philamergarcia · 5 years
Forgotten Beliefs
       Beliefs and traditions mark a great impact on our lives. It defines our identities and roles in life as days go by. In larger concept, it allows us to see ourselves in deeper perspective, thinking about the factors that are environments have given. Failing to follow those beliefs makes us meet our own punishments which are very common. We really fear for something that we believe despite the fact that it doesn’t even happen for any single time. Beliefs for worst and goodness are confined to each other.
       In the article entitled “Pasintabi”, some of our cultures are discussed that makes it to be more informative. It is not just an article but it talks about some interesting facts that could help us understand our worth us a Filipino. Being able to read this kind of text is a great opportunity to seize the moment. It is what a certain text must talk about.
      Creating our own boundaries is one of the ways that could make us safe. We learn those spiritual and cultural beliefs from our ancestors and it never fails us to embrace the essence of respect. We learn to value those things. We believe those stories that generations after generations have made. We show our self-respect despite the fact that we don’t even know how something exist, how every story becomes a restriction to our actions.
       In addition, not only our cultures are being discussed but the facts that we tend to do nowadays have tackled as well. The text talks about the way we start to forget our cultural beliefs. We become influenced by the changes that happen in our world. We tend to forget our identities and the way we embrace it. Changes make us break the golden rules of our ancestors. Those changes should not allow us to break our own identities. We should not forget the essence of respect that is being planted in our hearts and minds. We should never be too dependent to changes of our society. Those cultural beliefs, fear on nature and respectful acts should be passed to the next generation. It should be taught to them because it will be their own reflections as Filipinos. It will make them more unique, embracing such respect and love.
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philamergarcia · 5 years
Lifetime Memories
       The biggest problem that I encountered was time management. I was not able to join with my group mates upon traveling because of some problems. But, I supported them financially. I knew that it was not enough and I felt sorry with that. As they finished recording their adventure, I was assigned to be one of the editors. I did my best to help because I knew that they were somehow disappointed to me. But, I overcame those problems by applying humanity over pride. I helped them wholeheartedly.
       I also realized that being a member was a great boon to enhance my abilities. I knew that I was not a good member, but at least I did my best. I was very thankful to them because they understood my part, as solo-parent and working as working student. I didn’t make it as an excuse.
       In general, I was amazed to our work as I watched because they were able to capture the beautiful places in Eastern Samar. Despite the fact that I was not there, I also discovered that the places were very beautiful, perfect for summer vacation. They really did it and I was very happy with it. Working with them taught me to be more confident. They encouraged me to talk with them that helped my social skills. I also realized that the activity taught us to work as one., to be work dependently and independently. I really enjoyed it.
        For me, the most memorable experience was the time that we edited our final output. Conversational talks and laughter encouraged me to work more. It was very enjoyable and it made me forget my problems. I really loved the way they treated me.
        As a student, the activity was very helpful in building our socialization skills. As a future lawyer, this will help me in finding me to every situation. As a human being, it taught me how to deal with everyday situation, dealing the simplest things into a concrete whole. All in all, those experiences helped me to become a better one.
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philamergarcia · 5 years
Similarities and Differences of Paraphrasing and Summarizing
Paraphrasing is rewriting the author’s  idea but still retaining its original meaning.
Paraphrase is usually the same length or  a little shorter than the source.
It is also known as  “indirect quotation”
Summarizing is writing down the  important or main points of a main.
It is shorter or 1/3 the size of the  main source.
It gives the overview of the source.
Elaborating  the ideas of other authors in a more straightforward way
Unnecessary  details are not included
Ideas  are expressed in own words
Sources  must be included.
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philamergarcia · 5 years
Summary of the Paraphrase about the Discussion of Matt Abrahams Titled Think Fast, Talk Smart
    Speaking in public may  come spontaneously covering-up in different forms. We must always be prepared  about it all the time so that we can finish it with a success.
    Before the actual  speaking, speakers tend to get nervous. This nervousness or anxiety must be  controlled by the speaker because it may overwhelm them thus resulting to  their failure. There are helpful ways to control anxiety acknowledging it,  changing the talking situation into something that makes you comfortable and  lastly is not caring about the next second when you started your speech, but  instead thinking what is at the moment.
    Controlling the  anxiety is a big help but a speaker must remember the following in delivering  a public speech. The speaker must not hinder himself in speaking such as  achieving his goals for his speech. Speakers must have the mentality that  speaking in public is a chance, not a threat for it allows them to be heard by  many people. It must also be remembered that listening to the crowd is  important. A speaker can only answer the crowd’s questions correctly if he  will carefully listen to them. Lastly, the speaker must have a structure for  his speech. It will make his speech easier to comprehend.
    The best way to speak  effectively is to speak. It should be practiced so that one will be an  effective speaker in a spontaneous situation.
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philamergarcia · 5 years
Paraphrase of the Discussion of Matt Abrahams Titled Think Fast, Talk Smart
     There will be a time that our boss will make us introduce an important person. We will be caught off guard, we are not prepared and nervous, and in the end, we will going to mess the introduction. So, before this happens, not just in introducing a person, can be in giving a feedback, a toast or an open forum, we must be able to learn how to speak effectively in a spontaneous situation.
