of cats have reached thirteen years old or above.  
The books span a long time period with an Allegiances listing the cats of each Clan in every book.  This equals hundreds of Warriors characters in total.  There are many long family trees.  The family trees have become tangled with several relatives mating with each other.  It’s one of the downsides of the Clan cats being forbidden from mating outside their Clan.
This guide covers ShadowClan to Lost Stars, the first book of the seventh series of Warriors novels.  This mostly deals with children and descendants.  However, if the parents or siblings of a certain character are not known, I will address that as well.  How family members of each line interact in canon will be noted.
While characters born after Lost Stars are excluded, I will mention if a certain cat has died in the books after.  
I will keep things simple by listing one main cat per lineage.  Sections will include a cat’s parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins if their family tree goes far enough.  I am excluding cats from the prequel Super Editions and novellas; they will be found under a related character’s name from the main books if they are listed at all.  
The exception will be for characters that were named in the main books, but received screen time in side stories later, like Rosetail, her brother Thistleclaw, and Mapleshade.  Characters will be split by Clan.  
Some characters are covered under multiple sections.  Second and onward mentions of a certain character’s family relationships will redirect to where they were first covered.
Any information about Warriors family trees comes from the Warriors Wiki.
(Warning: The following section will be very long; there are many characters to cover!)
Raggedpelt/star: Raggedpelt/star’s bloodline has much intrigue.  His mother Featherstorm mated with a kittypet named Hal.  He has a brother named Scorchwind that does not appear anywhere but Yellowfang’s Secret.  His mother kitted three half-siblings later.  He entered an illicit relationship with Yellowfang.  They had three kits together; Brokentail/star was the only survivor.
There seems to be a tradition of father killing in this family.  Raggedpelt/star killed Hal, and Brokentail/star killed him.  Any Raggedstar descendants would have to either come from a one-night stand with Brokentail/star or from Scorchwind.  
In fact, no one knows what happened to Scorchwind after Yellowfang’s exile.  Did he die in a battle Brokentail/star started?  Or, was he murdered because he discovered what really happened to his brother?  Was it a simple illness?  Did he find love?
Hal denied his relationship to either of his sons.  Raggedpelt/star later killed him in battle.  Their relationship is non-existent.  Featherstorm does not interact with her firstborn kits on page.  Scorchwind does not interact with Raggedpelt/star after his apprenticeship except for helping bear his corpse back to camp after his death.  
His half-brothers Mosspaw and Volepaw were kitted after he died, and died young to boot.  Neither of them got to know Raggedpelt/star.  
His half-sister Dawncloud was also kitted after his death.  She had two unnamed kits that died during Brokentail/star’s reign.  Their father is not known.  She lives up to Rising Storm/Tigerclaw’s Fury.  Her cause of death is unknown but she appears in StarClan during the Ultimate Guide.  
Certain parts of the series like Into the Wild attempt to portray her as elderly, but she was born just a few moons before Yellowfang’s banishment.  It’s likely her dead kits came from a teenage pregnancy; Dawncloud was apprenticed young, and would have had to move into the nursery soon after her warrior ceremony to allow time for her pregnancy and kits’ birth.  
A Raggedpelt/star descendant can be done, but it will take some effort to work them into a story.
Nightpelt/star: This poor cat’s lineage is mostly unknown.  His brother was Clawface, and Clawface gave him two nephews.  He was forced to retire early from asthma.  Everything else is a mystery.  
First, who were Nightpelt/star and Clawface’s parents?  Did they have any other relations like aunts, uncles, and cousins?  What did Nightpelt/star think of his brother killing a medicine cat (Spottedleaf)?  How did Clawface respond to his brother being made an elder early and forced to nest outside of the camp?
Any Nightpelt/star relatives will have to come from his nephews Cinderfur and Stumpytail.  His poor health makes him a poor candidate for fatherhood.  He also did not seem interested in romance.
He and Clawface had a strong positive relationship, though.  It’s described that although Clawface was a little too rough, he was kind to Nightpelt/star.
Give a Nightpelt/star relative a try.
Blackfoot/star:  His bloodline is a little mysterious.  Blackfoot/star’s mother was Hollyflower, and his siblings were Fernshade and Flintfang.  His father is unknown.  His sister Fernshade had a son named Badgerfang that died when ShadowClan chased WindClan from their territory.  That’s where this family line stops.
Hollyflower was a stern mother with her kits; she once intervened when her apprentice-aged litter were playfighting instead of doing their duties.   Blackfoot/star, Flintfang, and Hollyflower did not interact much past apprenticehood, although Flintfang volunteered to inform Hollyflower of her son’s death.  The bond between Flintfang and Badgerfang was strong; they were not only uncle and nephew, but mentor and apprentice.  Flintfang was devastated when he died.
Maybe your story could fill in who Blackfoot/star and Badgerfang’s fathers were.  Did Badgerfang have any littermates we didn’t see?  Did Blackfoot/star and Flintfang find love and kits off-page?  How did Flintfang and Hollyflower die?  The only information known is that Flintfang at least survived until Tigerclaw’s Fury/Rising Storm.  There is much to write about here.
Rowanclaw/star:  He is one of the former rogues that joined ShadowClan in A Dangerous Path.  His parents and siblings are unknown.  He mated with Tawnypelt.  They had Tigerheart/star, Flametail, and Dawnpelt.  Dawnpelt kitted Sleekwhisker, Juniperstone, and Strikestone with Crowfrost.  Tigerheart/star had Lightkit, Pouncekit, and Shadowkit with Dovewing.
Rowanclaw/star and Tawnypelt have their ups and downs.  Tawnypelt is very proud of her mate, and defends him when others doubt his abilities.  He comforts her at times.  But, they argue at some points over Tawnypelt’s loyalty.
Both were supportive parents to their kits.  Rowanclaw/star had a lot of faith in Tigerheart/star’s leadership abilities.  He had Leafpool stay with ShadowClan longer than he wanted in Bramblestar’s Storm to ensure Dawnpelt’s kits were born healthy.  He acted affectionate with Flametail, and was upset when he died.  His kits return his love for them.
Tawnypelt acts caring towards Tigerheart/star, but also reminds him of his responsibilities.  She showed concern when Flametail came back from the Moonpool in Night Whispers.  She was highly concerned about Dawnpelt and her daughter’s kits during Shattered Sky when most of ShadowClan was under Darktail’s control.  It was noted in River of Fire that Tawnypelt was under a lot of grief from losing several of her family close together, Dawnpelt included.
Dawnpelt and Crowfrost seemed to have a close relationship before the latter’s death in Thunder and Shadow.  Dawnpelt definitely cared for her kits; when she was preparing to leave the Kin in Shattered Sky, she sent Strikestone and Juniperclaw ahead of her so Darktail did not catch them.  Her relationship with Sleekwhisker fizzled out after Sleekwhisker betrayed her Clan for the Kin.  Crowfrost was horrified when Juniperclaw and Sleekwhisker decided to join the Kin.
Sleekwhisker showed no reaction to her mother’s death.  Her brothers are astonished to see Dawnpelt among the ghosts in Darkest Night.  The siblings appeared close-knit until Sleekwhisker’s betrayal.  She killed their grandfather Rowanclaw/star in River of Fire; any remaining relations with her family were likely severed by her actions.
Their relationships are not fully fleshed out because of only being young kits, but Shadowkit, Pouncekit, and Lightkit get along reasonably well with each other and their parents.  Dovewing and Tigerheart/star had several ups and downs, including when Dovewing tried convincing him to leave with her in Tigerheart’s Shadow when his Clan was in a poor state, but they too love one another.
Rowanclaw/star could have descendants from either Juniperclaw or Strikestone.  Dovewing and Tigerheart/star’s kits are too young for either them to have kits or for their parents to have another litter.  Sleekwhisker becoming a mother is highly unlikely from what is seen of her in River of Fire.  
Give Rowanclaw/star’s line a try.
Yellowfang:  Yellowfang is listed under here rather than ThunderClan as ShadowClan is where she spent most of her life.  Her mother was Brightflower, her father was Brackenfoot, and her siblings were Nutwhisker, Rowanberry, Marigoldkit, and Mintkit.  She had a grandmother named Silverflame that died soon after her apprenticeship began.  She mated with Raggedpelt/star.  They had three kits together: Brokentail/star, Hopekit, and Wishkit.    
Rowanberry had Cinderfur and Stumpytail with Clawface.  Nutwhisker’s love life is unknown.
Any Yellowfang descendants will have to come from either a one-night stand with Brokentail/star or Rowanberry’s line.  Brokentail/star does not seem the type for a long-term relationship, and Nutwhisker does not seem to have had kits.  They would likely come from Stumpytail.
Yellowfang had a good relationship with her parents, but that came to a halt when Brokentail/star tricked them in believing she was responsible for her younger siblings’ deaths.  It’s unknown how they reacted to the news that Brokenstar lied about Marigoldkit and Mintkit’s fates.  
Brackenfoot does not appear outside of the prequel Super Editions or Code of the Clans, so he probably died during Brokentail/star’s leadership or a short time into the original series.  Brightflower only appears in one regular Warriors books, Into the Wild.  She probably died a short time after Brokentail/star’s exile from ShadowClan as she was stated to be close to becoming an elder near the end of Yellowfang’s Secret; she could have been one of the first victims of the carrionplace disease.
Yellowfang’s bond with her littermates was a lot more positive.  They spent a lot of time together.  Nutwhisker and Rowanberry stood up for Yellowfang when she was accused of killing Marigoldkit and Mintkit even if their parents were fooled.  Nutwhisker only appeared in Yellowfang’s Secret.  It’s possible he died from either a battle Brokenstar caused or was killed because he disagreed a lot with his sister’s exile.  He did not seem to have a mate or kits.  
Rowanberry lived up to Tigerclaw’s Fury.  She seemed upset about Cinderfur dying and her former mate Clawface’s betrayal.  Her relationship with her other son Stumpytail is not shown much.  He lived to the end of Tigerclaw’s Fury.
Yellowfang’s bond with Marigoldkit and Mintkit was not as strong as they did not live very long, but she mourned their deaths.  They did not seem interested in her; like many young kits in Brokenstar’s reign, they were focused on learning how to fight even in the nursery.  They did not interact with their other elder siblings, either.
She had a poor relationship with Cinderfur at least.  He claimed upon her being accused for her younger siblings’ deaths that she was treating ShadowClan like a nuisance.  She was not seen with Stumpytail often.
Yellowfang had a close relationship with her grandmother Silverflame that lasted even after the latter died.  Silverflame welcomed her company in the elders’ den, and gave her granddaughter advice from StarClan after her passing.  
Her relations with Raggedstar are a lot more contentious.  He acted emotionally abusive towards Yellowfang; he acted angry towards her because Sagewhisker forced Yellowfang into becoming a medicine cat, but acted sweet later to snag her back.  He does not seem to understand that this is not Yellowfang’s fault.  She still mourned when he died.  They do not appear together often in StarClan.  That speaks volumes in my opinion.
Sagewhisker forced Yellowfang to stay distant from Brokentail/star during his kithood, and she had to hide their relationship because of her being a medicine cat.  Brokentail/star acted hostile towards her when they were together.  Yellowfang had to kill him twice for the sake of others; she heavily regretted the first time.  Their bond is non-existent.  She grieved for Hopekit and Wishkit’s deaths.  
A Yellowfang relative is possible.  Just be careful about it.
Runningnose: This poor cat does not have a good background.  His mother was Lizardstripe, his father was Mudclaw, and his siblings were Tangleburr and Deerfoot.  He also had a foster brother in Brokentail/star.
Lizardstripe resented all of her kits.  Mudclaw did not interact with his children once on page.  Runningnose and his littermates bullied Brokentail/star as kits.  Outside of that, Runningnose and his siblings are not seen together except for in Tigerclaw’s Fury where Runningnose ordered Deerfoot to show gratitude for Tigerclaw/star’s rogues feeding ShadowClan.  
While Runningnose is out because of him being a medicine cat, maybe his siblings had kits at some point.  They aren’t mentioned as being in StarClan in any books or statements from the Erins.  Maybe they took mates off-page.  Their deaths could make a good story.
Littlecloud: Littlecloud’s mother was Newtspeck.  His two brothers were Wetfoot and Brownpaw.  His mother’s littermates were Ashheart and Frogtail.  Their father is unknown.
Littlecloud is not seen with his family much.  He accompanied his mother and brothers to a Clan meeting, and participated in a training session with his brothers, the other kits, and the apprentices that left Mosspaw dead.  None of his litter interacted with Ashheart or Frogtail.
Wetfoot and Brownpaw were not seen after Rising Storm/Tigerclaw’s Fury.  Frogtail, Ashheart, and Newtspeck only showed up in Yellowfang’s Secret and Tallstar’s Revenge.   They probably died after those books.  Did they find love or kits?
Why did Brownpaw’s apprenticeship take so long?  For the curious, he was apprenticed near the end of Yellowfang’s Secret under Brokentail/star’s leadership, and remained an apprentice up to his last appearance in Rising Storm/Tigerclaw’s Fury.  His brothers received their names in Fire and Ice.  Was Brownpaw a slow learner, or did he suffer an accident that lengthened his training?
Try making a Littlecloud relative.  It would be different from the usual Fireheart/star descendant.  
Boulder: His entire family tree is a blank.  His parents, siblings, other kin, and any mates or kits he had are unknown.
Who did Boulder grow up with?  How did his upbringing lead him to joining Hal’s group or BloodClan?  Did he ever find love?  How did he die?
The only thing I caution against is having him alive past Sunset or Leafpool’s Wish if you’re sticking to canon.  He was an elder by this point, and does not appear after those two books.
Darkflower: There is nothing known about this she-cat’s background.  Her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles. mate, and kits are all a blank slate.  She appeared from Fire and Ice to Rising Storm/Tigerclaw’s Fury.  She is shown as dead in the Ultimate Guide at Tigerclaw/star’s leader ceremony.
When was Darkflower born?  What was her reaction to Brokentail/star’s leadership and him being banished?  Did the carrionplace disease get her?
