philosophyunbound · 2 years
PU#30 - exhaust(ed) entanglements - Full Program
Philosophy Unbound #30 will take place as part & the closing event of the “exhaust(ed) entanglements” conference at diffrakt | centre for theoretical periphery (Crellestraße 22, 10827 Berlin). The event will be bilingual - the individual contributions will be in their respective description language. Translation is to an extent possible. Find the full program below.
exhaust(ed) entanglements - Abschlusspanel
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Wie dem Autoregime begegnen? Eine Diskussion an der Schnittstelle von Theorie und Praxis.
Nach zwei vollen Tagen theoretischem Input wĂ€hrend der Konferenz werden wir in einem Panel nach Fishbowl-Prinzip ĂŒber die Integration von theoretischer Einsicht in unsere aktivistische wie alltĂ€gliche Praxis reflektieren. Wie kann man der normalen KatastrophalitĂ€t des Autoregimes im Alltag begegnen? Wie sieht ein wirkungsvoller Aktivismus gegen die Übermacht des Autos aus? Wie bekĂ€mpft man etwas, von dem fast alle abhĂ€ngig sind?
Über diese und andere Fragen sprechen wir mit Anna Baatz vom Volksentscheid Berlin autofrei und Heinrich Kirsch von Lobau bleibt!.
Anna Baatz is an activist with the initiative “Volksentscheid Berlin Autofrei” (Referendum for a carfree Berlin). On the way to the referendum, the initiative tries to illustrate the clear advantages of a car-reduced city and thus to overcome the persisting forces of car regimes. However the activists are increasingly experiencing that these forces are hardly concerned with practical aspects of urban everyday mobility, but rather persons perceive the vision of a car-reduced city either as an attack on their personal lifestyles or as a ludicrous. Anna engages in different working groups of the initiative and gets to know distinct reactions from journalists, particpants of interventions as well as social media users. Besides her activism she works as a researcher and investigates the (transformative) dynamics of everyday practices and spaces
Heinrich Hirsch is active in the protest movement “Lobau bleibt” with the goal of saving a Viennese national park from motorised individual traffic. The main part of the planned motorway tunnel was successfully stopped by exerting pressure on the national government through protests and camping on construction sites. Now the focus of the protest alliance is a connecting high-traffic road for the formerly planned tunnel. Next to his commitment in Vienna, Heinrich is still politically involved in “Verkehrswende, jetzt!” in his hometown Linz, a city also threatened by multiple large-scale motorway projects.
Artistic Program
Luiza Proença - A Minor Exhibition: The Return of The Great Mechanical Cow
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“A Minor Exhibition” is a research-based artistic platform inspired by craft and flea markets. Through a humble and rudimentary display, making use of minimal elements, a collection of objects serve as mediators for informal and intimate conversations with curious passersby. For the event Exhaust(ed) Entanglements, the objects recall the history of the 140,000 hectare cattle-ranch that the Volkswagen Company established in the Amazon from 1973 to 1987 with the support of the Brazilian military regime (1964-1985), causing the greatest fire then recorded on Earth. The case is still exemplary to address the entanglements between economic activities, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and its global impacts.
Luiza Proença is a curator, writer, and transdisciplinary scholar, with research focusing on the ecological crisis and on forms of micropolitical resistance through artistic practices. Currently, she is a Societal/Communal-based Work fellow at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart.
David Dada Hoffi Hoffmann - angeleitete entspannungsreise an das ende der zeit
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David Dada Hoffi Hoffmann, aufgewachsen in Ungarn und Österreich, lebt in Wien und Berlin. TĂ€tigkeiten als Autor und Performer. Lyrik- und Prosaveröffentlichungen in Magazinen und Anthologien (zuletzt „CoRoT-7 b“, Prosa in: Almost Magazine, A Space Issue, 2022 Berlin). Texter und FalsettsĂ€nger der Literaturpunkband Smashed To Pieces. Produktion eigener Hörspiele. Übersetzungen aus dem Ungarischen. Zurzeit schreibt er an einem Gedichtband. angeleitete entspannungsreise an das ende der zeit du stehst auf einem sandstrand, der sich links und rechts von dir in die endlosigkeit erstreckt. vor dir das meer, der horizont. die untergehende sonne scheint hinter einem blassgrauen dunst lediglich wie eine getrĂŒbte linse hervor, zeichen eines sterbenden planeten. 
