phcenixism-blog · 8 years
October extinguished itself in a rush of howling winds and driving rain and November arrived, cold as frozen iron, with hard frosts every morning and icy drafts that bit at exposed hands and faces.
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (via wordsnquotes)
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
Phoenix stopped abruptly whenever she noticed the girl bending down to pick up her belongings off the ground. if she had been so stuck in her own mind, she probably would have gone straight past her without realizing her things had been knocked from her arms. yet, as she came to the middle of the corridor, she found her self slowing to a stop being bending down and picking up the books out of her reach, holding them out to her. “Rough day?” 
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The suspense was building air all morning, Aurora could feel the off balanced energy that floated around her. The excitement, the anxiety, the fear. But she was not the type to radiate a supplementary amount of emotion. The chit-chat was beginning to annoy her so she decided to try and sneak away and escape the commotion. On her way through the enormous hall doors she violently bumped shoulders with someone. “Excuse me! Mind you way!” she said throwing her hands up. Her wand and Charms textbook fell to the ground along with a few letters from home she had been carrying. Her naturally dirty blonde hair whooshed through the air as she bent to grab her things.
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
“I beg to differ. I’m convinced. Nothing is going to go right from here on out. It very rarely does on days like these.” Remus sighed. Part of him wished he were just being facetious, but the reality was he was talking from experience. He had enough mishaps - especially after a full moon - to give him a keen eye as to what a bad start to the day would do. “What about you, though? Why are you skipping?”
Phoenix’s chipper smile diminished to a small ghost of one at the boy’s words, sighing sympathetically. “Alright, well, unsolicited words of wisdom from yours truly; it’s only a bad day if you allow it to be one.” she said definitely, as if it were true. (it was one of the few things she actually believed, given her rap sheet with the school.) with a long pause from her, she studied the boy, trying to read him without asking questions. “Oh, me?— Charms is my least favorite lesson of the day.” she said truthfully, “even if i’m passing with flying colour’s, it’s still boring— at least the professor is, in my book.”
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
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‘ this isn’t the place an certainly not the time to sleep we actually have a room where a bed is installed. i believe you have seen it this morning. when you woke. ’
Phoenix’s blue eyes open at the voice speaking to her; unable to keep herself from rolling her eyes with an chuckle as she slowly sat up, looking at the blonde. “I am very familiar with my bed, and the dormitories.” she clarified, “but, that doesn’t mean i have time to actually go up and nap before the next lesson— so here is the furthest i got.”
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
olive grinned, straddling the bench near her head, hands starting to pet her friend’s hair, “absolutely not, this is a place for eating and laughing, no sleeping-” her eyes darted over to the books laid across the table, “- or studying, nix, gross.” olive’s face scrunching up at the thought of studying, her grades could certainly use some improving, but they’re where so many other things she’d been excited to do first, she was sure it could wait, “maybe five seconds, but anything longer than that is just asking for too much.”
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still not opening her eyes when someone sat above her head, she smile lightly at the gentle touch to her hair and the familiar voice that could only belong to Olive. “see, then that validates my point; if it’s a place for laughing, talking, eating; it’s practically the perfect place to nap, too.” she quipped quickly, only then opening her eyes with a laugh at the study mention, just in time to catch the look on the other girls face. “i like to allude to the idea that i am studying, when i’m basically day dreaming about sleeping.” she mused, sitting up with an overly dramatic sigh. “nope, nope, you ruined my napping mood.” she said with a smirk, turning around on the bench to face the other. “now i just want to talk, or really anything other than study. What’re you up to today, Ollie? anything exciting?”
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
Halfway through her trek through the Great Hall, Mireille paused for a second to rest her heavy bag on a table; she’d made the mistake of carrying all of her books at once, resulting in a load that was a nightmare to haul the kilometres it felt like it took to get back to the dormitory where she was staying. Students were scattered about, mostly studying, though she noticed one student lying on the bench instead of sitting upright. Pulling her bag down the table so as to not have to pick it up again, Mireille stood back and evaluated the situation for a moment. “Are you feeling alright?” she finally asked quietly, peering down at the student in mild concern. 
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When a voice spoke up. presumably to her and her laying on the bench; Phoenix opened one eye, peering up at the girl. right then, she could’ve lied, and said ‘oh, i’m perfectly fine, no worries.’, which was much more suiting her mood than telling the truth; but she couldn’t find it in herself to lie to the girl, who seemed to be concerned for her and her predicament. “I’m just extremely tired,” she said honestly, using what she had left in her, to sit up with a sigh passing her lips; examining the girl she was talking to. “I stayed up half past 5 am in the astronomy tower— which i don’t suggest doing with classes starting at 7 am.” she showed a small smile, “You alright, though?”
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
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❝ THE TWINS ? fabian and gideon are n o t o r i o u s for their pranks. it’s mum’s birthday week ; she asked if i could go one week without detention. that means one week without pranking – so, i guess i have done fairly well. ❞
“Fabian and Gideon are to wreck havoc on the school, but you are too— in a much, less destruction kind of way, of course.” they said with a huff, thinking over the others words careful; was if she were trying to decide if it were him or the twins who caused such a mess in the corridor. “.. Okay. I supposed this is not your work— which, if it is, or isn’t, i’m impressed nonetheless. How’re you holding up with no pranks for a week? itching to pull one, I reckon?”