Darkflower is as mysterious as they come.  Make her some family or give her a story of her own.  Have fun.
Tallpoppy:  Her parents, siblings, mate, aunts, uncles, and cousins are unknown.  She kitted Applefur, Toadfoot, and Marshkit. Her first appearance was as a queen in Fire and Ice.
There are many questions about her background.  Who were her first kits?  What happened to them?  What did she think of her two adult kits getting involved with the Dark Forest?  
What we do know is that Marshkit likely passed along the way despite his mother’s care.  His siblings reappeared while he did not.
Sadly, cats from Tallpoppy’s line are unlikely unless they were born before The Last Hope.  Applefur, Toadfoot, and Tallpoppy herself perished against the Dark Forest.
Jaggedtooth:  His family is unknown.  He only spent a short time in ShadowClan before he defected to BloodClan.  Even his eventual fate after the BloodClan battle is unknown.
Jaggedtooth was a selfish cat.  Him having a family is unlikely.  Good try, though.
Whitethroat: His whole past is a blank.  All of his relatives are unknown.  He died in Rising Storm/Tigerclaw’s Fury from being hit by a car.
Whitethroat seemed like a young cat around Littlecloud’s age.  He could have had kits or a mate before his death, but it’s unlikely.  How did his upbringing affect his opinions or actions?  Did any one besides Littlecloud miss him after his passing?  Where were his siblings or parents?
This lineage looks like a dead end.  
Oakfur:  His family is unknown as well.  No siblings, parents, or kits.  He has trained a lot of apprentices, though.  Maybe he considers them family?
Oakfur is a blank slate family-wise.  He is still alive as an elder in River of Fire. Have fun with him.  
Cedarheart:  His relations are unknown.  He joined ShadowClan with the rogues in A Dangerous Path.  He’s never mentioned as having a mate or kits.
Why did he join ShadowClan?  What were his earliest moons like?  Did his leg injury he received in Twilight cause his early retirement?
You can try for a Cedarheart descendant, but be cautious.
Nightwing:  She only appears in Dawn as a queen.  Her relations are unknown.  We do not see what happened to her.
Go wild with her.  Nightwing may have an interesting life story to tell.
Smokefoot:  His lineage is a blank.  His parents, littermates, and other relatives are unknown.
Maybe he could have a mate and some kits we don’t see.  Give it a shot.
Snowbird:  Her family is more detailed than some of her Clanmates.  Ratscar is her brother, her mate is Scorchfur, and she has nine kits: Beenose, Yarrowleaf, Cloverfoot, Rippletail/Buster, Bluebellkit, Berryheart, Gullswoop, Frondwhisker, and Conefoot.  Berryheart and her mate Sparrowtail had Needletail, Sunbeam, Spireclaw, and Hollowspring.   Yarrowleaf kitted Flaxfoot and Hopwhisker with Nettle from the Kin.  Snowbird’s parents are not seen.
Snowbird and her mate seem to get along well.  He delivered prey to her in the nursery, and checked up on her while she was ill with yellowcough in Thunder and Shadow.  She chided Scorchfur during the latter for insulting Puddleshine’s skills.  Scorchfur comforted her about having to send a pregnant Yarrowleaf away from SkyClan in River of Fire.  They share several of the same opinions.
She also has a positive relationship with Ratscar.  She protected him from Shredtail during The Last Hope.  She insisted he would never betray his Clan.  Ratscar for his part was concerned in Shattered Sky about what kind of world his sister’s kits would grow up in.
Snowbird’s bonds with her kits are more varied.  Bluebellkit is not seen on page, but it can be presumed her mother was upset when she passed.  Snowbird expressed shock when a portion of her kits and granddaughter staged a rebellion in ShadowClan during Thunder and Shadow.  Needletail, Beenose, and Beenose’s elder siblings Cloverfoot and Berryheart joined the Kin; her reaction was not noted, but it could not have been positive.  She and Rippletail/Buster do not interact on page.  She and her younger kits do not interact in much detail either.
Scorchfur seems to have good bonds with his kits.  He checked up on Yarrowleaf in Thunder and Shadow when she and Snowbird were recovering from yellowcough.  He acted outraged in River of Fire when Leafstar sent her away during her pregnancy and snuck around to take care of her in the old ShadowClan camp.  He joyfully touched noses with Beenose’s spirit in Darkest Night after Tree summoned the dead ShadowClan cats.  He asked about Berryheart and Yarrowleaf during the encounter, which shows his care about them.
He does not show up with Bluebellkit in the books, but he probably mourned her passing.  He is not seen with Gullkit, Frondkit, or Conekit, but was indirectly shown as a great father to them in Shattered Sky.  He brought prey to them and their mother.
Smokepaw: He appears in the New Prophecy series up to Dawn where he falls off a cliff.  None of his kin are seen.  His Clanmate Nightwing is very upset when he dies, so maybe they’re family?
Kits are out with his death and young age, but Smokepaw could have family lurking somewhere.  Be creative.
Talonpaw:  His parents, siblings, and other family members are unknown.  He died in Twilight against the kittypets Jacques and Susan.  As he passed as an apprentice, he did not have a mate or kits of his own.
Ivytail:  She is one of the first apprentices outside of ThunderClan that Lionblaze and Hollyleaf met.  Ivytail’s relations are a complete blank.  She became pregnant in Night Whispers, but we are never shown who her kits or mate are.  She is shown as an elder in Dovewing’s Silence, Bramblestar’s Storm, and Crowfeather’s Trial despite being a young cat.  She does not appear after those books.  
Did she end up maimed after the Great Battle?  Did whatever caused her early retirement mess up her health, leading to an early death?  
Feel free to expand on her family and fate.  She has a lot of holes to fill up.
Owlclaw: He made his debut alongside Ivytail above.  His background is a blank except for having Smokefoot as his mentor.  He stops appearing after Bramblestar’s Storm.
Who were his parents and siblings?  What happened to him?  It’s like the Erins left his thread hanging.
Crowfrost: This cat was one of ShadowClan’s most reliable deputies.  He mated with Dawnpelt, resulting in Juniperclaw, Sleekwhisker, and Strikestone.  He died of yellowcough in Thunder and Shadow.  His parents, siblings, and other relations are unknown.
He and Dawnpelt were shown sharing a thrush once.  Dawnpelt defended him when he sent Twigbranch back to ThunderClan during the yellowcough epidemic.  He was horrified when Juniperclaw and Sleekwhisker joined the Kin.  Dawnpelt grieved after losing him, and two of their kits defecting.
Maybe expand on his kithood?  But, even if there are questions, there is much known about him already.  Considering that he died in the second book of the sixth series, this is impressive.
Kinkfur: Her parents, littermates, and mate are all unknown.  She has three kits named Dewkit, Mistcloud, and Sparrowtail.  Dewkit died after her initial appearance in Night Whispers. 
Her son Sparrowtail gave her four grandchildren with Berryheart: Needletail, Hollowspring, Sunbeam, and Spireclaw.  Needletail died when Darktail drowned her, allowing Violetshine to escape.  None of the others have made families yet.
Kinkfur cares deeply for her kits.  She fed Mistcloud herbs in Night Whispers after the kit lost her voice, and warned Sparrowtail and Dewkit to be careful while playing with a moss ball.  Dewkit’s interactions aren’t expanded on, but her surviving kits did not hunt much after her death because of their grief.
Berryheart worried about Needletail and Sparrowtail after escaping from Darktail drowning her.  She only left her daughter because it would place her and her mate in further danger.  She probably didn’t take Needletail’s death well.
Sparrowtail is shown as a doting mate, quickly building Berryheart a nest as she started kitting in Tigerheart’s Shadow.  He carefully guided her along the Silverpath before that occurred.  
Needletail died before her younger siblings were born, so she has not been shown with them.  The same applies to Kinkfur.  Sunbeam, Hollowspring, and Spireclaw are described as playing with each other as kits, but their interactions aren’t described in detail.  
So, her line is viable.  Have fun making spiky-furred OCs!
Snaketail: He’s a clean slate.  He has no known family.  He retired after Sunrise, and does not show up after Bramblestar’s Storm.  Who were his family members, and what happened to him?  Did he perish in the flood like Blackstar?  You decide.   
Whitewater: Her background is unknown.  How did she lose her sight in one eye?  Where is her family?  How did she react when her former apprentice Redwillow betrayed the Clans in the Great Battle?  It sounds like she has plenty of stories to tell.
Olivenose: What’s with the minor ShadowClan cats lacking background info?  Olivenose has no known family.  Crowfrost mentored her.  She was the one that coaxed Flametail into playing prey-stone, leading to his death.  She died in battle against the Dark Forest.
Does she feel guilty for what happened to Flametail? What was her final battle like?  Go on, and involve her in some stories.
Scorchfur: He has a large amount of kits with his mate Snowbird.  They are Bluebellkit, Cloverfoot, Berryheart, Rippletail/Buster, Yarrowleaf, Beenose, Frondwhisker, Conefoot, and Gullswoop.  His parents and siblings are unknown.
He cares about his family.  He checked on Snowbird and Yarrowleaf in Thunder and Shadow when they were ill.  He made sure Snowbird and their recently born kits were fed in Shattered Sky.  He happily touched nosed with Beenose’s ghost in Darkest Night.  When he met Beenose’s ghost, he asked about her siblings Yarrowleaf and Berryheart, showing he cared about them too.
He comforted Snowbird when a pregnant Yarrowleaf was thrown out of ShadowClan-SkyClan in River of Fire.  He was not happy with Leafstar’s decision to banish Yarrowleaf, either.  He and Snowbird were proud of Cloverfoot becoming ShadowClan deputy in The Raging Storm.
Frondwhisker, Conefoot, and Gullswoop don’t have a lot of mentioned interactions with each other or their parents.  They’re minor characters.  Rippletail/Buster doesn’t appear much with them either.  Bluebellkit does not appear in the books before her death.  
Yarrowleaf had two kits named Flaxfoot and Hopwhisker with former Kin member Nettle.  Nettle’s relationship with her ended on a sour note; he helped kidnap and threatened to kill their kits.  
Scorchfur mentored Flaxfoot.  How this affected their relationship is unknown.  He prevented Flaxfoot from interacting with other apprentices at a Gathering in Squirrelflight’s Hope.  Flaxfoot and Hopwhisker’s interactions with their family are not described otherwise.
Berryheart kitted Needletail, Sunbeam, Spireclaw, and Hollowspring.  Scorchfur’s individual relationships with his grandchildren are not expanded on except for Flaxfoot.  The closest things to interactions he has with any of them are suggesting Needletail and the RIverClan prisoners receive food in Shattered Sky and asking if it’s okay for Hollowspring and Berryheart to enter the medicine den in The Raging Storm.
Go for a Scorchfur descendent.  He has several options.
Shrewfoot: She debuted in Eclipse.  None of her family members are known.  Ratscar mentored her.  She died in the Great Battle.  She only spoke a little in Night Whispers.
Shrewfoot is another clean slate.  Come up with any number of relatives for her.  Have fun. 
Redwillow: This cat is one of the few Clan cats that remained on the Dark Forest’s side during the Great Battle.  Whitewater mentored him.  Blackstar eventually killed him when his loyalties were revealed.
He probably had littermates and parents.  I wouldn’t suggest a mate, though.  He was focused on the Dark Forest’s aspirations.  His evil nature would probably lead him to treat any mate or kits poorly.   
Ferretclaw: Available information on this cat is scarce.  Oakfur mentored him.  He mentored Spikefur.  He does not appear past Bramblestar’s Storm or the other books set around that time frame.  
Who were his family members?  What happened to him?  He’s last mentioned scrambling away from a badger in Bramblestar’s Storm.  Maybe he died against them.  You decide.
Pinenose: She first showed up in Fading Echoes.  Ratscar mentored her.  She has a decent-sized family.  Spikefur was her mate.  They had Weaselkit, Puddleshine, Lioneye, Birchbark, and Slatefur.  She took in Violetshine as a foster daughter.
She and Spikefur don’t interact much.  Their largest contact is in Thunder and Shadow where she calls for him gleefully, and proclaims to him how proud she is of Puddleshine as she recovers from yellowcough.  Spikefur in turn asks how she’s recovering.  He touches his muzzle with hers before leaving.
Her relations with her kits vary.  She definitely loves her birth kits.  She grieved when Weaselkit was killed in The Last Hope.  While ill in Thunder and Shadow, she is calling out for them and is worried they will become sick as well.  She is proud of Puddleshine’s skill as a medicine cat.  Her kits come visit her as she recovers.
Pinenose’s relationship with Violetshine however is a lot less warm.  While she reassures Violetshine she belongs in ShadowClan, she doesn’t treat her like a mother should.  She does things like pushing VIoletshine to the edge of the nest.  Violetshine attempts loving her despite this.  She’s horrified when her foster mother is killed in Shattered Sky.  She befriends Puddleshine later on, but not any of her other foster siblings.
Lioneye and Birchbark are seen together a lot as apprentices.  They fight each other over a thrush.  They continue until Twigbranch breaks them up.  They accept this, sharing the thrush before finding more moss for Puddleshine.  Lioneye comments she and Birchbark could have fetched lungwort for her brother near the end of the book. 
Slatefur is a minor character; he does not interact with his family very much.  Puddleshine’s family is proud of him, but he doesn’t interact with them much past Thunder and Shadow.  Most of them died in Shattered Sky.  
Pinenose’s line is viable, but any descendents will have to come from Slatefur or Puddleshine entering an illegal relationship.  Darktail drowned Lioneye and Birchbark.  Good luck. 
Starlingwing: This young cat first showed up as an apprentice in The Fourth Apprentice.  Tawnypelt mentored him.  He gave Ivypool a hard time when ShadowClan held her hostage for herbs in Night Whispers.  He became a warrior in The Forgotten Warrior, only to fall in the Dark Forest battle.  That is all we know about him.
Who kitted him?  Who are his siblings?  Did he experience any young love before he died?  Try filling up these holes.