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Das Wiener Kollektiv KLITCLIQUE bewegt sich zwischen Musik und bildender Kunst, Performance und Video. Rap und Hip-Hop-Culture bilden bei den KĂŒnstlerinnen keinen Gegensatz zu feministischer Praxis: Judith Rohrmoser und Mirjam Schweiger vermischen die Genres und nehmen den Kunstbetrieb dabei ebenso kritisch in den Blick wie die Musikindustrie und Subkultur.
Silvan Hagenbrock & Sophie Bösker - Zeit zu gehen
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Das autofreie Wien im Jahr 2120. China, eine 95-jĂ€hrige zugezogene Wienerin, die das Aussterben des Autos in den grĂŒnen 20er Jahren nur aus fragmentierten ErzĂ€hlungen ihrer Eltern miterlebte, erzĂ€hlt in Zeit zu gehen von ihren persönlichen Erinnerungen. Ihre verstorbene Frau, Reni, um einiges Ă€lter, war als energische Journalistin und Klima-Aktivistin maßgeblich am Aussterben der Spezies Auto beteiligt. Auch mithilfe des Wissens, das sie durch ihre Frau erlangt hat und der nebulösen Machenschaften ihrer Eltern, wagt China ihren ersten eigenen Rekonstruktionsversuch der ausgestorbenen Spezies.
“Zeit zu gehen” sieht nicht vor, realpolitische und urbanistische LösungsvorschlĂ€ge zu entwerfen, sondern nutzt das Medium Film, provokante Fragen und Ideen aufzuwerfen, Privilegien zu hinterfragen und fiktiv aus der Zukunft ins Jetzt zu blicken. Mit dem Film wird eine Imagination erzeugt, die eine andere Narration der automobilen RealitĂ€t darstellt. “Zeit zu gehen” widmet sich demnach einer Abkehr von und einer Delegitimation des Automobils. Des Weiteren bemĂŒht sich der Film um eine SchwĂ€chung der Machtbasis der Autoindustrie durch deren fiktive ErzĂ€hlweise. Die zentrale Fragestellung lautet: Wie sieht eine autofreie, urbane Gegenwart, aus der Zukunft betrachtend, aus?
Jolon Dixon - Let’s Chalk
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Please come outside to join me in the street, the periphery to the Centre for Theoretical Peripheries. I need your help to make something happen. We will meditate together with our voices, our legs and our lungs. I will guide the meditation through drawing on the pavement/footpath/sidewalk and waving my arms about.
Jolon Dixon is a neurodivergent live artist working with scores, words, and new media. He hops between writing contemporary classical music, playing with sound in fields, making site-specific performance art and other stuff. Among other stuff, he is interested in how new communities can form, the many voices within each of us, and how we can respond gracefully to the weirdness of the world.
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philosophyunbound · 2 years
CALL: PU#30 @ exhaust(ed) entanglements
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Call: PU#30 @ Exhaust(ed) Entanglements - Overcoming the auto-self of the Anthropocene
Humans taking up too much space, blocking each other’s ways while emitting way too many toxic gases. A description of an everyday traffic jam can equally be read as a metaphor for the catastrophic predicament some call the Anthropocene. As part of the conference “exhaust(ed) entanglements – overcoming the auto-self of the Anthropocene”, Philosophy Unbound invites proposals for short performances, interventions, lectures, etc. to think about our toxic entanglement to modern lifestyles with the car as a main focus.
Even though the awareness of our ecological predicament and the politicization of carbon-intensive life-styles has risen significantly in the last years, the car and its centrality to modern human ideas of the good life seems almost impossible to overcome. As such, we regard the car as the signature device of a much larger problem: Namely, that of the “Homogenocene” and our highly resilient attachment to it. We invite performers to investigate the material compositions, economic dynamics, cultural imaginaries and affective histories around car-culture and to speculate about Utopian, no-longer-modern fabulations to get out of this raging deadlock. In overcoming the auto-self of the Anthropocene, we seek to not only to find more ecological ways of transportation, but also less self-referential and anthropocentric ways of sharing, reasoning and dwelling on the planet.
What affective entanglements, subjective investments and pragmatic as well as economic compromises tie us to the status-quo of fossil-fueled late capitalism? How resilient are our environmentally damaging lifestyles even in the face of more and more visible catastrophe? How would the Utopian worlds behind these exhausted entanglements look like?
