phantompesadilla · 9 years
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[I wonder if anyone remembers this blog]
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
[Unfortunately, yes. Fluffy is going on hiatus for a while until I decide what I'm gonna do with him. I'm not gonna permanently leave him of course, that would be silly, I love him too much. If you'd like to contact me though, my main blog is here.
I'll see you all some time, my minions.]
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
Antasma's ears slowly lowered as she looked up at him. Another thing that made him feel so out of place on this island was his height, which could range from around 1ft to 9ft, while all the Pi'illos were so small, aside from Dreambert. It was another thing about himself that made him feel self conscious.
He blinked when Lucille suddenly pointed and his ears perked back up as his gaze turned to the sky, noting the cloud she was pointing to. He cocked his head to the side. He guessed it kind of did. He looked down at her when she stated her question.
"N...no, not really... I am not usually avake during thee day to see them."
Yes, he was having sleeping issues again.
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
He chuckled a little, his ears wiggling. "I vill not tell a soul..."
Ah, Lucille... It wasn't a name he recognized, but it was pretty to him. Now that he got a better look at them, and by both the voice and name, he assumed this Pi'illo was female. Most of them were, at least from what knowledge he had of them, which wasn't too much. Maybe he would learn more about their species one day.
He spoke with a kind, gentle smile. "It is nice to meet you too, Lucille."
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
"You can belieff vut you like..."
Antasma didn't expect anyone who knew who he was to believe a word he said. Most likely this little Pi'illo would ask Dreambert about it, but that was okay. Hopefully the prince wouldn't be disappointed by his recklessness...
Large ears perked up when the other said they would keep this whole thing a secret from the others on the island. He gave a little smile and bowed his head respectfully.
"Thank you... I greatly appreciate it. I really do."
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
His ears raised slowly and he managed a soft smile in an attempt to seem less, well...bad.
"Vell... Um... I doubt you vould belieff this, but... Uh... A lot has happened... Dreambert found me almost a year ago und...ve... Um... He gaffe me a chance... Ve became friends, but ve decided it vould be best to keep it a secret until the right time..."
Antasma squeaked a bit quietly, nervous about telling the other about this.
"If you vould be so kind... Could you please not tell anyvun else...?"
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
To be honest, he wasn't quite sure how he got back. He glanced away, then back at the other shyly. He would tell his entire story if he was asked to.
"I suppose...I managed to escape Jaydes... I don't remember how though..."
He shook his head, amber gaze turning downwards. At least this one hasn't rushed to tell the others... Though now, he wasn't sure if it would be a good thing or a bad thing. No... Dreambert may not be ready to tell his people about him and their friendship yet, but...it was okay if just one knew, wasn't it? He looked back at the Pi'illo, tilting his head to the side.
"I know that... You all believe that I am the evil vun... I assure you, I haff no desire to rule anything now..."
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
Antasma came a little closer very slowly, hoping to not cause the other to panic. Ah, everyone else thought him to be dead... That was good... If word ever got out though, he supposed Dreambert would hear first and he would explain everything. They would believe him without a second thought.
"I-I...I haff been aliff for...o-offer a year... I'm sorry for scaring you, but... I promise you, I vouldn't hurt anyvun..."
Well, almost anyone.
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
His ears lowered and took a shaky breath, attempting to stop himself from panicking. They were scared of him, just like everyone else. He stayed where he was, afraid that if he went closer, he would only scare them further.
"I-I von't hurt you... I promise... Y-you...you don't haff to be scared..."
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
As soon as their gazes met, he gave a startled squeaked, falling out of the air. He shook himself and looked at the Pi'illo, panicking on the inside, and on the outside a bit. 
Into he true form he went and his claws went to the gold emblem hanging from his tie, silently praying that he wouldn't meet with a terrible fate. He held up his other hand defensively. He didn't know what else to say.
"I-I'm sorry...!"
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
The little bat stayed behind the tree, shivering in fright. He didn't want to be caught... He didn't want to go back to the Dream World... He refused to move from his pretty bad hiding place. All they had to do was look around the tree to see him.
He was pretty foolish, wasn't he? Did he flee? He was torn between flying off and coming out to at least attempt to explain himself. Its possible they would understand if they let him explain. But they could also think he's lying. Oh, what to do...