Stoatfur: This poor cat’s past is an utter blank.  We don’t even know who mentored him.  To make matters worse, the Erins changed him from a ginger tom to a tortoiseshell and white she-cat after his initial appearance in The Last Hope.  Seriously, what gender or coat color is he supposed to be?  I am calling him by male pronouns in his subsection to lessen confusion.  
He doesn’t show up past the Bramblestar’s Storm-era Super Editions.  He was a rather young cat, so what happened to him?  Did he leave ShadowClan, or was he struck by battle or disease?  His story could be very fascinating. 
Pouncetail: If anything, he’s even worse than Stoatfur in some aspects.  He only shows up on page in Bramblestar’s Storm dragging bracken with Pinenose and answering Bramblestar’s inquiries after the battle with the badgers.  We never see him again.  None of his family or other relationships are known.  
Try him.  He may have a few hidden stories to tell.
Grassheart: She first shows up in Bramblestar’s Storm as an apprentice.  She mated with Stonewing, kitting Snaketooth, Flowerstem, and Whorlpelt.  She mentored Hollowspring and Gullswoop.  Her parents are unknown.
She is not often seen with her family because she is a minor character.  But, she seems to be a fine mother.  She had Violetshine play with her kits in Thunder and Shadow, and spent most of her time with Snaketooth after she fell ill with yellowcough. 
Stonewing got along with her although their time together is little; they agreed where to make a new den after moving in with SkyClan in Darkest Night.  He and Grassheart surrounded their kits at the Gathering where ShadowClan decides to merge with SkyClan.
Snaketooth, Whorlpelt, and Flowerstem seem to get along well enough.  Whorlpelt and Flowerstem were worried when their sister battled yellowcough.  
None of these three have said anything about wanting kits or not.  Have fun.
Stonewing:  He debuts as a new warrior in The Apprentice’s Quest.  He has three kits with Grassheart.  He’s mentored the same number of apprentices: Juniperclaw, Lightleap, and Antfur.  His relationships with his mate and kits are covered under Grassheart’s section above.  His parents and littermates are unknown.
Go on.  Making up relatives for him can’t be too hard.
Wasptail:  She is introduced as a new warrior in The Apprentice’s Quest.  She mentored Strikestone despite just receiving her name.  Despite her youth, she fell to yellowcough in Thunder and Shadow.  Her family members are not known. 
Who kitted her?  Did she have any littermates?  While kits are not possible because her time was spent mentoring Strikestone, maybe she had a romance off-screen.  
Cinnamontail:  She debuts in Tigerheart’s Shadow as an adult member of the guardian cats.  Her family members are unknown, and she has not shown a hint of romance on page,
Antfur:  He first appears in Tigerheart’s Shadow as a member of the guardian cats.  His family are not known.  If you are following the full Warriors canon, he is not a good descendants candidate.  He died in The Silent Thaw after falling from a tree.     
Blazefire:  Kate Cary has claimed Spiresight found him abandoned on her blog before the events of TIgerheart’s Shadow.  His family relations are unknown.  He hasn’t shown any interest in romance yet.
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phantomflower42 · 5 years
Warriors OCs Relationships: My Take, ThunderClan Edition
Let’s face the facts: creating good Warriors OCs in general can be a nightmare.  The Warriors series by Erin Hunter is about four (later five) groups of feral cats called Clans that live in the wild.  They are frequently in competition with one another, but share much of the same culture and traditions.
Part of what makes Warriors OCs a nightmare is that they have a shorter lifespan than humans do.  Feral cats only live around two to five years on average.  That number can be bumped up for Clan cats because they have medicine cats to treat their injuries and illnesses, but only a couple of cats have reached thirteen years old or above.  
The books span a long time period with an Allegiances listing the cats of each Clan in every book.  This equals hundreds of Warriors characters in total.  There are many long family trees.  The family trees have become tangled with several relatives mating with each other.  It’s one of the downsides of the Clan cats being forbidden from mating outside their Clan.
This guide goes to Lost Stars, the first book of the seventh series of Warriors novels.  This mostly deals with children and descendants.  However, if the parents or siblings of a certain character are not known, I will address that as well.  How family members of each line interact in canon will be noted. 
I will keep things simple by listing one main cat per lineage.  Sections will include a cat’s parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins if their family tree goes far enough.  I am excluding cats from the prequel Super Editions and novellas; they will be found under a related character’s name from the main books if they are listed at all.  
The exception will be for characters that were named in the main books, but received screen time in side stories later, like Rosetail, her brother Thistleclaw, and Mapleshade.  Characters will be split by Clan.  
Some characters are covered under multiple sections.  Second and onward mentions of a certain character’s family relationships will redirect to where they were first covered.
Any information about Warriors family trees comes from the Warriors Wiki.
(Warning: With the massive amount of characters to cover, this next section will be very long!)
Bluefur/star: Bluefur/star and her family have had it hard.  Her sister died as a young mother, her mother was killed just a few days after she was apprenticed, her father was neglectful of her and her sister, she had to give up her kits so she could become the ThunderClan leader, one of her kits died on their way to their new home, and she suffered from months of cognitive decline before she gave her life to save ThunderClan from a pack of dogs.  It’s a miracle she has any descendants at this rate.
Any cats coming directly from Bluefur/star’s line will have to come from her daughter Mistyfoot/star’s son Reedwhisker.  Mosskit died on the way to RiverClan, Stonefur does not seem to have had a mate or kits before his death, and Reedwhisker’s littermates died at young ages.  Maybe Stonefur’s love life or lack there of could be explored in stories along with his mate’s reaction to the TigerClan mess.  Reedwhisker seems like he might not mind romance so long as it’s a fellow RIverClan cat.
Bluefur/star could also have indirect descendants through her nephew Whitestorm.  His daughter Sorreltail went on to have six kits; three of them survived long enough to have children of their own.  Sorreltail’s grandson Fernsong had kits with Ivypool later on.
Bluefur/star and her sister Snowfur were close-knit save for some arguments about Thistleclaw.  Their mother Moonflower was a kind and devoted mother until her death.  Stormtail was a poor parent that barely gave his daughters attention.  He started romancing Dappletail before Moonflower died!  Bluefur/star was so bonded to Whitestorm that he was one of the few cats she trusted in her last days.  
Her relationship with her children is more complicated.  She loves them, but Mistyfoot/star and Stonefur hated her at first when they found out the truth.  Bluefur/star harbors guilt for Mosskit’s death, though the latter does not hold her at fault for it.  
Mistyfoot/star and Stonefur were very close.  Mistyfoot/star grieved heavily when he was killed.  She felt deep pain when having to bury her kits Perchkit, Primrosepaw, and Pikepaw.  Her surviving kit Reedwhisker is shown to have a good relationship with her when he shows up in the books.  Mistyfoot/star even picked him as her deputy.
Whitestorm is only mentioned alongside his mate Willowpelt a few times.  They patrolled together near the end of Into the Wild.  He looked upon her proudly after she announced her pregnancy in Forest of Secrets.  That is the extent of their shown relationship. 
Whitestorm’s relationships with his kits are unfortunately not shown much on screen.  The only exception is him informing Fireheart/star that Sorreltail had woken up after Darkstripe poisoned her with deathberries.  Sootfur, Sorreltail, and Rainwhisker are shown to be close.  The latter two did not take it well when Sootfur died in the badger attack in Twilight.
Sorreltail appears to be a good mother throughout the books.  She supports her kits during stressful situations.  She mourned when Honeyfern died, and is mentioned as missing her son Molepaw (who died as a young apprentice).  Sorreltail in fact died because she had gone back to comfort Lilyheart and Seedpaw after the Great Battle was over with.   
Cinderheart, Honeyfern, and Poppyfrost appear to have good relationships with each other.  Their brother Molepaw doesn’t have enough page time to judge how he got along with them before his death.  Lilyheart and Seedpaw were close before Seedpaw’s death, but they do not interact with their surviving older siblings.  That’s odd as Poppyfrost was in the nursery at the time of their birth.  
Cinderheart’s relationships with her kits are not shown.  Poppyfrost is loving but stern towards Cherryfall and Molewhisker.  Cherryfall and Molewhisker spend a lot of time together.  Lilyheart does not interact with her kits much, but does appear to be a great foster mother to Twigbranch.  Larksong, Leafshade, and Honeyfur are close-knit as apprentices.  They don’t spend as much time with each other after being made warriors.  The three of them did not react when their father Snowbush died.
It might be difficult, but a Bluefur/star descendant is not impossible.  Give it a try.
Redtail: This guy had the misfortune of getting murdered by Tigerclaw/star just before Fireheart/star’s arrival to ThunderClan.  He has one kit with Brindleface: Sandstorm.  It’s odd that Sandstorm has no full siblings with how kits usually come in litters.  
Sandstorm gave him two granddaughters, Leafpool and Squirrelflight.  Leafpool had Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf.  Lionblaze has six kits of his own with Cinderheart.  Squirrelflight kitted Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Juniperkit, and Dandelionkit later.  
Sparkpelt had two kits named Finchkit and Flamekit; their brother Flickerkit was stillborn.  Their father is Larksong.  He died during Squirrelflight’s Hope shortly after Flickerkit from an illness.  
Lionblaze is a good choice for fathering an OC as he seems interested in doing so.  Sparkpelt is an option too.  Jayfeather and Alderheart are not good father material because of being medicine cats, although the concept of a male medicine cat in forbidden love would be great to explore.  Hollyleaf, Juniperkit, and Dandelionkit are out except for AU scenarios with their deaths.
Redtail has several indirect descendants.  His older sister Leopardfoot bore Tigerstar and his dead sisters Mistkit and Nightkit.  This means Brambleclaw/star, Tawnypelt, Hawkfrost, and any kits they have had are relatives of Redtail.  The cat that murdered him was his nephew.  See how confusing the family trees get?
That’s not the worst of it.  His older brother Patchpelt mated once with their sister Willowpelt, resulting in Graystripe.  Graystripe’s kits Feathertail, Stormfur, Blossomfall, Bumblestripe, and Briarlight along with Stormfur’s kits Lark, Pine, Feather, and Breeze and Blossomfall’s kits Eaglewing, Plumstone, Shellfur, and Stemleaf belong to this lineage.  Patchpelt had produced Longtail beforehand with Robinwing.  Neither Longtail or Graystripe are mentioned as having littermates.  Single kitten litters are uncommon.  I wonder what happened...
Willowpelt had more kits than Graystripe.  She mated with three toms in her lifetime: Tawnyspots (who was supposed to have been retired when she was an apprentice from illness and died of said illness shortly afterwards; what happened there?), Patchpelt, and Whitestorm.  Her other kits are Darkstripe, Sootfur, Rainwhisker, and Sorreltail.  Sorreltail lived to have six kits; three of them lived long enough to have children of their own.  Darkstripe, Sootfur, and Rainwhisker died before siring any kits.  It’s a pity with Sootfur and Rainwhisker as they did not receive a lot of screen time.  
Redtail thankfully had a life free of family drama before his murder from what is shown in Bluestar’s Prophecy.  His mother Swiftbreeze cared for her children, and his father Adderfang was a devoted parent that visited the nursery whenever he could.  He got along with his littermates okay.  His relationship with his older siblings is questionable, however.  Leopardfoot and Patchpelt don’t interact with their younger siblings at all, not even to visit their mother after she was done kitting.  Redtail is not seen interacting with Sandstorm either.
Sandstorm loves her kits deeply.  She reminded Firestar to be gentler with Squirrelflight during Midnight as acting stern with her only encouraged her poor behavior.  She was distraught during Squirrelflight’s visit to the Sundrownplace and Leafpool’s capture by Twolegs.  She takes a firm stand when needed, like in Twilight; in that book, she reminded Squirrelflight that her problems shouldn’t get in the way of her duties.  Sandstorm was very worried when Squirrelflight was severely injured in Eclipse.  
Squirrelflight and Leafpool have such a close bond that they literally feel what the other is feeling.  Squirrelflight agreed to act as the foster mother of Leafpool’s kits after some hesitation, an action that eventually endangered her relationship with Brambleclaw/star.  Leafpool carried heavy reservations about hiding the ‘Fire and Tiger’ prophecy from her sister.  
Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf are close-knit.  They argue a lot with one another because of certain issues like Lionblaze meeting up with Heathertail or Hollyleaf’s faked death, but they remained bonded all the same.  Their father Crowfeather has little if any relationship with them.  Their bonds with Squirrelflight and Leafpool became strained after they found out the latter was their mother, but the trio’s hostility disbursed after the Great Battle.
Lionblaze’s kits are mostly minor characters.  They are not shown or mentioned together much.  Snaptooth and Flywhisker train together in The Raging Storm, but that’s about it.  The only exception is Fernsong.  He acts as a loving mate towards Ivypool.  He offered to move into the nursery to care for their kits.  Ivypool returns his affection.   
Having a descendant of Redtail is definitely possible.  His family is one of the more prolific ones in the series. 
Sparrowpelt/Halftail: Much of Halftail’s origins is a mystery.  It is not known who his parents or siblings were.  He became mates with One-eye.  They had two children: Mousefur and Runningwind.  That’s where his lineage stops.  
Mousefur seemed opposed to having a mate or kits during her lifetime.  The closest things she had to a mate were her friendships with Longtail and Purdy.  She was killed during the Dark Forest battle.
Bluestar once stated that Runningwind did not have the right temperament for mentoring.  Mentoring and parenting involve taking care of and supervising young cats.  Runningwind would therefore not be great father material.  Tigerclaw/star killed him during Rising Storm.   
So, grandchildren of Halftail seem to be a no-go.  His parents, siblings, and older relatives could be expanded on in a fanfiction based in the past, however.
White-eye/One-eye: The oldest cat of ThunderClan has a more detailed family than her mate.  Her mother Harepounce was a selfless cat that starved herself to death to feed her kits during a particularly bad leafbare called the Great Hunger.  Harepounce’s mate Stagleap followed her soon after from starvation-induced illness.  
Speckletail is One-eye’s sister.  This is without counting her foster mother Rainfur, and foster siblings Tawnyspots, Dappletail, and Thrushpelt.  Speckletail bore Lionheart, Goldenflower, Snowkit, and Mistlekit.   Lionheart’s love life is unknown, but Goldenflower kitted Swiftpaw, Tawnypelt, and Brambleclaw/star with an unknown tom and Tigerclaw/star.  