Philosophy Unbound will take place at the closing event of the conference on 13th of May 2022 at diffrakt | centre for theoretical periphery in Berlin. Please send us your proposal for short (up to 15 Minutes) interventions, performances of free form and content until the 20th of April 2022 to [email protected] - we will most likely be able to pay a little “AufwandsentschĂ€digung”!
We are looking forward to your proposals!
(more information about the conference can be found here)
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philosophyunbound · 3 years
PU#29 - Hin Fort Bewegung - The Program
Philosophy Unbound #29 will take place on the 21st of August, at F23 in 1230 Vienna from 15-20h. For more details and the information about the time table etc. see our Facebook event.
Time table coming soon. Below you can find detailed information about our contributions.
Performance Program
XXMJ & Federikax3
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"Nach dem Wegfall von realen (Club-)RĂ€umen ist das neue Musikprojekt XXMJ ein Versuch, den ideologischen Nenner unterschiedlicher Musikkulturen zu finden, und sie zusammenzufĂŒhren. DafĂŒr werden Sound und LautstĂ€rke als körperliches Ereignis verstanden, welches als Sozialisationspunkt dient, und ĂŒber die musikalischen Inhalte hinausgeht.
XXMJ ist auch eine Auseinandersetzung von Johann "MJ" mit dem Instrument Schlagzeug und dem eigenen Körper. Seit Oktober 2020 ist es ein Versuch das Instrument autodidaktisch kennenzulernen, und das Zusammenwirken beider Körper besser zu verstehen. Das Spiel mit dem Instrument wird dabei als improvisierte Choreographie und Performance begriffen. Und als Moment, in dem wir uns als beteiligte Körper gegenseitig hervorbringen. Die Live-Umsetzung von XXMJ im F23 wird begleitet und steht in Kollaboration mit der DJ Federikax3.”
aaron/nora scherer - cocoon
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aaron/nora scherer is an artist and activist from Germany. Now living in Vienna and studying at the Academy of Fine Arts.
aarons interactive, immersive and durational performance works create situations that allow them to explore social dynamics, contemporary forms of communication and intimacy. As a performer for various international collaborators they developed the necessary stamina and refinement to question borders of human relation. Through video assemblages, sculpture and sound aaron current research examines identity as fluid tool beyond fixed representation.
Benedikt Steiner - Spuren in einem – Verortungen
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Ausstellung und kollektive Textperformance
Der in Wien lebende Dichter und KĂŒnstler Benedikt Steiner wandelt Erkenntnisfunken, Ahnungen und Intuitionen um in skulpturale sprachliche Formen. Schreibend spĂŒrt er dem vorbewussten Rumoren nach, dem Entstehen und Abebben von Sinn. Seine Texte sind Spuren innerer Prozesse, sind selbst Prozess; Gebilde im Übergang von fest zu flĂŒssig, hin zum Schweben – jeweils stabil genug, um fĂŒr sich zu stehen, jedoch mit etlichen offenen Enden. Denn erst in Querverbindungen und unverhofften Kombinationen leben die Texte ganz auf.
Deswegen liest das Publikum mit! In einer gemeinsamen, improvisierten Bewegung werden die im Raum verteilten Texte neu zusammengesetzt und im Sprechen vermengt: plötzlich ein Chor, sprachliches Ping-Pong und unabsehbare VerknĂŒpfungen; oszillierend zwischen Kakophonie und Gleichklang. Ein ephemerer Sprachraum spannt sich auf, der nur so lange besteht, wie er sprechend und hörend von den Beteiligten erzeugt wird. Von Spuren in einem zu Spuren in uns – stets fragil und höchst lebendig!
Benedikt Steiner, geb. 1990 in Basel. Bachelor of Arts in Materialdesign in Luzern, Studium der Sprachkunst in Wien, wo er seither als Autor, KĂŒnstler und Kursleiter lebt. Diverse Publikationen in Online- und Printmagazinen, Lesungen, Performances und Ausstellungen. Fokus auf experimentelle, improvisierte und kollektive Settings, zuletzt als Gast bei connex : context auf radio orange 94,0. Zurzeit entwickelt er nach Ein Leben an sich (Selbstverlag, 2016) sein zweites Gedichtbuch Spuren in einem – Verortungen und arbeitet als Werklehrer mit jugendlichen StraftĂ€tern.