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
Antasma had such a great desire to meet this Pi'illo and maybe make friends. Unfortunately though...to all Pi'llo folk besides Dreambert, he was a monster... They would never give him a chance. This one would likely run to tell the kingdom he was alive, and then he would suffer the fate of being sealed into the Dream World a second time. He had to stay hidden from them. It...wasn't fair...
He really had to restrain himself from rushing to help the Pi'illo when they fell. No one could see you... Even if he did explain his story, who would believe him? To them, he was a demon that wanted to watch the world burn. He sighed mentally. He just wanted to be friends with them. Was that too much to ask?
As he was dragged into his thoughts, he was cut from reality long enough that he lost his grip on the branch and slipped off. This instantly snapped him back and he made a rather loud fearful bat squeak and quickly flapped his wings to pull himself into the air. Oh... He realized his mistake and zipped behind the tree to hide.
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
Yet another day went by with no social interaction, aside from his bats, and it had really gotten to him at this point. He's even contemplated revealing himself to Bedsmith just to have some other person to interact with. It was a long slope he was slipping down. Gradually the depression was enveloping him again and, despite the things he's been told, he wanted to see Dreambert again. But he didn't want to disturb the prince.
The Bat King wrapped his cape around himself as he stared into the purple, electrifying waters he was sitting near. This was what he normally did now. He could be productive and continue his search for bats, but...to be honest, his motivation has left him. He let out a soft sigh and lowered his ears. He felt so lonely... It was awful. He let his eyes close, trying to think of what he could do to escape this funk. He used to have Dreambert to help him, but now...
Amber eyes popped open again when he felt an energy in the woods, one of a Pi'illo's. At first he thought it was Dreambert but...no... It was different. Unfamiliar. This was someone he didn't know, or didn't remember. Curiosity got the better of him and with a 'puff' he was in his little bat form and shot off to try and locate the source of the energy. One good thing about being a being of nightmares is that you could sense the beings of dreams, but they couldn't sense you.
It didn't take long to find what it was. It was indeed a Pi'illo. He landed on a tree branch a fair distance from the Pi'illo and simply watched them. He hasn't seen this one before...or he just didn't remember them. You forget a lot of things after 2000 long years...
Knight and King (closed rp with phantompesadilla)
Swiping bits of leaves and vegetation at her sides as she strided around in Somnom woods, a light wave of pride (and perhaps confidence) swept across her intellect. It wasn’t often Lucille hiked so far away from home like this, thus, she felt maybe, perhaps, she had reached a new level of independence, as Lucille usually didn’t venture outside of Mushrise Park (Even though Somnom wasn’t TOO far away). Of course, the many feelings of pride and joy were quickly washed away when a sudden falling branch caused Lucille to emit a fearful squeal. It was a small branch at that, causing emotions of shame to plop in the Pi’llo’s mindset afterwards for getting so startled at a miniscule treebranch.
Time passed and Lucille trudged on, getting tireder and tireder as the day shank. Deciding maybe she should take a rest, Lucille plopped down on a small treestump, her head resting lightly in the Pi’llo’s stubby hands. Paranoia and needless worry spoon hit Lucille soon after. What if she was lost? What if a monster came out of the bushes and gobbled her up? No … Nonsense. She was a WARRIOR, right? Right. Clutching onto her dull, and nearly-harmless blade, the Pi’llo glanced up at the tree-spotted sky and quietly let her thoughts drift to that of the clouds resting breezily in the sky.
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
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Your name is Lucille, and you CAN’T REMEMBER MOST OF YOUR LIFE. All you know right now is that you ARE A PI’LLO and that you USED TO BE TRAPPED in a stone thanks to that unruly BAT KING. Your hobbies now include BEING ALL BARK AND NO BITE, CAUSING MESSES AND FLEEING FROM THEM, and the occasional CLOUDGAZING. Being the jerk you are, you DON’T HAVE MANY FRIENDS.
==> Lucille: Quit cloudgazing and talk to someone already!
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
"My name is Taranza, former subject of her majesty, Sectonia, and new ruler of Floralia. If you would like to speak with me, I would be glad to."
[Excuse me as I hop over to the Kirby fandom.]
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
Where are your bats?
"They are around... They enjoy exploring thee voods..."[in other words he has no damn clue where they are]
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phantompesadilla · 10 years
Is Antasma in his small form, or is he in his tall form when he's in battle?
[By small form I'm guessing you are referring to his true form. As of late, Antasma has stayed in his true form as to not scare people (as much). Antasma will now usually go into his battle form only if he wants to be intimidating, or if he is protecting someone or something.]
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