Tawnypelt had Tigerheart/star, Dawnpelt, and Flametail with Rowanclaw/star.  Brambleclaw/star eventually sired Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Dandelionkit, and Juniperkit with Squirrelflight.  Dawnpelt and her mate Crowfrost bore Juniperclaw, Strikestone, and Sleekwhisker.  Tigerheart/star and Dovewing kitted Shadowpaw, Lightleap, and Pouncestep.  
Harepounce loved her kits a lot considering she starved herself to feed them.  Stagleap is not mentioned with his kits given his death early in their lives.  Rainfur cared for the two sisters since she took them in without complaint after Harepounce’s death.  
One-eye and Speckletail patrol together once in Bluestar’s Prophecy, and talk about Willowpelt’s nearly due litter in Rising Storm.  Part of what motivates Speckletail to stay behind from the BloodClan battle in The Darkest Hour is that One-eye and Smallear would barely make it.   
One-eye and Tawnyspots share a bond.  They patrolled together around Sunningrocks once in Bluestar’s Prophecy and sat together during Leopardfoot’s kitting,  Thrushpelt circled them during the latter.  Dappletail and One-eye spent a lot of time together as elders.  Dappletail complained about Tawnyspots’ frequent visits to the dirtplace in Bluestar’s Prophecy.    
Any direct kin is out with Mousefur and Runningwind’s temperaments and demises.  Speckletail’s line has several possibilities, though.  Her daughter Goldenflower bore Brambleclaw/star and Tawnypelt.  Any of their kits are therefore indirect kin of One-eye.  It’s unknown whether or not Speckletail’s son Lionheart sired any kits before he died.  Have fun.
Smallear: This grump does not have a detailed family.  His mate was Speckletail.  They had Goldenflower and Lionheart together.  Making a descendant of Smallear through Goldenflower’s kits and grandchildren is a great possibility.  On the other hand, this means that he mocked his own granddaughter Tawnypelt for being Tigerclaw/star’s kit in The Darkest Hour and led to her leaving ThunderClan.  I know he’s a jerk, but what the heck Smallear?
He and Speckletail are only shown together on a patrol once.  He questions medicine cat Goosefeather over an omen in fresh-kill after a kit-aged Lionheart calls the prey dumb, and reassures him seasons later that he was confined to camp for a good cause when Lionheart had to repair the camp wall.  This means that Smallear had a positive relationship with his son if nothing else.  
Smallear never interacts with his daughter Goldenflower on page.  It’s a missed opportunity.  It was she that mated with Tigerclaw/star and bore his kits.  If Smallear heartlessly taunted Tawnypelt about having Tigerclaw/star for a father, shouldn’t he have also taken his daughter to task for mating with him in the first place?  
Lionheart’s romance life is a clean slate, so maybe you could make kits of his.  Other ideas include making Smallear parents and siblings in a pre-gen fic.   It could be interesting.
Dappletail: Dappletail’s background is iffy.  It’s shown in Goosefeather’s Curse that her mother was a cat named Rainfur and her father was the half-WindClan warrior Windflight.  Her siblings were Tawnyspots and Thrushpelt.  She became the foster sister of One-eye and Speckletail later after their mother Harepounce died.  She seems to get along with all her family.  But, we have no idea who her mate was or who her kits were.
Part of Dappletail’s history is that she had a deaf son that disappeared at three moons old.  He was presumed eaten by a fox.  Who sired him, and who were his siblings?  How did Dappletail react to this when it first happened?  The only thing confirmed is that Bluestar’s father Stormtail did not sire the kits even though he and Dappletail had a romantic relationship.  
Tawnyspots was Darkstripe’s father; the latter was killed before he had any children.  Thrushpelt never had any as he was into Bluefur/star, who did not return his feelings.  
Windflight gave Dappletail half-siblings later in the forms of Thistleclaw, Rosetail, and Sweetpaw.  Thistleclaw sired Whitestorm, who in turn had Sorreltail, Rainwhisker, and Sootfur.  Sorreltail had six kits.  Three of them bore children of their own.  
Sweetpaw died as an apprentice, so she never had the chance to start a romance.  Rosetail’s love life is not known, however.  
Dappletail’s relationships with her mother, father, and siblings are not shown in detail.  They are minor characters.  She helped prepare Sweetpaw’s body for her vigil.  Thrushpelt once took out her apprentice Goldenflower when an injury forced her to remain in camp.  She also complained about Tawnyspots’ illness causing him to walk in and out of the warrior’s den all night.  She was a little sad when mentioning her dead son in A Dangerous Path.  That's the extent of her interaction with her family.
Go wild with Dappletail relatives.  She has several holes to fill up.
Frostfur: In contrast to other characters, Frostfur’s line is very detailed.  Her mother was an experienced queen named Robinwing, and her father Fuzzypelt retired soon after she and her sister Brindleface became warriors.  Her parents later had Dustpelt and Ravenpaw.  
It is stated when Robinwing kitted Frostfur and Brindleface that they were not her first litter.  Yet, we never see these older siblings.  What happened to them?  Did they die, or were they just off-screen?
Frostfur bore Cinderpelt, Brackenfur, Thornclaw, and Brightheart shortly before Into The Wild.  It’s not stated or hinted who fathered them.  Maybe your story involves solving that mystery.  She has plenty of descendants. 
Brackenfur sired Sorreltail’s six kits.  Their three living kits Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, and Lilyheart had children.  Cinderheart’s son Larksong sired Sparkpelt’s kits.  Larksong’s siblings Hollytuft and Sorrelstripe have not been seen often enough to know if they desire families or not.  
Poppyfrost’s kits Molewhisker and Cherryfall are clean slates for romance, although Cherryfall had some moments with Stormcloud in Bramblestar’s Storm.  Lilyheart’s kits were all just made warriors in Shattered Sky, so they need time to grow up before becoming parents.
Thornclaw became a late in life parent in Shattered Sky.  His mate Blossomfall had Eaglewing, Plumstone, Shellfur, and Stemleaf.  They are minor characters, but got along well enough as kits.  They also share a bond with their grandfather Graystripe.  It’s unknown if they want kits or not.  Stemleaf is stated to like a cat, but has not mentioned a desire to raise a family
Brightheart got together with Cloudtail.  She bore Whitewing, Ambermoon, Dewnose, and Snowbush.  Whitewing bore Dovewing and Ivypool.  Dovewing kitted a litter of three with Tigerheart/star in Tigerheart’s Shadow.  Ivypool and Fernsong seem to have gotten together.  
Ambermoon and Dewnose do not show signs of romance or lack there of.  Snowbush sired Honeyfur, Leafshine, and Larksong with Sorreltail’s daughter Lilyheart before he died in Darkest Night.  Larksong had a romance with Sparkpelt and sired her kits before dying in Squirrelflight’s Hope.
Frostfur’s sister Brindleface had two kits that died early, Sandstorm, Ferncloud, and Ashfur.  Perhaps stories could take a look at Brindleface’s two young dead kits to explore what they were like, what they were named, and how they interacted with their siblings before their deaths.
Sandstorm mated with Fireheart/star, resulting in Squirrelflight and Leafpool.  Leafpool gave birth to Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze.  Lionblaze had six kits with Cinderheart.  Squirrelflight bore Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Dandelionkit, and Juniperkit later on.  Sparkpelt is a good choice, Alderheart can’t legally take a mate as a medicine cat, and the latter two are dead.  Dandelionkit and Juniperkit have not even been seen in StarClan when Alderheart visits, which seems like a missed opportunity.  
Ferncloud got together with Dustpelt... who is also her uncle.  It seems the authors should have been more careful when making the family trees.  She bore Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Hollykit, Larchkit, Icecloud, and Foxleap.  Only Birchfall is still alive as of this writing.  He and Spiderleg were the only ones to have kits of their own.
Spiderleg sired Rosepetal and Toadstep with Daisy.  Toadstep died in between The Last Hope and Bramblestar’s Storm.  Rosepetal has shown signs of liking Bumblestripe.  Their line is definitely a possibility.    
Birchfall had Dovewing and Ivypool with Whitewing.  Dovewing has three  kits with Tigerheart/star as of Tigerheart’s Shadow.  Ivypool became mates with Fernsong, who seems very eager to help out in the nursery.  Dovewing and Ivypool’s friendship has suffered from the former’s meetings with Tigerheart/star.  It’s unknown how Dovewing leaving ThunderClan has affected her relations with her parents, but the fallout may be negative.
Frostfur’s brother Dustpelt has one of the most prolific lines in the series with his mate and niece Ferncloud.  Their kits are listed under Ferncloud’s subsection.  Dustpelt took her death very hard.  Icecloud and Foxleap’s deaths coming very soon after their mother’s demise likely added to his grief.  
Last is Ravenpaw, who seems to be the least favorite sibling of the family.  He was canonically shown as having a close relationship with Barley.  He has never wanted a mate or kits.  The Warriors series is meant for children, so they can’t show explicit LBGTQ relationships without getting into trouble.  The way Ravenpaw’s relatives treated him before he left ThunderClan is questionable.
Vicky Holmes has gone on record to say that Dustpelt would do everything to deny his relation with Ravenpaw.  Dustpelt was shown attacking him when he was stripping down a leaf near the end of Bluestar’s Prophecy.  He accused Ravenpaw of being a WindClan spy at first during the Warriors manga A Clan in Need when Ravenpaw diverted a confrontation between a WindClan and ThunderClan patrol over a missing kit.       
Brindleface is never shown interacting with Ravenpaw or Dustpelt very much.  She did have a good relationship with Frostfur, however.  They spent time around each other, and had their litters around the same time.  That speaks louder than words.
Frostfur acted aggressively towards Ravenpaw when he strayed near the nursery after Tigerclaw/star accused him of stealing her kits during Into The Wild.  While her behavior could be excused if the Warriors series was more realistic about cat behavior (that is, adult toms would not be permitted around the nursery area at all), it doesn’t click as the characters are humanized.  Why did she believe Tigerclaw/star’s lie?  Why didn’t she see through it and stick up for her little brother?  Did she regret her actions when she found out the truth? 
The only family members innocent of wrongdoing with Ravenpaw are his parents.  Robinwing was said to have been very patient with him near the end of Bluestar’s Prophecy.  Fuzzypelt seemed decent enough, and was an elder when he and his mate had Ravenpaw and Dustpelt.  He likely died shortly after they were born.
There are many Frostfur descendants to choose from, and family drama to be had. 
Fireheart/star: As fitting of the main character of the first series, his family has been elaborated on with time.  His mother Nutmeg was a kittypet who had no idea of what her son was up to.  His father Jake was also a kittypet; he was a lot more adventurous than his mate.  Fireheart/star had several siblings, including his sister Princess.  He unknowingly killed his half-brother Scourge when BloodClan threatened the forest
He and Sandstorm came together, which resulted in Squirrelflight and Leafpool’s births.  Leafpool kitted Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze.  Lionblaze now has six kits of his own.  Jayfeather is not a good mate choice with him being a medicine cat and snappish temperament, although it could come about in the right circumstance.  Hollyleaf is not around for having kits except for AU stories with her death in The Last Hope.  
Squirrelflight bore Sparkpelt, Alderheart, Juniperkit, and Dandelionkit as an older cat.  Sparkpelt is a good option.  Alderheart is not a great choice for siring kits because of him being a medicine cat.  Juniperkit and Dandelionkit died young, so they are not options outside of AUs
Fireheart/star’s sister Princess gave him his nephew Cloudtail to raise.  Cloudtail sired Whitewing, Ambermoon, Dewnose, and Snowbush with Brightheart.  Whitewing kitted Dovewing and Ivypool with Birchfall.  Dovewing had Lightleap, Shadowpaw, and Pouncestep with Tigerheart/star.  Ivypool appears likely to have kits with Lionblaze’s son Fernsong soon.  
Ambermoon and Dewnose do not show signs of romance or lack there of.  Go wild with them.  Snowbush had Larksong, Leafshine, and Honeyfur with Lilyheart before he died in Darkest Night.  
Cloudtail had littermates.  It would be cool to see what happened to them.  Have a field day.  One of them might have had kits later that the rest of Fireheart/star’s line are unaware about.
Speaking of which, why not write about Fireheart/star and Princess’ littermates?  Princess mentioned once that she sometimes met up with them.  How did their lives turn out after the Clans left?  Did any of them leave Fireheart/star and Princess nieces and nephews?
Lastly, there is Fireheart/star’s half-brother Scourge and his siblings Ruby and Socks.  Scourge did not seem like the nurturing or romantic type, so him having kits before his death seems unlikely.  Ruby and Socks were forced on the streets as loners.  They lived at least a few years after their brother’s death according to the fifth Erin Hunter chat.  They could have found love.  Ruby and Socks’ relationship with Scourge was hostile with them bullying him as a kit.
Firestar appeared to have a lot of love for his daughters, although his time interacting with them diminished before his death.  He was tougher on Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze; they still had a lot of respect for him.  He acts more supportive of Alderheart when he is seen in StarClan.  He experienced a close relationship with his sister Princess until the Clans left the forest.  He has not interacted with his other littermates, Cloudtail’s siblings, or Squirrelflight’s non-medicine cat kits in the actual books, so his relationship with them is not known.
Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf are close-knit.  They argue a lot with one another because of certain issues like Lionblaze meeting up with Heathertail or Hollyleaf’s faked death, but they remained bonded all the same.  Their father Crowfeather has little if any relationship with them.  Their bonds with Squirrelflight and Leafpool became strained after they found out the latter was their mother, but the trio’s hostility disbursed after the Great Battle.      
So, there are plenty of options for a Fireheart/star descendant.  Have fun.
Daisy: Daisy gets a lot of flak for staying in the nursery.  For all of that, she had only taken two mates (Smoky and Spiderleg) and bore five kits.  Smoky sired Berrynose, Hazeltail, and Mousewhisker.  Spiderleg fathered Toadstep and Rosepetal.