Verena Herterich / Oravin - would we be closer if we would join
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Die TĂ€nzerin/Performerin Verena Herterich und der Sound Artist Oravin loten in ihrer Performance would we be closer if we would join die unhintergehbare PrĂ€senz jedes Klangs und jeder Körperlichkeit aus. Was sind die Überschneidungen zwischen Körper und Raum, die Verbindungen von Klang und BerĂŒhrung? Können Körper und Sounds als nichtlineare Systeme verstanden werden, die RĂ€ume strukturieren? Wie kann BerĂŒhrung stattfinden, wenn Körper einen Raum teilen und doch physisch voneinander getrennt bleiben? Womit sind AbstĂ€nde durchzogen? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen formen Verena Herterich und Oravin ein Kollektiv aus Körpern, KlĂ€ngen, Bruchteilen, Gesten, ZwischenrĂ€umen.
Marco Cem MĂŒhlhans und Michel Hyacinth Ferge - raumexploration1
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Wir alle leben in RĂ€umen bzw. im Raum. Eine Existenz ohne Raum ist nur wenig bis garnicht vorstellbar. Der Raum der uns umgibt hat immer unmittelbaren Einfluss auf das was wir fĂŒhlen und denken. Körper stehen durch unsere Sinnesorgane immer im Austausch mit dem Raum, der sie umgibt. Körper nehmen war ob ein Raum z.B. feucht oder kalt ist, modrig riecht und wie sich Schall in ihm ausbreitet.
Was wird also passieren, wenn man versucht diese Raumerfahrung auszureizen?
carless.earth - Auto-aggression
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Durch kleine Installationen und Raumbesetzungen wird das Kollektiv carless.earth die Normierung von Bewegung durch den offentlichen Raum aufgrund des omniprĂ€senten Autoregimes erforschen. Wir deplatzieren die alltĂ€glichen Aggressionen, schnĂŒffeln die schlimmsten Abgase und untersuchen die tiefsten ReifenabdrĂŒcke. They rollin’, they hatin’.
Film Program
The film programed will be screened in a loop from 12th to 21th of August at the site of F23.
Silvan Hagenbrock & Sophie Bösker - Zeit zu gehen
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Das autofreie Wien im Jahr 2120. China, eine 95-jĂ€hrige zugezogene Wienerin, die das Aussterben des Autos in den grĂŒnen 20er Jahren nur aus fragmentierten ErzĂ€hlungen ihrer Eltern miterlebte, erzĂ€hlt in Zeit zu gehen von ihren persönlichen Erinnerungen. Ihre verstorbene Frau, Reni, um einiges Ă€lter, war als energische Journalistin und Klima-Aktivistin maßgeblich am Aussterben der Spezies Auto beteiligt. Auch mithilfe des Wissens, das sie durch ihre Frau erlangt hat und der nebulösen Machenschaften ihrer Eltern, wagt China ihren ersten eigenen Rekonstruktionsversuch der ausgestorbenen Spezies.
“Zeit zu gehen” sieht nicht vor, realpolitische und urbanistische LösungsvorschlĂ€ge zu entwerfen, sondern nutzt das Medium Film, provokante Fragen und Ideen aufzuwerfen, Privilegien zu hinterfragen und fiktiv aus der Zukunft ins Jetzt zu blicken. Mit dem Film wird eine Imagination erzeugt, die eine andere Narration der automobilen RealitĂ€t darstellt. “Zeit zu gehen” widmet sich demnach einer Abkehr von und einer Delegitimation des Automobils. Des Weiteren bemĂŒht sich der Film um eine SchwĂ€chung der Machtbasis der Autoindustrie durch deren fiktive ErzĂ€hlweise. Die zentrale Fragestellung lautet: Wie sieht eine autofreie, urbane Gegenwart, aus der Zukunft betrachtend, aus?
Conni Holzer - Befreiungsakt
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Befreiungsakt ist ein Performance-Video ĂŒber gesellschaftliche Erwartungen und Normen. Aus einer AtmosphĂ€re von Druck, Zwang, Versagen und Niederlage bewegt sich Conni Holzer in einen Zustand des Einfach-Seins. Eine Sound-Collage aus verschiedenen Stimmen, beschriebenes Gaffer-Tape, etwas Schmerz, Verletzlichkeit und gerötete Haut vermischen sich in der Performance. Am Ende bleibt ein Kreis.
Das Video entstand im Rahmen des Projektes „Es reicht vollkommen einfach da zu sein - Kunstweg am alten Rhein“ 2021.