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
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i’m very impulsive, and i honestly for the life of me couldn’t decide on a fc, so naturally i went with the exact opposite to what i was considering in the first place!! that makes no sense, but in a way it does to myself?? ANYWAY, this is my oddball phoenix!! 
Keep reading
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
sat at the long ravenclaw table in the great hall books open and her parchment, ink and quill laid out next to it; unable to find it within them to actually study, phoenix found themselves moving to lay flat on the bench; staring up at the enchanted ceiling that was mimicking a forget-me-not blue sky, one that was the opposite to the cloudy grey one outside. her hair, just the same color as the enchanted ceiling. closing her eyes, could’ve fallen asleep right then and there— and almost did, until the great hall became increasingly louder with people filling in. “please, for the love of albus dumbledore, can’t i just nap here? for five seconds?” 
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
from one corridor to the next, phoenix only had one set goal in their mind : get to the common room, away from the mass population so she could study in peace, without being interrupted. If she were so far lost in her own track of mind, she surely would have missed the blonde slumped against the stone wall with his eyes closed, calling out to the first (or what she assumes was the first) person walking by. however, she didn’t and stopped right in her tracks in front of him. a happy smile tugged at her lips once she realized she wouldn’t have to go off course to help. “You’re in luck,” she said, stomping her foot to grab his attention and waving her arm in a motion to get him to follow her. “I’m in dear ol’ ravenclaw, and as just going there now.”
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“i think,” he looked around with narrowed eyes, clicking his tongue, “i know, i am lost.” he laughed mostly to himself before sliding down the wall of the corridor, sitting with his legs outstretched, waiting for someone to pass by before getting himself even more lost, once he heard footsteps his eyes stayed closed, but he called out, “pardon, you wouldn’t happen to know where the ravenclaw common room is, would you?” 
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
Eyes twinkling with amusement, the look on Phoenix’s face told other wise that she didn’t quite believe the boy. however, she gave him the benefit of the doubt; knowing looks were quite deceiving on their own. “’could be’,” she repeated, nodding her head. “you said could be, but are you really? you very well could be diabolical, however that could be all talk and no walk.” 
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‘ hey, hey, hey – DON’T YOU  DARE judge my i n n o c e n t face, ’ the brunet’s eyes narrowing. he couldn’t help how youthful & innocent he looked. ( though there were times where that exact look came in handy ). look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t ; a phrase he looked to for inspiration. ‘ i could be diabolical, you know ? you’d never suspect a thing. ’
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
—     remus took a minute to catch his breath, happy that he’d nearly plowed over at least someone friendly. he didn’t know phoenix all that well, but they bumped into each other (not always literally, thankfully) from time to time. usually in detention, but that was neither here nor there. “nope, no flitwick, just me. i’m a tad taller than he is, i think.” tad was putting it nicely, and not just because flitwick was short and remus was already on the taller side of life. “not on purpose, no. i overslept. can you believe it? my entire day’s ruined, basically.”
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“It’s amazing what a little fear could be put in you when you think you’ve ran into the one person you’re avoiding, really.” said phoenix, who was glancing over the boy who was almost a head taller than her, and definitely no flitwick. thankfully, she thought again, a friendly smile tugging at her lips; listening as he explained why he was out there and not in a class room. “ Oh, c’mon, your day isn’t ruined.’” she stated, “your day may very well be thrown off it’s rocker, but not ruined, no. you can only improve it from here, Lupin.” 
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
Vincent van Gogh (via sal-maa)
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
Phoenix was happily on her way to the great hall whenever a pretty blonde stopped her in her tracks, hand resting on her shoulder to be sure to grab her attention. It took her a moment to collect her thoughts to form a proper sentence, let along speak to the girl. “Oh, yeah,” she finally said with a small, flash of a grin of her own as she pointed towards the main staircase. “You go up there, and then the first corridor on your left you take, and then the third door on your right.” she said, “but watch out for the stairs— in case you’ve yet to notice, they move— just be sure to get on the right flight of them, that is.”
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the beauxbatons student must have been like any other in her convoy; lost, confused, and too pretty for her own good. it was no denying that hogwarts had its fair share of students but beauxbatons, in simone’s opinion, had taken pretty to the next level. the castle nestled in the rolling hills of scotland, though significantly deprived of the manicured gardens she was used to, was almost as equally magnificent as the château and the awe she had for this place was quite clear. ❛ i’m sorry, ❜ she said, gently reaching out to touch the shoulder of a passing shoulder, a charming grin on her face. ❛ would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of the potions classroom? for as beautiful as the halls are, i’m afraid that i’ve found myself rather turned around. ❜ 
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phcenixism-blog · 8 years
“a whole week? Wow, am I impressed at your self-control, Potter.”  Phoenix stated with sarcasm dripping from her words. “Then, if this wasn’t your work, then whose was it?”
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❝ THAT WAS NOT MY FAULT – i haven’t pranked anyone for a w h o l e week, you know ? a personal record. i deserve an award or something of the sort. ❞
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