Berrynose had Cherryfall and Molewhisker with Poppyfrost.  Neither of them have shown signs of romantic preferences outside of some moments Cherryfall had with Stormcloud in Bramblestar’s Storm.  Cherryfall and Molewhisker could have kits if the circumstances are right.
Mousewhisker has not had enough time on page to indicate if he wants a family or not.  He has become a very minor character in recent books.  He is another option.
Hazeltail and Toadstep are not around for romance or kits outside of AUs.  They both died between The Last Hope and Bramblestar’s Storm.
Rosepetal has shown signs of being attracted to Bumblestripe.  She’s a good choice for a Daisy descendant.  
Daisy is a loving if protective mother.  Her children seem to get along okay.  They are sometimes mentioned as taking duties together.  Hazeltail is very excited when Toadstep and Rosepetal are first born.  Unfortunately, they are not mentioned too often because of being minor characters.  We don’t even see Daisy or her surviving kits’ reactions to Toadstep and Hazeltail’s deaths.  That seems like hasty writing to me.  
A Daisy descendant is a good choice.
Stormcloud: This poor cat is a former kittypet that joined ThunderClan after a flood made him lose his home.  He also lost his brother Benny in the flood.  He has shown chemistry with Cherryfall. so kits with her are a possibility.  
None of Stormcloud’s relatives except for Benny are known.  Did he have any other siblings that lived in a different house?  Who were his parents?  How would any of his remaining family react to his new life? 
Give kin of Stormcloud a go.
Mapleshade: Before starting on Mapleshade’s section, I would like to say that how her Clan handled her forbidden relationship with Appledusk was atrocious.  A leader banished three two-moon old kits with their mother, a warrior referred to the kits as ‘creatures’, said warrior watched them drown in the river without helping them, and the mother’s RiverClan mate Appledusk got off scot-free.
With that in mind, where are Mapleshade’s parents, siblings, or other kin?  ThunderClan is shown to be very low in numbers in Mapleshade’s Vengeance; Mapleshade is the only queen at that time.  Even if she had betrayed the first law of the warrior code, her family would have stood up for her.  They could have pointed out that banishing her would mean four less ThunderClan cats later.  They could have reminded Oakstar that banishing kits for their mother’s crimes was wrong and perhaps a breach of the twelfth law of the warrior code.  
A direct Mapleshade descendant is out with Patchkit, Petalkit, and Larchkit’s deaths.  But, maybe she did have a sibling somewhere that had kits later.  This could lead into several dark story possibilities.  
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phantomflower42 · 6 years
hello! so um, do u know at what age the boruto generation kids enter the academy? and do u think there are age restrictions (like, u must be lets say 11 for you to enter) for entering the academy in boruto's generation? what about prodigy child like kakashi? if someone in the boruto generation is deemed a prodigy, is it ok for them to graduate early? sorry for the many questions hehe..
We’re still learning a lot about the Boruto generation, so many of the mods can’t answer with certainty. We have about as much info as you guys do.
 I’m guessing Academy enrollment starts at around 6, though they’d be taking very basic classes at the beginning. As for early graduation, it’s a time of peace, so the kids wouldn’t be churned through or pushed quite as fast as they were in times of war and uncertainty. I’m guessing someone would be allowed to graduate early, though I think they would be more encouraged to take their time than in previous generations. 
From uchihasaviour: 
 After itachi’s generation, graduating early was forbidden, Hiruzen enacted a rule that all Academy children are to graduate at the correct ages of 11-12. This is likely still in effect, so the earliest someone can graduate “early” into genin is 11 (in Izumi’s case, who is one year early.) There’s also not been a War whose demand was high enough since the 3rd war to force children to fight. 4th was was fought by teenage shinobi and up.
Looking at the skills of Boruto’s generation as genin too, it seems very unlikely that Hiruzen’s rule has been changed. We’ll hopefully have more details as Boruto progresses, but for now, I’d have to say that early graduation isn’t possible.
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phantomflower42 · 7 years
Naruto OCs: Surviving The Uchiha Clan Massacre
This is a serious topic in the Naruto fandom.  People seem to froth at the mouth if you even think of having an Uchiha OC post-massacre.  
But, I am not one those people.  There is a little leeway for Uchihas to live after the Uchiha clan massacre.  It just takes some creative thinking.   There are several holes that can be taken advantage of.
Before I go any further, allow me to explain to those unfamiliar with Naruto or its sequel series Boruto what the Uchiha clan massacre is, the basics of the Uchiha clan in general, and why living members of the Uchiha clan after this event are unlikely.
The Uchiha clan were a founding clan of Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf Village) alongside the Senju clan.  The Uchiha and the Senju were enemies before they made a truce, and founded Konoha.  The Uchiha were said to have had a greater capacity for love than other people.  
However, they inherited a bloodline called the Sharingan that literally evolved with extreme emotions.  The extreme emotions in question often ended up being the death of a close friend or family member.  The Sharingan was born out of the pain of that loss.  Several Uchiha went off the deep end after losing too many comrades.
The Nidaime Hokage Senju Tobirama realized this.  He did not trust the Uchiha.  He put them in charge of Konohagakure’s police force to keep them out of politics.  The regular villagers treated the Uchiha clan okay, but the high ranked ninja of the village kept an eye on them.  The Sandaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and his advisers forced the Uchiha to all live together in a compound after one of them was suspected in the Kyuubi attack.
The Uchiha clan grew bitter towards Konohagakure thanks to the Hokage and his advisers’ actions towards them.  They started making plans for a coup d’etat.  The clan leader’s eldest son Uchiha Itachi started spying on his clansmen for the village.  With the assistance of a disguised Uchiha Obito, he killed his clan upon orders from his village at age thirteen for their impending treason.  Only his younger brother Sasuke was officially spared from the slaughter.    
While the massacre has been on orders, Itachi was forced to defect from Konohagakure right after.  He joined the terrorist group Akatsuki.  The regular villagers of Konohagakure thought the massacre was a random tragedy.  Few knew the truth until after Itachi’s death around eight years later.  
Note the second-to-last sentence.  Most of the villagers thought it was a random tragedy.  That means that no one knew the truth about the Uchiha clan being marginalized or that they were plotting treason.  Any actions the higher-ups took against the Uchiha clan had to be discreet.
With that in mind, I will list the most likely ways for a member of the Uchiha clan to survive or otherwise exist after the massacre.  Note that since the elders ordered the Uchihas’ deaths that your OC would likely not stay in Konohagakure afterwards.
1) Becoming a missing-nin before the massacre, preferably before the Kyuubi attack.
Madara, Obito, Itachi, and Sasuke do not have a monopoly on being defectors.  Other Uchiha would have good reasons to defect as well.  They could be tired of how their clan is treated, or may not agree with the Will of Fire.  I suggest defecting before the Kyuubi attack as the Uchiha clan were kept a very close eye on after that. 
2) Retiring from ninja work and moving away from Konohagakure pre-massacre.  
The Hokage has say over ninja in their active roster, but that authority diminishes once a ninja goes into retirement.  Not every ninja stays on for life.  An Uchiha could decide to settle down, pursue a civilian job, and raise a family like anyone else.  The situation would become more plausible if the Uchiha in question moved some distance away from Konoha.
Hiruzen could try calling the Uchiha back after the Kyuubi attack, but his authority would be minimal at best.  The process could become complicated.  The retired Uchiha could have a business they run at this point, be employed, have a spouse, and may have produced children with said spouse.  
That even presumes the retired Uchiha can be located.  Evidence in the Naruto series points to the Uchiha breeding among themselves for the most part.  It’s presumably to keep the Sharingan to themselves.  An Uchiha with an outside spouse might be disowned from the clan.  Such an Uchiha might not be able to be traced from letters or other communications if their clan cut off communication with them.  
It would take time to close down a business or otherwise put notice into the Uchiha’s place of employment, a new place might need building in the compound so the Uchiha and their family has a place to live, the Uchiha would have to do something with their current residence, the Uchiha’s family would need a cart to carry their belongings, and any children or spouses would need immigration papers.  This would add up very fast.  Forcing the retired Uchiha to move back to Konohagakure would become impossible if they moved to another country altogether.  
The elders may want every Uchiha dead, but they appear pragmatic.  They might decide that wasting a lot of time, money, and effort on one Uchiha would not be worth it.  Shimura Danzo could attempt sending his ROOT agents, but they would be in big trouble if local ninja caught them.  The Hokage and his advisers might not even know the retired Uchiha’s current address.  They will probably drop the issue.
3) Coincidentally being on a mission at the time of the massacre, preferably some distance away from Konohagakure.
Remember how the Konohagakure citizens thought that the Uchiha clan massacre was a random tragedy?  While Hiruzen and the elders got away with confining them to a compound, they could not prevent normal business like Uchiha ninja going out on missions with their teammates.  Missions keep on coming as Konohagakure’s source of income.  Barring all Uchiha ninja from missions with their teammates just before the massacre would have looked a little suspicious, yes?
The important thing to remember is that Itachi fled Konohagakure soon after he killed everyone in the Uchiha clan compound.  He joined Akatsuki shortly afterwards.  He was declared a traitor, so he would not have been able to stick around for any late-comers.  He would not have been able to go on a killing spree of Uchiha on missions across the Hidden Countries, either.  It would take too much energy out of him.   An Uchiha on a mission would mainly be on the lookout for Danzo’s ROOT agents.
An Uchiha’s chances of survival increases the further away they are from Konohagakure at the time.  They certainly have a chance of defeating ROOT ninja sent after them.  Keep in mind that the ROOT ninja will have their work cut out for them if the Uchiha is in another country.  While the seals on their tongues will prevent them from spouting secrets, their masks and other ANBU regalia could link them back to Konoha if local ninja detain them.  That would be bad.  
Plan on how Hiruzen will deal with all of these Uchiha who suddenly have to fear death if they come back home.  He may well deliver communications with an altered version of what happened, and order the Uchiha and/or their whole squad to fake the dead.  The Uchiha could be placed under a special ninja witness protection program or given a new identity.   If he decides on the first option, he will probably set up the basics for the Uchiha’s new life as a sort of severance pay.   
4) Traveling away from Konohagakure around the time of the massacre.
Being a ninja does not prevent someone from going out on vacation as long as they approve the vacation days with their village leader first.  Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya had participated in a festival while searching for Tsunade; no one batted an eye at them despite their forehead protectors.  Several Konohagakure clans have allies they occasionally meet with outside of the village, including the Uchiha.  Forbidding an Uchiha from taking vacation days would look just as bad as barring them from missions.
An Uchiha in this situation would have to look out for ROOT ninja.  Should they make it back to the village, the Sandaime would likely sit them down to explain what happened.  The Uchiha would be informed that they could no longer reside in Konohagakure for their own safety.  They would probably fake their death on orders, and move somewhere else.  Other options would be placing them in ninja witness protection program of some kind, or changing their identity.
5) Being a civilian Uchiha out on business at the time of the Uchiha clan massacre.
This one is simple.  Not all Uchiha are ninja.  Non-ninja have more of a range of movement than shinobi do.  People that are part of certain industries will sometimes need to travel to business meetings.  Hiruzen would not have that much authority over them.  
If Hiruzen knew of such an unaccounted for Uchiha civilian, he would probably order a ninja to escort them to Hiruzen’s office upon the civilian Uchiha’s return.  The Uchiha would then be given an account of the massacre, and warned that staying in Konohagakure was no longer safe for them.  Hiruzen might even help them find a new place to live depending on the circumstances involved.
6) Faking the dead during the massacre, then fleeing the village.
This one would take some skills and good luck to pull off.  But, if the Uchiha could render their breathing undetectable and stayed still for a while on the bloodied ground, Itachi, Obito, and Danzo’s ROOT ninja would stop paying attention to them.  Even an Uchiha loyal to Konoha would understand that this was no longer their home with other Konohagakure ninja attacking them.  They would probably be roughing it for a while, but would eventually find another place to live.   
7) Being conceived between an Uchiha and an outside party when the Uchiha was on a mission.  Preferably, a long-term one that happened a distance from Konohagakure.
Do you think that the Uchiha were free of indiscretions?  The Hokage’s advisers would have trouble targeting a half-Uchiha baby for death if even the Uchiha clan is not aware of their existence.  The Uchiha parent would likely do everything they could to conceal their child’s existence.  Even a female Uchiha would not have much trouble doing so if she left the baby with the father’s family.
Uchiha usually have either black or brown hair and black eyes.  That look is so common that a half-Uchiha in a non-Konoha location would not be given a second glance.  The chance of being recognized as one decreases if they inherited their non-Uchiha parent’s hair or eye color.  The Sharingan might activate, but the half-Uchiha would likely be a teenager by then at minimum.  Mission babies are probably as safe as it gets.  
8) Being born outside of Konohagakure from any of the previous groups.
People reproduce.  It’s a fact of life.  If an Uchiha has had a baby outside of Konohagakure’s walls, and the Uchiha parent is already off the grid, there’s not a lot the elders could do.  Uchiha from any of the previous situations could settle down and have children away from their original village.  The Uchiha child may or may not know about their bloodline or clan history depending on the circumstances.
There is one thing that will be universal, however.  The child will likely be warned to avoid Konohagakure like the plague after the massacre if they can help it.  Most Uchiha in the situations above will know that their former home is no longer safe.  That could apply double post-Fourth Shinobi World War thanks to Sasuke, Obito, and Madara’s actions.    
Having a living Uchiha OC after the massacre is possible.  You just have to be careful on how you plan it out.  Do not make them closely related to Sasuke and Itachi unless it’s an AU.  A third Uchiha sibling would change the canon story significantly.
Remember not to make too many post-massacre OCs.  While there are holes to be had, Itachi, the elders, ROOT, and Obito were as thorough as they could be considering the different variables.  Have a nice day.
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phantomflower42 · 7 years
OC History
Ah yes, history.  Everyone has a past.  Even an amnesiac person had a life up until whatever caused them to lose their memories.  The events that a person experiences shapes a lot of who they end up being.  How did you character get to where they are now?
Childhood: Relative Pitfalls
One of the first things you need to decide is who your character’s parents are.  They are the ones that have brought your character into the world and raised them.  Their looks will influence your character’s general appearance.  Think long and hard about their looks and how they will act.