KĂ€the Löffelmann - “Going nowhere”
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Katharina "KÀthe" Löffelmann (*1994, Lower Austria) is a multidisciplinary artist based in Vienna, Austria. Her work consists mostly of photography and video works, paintings, large scale murals and conceptual installations. In terms of murals and street art she mostly operates together with fellow artists Linda Steiner and Mariella Lehner, forming the collective Ripoff Crew. 2018 she joined Studio Walls Vienna where she does most of her work. Currently she is also studying art education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. The video "Where We Come From" was produced in 2020.
I made this film after returning to my grandma’s house for the first time, who had passed away shortly before. Most of the interior had been removed while I was abroad, and I felt the need to document my own state of mind upon entering this familiar, yet ghostly place. It is a reflection on the impossibility of really saying goodbye swiftly, despite the fast paced circumstances that surrounds us. For me, it thematizes the perceived feeling of crowdedness that sometimes haunts empty rooms, and the weight of space and absence.
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philosophyunbound · 3 years
Hin|Fort Bewegung - Call Philosophy Unbound #29
Call Philosophy Unbound #29
Hin|Fort Bewegung
--English version below --
Vieles bewegt, vieles kann eine Bewegung ausmachen: Von physikalischen ErklĂ€rungsmodellen der OrtsverĂ€nderung, ĂŒber körperliche AktivitĂ€t, bis hin zu sozialen und politischen Bewegungen. – Und unser Denken? Bewegen wir uns, wenn wir erinnern und wahrnehmen, oder gar nur, wenn wir fĂŒhlen, und, metaphorisch gesprochen, von der Emotion “bewegt” werden? Und wenn die Gedanken uns bewegen, wohin? Darf ich zappeln beim Schreiben? Sollten wir, im Sinne einer Nomadologie, von der Bewegung als Norm ausgehen? Und was verĂ€ndert sich, wenn wir auf einem statischen Weltbild aufbauen? Betrifft uns auch die Bewegung der Anderen? Wie ist die Art, wie wir uns bewegen, durch unsere Umwelt, durch die sozialen und kulturellen Normen, in die uns umgeben, vorgegeben? Was stĂ¶ĂŸt uns an, uns aus unserer ruhenden Position zu bewegen? Wann und wovon wollen wir nicht bewegt werden, und mit welchem Recht? Wie, und vor allem in welche Zukunft, wollen wir uns bewegen? Und wie kommen wir dort hin? 
Bitte schickt uns eure Ideen fĂŒr Performances, Lectures, Installationen, Filme, Bilder, Skulpturen, Interventionen etc. zu diesen und allen anderen Fragen, die durch diesen Call in euch angestoßen wurden, bis zum 20. Juli 2021 an [email protected]. Philosophy Unbound #29 findet am 21. August 2021 den ganzen Tag ĂŒber im F23 in Wien statt. DarĂŒber hinaus besteht die Möglichkeit, eingereichte BeitrĂ€ge ab dem 13. August in einer Ausstellung zu zeigen. Wir freuen uns, fĂŒr diese Veranstaltung mit dem Rhizomatic Circus Collective, der One Mess Gallery (OMG) und Untere Willkyr zu kooperieren!  
Wir sind gespannt auf eure Ideen! 
Call Philosophy Unbound #29
Hin|Fort Bewegung
Many things move, many things can constitute a movement: ranging from physical explanatory models of change of place and bodily activity to social and political movements. And our thinking? Do we move when we remember and perceive, or when we feel, and, metaphorically speaking, are "moved" by emotion? If our thoughts move us, where to? Am I allowed to fidget when I write? Should we, in the sense of a nomadology, start from movement as the norm? And what changes when we build on a static world view? Does the movement of others also affect us? How is the way we move predetermined by our environment, by the social and cultural norms that surround us? What nudges us to move from our resting position? When and by what do we not want to be moved, and with what right? How, and especially into what future, do we want to move? And how do we get there?
Please send us your ideas for performances, lectures, installations, films, paintings, sculptures, interventions etc. regarding these and all other questions that have been triggered in you by this call to [email protected] by July 20th 2021. Philosophy Unbound #29 will take place on 21 August 2021 at F23 in Vienna. In addition, there is the possibility to show submitted contributions in an exhibition from August 13th. We are happy to cooperate with Rhizomatic Circus Collective, One Mess Gallery (OMG) and Untere Willkyr for this event!  
We are looking forward to your ideas!
