phewthatwasclose · 8 years
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2K notes · View notes
phewthatwasclose · 9 years
Jessica wants to know if Jensen Ackles gets jealous when I hang out with Jared.
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9K notes · View notes
phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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259K notes · View notes
phewthatwasclose · 9 years
Capricorn Sun and Cancer Moon Confession
I always want to be the cold, “Think before you speak” type, but my emotions usually get in the way of that. Whenever my emotions mess something up, everything feels out of order and I go into hibernate “Cold expression to everyone” mode until I feel better. [info on sun and moon signs]
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phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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143K notes · View notes
phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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292K notes · View notes
phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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phewthatwasclose · 9 years
as a waitress it is your job to smile at people and be nice to them, ask i they would like anything else ect? yes?
so when i say “can i get you like anything else with that?”
i do not need you to say “how about a dirty blonde?”
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phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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I swear on everything that this isn’t just some stupid contest to gain followers. I’ve been wanting a new macbook for ages so now I have two. I was thinking about returning/selling my old one, but I wouldn’t be getting the same amount or more than what it was originally priced. Anyway, who doesn’t like free stuff?
Here’s how this will work:
You do not have to follow me. I don’t want any followers that don’t actually like my blog. I do ask of you to kindly check out my blog though. If you like it cool, if not, then your loss.
Likes do not count for anything, only reblogs will count. You can reblog this as many times as you’d like.
Do not create any extra blogs or whatever, I will be looking on your archives.
Winner will be chosen like as if it were a raffle drawing.
Winner will be contacted via ask, so make sure that you have that on/open.
This will be over on May 21st 2015, and the winner will be announced on the 22nd.
I am doing this basically to make someone else happy and also because I accidentally deleted the other contest I was doing. Please don’t participate if you already own a Mac, but you can if you’d like I guess. I really don’t care if you live in Hogwarts, anyone is allowed to enter.
Here’s what the winner will get:
Macbook Pro
Protective Case
All power leads and cables
The Mac is basically brand new.
If you think this is “stupid” of me to do or anything of that sort, than just ignore it. It’s that simple.
Q. “Why would you just giveaway an expensive laptop to a stranger?”
Q. “How do we know you aren’t bullshitting us?”
A. To make a fake contest just for followers is stupid, plus, I have a picture of me holding the mac and you can clearly see my url etc on the mac.
Good luck!
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phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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Child abduction social experiment
533K notes · View notes
phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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425K notes · View notes
phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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701K notes · View notes
phewthatwasclose · 9 years
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Answer: The third, the lions already starved to death
Answer: The poison was in the ice
Answer: She shot her husband with a camera and then developed the picture
Answer: There is no mail on Sundays
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phewthatwasclose · 9 years
So, Here’s The Deal...
You take a kid with a passion for art. You narrow down their opportunities - blocking them from exploring the elements of creative arts that they love - promising them that this is the only way to give them what they need. They work so hard to please you, but you assure them it’s not enough - that they need to perform your idea of perfect (not their own, not anyone else’s - yours).You work to make their work fit your own image. Then, when the kid reaches a point of dreading the artwork they have to produce for you, and not getting any inspiration, so that they’re left forcing their way through, you wonder why they’re upset. You wonder why their art isn’t the same as usual.
Because you forced them into stuff they struggle with - stuff that doesn’t excite them.
You made that happen.
Because all they want is to be successful, and everyone around them tells them to get that, they have to listen to you.
And all because you have a teaching degree. But honestly, a certificate doesn’t mean you know how to teach.
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