Are your character’s parents canon characters by chance?  That can happen.  Just make sure that it’s plausible that they have gotten together and want a child.  Try to not have them too young at the time.  Teenage pregnancy is a lot more difficult than it looks on TV.     
One of the best things you can do is show your characters interacting with their parents.  It establishes their family bonds, adds a fluffy moment or two, and helps avoid certain cliches that are too common.  Those cliches are distant parents, abusive parents, vanished parents, and dead parents.  
A lot of authors don’t like going through the trouble of making parents for their characters.  A lot of characters have parents away on frequent business trips, parents that are emotionally absent and go elsewhere, mothers that died during their birth, fathers that never knew about their children, and parents that hurt their kids with words, force, and who knows what else.  This trend needs to stop.
Whenever I am on Fanfiction.net, I notice that a lot of the summaries for stories include the fact that the main character is abused, is being pushed away in favor of their siblings, or is an orphan.  These story ideas should not be so common.  
Most parents love their children.  They brought their children into the world because they wanted them.  Cases of a parent resenting their unborn child are rare.  Most parents do not die until their kids have reached adulthood, although this can heavily depend on the setting’s medical knowledge and technological level.
They are already enough canon abused characters from the books I read.  Harry Potter, Cinderella, Crookedstar of RiverClan from the Warriors series, and Breezepelt of WIndClan from the Warriors series.  What do they all have in common?  They were all abused in some way by at least one of their guardians.  They all responded in different ways.  Try a different conflict.
Having a character’s relatives die can be realistic if you choose the right fandom.  Neither the Warriors series or Naruto have safe settings.  Several characters in both die in the backstory from the harsh conditions.  Several characters in Harry Potter lost relatives from the first and second wizarding wars.  Just be careful not to exterminate all of your characters relatives.  Setting them up for a Sasuke Uchiha avenger-type deal is just not a good idea.
Childhood: School and Friends
All young kids have to attend school or some equivalent.  School is where kids learn basic skills such as reading, writing, math, history, typing, geography, science, the arts, music, foreign languages, and whatever is important to their society.  At the least, children should be home-schooled by their parents so they know basic skills or be apprenticed to someone to learn a trade.
Where did your character attend school?  What was their favorite subject?  Who was their favorite teacher?  What type of kids did they hang out with there?  When did they graduate?
Friends are non-negotiable.  Just about everyone has a group of friends.  Even if they are part of a discriminated group, they will likely have one or two friends at the least.  Friends offer your character social interaction, different viewpoints, and an influence other than family members.  The only reasons that a child would not have friends are if their parents kept them isolated or heavily sheltered (or if they lived in a remote area with no other kids).
Think of where your character liked to hang out and what they liked doing as children.  Do their hobbies and childhood hangouts sound plausible for their age and their series’ setting?  Did they like to fish, hunt, or climb trees?  Did they often order food from a fast food place?  Were they a fan of sports?  Were they addicted to television and video games?  Jot everything down.
Did your character have a pet of some kind while a child?  If so, what type of creature was the pet?  How close were they?  How well did your character take care of the pet?  What fun things did they do together?  Did the character have to give away the pet or otherwise take the pet on that final trip to the vet at some point?
There are exceptions for schooling, of course.  Being educated was not so common back in ancient times.  Schooling was once a privilege.  But, your character should at least be taught how to make some money, survive, and behave in society.    
If your character has a high-ranking job that requires some college education, think of some of the groundwork they laid as a teenager to make their path possible.  How hard did your character study?  How well did they perform on tests?  Did they apply for loans or pick up a part-time job?
Childhood: Plausible Losses
Your character’s life should not be a tragedy, but there will be times where they are forced to say goodbye to people they know and love.  Friends will move away for whatever reason.  Maybe an aunt or uncle gets in trouble and has to go to prison.  
Parents will sometimes not be able to get along and divorce, which can open a large can of worms.  Pets usually do not live as long as their owners.  People will occasionally be victims of fatal accidents or terminal illnesses.  As long as your character does not suffer losses left and right without reason, there is not a problem.
Think about the character’s reaction to the loss.  This may depend on whether the loss was gradual or something they knew about sometime in advance.  Another factor is the closeness to characters involved in the loss.  They may cry or fume in anger.  They will probably wonder why this is happening.  They may feel isolated.  Write your character’s feelings about it into their story so the audience can sympathize.  Take care to make their reaction stay in proportion to their loss.
Characters that have suffered a loss need time to recover.  They may still have emotional outbursts about the event even months later if something triggers it.  There are some events like the divorce of their parents or the deaths of their sibling or best friend that they may never fully recover from.  
Harry Potter’s George Weasley never apparently recovered from his twin brother Fred Weasley’s death.  The character should learn to live with the loss while not fully getting over it if this happens.  Not many people remain in crippling depression over a person’s death forever.     
Childhood: Other Tragic Events
Losing loved ones is not the only bad thing that can happen to characters.  Depending on the setting, they could be beaten senseless for a reason they do not understand, abused, kidnapped, enslaved, abandoned, or raped.  Their family could go bankrupt.  
Shy away from these kinds of events when possible.  It is a difficult task to write these kinds of situations correctly.  The Warriors series recently failed at this when they depicted a pedophilic relationship in Spottedleaf’s Heart.  Abuse victims that were Warriors fans got triggered as they had no idea of what the story contained until they read it.  If you utilize abuse or rape at all in your story, put a warning either in the summary or the beginning of the chapter where it takes place.
Most fanfiction readers don’t like it when the main OC character’s dark past overshadows the story.  Try to only bring up negative parts of your character’s past when it becomes relevant.  Attempt to give your character a normal happy childhood.  
If you decide to use such events anyway, research as much as you can about what dark subject you’re using.  Portray it as realistically as possible.  As a rule of thumb, most people do not dwell on a traumatizing event from years ago unless something recent has triggered their memories of the event.
Childhood: Significant Events
Some events will impact your character’s views even if the event seemed minor at the time.  Let’s say a boy sees chickens in a dirty cramped pen somewhere.  He may decide that he hates what he is seeing, and grows up to lobby for better living conditions for farm animals. Maybe he swears off meat all together.
Maybe your character hit a milestone and reached a goal.  Perhaps a young ninja from a clan has mastered their clan’s signature jutsu.  Note anything big that happens to your character.  Think of their response and that of their family.
Remember that a character’s views do not pop out of nowhere.  Make sure that a certain event and character’s response to it matches with their values.
Adolescence: Love
Romance is a nightmare for many writers.  It can overshadow a story’s main plot.  But, like it or not, adolescence is when a person discovers their interest in romance for the first time.  Many changes are occurring in their body.  Boys no longer think that girls have cooties.  Girls are seeing that guys look attractive.  Their hormone-driven thought may impair their judgement.
A few ways to hint puberty is affecting your character without it messing up the rest of the story is to mention the character either thinking about or discreetly checking out people their believe are attractive a few times.  It does not need to be a full-blown crush or reciprocated by the other person.
If you do go the romance route, do not cheat.  Show how the two involved characters got introduced to each other.  Describe how their different personalities click.  Put emphasis on the relationship slowly building up.  
Do not have them perform sex with each other until they have grown close enough for that.  Keep in mind minimum age legalities for sex as well if you use it during your story.  I suggest no younger than sixteen for either party unless your story takes place in a historical setting where the age limit on sex and marriage was lower.   
Does your character and any partners they have get into arguments?  How are they resolved?  Are the arguments so severe that they break up?   
On another note, it is perfectly okay for your character to be uninterested in sex or romance.  Not everyone is interested in that.  Just make your character’s stance clear if you take that route. 
In Conclusion
Make sure your character’s past is sensible for their current situation.  No one likes an inconsistent or implausible backstory.  Have fun!
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phantomflower42 · 8 years
OC Appearances and Clothing
A character’s looks are the easiest thing to get wrong when writing a story for the first time.  A lot of first time fanfiction writers seem to be concerned about making the most attractive character possible.  Even if something about their clothes or body does not mesh with the setting.  Jeans are not common finds during most of the Naruto series, for instance.  And two-toned hair is dreaded by many (not just because such a hair color is usually impossible without dye; the combination of colors might hurt the the reader’s eyes!).
Sound familiar?  Let’s see about correcting this little problem.
A Character’s Looks Should Be Possible For The Location They Live In
Even in the real world, a person’s skin color, hair color, eye color, and body features vary depending on the region they were born.  Harry Potter takes place in a world similar to ours but with hidden magic, so a character should not have unnaturally colored hair unless it has been dyed or glamoured up somehow.  There are Metamorphmagi that can change their looks at will, but they are very rare.
Characters from Naruto and several other anime series like Pokemon can have pink, blue, green, purple, and naturally white mantles in addition to black, brown, blonde, and red.  However, their hair is usually not too vibrant.  Eye colors vary the same way.  
If natural blue hair is not possible in the setting, chances are red eyes will not be found either without something like magic or mind control going on.  Voldemort received his red eyes, white skin, and baldness from all of the Dark Arts he dabbled in (which destroyed his previously good looks of pale skin and dark hair and eyes).  
When someone is hypnotized or otherwise being mind controlled in visual media, their eyes may change color (frequently to red), glaze over, drift into a half-closed position with a vacant look, gain swirls inside of the iris, or turn completely white.  Hypnosis is generally a short-time thing, so that had not better be your character’s permanent eye color.   
The character’s location can affect the color of their skin along with how much time they spend outdoors.  Characters living in the tropics will have darker skin than those up north.  Anyone staying indoors will usually have a paler complexion than an avid sportsman.   
If locals are known for having a certain body type or quirk (like not being able to grow a beard), your character should probably share them unless they have a good reason.  Like have a parent not native to the area (and therefore having distinct looks of their own).  
A Character’s Body Should Mesh With Their Parents’ Genetics 
When you look at your character and compare them to their relatives, they should look like they fit in their family.  Many visual traits are inherited from parents, including their natural hair color, hair texture, eye color, skin color, general body build, the length of their limbs, nose type, beauty marks, freckles, and if they need glasses.  They do not need to be clones of their parents.  That should be avoided.  But, your character should have a few traits from both parents that make it clear who they are related to.  
For example, I made a set of triplet SasuSaku OCs years before the Naruto epilogue came out.  I am still tweaking them to this day.  The eldest triplet has Sakura’s basic hair color, bluish-green eyes from her blue-eyed maternal grandfather Kizashi, and Sasuke’s eye-shape and sharp face.  Her pink hair is darker and cut in in a different way than her mother’s, she has a slightly darker complexion from being outside more often than her parents had in their childhood, she is of a slightly heavier build than her mother had been from focusing on ninja training early on, and wears differently styled clothes than either of her parents.  
But, if your were to make a family photo of Sakura, Sasuke, Kizashi, his wife Mebuki, my OC, and her two younger siblings, it should not take a genius to find out that they belong together.
Genetics are a complicated subject.  In humans, brown hair and brown eyes are the most dominant.  Brown hair is followed by black hair, then blonde and red.  Blue eyes, green eyes, and hazel eyes are less frequently found than brown eyes.  If your character has an unusual hair or eye color, you need to decide how dominant the gene is in comparison to the normal ones.   
Hair textures can vary from person to person.  Straight hair, wavy hair, curly hair, corkscrews, messy hair, and spiky hair are all possible.  Certain hair textures are more common in different locations and families.  James Potter passed on his messy hair and need for glasses onto Harry Potter.  Harry’s son Albus received messy hair from his father as well.     
Skin color is affected by multiple genes.  The genes are incompletely dominant, and are a mix of what the parents give the child.  If both parents are naturally pale, their children will likely follow suit.  If one parent is dark-skinned and the other is pale, it can go either way, but the child will not be as pale as their second parent.  
Body type is affected by genetics and the environment like a person’s skin color.  If a mother has wide hips or a father is known for his broad shoulders, chances are their kids will have the same traits.  Diet, exercise, and other factors can influence a person’s body to quite the extent.
A Character’s Appearance Should Have Flaws (And Don’t Be Afraid To Get Grotesque If You Need To!)
People tend to get annoyed when a fanfiction writer harps about their character having the perfect body, with a perfectly muscular body or with curves in all the right places.  It’s okay for your character to be pretty or handsome, but they need a few negatives to balance them out.
Harry Potter is described as being a small messy-haired boy with knobby knees when we first see him.  Jayfeather from Warriors has a short tail, and is rather small in stature.  He is blind on top of this.  Sakura Haruno from Naruto has a small chest and large forehead.  Mort from the protagonist titled book Mort of the Discworld series is said to be rail thin, and made up entirely of knees.  These characters have starring roles in their series’ and books, but are not physically perfect.
What might be considered a flaw?  Try thick thighs, big hands and feet, a weak jaw, crooked or missing teeth, gangly limbs, small eyes, glasses, knobby knees, frizzy hair, no waist, broad shoulders, thick eyebrows, lanky limbs, or an upturned or bulbous nose.  Try to find what flaw suits your character best.
Some characters have uncanny or outright scary looks.  Many of these are caused by major injuries that scarred, or exposure to harmful things like with Voldemort mentioned above.  If it was a major injury, the character had likely received it from a life-threatening experience.  The scar tells a story.  Use with good taste.  
Not all scarred or scary characters need to be evil.        
Brightheart from Warriors had half of her face ripped off from a dog pack attacking her.  She is reminded every time she looks into a puddle or the lake of her foolish decision when she was an apprentice to go after the dogs so she and her fellow apprentice Swiftpaw could finally become warriors.  Their warrior ceremonies had been delayed because ThunderClan leader Bluestar’s mind slipped away in the last months of her life.  Brightheart got scarred, and Swiftpaw died.  It is implied that part of her skull is visible.  But, she eventually become a warrior.  She is a kind and compassionate cat to this day.
Ibiki Morino from Naruto is littered with scars.  His whole head is covered with them.  It’s implied that they came from him never leaking information to enemies, even under extreme torture.  It demonstrates his mental fortitude.  He is not the kindest character around, but he is firmly on the Hidden Leaf Village’s side.
