phillipimserious · 3 years
Unrelated to fandom but why does Tumblr have THE WORST ADS EVER?!
Why am I seeing the acne ad over and over again? Stop, @staff please get your ad-shit together.
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phillipimserious · 3 years
i do be wishing the best for y’all. life ain’t easy
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phillipimserious · 3 years
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phillipimserious · 3 years
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phillipimserious · 3 years
Yall ever heard white church music? Christian rock is one of the most gratingly generic and repetitive genres of music out there by a mile. It sucks so fucking bad. I am talking about this now because someone is sitting in front of the hospital and blaring “how great? Is our god?” As loud as the speakers in his truck can handle
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phillipimserious · 3 years
im such a fuckign jealous asshole i pretend like i dont care but i care so much im gonna explode
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phillipimserious · 3 years
light yagami is so fucking stupid in like a month they narrowed it down from like it could be anyone in the world.. to it could be anyone in japan to it could be anyone in the kanto region to it could be any student in the kanto region to its honestly probably one of the family members of these two policemen and my god this mans son is so fucking weird whats wrong with him like honestly i think L should have just taken the risk and hit light with a car one day and been like huh funny the kira murders stopped right this policemans son got hit by a car i asked my chauffeur to drive into him funny how that works out
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phillipimserious · 3 years
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phillipimserious · 3 years
I really like him, and I dont know if he likes me back because I’ve been friend zones so many times before. Like, please!
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phillipimserious · 3 years
I’ll never understand why anthropomorphic animal cartoons like Robin Hood and Zootopia will go to the trouble of creating character designs that are meant to be understood as “attractive” or even “sexy” to the human audience but explicitly avoid showing interspecies romances between anthropomorphic animals. Why is THAT weird but, like, trying to make rabbits recognizably sexy-coded to humans isn’t?
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phillipimserious · 3 years
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phillipimserious · 3 years
Una vida mundana
Trigger warning: Suicide, Self-Harm
Pasó su domingo como siempre. Se despertó de su cama, comió desayuno, y trató de leer algunas páginas en la biblia.
Pero también como cada domingo, el prospecto de que se iba tener que regresar a su trabajo de oficina entró en su mente.
Tendrá que sentarse en su escritorio otra vez para ocho horas y hacer llamadas a los hospitales para información sobre bills. Sus compañeros le regañará pasionalmente por un razón o otro.
Y sin planear para que hoy sea su último día en este mundo, camino a la cocina, agarró un cuchillo, y se suicidó como si estuviera vengándose de un dios descuidado.
Y así acaba la historia. No se despertó en otro mundo lleno de magia. No vio si existiera una manifestación que ciertamente lo odiaba. Ni siquiera vio a nadie intentar a resucitarlo como en las películas que veía. Solamente se murió en ese piso. Todo por escapar de su vida mundana.
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phillipimserious · 3 years
What she says: I’m fine. What she means: In the iCarly special ‘isavedyourlife’, Sam sabotaged Carly and Freddies relationship by getting into Freddies head and convincing him that Carly was confused and didn’t really care for him. (Which was proven false by Carlys obvious upset during Sam and Freddies relationship and in the finale when Carly kissed Freddie goodbye.) Carly and Sam discussed her first kiss with Freddie right after it happened so Sam had to have known that Carly did really care for him. Sam betrayed Carly by tricking Freddie into breaking up with her and then dating him herself. (Which Carly allowed because she wanted her friends to be happy) so all in all; Sam was the worst friend and totally selfish, not to mention literally ABUSED Freddie before and during their relationship and Creddie was way healthier and should have been Endgame.
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phillipimserious · 3 years
Whether or not the iCarly revival gives us Creddie, I’m just glad there won’t be Seddie. And this isn’t me being a petty Creddie shipper. It’s me knowing that Seddie was toxic and abusive and should never have been romanticized. Even the cast and the writers have said they prefer Creddie over Seddie and that Seddie made no sense to them and that it was toxic. Now that they’re adults, I want Carly and Freddie to have a mature conversation about their relationship whether it’s platonic or romantic. And tbh I’m glad they didn’t end up together in the end of the series, because it would have been messy in my opinion. Yes, me a Creddie shipper, didn’t want a Creddie endgame back then because it wouldn’t have been well written in my opinion and wouldn’t be satisfying. Now that they’re adults, they can talk about their past together and see if it leads to something more, without messy teen drama.
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phillipimserious · 3 years
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phillipimserious · 3 years
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phillipimserious · 3 years
“You deserve someone who treats you like you matter everyday, not just when it’s convenient for them.”
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