phil-burbank · 2 years
// Apologies for the silence. Busy life and such.
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phil-burbank · 2 years
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Here’s my current collection:
Assouline’s coffee table book of the movie
Two leather-bound screenplays
A vinyl record of Jonny Greenwood’s “25 Years” and “West”
Movie-themed kernels, spices and preparation instructions
A Bronco Henry candle
A Bronco Henry monogrammed handkerchief
A copy of Variety’s magazine featuring the film on its cover
Three copies of the book
A Jane Campion t-shirt
A copy of the film for ‘private-viewing only’
Sheet music of Jonny Greenwood’s “West Viola Quartet”
A mini lasso key-chain
Seven small posters of the film
Two pages from different magazines featuring advertisements
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phil-burbank · 2 years
M'ster Burbank, I've hear you're not very glad with your stepnephew going around the ranch but, what if he invited some friend for a couple of weekends or even the summertime vacations? Would you change your attitude with the guest?
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There’s a low groan in the back of my throat when you mention my ‘step-nephew,’ and I lower my head, continuing to braid the rawhide. “I’d be more surprised if he had a friend ta invite over. He don’t seem like the type that attracts big crowds.” My gaze wanders to Peter, who’s hula-hooping near the side of the barn. Sweet mercy, that boy needs a goddamn hobby.
The sun is shining behind you, so I squint when I look up. “What about my attitude needs changin’?” I glance over at the boy, and I grunt. “You think I bully him. Listen…” I focus on the task at hand. “I ain’t the soft type. Wasn’t raised that way either. This world will eat you alive if you don’t learn ta toughen up. Get right. Softness will either get ya nowhere or get ya dead. There ain’t no place for it here. Not on my ranch, at least.”
The truth is, I admire Peter for his honesty. The boy doesn’t give a shit what I think of him or what the cowhands think of him. He has an honesty about him that I could use. But if people knew… “I’m tryin’, alright? I’m tryin’ ta be a little civil. It’s either that or I lose my brother.” I shrug my shoulders; the rawhide squeaks as it’s pulled tighter against my hip. “If he wants ta have a friend over, fine. Just as long as they ain’t skippin’ around or doin’ some Nancy shit.”
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phil-burbank · 2 years
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Here are some behind the scenes shots o’ everyone’s favorite rancher. Ya can watch the full video on Netflix.
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phil-burbank · 2 years
You ever think about the future? Like, what would happen to your life now that your brother's married?
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You’ve caught me in the middle of supper-time. Lola has fixed me up with an elk burger and some homemade fries. There’s a huckleberry pie cooling on the windowsill, Montana’s famous, and I can’t wait to try it. I wipe my mouth on my sleeve, no napkin in sight. “Sure do.”
I rotate my plate, offering you some fries if that’s your thing. Lord knows I’d never surrender a bite of my burger, though. When you mention my brother and his marriage, I lean back in my chair. “I guess you can say that my life will be different from now on. I ain’t got the company of my brother like I’m used ta, but I can sit and mope. I’ve got a ranch to look over, pigs to castrate, cattle ta sell, cowhands to train. Can’t get my head all occupied with my brother bein’ off with that woman.”
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phil-burbank · 2 years
What do you do when it gets lonely?
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I’m walking along the side of the farmhouse, purposefully stepping on the flowers that George’s woman planted a few hours ago, and I pucker my lips to blow out some smoke. “I find things to do, but most o’ the time, I ride my horse into the woods and I wander. Sometimes, I play my banjo for the magpies, the frogs an’ the fish in the river.”
Being lonely takes a certain level of vulnerability to admit, but sometimes people can just read you, and all you can do is be honest. I stomp some dead petals off my heel. “I just keep ta myself. Get occupied with chores.”
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phil-burbank · 2 years
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Alright, here are some songs that I listen to while I’m doin’ work on the ranch. Feel free ta listen along:
The Rider Song by Nick Cave
West Alone by Jonny Greenwood
Coyotes by Don Edwards
The Stable Song by Gregory Alan Isakov
The Lament of Eustace Scrubb by The Oh Hellos
Requiem for Phil by Jonny Greenwood
The Yawning Grave by Lord Huron
The Story by Dolly Parton
Song for Zula by Phosphorescent
Take Me to Church by Hozier
Where Did You Sleep Last Night by Jake Blount
This Too Shall Pass by Danny Schmidt
Take Us Back by Alela Diane
The Lion and the Wolf by Thrice
Always Gold by Radical Face
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phil-burbank · 2 years
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I’m gonna make this as simple as possible: ask me questions and I’ll answer ‘em as Phil. Look on my page for examples of what ta expect as far as responses go. Read my ‘about me’ page for rules and such. Thank ya kindly.
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phil-burbank · 2 years
Do you miss Bronco?
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There's sadness in my eyes, so I lower my head and I gently squeeze my hat in my calloused hands. "More than anyone knows."
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phil-burbank · 2 years
Phil, what would have happened if Peter didn't poison you?
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"Hard ta say there, partner." I push the brim of my hat back, leaning against the side of the barn. The wood is warm from the sun, faded from the rain and the winter, but it's sturdy. "I think things would have reached its climax. Brother George would have had ta interfere, maybe even throw a fist at me in an attempt to protect that woman." I shake my head, thinking about the whole mess.
"I think the relationship that I had with my brother would have been permanently tarnished, and the three o' them would have moved out or went to my parents about it. It'd be just like my brother ta involve the Old Lady and the Old Gent. Maybe they would have forced us to reconcile." I begin to roll a smoke with one hand, eyeing you while I do it. "I guess we'll never truly know."
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phil-burbank · 2 years
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More to come…
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