Rock from Warriors is hairless, and has bulging blind eyes that are compared to eggs.  A character is noted to be shocked at his appearance when seeing him for the first time.  But, he does help out Jayfeather and the Three at several points.  He is at worst neutral.  
And, please do not tell me that Death from the Discworld series is in anyway attractive.  Since he is the classical bony black-cloaked Grim Reaper, it’s safe to say that a lot of people would find him frightening to look at.  But, he is far from evil during most of his series.  He displays compassion for those souls he must collect, treats his horse Binky and manservant Albert kindly, loves cats (and REALLY hates those who kill them), tries to be a doting grandfather to his adopted granddaughter Susan (and only failing because of her parents interfering), will find a way around his usual rules if it is needed, and will team up with humanity against higher threats.     
Ugly and scary characters should not always be relegated into the villain role.  They often make sympathetic heroes.  
A Character’s Looks Should Suit Their Series
Look at the wizards in Harry Potter.  Are most of them seen or described as wearing modern clothing?  Especially anything associated with a certain fashion trend (like preppy, scenic, grunge, or Gothic)?  No.  The majority of those without ties to the non-magical world wear robes or clothing from the 1800s.  Even muggleborn and younger characters do not wear the latest greatest thing.  Most of the series takes place in the 1990s.  Even if a young wizard was interested in muggle fashion, minimalism was the order of the day back in the nineties era.
Take a look at characters from the setting where you’re inserting your fan character.  There are many fan wikis.  Find out what is acceptable clothing and what isn’t.  Even books sometimes include pictures of the important characters.  Pay attention to what kind of clothing is described in text if your chosen fandom is a book series.   If the series takes place in a certain time period, Google ‘fashion of (time period)’.
It’s one thing to make your character look great.  It’s another to make them the orange in a group of apples.  Just don’t do it.
A Character’s Looks Should Fit Their Personality
They say that the a person’s appearance hints at their inner side.  Someone that dresses in revealing clothes or bright colors is likely a very confident person.  Conversely, shy and timid folks prefer more conservative clothing with duller shades of color.  An active person is likely to either cut their hair short or restrain their hair somehow so it doesn’t get caught on anything.  Beauty queens will likely allow their hair to cascade down their back or be put up in an elaborate ‘do.
Let’s say a character has short hair.  Her hair is unevenly cut into a chin-length bob.  She normally wears athletic clothing like sweatpants, t-shirts, shorts, tank tops, and plain shoes.  That shows that she does not care about maintaining her looks.  She is more interested in wearing comfortable clothing that she can move in.  She is probably active in a sport or part of an athletic profession.  
Look at photos of the clothing you want to give your character on Google Images.  Ask yourself, “Would s/he be willing to wear this?  Does it fit his/her nature?”.  If the answer is no, scrap it and start again.  You’ll find the winning formula eventually.  Do right by your character.
A Character’s Looks Should Not Be Too Complex
While a character’s looks are important, you should not make mounds of paragraphs describing them or listing off all of their traits when they first show up.  This will get very boring for readers.  Describe their most obvious traits first.  Leave any minor details that are important for later.
When I look at Naruto OC profiles on DeviantART and other places, the best ones tend to be characters with only a few base colors in their design.  I’m talking up to five maximum.  The best have the colors spread evenly throughout the costume.  Like, the color of the character’s jacket can be added as trim to their pants.  But, it shouldn’t be done willy-nilly.  Rainbow cocktails tend to leave a big mess.  
It strains a person’s eyes to look at a huge collection of bracelets on a person’s wrist or the many gems on one ring.  Your character will likely be a normal person.  Even if they are a noble or royalty, there is a thing as too much bling.  Too many details on a character’s costume will make them look gaudy.  That is a very important thing to avoid.  There is beauty in simplicity.      
A Character’s Looks Should Suit Their Profession and Comply With Dress Codes
Most people have jobs.  Many jobs require that their employees dress a certain way, whether it be a guideline or a uniform.  They might have rules about how long a person’s hair can be worn at maximum or how it is worn.  The might have to wear certain types of clothing to protect themselves in a hazardous environment.  Your character is not exempt from these requirements.
If your character is a student at a private school, a boarding school like Hogwarts, or in a country where school uniforms are the norm like Japan, chances are they will have to wear a uniform while in lessons.  Some places let girls wear male uniforms, but a lot do not.  
Boys will likely have to keep their hair short.  The colors of hair accessories might be restricted.  Some places have rules about only wearing solid-colored clothes in classes these days.  The majority of private and boarding schools ban dyed hair unless it’s a natural color.  Research if your character goes to such an institution.  
Even if there is not a uniform at their school or place of work, your character will not be able to wear everything they want.  Most schools ban hats while class is in session.  The majority of schools and work spaces do not allow crop tops or spaghetti straps.  I have personally found Sam Manson and Paulina of Danny Phantom going about their business in crop tops at Casper High School strange.  That would not be permitted at any normal high school.
Should your character be in an active profession such as ninjaing, archeology,  assassination, or Pokemon training, they should be dressed in a practical manner.  Their clothes should give them enough room to move, endure anticipated (and sometimes not-so-anticipated) weather conditions, keep them protected from hazards on the field, lack long embellishments that could get tangled, allow their limbs a reasonable range of movement, and has pockets for added storage should it be needed.  Find out what your character needs.    
Characters may dress any way they want on their off time.  But, if they’re at work or school, they should observe any rules that apply.  
A Character’s Looks Should Be Within Their Means
Money issues can be a problem for anyone.  If your character is a young genin ninja scrimping it out on their own without assistance from anyone or a poor college student, they will not be able to buy that fancy jacket in the boutique window.  No matter how much they want it.  They will not be able to afford frequent trips to the hairdresser, either.
Custom-made clothes are usually for the rich unless your fandom takes place in an earlier society with tailors, people making their clothes at home, and such things.  Your character will likely buy clothes off the rack.  They may customize them later somehow if their situation requires it, but they will likely not be specifically fitted for clothes.  
This is not a bad thing.  Second-hand and cheap clothes will help illustrate a character’s poverty very well.  It can help them stand out from richer characters in your setting.  Ronald Weasley and his siblings had second-hand robes while at Hogwarts.  Harry Potter wore grubby hand-me-downs from his cousin Dudley Dursley for years.  If they can do it, so can your character.
The same applies if your character is actually rich.  Have them dress in proportion to their wealth unless they need to go incognito.  Give rich characters high-quality clothes.  Things like luxury brand clothing, fancy shoes, beautiful dresses, suits, and good jewelry.  Let them have fancy hairdos if that’s part of their nature.  But, remember my warning about making too complex of an outfit above!    
A Character Should Have A Developed Fashion Sense
If you plan to have your character wear more than just a couple of outfits, you should put some thought into what kind of clothes they will wear in general.  This goes with how a character’s looks should suit their nature.  It will lessen your difficulties if your character’s clothes are of a similar theme.  Less headaches that way.
Think about which colors would be found in your character’s clothing the most.  Do they like dark colors?  Do they prefer shades of blue or pastels?  Is green a favorite for your character?  Most of the time, a character’s clothes will have at least a small amount of a neutral color like black, white, brown, or gray to balance their looks out.  
Besides clothing color, there is the style of the outfits themselves.  Does your girl like lace?  Does that young man besotted with the girls wear dapper clothing like suits or polo shirts?  Is your character of a more traditional ninja family and has a load of kimonos in their closet?  Does your athlete own a lot of shorts and tracksuits?  If your wizard character fond of a certain motif on their robes?  
Some of this is simple.  A confident girl is more likely to wear a bikini, while a shy boy might go for long swim trunks.  Other times, it might not be so simple.  There are not many ways to modify a school uniform without getting in trouble.  Plan this out carefully.   
Above All...
Have fun while making your character!  They might not look how you first envisioned them in the end, but you will be pleasantly surprised.  Characters often evolve from their first drawing.  They take on a life of their own.  I hope you enjoyed this guide.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Harry Potter, Pokemon, Warriors, Danny Phantom, Discworld, or any other series mentioned in the guide.  Naruto is the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, Pokemon was created by Satoshi Tajiri, Warriors was written by Erin Hunter, Danny Phantom belongs to Butch Hartman, and the Discworld series belongs to the late Terry Pratchett and his estate.   
0 notes
phantomflower42 · 9 years
The Trouble With Keeping Secrets: Preventing An OC From Knowing Things They Shouldn't
Naruto, Danny Phantom, Warriors, and Harry Potter have two things in common -- they involve a lot of fighting, and major characters are juggling important secrets.  If an original character knows these secrets without reason, they might be called a Mary Sue, or as I prefer to say, the dreaded M-word.
For those who are unfamiliar, a Mary Sue is a character deemed to be overpowered and/or unbelievable.  They might be of a species not found in the work they've been inserted in, their hair or eye color might be unrealistic for the setting, they may have a too-perfect physique, they might be related to a canon character, they may cause the cast's personality to change without reason, and they might be powerful enough to fight God.  The term is subjective.
Sometimes, a character is called the M-word for just being a girl who can fight or because they have long hair.  Male Mary Sues are called either Marty Stus or Gary Stus.  They aren't as common as Mary Sues, though that might be thanks to most OCs being girls.
Naruto's status as a jinchuriki is supposed to be an S-rank secret, and it remains that way until Shippuden at least.  During the Itachi Pursuit arc, Kabuto blabs about the Kyuubi in front of Hinata and she does not visibly react, so it's reasonable to assume that she and the other Konoha Eleven know by that point.  And by the war, all of the major villages know.
The Uchiha clan massacre is another mysterious event.  It at first seemed to be a case of the clan heir's mind cracking and killing his family.  Then, we learned that the Uchiha clan were plotting against the village and Itachi was forced to end their treason in the most forceful way possible by order of Konoha.  He was only allowed to spare his younger brother Sasuke.
Only the Third Hokage, his advisors Koharu and Homura, Itachi, Danzo, and "Tobi" really know at the beginning of the series.  Naruto and Sasuke are informed of the Uchiha clan's fallacies after Itachi's demise.
The truth of the Uchiha clan massacre could be made public after the war.  Please try to not have your OC know until that time.
Danny Phantom revolves around the main character's secret of being a half-ghost.  His parents want to dissect his ghost half, and enemy ghosts want to punch his face in.  Balancing his double-life proves difficult, at first.  Danny's grades go down, and he goes to great lengths to keep his ghost powers under wraps.  His two best friends Sam and Tucker, his older sister Jazz, and his arch-enemy Vlad are the only ones to know of his accident with his parents’ ghost portal until Phantom Planet.  
The cats in Warriors are constantly hiding things from each other.  It might be as simple as a forbidden romance, or more complicated like a prophecy, special powers, or one cat murdering another.
Harry Potter is one of the worst.  Wizards have to hide their magical abilities from non-magical humans (muggles) by default because of the International Statute of Secrecy.  Dumbledore hides a lot of things from Harry that would've helped him against Voldemort.  Harry and his friends keep their activities out of earshot of the Hogwarts staff.
So, how do we keep original characters from finding out these things?
Part of the good thing about OCs is that they can experience a different set of adventures than the canon characters.  By placing them in a different setting than the core characters of a work, they can be mostly kept away from big secrets that could eat away at their believability.  
Of course, they could still stumble on these forbidden fruits if the circumstances are set in a certain way.  For instance, an adult Naruto OC in Naruto's genin days could have been the teammate of an Uchiha who worked in the regular forces instead of the police.  They could have gotten suspicious about the massacre’s true cause, especially if they were a teammate of Itachi and realized that the massacre was out-of-character for him.
Keep in mind that you could make an OC in other time periods than the original.  What about Harry Potter during the First Wizarding War, the 1940s, the Founders' Era, or even the Next Generation?  Who else hung out with Danny's parents besides Vlad in their college days?  Warriors has several different eras to place OCs in, from the era of the founding leaders and SkyClan’s exile, to when Mapleshade was banished for having kits with the RiverClan warrior Appledusk.  Next Generation is always an option.
Naruto has so many time periods to pick from, it’s not even funny.  You could have your OC be a peer of the Sage of the Six Paths and be one of the first humans with chakra.  Your character could have lived during the Warring States Period, the First Shinobi World War, the Second Shinobi World War, or the Third Shinobi World War.  They can be around during the original series, Shippuden, The Last, the Naruto Hiden novels, the epilogue, Naruto Gaiden, and Boruto The Movie.  Have fun deciding when your OC’s story will take place!
When working in the canon setting of a work, try not to have your OC get too friendly with the main characters.  It's fine for them to be friends with a couple of the primary cast, or even fall in love with certain characters, but don't insert them into canon adventures unless your setting is Alternative Universe.  
Exceptions would be large-scale events like the BloodClan battle, the Battle of Hogwarts, Pain's invasion, the ghosts making the Earth intangible in Phantom Planet, and the Fourth Shinobi World War.  These events affected just about everyone in each story’s setting.  Perhaps you might create a unique spin on them from your OC's POV.  
That said, don’t worry too much.  If your character knows about something a normal person shouldn’t in their setting and you justify it, you will be alright.  If your OC is part of ThunderClan, Gryffindor house, Konohagakure, or one of Danny’s (or his friends’) classes, they’re going to see the main characters once in a while.  Above all, have fun!   
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phantomflower42 · 9 years
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It was nice to see Hanabi in Naruto Shippuden episodes 389-390.  She's often neglected.  She and Hinata have such a nice bond.
At the same time, I don't like their grandfather.  Now we know where all of that fate drivel comes from ...
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phantomflower42 · 10 years
Very useful.  However, Sakura and the members of Team Asuma and Team Kurenai were actually promoted at fourteen (excluding Shikamaru), while Team Guy got their promotions at fifteen (did they all take the exams at the same time?).  They were fifteen to sixteen years old when Naruto returned to the village.
Keep in mind that if you have a pre-gen character who lives during the Shinobi World Wars, they might be promoted earlier because of field promotions and such.  Not as young as Kakashi when he got to be a jonin, but still young so they can take the place of other shinobi dying on the field.