     Matt Abrahams stated that prior in having a spontaneous speaking, speakers get nervous or are having anxiety. Though the anxiety helps us focus, we must learn how to control it before it overwhelms us. First way to control is to acknowledge the anxiety. It is wrong to deny the fact that you are nervous. It should be acknowledge so that it will not have the tendency to build up. Another way control the anxiety is to change the speaking situation. Instead of thinking that you are speaking in public, you may change the situation into a conversation. This can be more effective if the language that will be used can be easily understood by the listeners as well is comfortable to the speaker. Thinking of the “now” instead of what will happen in the future also helps in controlling the anxiety. Not worrying about the mistakes that might be committed while delivering a speech will make you focus only on the current happening, thus resulting to controlling the anxiety.
     After having the control of own anxiety or nervousness, there are things that a speaker must think of when delivering a public speech. Thinking and applying these will result to an effective spontaneous speaking. First to think of is do not hinder yourself in speaking. Speakers tend to achieve perfection through preparing it make them less effective in speaking. It must also be realized that speaking in public is a chance, a chance to talk and be heard by other people, it is not something that gives danger. If a speaker knows how to take it slowly and hear his audience’ ideas, speaking will be effective because he will know the appropriate respond. Lastly, if the way we speak has a structure, it will result to an effective speaking. Ideas cannot just be given out of nowhere. They must be delivered to the audience with a structure such as “Problem or Opportunity – Solution – Benefit” or “What – So What – Now What” manner.
     According to Matt Abrahams, actual execution is the best way to be an effective speaker. It does not happen overnight, so, practice is important. When one is able to speak effectively, he can be easily understood and can survive in spontaneous speaking situations.
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philamergarcia · 5 years
Reflection on the Video Think Fast, Talk Smart – Communication Techniques
     The informative discussion of Matt Abrahams on how to speak effectively in a spontaneous situation is indeed helpful and relatable to the actual situation. It really tackled his discussion title “Think Fast, Talk Smart.” In public speaking, I thought that the only the speaker can do to be best at it is to practice, but it is not actually enough. There are certain things to do and to remember in communicating effectively to a great amount of audience.
     It is true that there are times that we unexpectedly fall in a situation that we have to talk to a huge audience. There are times that I do it in my job and even when I am having a vacation with my family. I have to introduce each member of my family to a friend. I do not fell contented with my introduction of my family members though I introduced them enthusiastically. After watching the discussion of Matt Abrahams on how to think fast and talk smart in a spontaneous situation, that is the time that I realized that being entertaining is not enough in public speaking.
     All of the tips that Matt imparted are indeed helpful. Greeting the anxiety is much helpful for me. Though I managed to survive speaking in public, I know that it can be seen in my face that I am struggling during the whole process. I say it because I can see in the face of the person I am talking to that he looks like he wants to help me talking. Though I know what I will going to say, it seems like my body does not want to cooperate. Then I realized that it is because of my anxiety that I am fighting. It is not correct to fight it, but it must be acknowledged. It will never be gone nut the thing that I can do about it is to control it. According to Matt Abrahams, it can be controlled by changing the speaking the situation and being present oriented. If will make the introduction something as conversational, my anxiety will not be that outrageous because it is something that I usually do. And if I will become present oriented, I will not be thinking of trying to make the conversation perfect thus resulting to calming my nervousness.
           Matt Abrahams said that to be an effective speaker, we have to speak. With or without audience, we can practice. One point to practice is on is controlling our anxiety because it is very much important not just in speaking. If a person is overwhelmed by his nervousness before starting his speech, the rest of his speech will be in a mess.
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philamergarcia · 5 years
Bs for Me
              Boom! Everything that Philamer B. Garcia have now did not appear just like that. All were fruits of hard labors and surviving the harsh times, but the people who see him will never have the idea that he also have sand still struggles in life. I will tell you some of the important things to know about him.
               Philamer. What a peculiar name is that? A lot of his friends ask how that name is formed. The name “Philamer,”- best to be understood – is divided into two. “Phil-” is for Philippines and “-amer” is for America. No, he is not a hybrid of two nationalities, in fact, he was born on July 4 or during Philippine-America Friendship Day Celebration. See the connection?
               Blessed. Philamer is so blessed that he had his parents in his life. Though they are already gone, he can still feel their love. His father, Pedro Tabra Garcia was a farmer and his mother, Paz Buenaventura Garcia was a government employee who worked at the DENR Legal Office, Region VIII. After her work, she never misses to go to the market and buy raw foods which will later on she will cook once she arrived in their house. It is still clear to him up to now the image of his mother in the kitchen. The sounds of the clanging of metal utensils, chopping of the vegetables and meat on the wooden chopping board, the running water from the faucet are now a melody to his ears. Both of his parents loved him more than what he needed.
               Balance. That is the word that best describes me him. He is always working hard, active in religious activities, but sometimes he goes out to have some fun and to forget all the stressors in his life even for just awhile.
               Breathe. To be ready in life means you must went through different trainings that will make you ready to the real life struggles you might encounter, and Philamer is very much ready for those. Six schools and universities adopted and trained him, and now, one university is training him, the Leyte Normal University. After his study in LNU, he will have his Master’s Degree. Well, it can be said that most of his life were being spent in education, but the fruit of his sacrifices is better life.
               The center of his decision making is base from a famous verse from the Holy Bible, “Seek God first then everything follows.” And once you heard the name Philamer B. Garcia, remember these four words, blessed, balance, breathe and boom!
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