Hello! I apologize if this question has been asked before and I just didn't see it, but I was wondering what your opinions were on academy graduation, chunin promotion, and jonin promotion ages for an average shinobi? Thanks so much for your time! :)
That’s okay, I don’t remember a question like this being asked, so if there is one, it’s probably rather old.
The average age for academy graduation is 12. As for chunin promotion, that’s likely to be around the age of 15, but could be older or younger depending on the characters abilities. In the rookie 9, the only one to become a chunin in the first exam was Shikamaru, with the others getting their promotions before shippuden when they were 16. Not all characters will get past chunin rank. Special jonin would probably be late teens to early twenties, and jonin rank would be anywhere between late teens to mid-to-late twenties. We haven’t really seen characters be promoted up to the last two ranks during the series, so this is more of a guess.
These ages are mainly for the current timeline, so if you are writing a previous gen character look on the naruto wiki for a character who would be around at a similar time for their graduation and promotion ages, and remember to add a couple of years if the canon character is considered to be a genius.
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phantomflower42 · 10 years
Naruto OCs With Relations To Canon Characters: My Take
Hello.  You can call me Beth.  I'm new on Tumblr, and I would like to share my view of original characters (OCs) with others.  I will post my opinions about Naruto, Warriors, Danny Phantom, and Harry Potter OCs for the most part.  My first topic will be having Naruto OCs related to canon characters.
In any fandom, having an OC related to existing characters in the work the OC is being inserted into will cause a stir.  The OC doesn't need to be the character's brother or sister.  They might be a cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or even parent to the canon character.  Several characters in Naruto have no mothers in sight without an explanation: why have we never heard a thing about the mothers of Team Guy's members?
Indeed, we know little about several of the characters' homelives.  Tenten and Lee have no relatives in sight.  We haven't seen many cousins of Hinata or Neji, even though their clan has to be large.  It's not clear who raised Deidara, Kisame, Kakuzu, or Hidan before their defections.  Do any of the characters have younger siblings we don't know about?
In fanfiction, I think making an OC related to canon characters can be done.  You just need to have some sense.  I will tackle characters individually.  
Uzumaki Naruto:  There are other Uzumaki clan members out there, despite what some people think.  It's said they scattered all over the world after Uzushiogakure fell.
With that said, making direct relatives of Naruto is ill-advised.  His mother and father died in the Kyuubi attack, and he was raised as an orphan.  Surely, if Minato's parents were still around, he would have been placed with them?  And, the timeline does not leave much time for an older sibling.
He was not born with a twin, either.  The only exception to this rule would be an AU (Alternate Universe) setting.  And, for some reason, whenever Naruto's parents are still alive and have additional kids, they neglect or abuse him.  Please cease this trend.  I would like to see an AU where Naruto has siblings, but their parents don’t treat Naruto like trash.  
Uzushiogakure fell when Kushina was a child.  Her relatives may have died during it, but some Uzumaki clan members survived.  If you want to make Naruto a relative, there were probably aunts, uncles, or grandparents who were not able to contact Kushina after Uzushio fell.  They may not know what happened during the Kyuubi attack.
If you decide on an older sibling, you better make a good explanation for why they weren't raised together.  Did the Third Hokage do so for the sibling's safety?  Did the dreaded elders or civilian council demand that Naruto be raised alone because of his tenant?  Did any surviving family of Kushina come forward to claim the child?
Also, think of Naruto's reaction when he discovers that he has a sibling.  Is he happy, distrusting, or upset?  Is he angry at certain parties for keeping this from him?
In other words: tread carefully.
Haruno Sakura:  Just so other people are aware, Sakura does not need parents OCs created anymore.  Her parents are named Haruno Mebuki and Haruno Kizashi, and they were introduced during the sixth Shippuden movie, Road to Ninja.
I had to say that as, even now, OCs are being used in their place.  Kishimoto designed Mebuki and Kizashi, guys!  Please use them.
(I don't begrudge you if your story began before this movie came out.)
Sakura seems to be a single child.  She might have a sibling somewhere, but you would think that such a thing would be elaborated on as she's the main female character.  Her parents seem older, too: Mebuki has lines around her mouth.
Any other relation is fine, though.  She can have cousins, aunt, uncles, and, yes, grandparents.  Go wild.
Uchiha Sasuke:  For newcomers to the Naruto series, I will explain why Sasuke should not have any family running around in one sentence: his older brother Itachi killed them in the Uchiha clan massacre.
Sasuke, Itachi, and a mysterious someone called "Tobi" (I am not giving his name away because of spoilers) are the only ones known to have survived.
However, perhaps your story takes place before the massacre.  Then, you can give Sasuke all of the aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents you want.  Just take care to kill them off before or during the massacre.
Specifically, all of the OCs who claim to be Sasuke's sister or second brother need to stop.  Maybe his mom Mikoto had a miscarriage at some point, but he only has one living brother.  If you are going to make a massacre survivor, make them only distantly related to Sasuke, please.
While this goes into spoiler territory, Itachi killed the Uchiha clan under orders from Konoha because they were planning a coup d'etat against the village.  If your OC survived this event, it would have been by sheer chance.  And, they would have had to flee Konoha afterwards.  
Maybe the OC played possum by laying flat in a pool of blood before Itachi left?  Or, maybe they were assigned a mission at the time.  While the Uchiha clan massacre was ordered by the village, most of the villagers think of it as a random tragic event.  Barring Uchihas from missions would have made many villagers suspicious.  
While very unlikely, Itachi could have had a kid before his demise.  Think about how Sasuke would react to them if you go this route.  And, think of what personality the kid's mother will have.
So, there is a little wiggle room for being alive after the massacre.  Just remember that they aren't going to live in Konoha afterwards, and, if they meet Sasuke at all, it should only be done after Shippuden is concluded.
Hatake Kakashi:  This poor man's life has been harsh.  His father committed suicide, his mother died before then, he lost one of his teammates on his first mission as a jonin, was forced to kill his other teammate because she had been rigged into a Trojan horse/bomb, and lost his teacher maybe a couple of years later.  Does he sound like he has any living family around?
In the words of Kakashi himself, all of the people he has cared for are dead.  This likely includes cousins, aunts, and uncles.  He has little room for a sibling from what is shown of his past; it’s mentioned that his mother died very young.    His father never remarried.  Kakashi’s father would not have enough time or the right circumstances to conceive another child. 
The only way Kakashi can have a family again is if he hooks up with someone and has a child.  But, that is for another article.
Nara Shikamaru: He is lucky that he has both of his parents at the start of the series (although this changes in chapter 613 ...).  As a member of an extended clan, Shikamaru is likely to have other family members.
Maybe he has an older or younger sibling.  Shikaku (Shikamaru's father) is forty-two when he dies.  That leaves room for other children.  Shikamaru could have aunts, uncles, cousins, and even a grandparent or two.
Yamanaka Ino:  She's in the same boat as Shikamaru.  She is from an extended clan, and both of her parents are alive until chapter 613 in the manga.
Ino may have siblings and relatives we don't see.  Her mother is a rather clean slate, too: we only see her in the anime, and she doesn't even have a name.  Have fun.
Akimichi Choji:  He has a set of living parents, even if his mom is only seen in the anime.  Again, give him a few relatives without worry.  Since he is not seen as often as Sakura or Neji, you could make him siblings in addition to cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
Seriously, Akimichi OCs are underrated.  Give it a go.
Sarutobi Asuma:  His parents are both deceased, and when they were alive, they were elderly.  But, the Sarutobi clan is larger than Asuma, the Third Hokage, the Third's wife, and Konohamaru.  The Sarutobi clan is not stated to be in danger of extinction when Asuma dies, and there are unnamed Sarutobi clan members who are shown during the Fourth Shinobi World War.  There is plenty of room for relatives.
For one, you could make Asuma siblings.  Hiruzen had to have more than one child since Konohamaru is only Asuma's nephew.  It doesn't need to be a brother, either: in some Asian societies, the husband takes his wife's name if her family is of higher standing.  
Maybe you story is about what happened to Konohamaru's parents.  It could be interesting.
Just no grandparents.  Asuma is a little old to have them around.
Hyuga Hinata: Her family is a little more detailed.  She has a father and a younger sister.  Her mother is only seen in the anime in a photo, and it is strongly hinted that she is dead.  She does not have any room for additional siblings unless you have Hiashi marry another woman who gives Hinata and Hanabi a half-sibling.
That said, you might want to flesh out Hinata's mother before her death or elaborate how she died.  The only suggestion I have is not have it been from giving birth to Hanabi.  The photo Hinata's mother is seen in shows an infant Hanabi.  Try something else.
Hinata may have additional aunts, uncles, and cousins from her mom's side of the family.  The Hyuga clan has to be large to prevent too much inbreeding.  Otherwise, there would be more Hyuga clan members who would go mad like in the Uchiha clan.
She could have a grandparent or two as well.  At least her father's father is alive during the original series.
Be cautious, but it's fine to have a Hyuga OC.  Give it a whirl.
Inuzuka Kiba: He has an older sister, a mother, and a father who ran away from his mother because he found her scary.  It's not clear when the latter event happened.  Kiba could have a younger sibling, but they would not have too big of an age difference.  It is not shown if his mother has siblings, and if he has cousins running around.
Kiba could have several relatives.  Go for it.
Aburame Shino:  We only see his father.  Nothing is said about his mother or other relatives.  Besides Tenten, he's one of the least developed of the Konoha Eleven.
Give him family members.  Siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents are all possibilities.  I'm sure they would be interesting to read about.
Yuhi Kurenai:  We see her father in flashback of the Kyuubi attack.  It's implied that he died during it.  We don't see her mother.  She gave birth to Asuma's daughter Mirai.
Other than the above, Kurenai is a blank slate.  She's the youngest of the jonin senseis.  Give her a mother, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Feel free to come up with relatives.
Hyuga Neji: His father Hizashi is dead, but we know nothing about his mother.
Did she die in childbirth, or is she still alive?  What is her opinion of her husband dying to protect the Byakugan and their son's descent into bitterness? 
While it's unlikely, Neji could have siblings.  They would have to be older than him, younger by a less than four year age gap, or be younger half-siblings his mother had if she married someone else.
He could have relatives from his mother's side of the family.  It's something to think about.
Rock Lee:  No family is mentioned in any way for Lee.  Give him a mother, father, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents.  While Guy is a good influence, he should have more support in his life.
Tenten: She is the least developed of the Konoha Eleven, period.  Kishi just made her to complete the 'two boys, one girl' formula.  Give her parents, and please stop making her a complete orphan in stories.  She could have any number of relatives.  That's all I have to say.
Might Guy: His father Might Dai made his debut more recently in the manga.  He is responsible for Guy's philosophies, and died protecting him and his genin team from the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.  But, we know nothing of Guy's mother.
Guy likely has some family out there.  Make him a mother and siblings, at least.  Other relations would good as well.
Deidara:  Not too likely, but this bomber might have family somewhere.  Given that he left his village due to lack of appreciation, they probably did not see eye-to-eye.  
Sasori:  While siblings are out, he could have distant cousins from Ebizo's (his great uncle's) side of the family, or aunts, uncles, and first cousins from his mother's side.  Just remember that, as a missing-nin, Sasori is not interested in happy families.  He is unlikely to have kids thanks to his wooden puppet body. 
Kisame: His sharky looks have to have come from somewhere.
He's thirty-two when he croaks, so his parents would be getting up there if they're still living.  It's not known if he had siblings.  As several members of Kirigakure have fishy appearances, we can assume that Kisame's family would look similar to him.  
Unless the Akatsuki ordered him to kill his family, Kisame would likely leave them alone.  He defected because of feeling that he was in a world of lies.  Unlike other members of the Akatsuki, he likely did not butcher his family on his way out. 
Hidan:  We don't know who his parents were, but they were likely more peaceful than their son who slaughtered his neighbors on his way out of Yugakure.  He might have killed them, too.
Hidan is not likely to have living relatives, and if he does, they probably avoid contact.
Kakuzu:  This old man is ninety-one when we see him.  Any parents, aunts, uncles, and siblings are long-dead, especially since he lived during the Warring States period.  If he had a wife, she's likely dead too, along with several of their kids (if not all).
The closest relation he might have is a grandchild.  Kakuzu would likely ignore any of his relatives unless there was money to be made somewhere.
Konan:  Despite what some think, she does not have a sister or brother.  If she did have siblings, they would have joined up with her, Yahiko, and Nagato.  Konan isn't too likely to have kids, either.  The two people she seems closest to are Yahiko and Pain.  Yahiko died, and Pain can't have biological kids for reasons mentioned below. 
Pain/Nagato:  He's an Uzumaki.  His clan is still running around.  But, he is an orphan.  He has no living family.  We see his parents get killed by Konoha shinobi, and if he had a sibling, they would have joined Konan and Yahiko's group with Pain.  Given that his real body is confined to a device and the Six Paths are zombies, biological children are out too.  The only way he would have kids is adoption.
"Tobi":  As an Uchiha, his parents are likely dead.  Same for any other relatives.  He is also unpairable: the only girl he loved has been dead for a while, so kids are not in his future.
Zetsu: Some people new to the Naruto series think that Zetsu is a member of a clan that manipulates plants.  He isn't.  He is a plant person with the will of Otsutsuki Kaguya.  He calls her mother, and no one else is related to him.  He is unable to have biological children because of his body structure.
Jiraiya:  He and the other Sannin are over fifty.  He likely has no living relatives except for cousins.  The other possibility is him having a kid with a girl he meets during his travels.  It's not likely, but since Jiraiya mixes with so many women, he's bound to have a slip-up eventually.
Tsunade:  Her parents are likely gone, and we know that her brother Nawaki died.  Her lover Dan died before they had a child.  So, she has no children, nieces or nephews to dote on.  Tsunade would only have cousins at the most.
Orochimaru: The man is an orphan.  Part of why he is what he is happens to be his parents' early deaths.  Orochimaru has no siblings, and likely has no other family members.  Not even children. 
 (Strike the last with Mitsuki from the Boruto series.  However, note that he does not appear to have been conceived naturally.)
I will add more later.  If someone's missing, they might be covered under someone else.
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