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philosophyunbound · 4 years
!!! POSTPONED !!! - CALL: Philosophy Unbound #28 - Synaesthesia - Brussels, 7th of November 2020
Due to the uncertain Covid-19 situation in Brussels and more generally Europe, we unfortunately have to postpone PU#28 to a latter - and safer - date. At the moment we are envisioning it to be in April or May next year. Stay tuned.
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PHILOSOPHY UNBOUND #28 – Synaesthesia
-- English version below --
Le collectif Philosophy Unbound (traduisez DĂ©chaĂźner la Philosophie) est de retour Ă  Bruxelles ! Pour cette Ă©dition, nous nous attardons sur la multitude des expĂ©riences sensibles. Nous voulons explorer les pistes de la « synesthĂ©sie », c’est-Ă -dire celles qui concernent les relations, la circulation et les agencements entre les sensations, les Ă©motions, l’imagination et la crĂ©ativitĂ©. Nous en appelons Ă  un joyeux dĂ©sordre des sensations et affects dans l’expĂ©rience !
Nous sollicitons toute dĂ©marche qui questionne les capacitĂ©s sensibles et leurs puissances Ă©cologiques. Qu’il s’agisse d’enquĂȘter sur le primat du visuel dans la pensĂ©e et l’imagination (image de pensĂ©e, mĂ©taphore et oculocentrisme), sur le rapport entre sensibilitĂ© et abstraction (ideasthesia), ou plus fondamentalement, sur la prĂ©tendue unitĂ© des sensations et des sentiments (syn-esthĂ©sie). Cette Ă©dition cherche Ă  dĂ©velopper des expĂ©rimentations synesthĂ©tiques qui mettent Ă  l’épreuve la sensualitĂ© et ses normes, par exemples, par une mise-en-scĂšne innovante de l’activitĂ© olfactive dans l’environnement, par une peinture tactile dont les aspĂ©ritĂ©s Ă©branlent la distance du regard, par une performance autour des sensations du mouvement corporel dans l’espace et le temps, par des figures dont les traits plongent dans les profondeurs sensibles du corps, etc.
Peu importe les formes et l’état d’achĂšvement du projet, ce laboratoire d’amateurs et d’experts veut questionner ce que nous appelons habituellement les cinq sens et leurs interactions, nous voulons mettre en doute les hiĂ©rarchies sensibles et leurs consĂ©quences socio-politiques pour explorer par-delĂ  les catĂ©gories philosophiques du phĂ©nomĂšne. Travaillons et rĂ©flĂ©chissons ensemble Ă  une vĂ©ritable expĂ©rience dĂ©mocratique de nos sensibilitĂ©s, dĂ©couvrons des maniĂšres innovantes d’expĂ©rimenter nos territoires sensibles en prise avec la prĂ©caritĂ© Ă©cologique !
FidÚle à son manifeste, le collectif Philosophy Unbound veut soutenir de nouvelles formes et ouvrir de nouveaux espaces pour faire de la philosophie en-dehors de ses enclaves et formats habituels. Nous vous invitons à envoyer des propositions de performance, peinture, danse, dessin, conférence, photographie, sculpture, intervention audio- et visuelles, ainsi que tout ce qui pourrait exprimer des maniÚres de renverser le partage du sensible !
Envoyez-nous vos idĂ©es, questions ou propositions (pas nĂ©cessairement textuelles) jusqu’au 9 octobre Ă  [email protected]
L’évĂšnement aura lieu le samedi 7 novembre Ă  la Chambre de l’Art et la Culture (Bruxelles). Envoyez-nous vos propositions jusqu’au 9 octobre. Etant donnĂ© la prĂ©caritĂ© sanitaire et politique, il se peut que l’évĂšnement doive ĂȘtre reportĂ© Ă  une date ultĂ©rieure. En tous les cas, n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  saisir le port du masque comme une nouvelle expĂ©rience synesthĂ©sique, un « bal masqué » rĂ©inventé !
Plus d’infos : http://philosophyunbound.tumblr.com
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PHILOSOPHY UNBOUND #28 – Synaesthesia (English Version)
Philosophy Unbound is back in Brussels! In this edition, we want to explore the multitude of sensitive experiences and their political, ecological and cultural potentials. We want to follow the paths of “synaesthesia” that concern the relationships, circulations and arrangements between sensations, emotions, imaginations and creativity. We call for a joyful disorder of sensations and affects in our’s and other’s experience!
We solicit any approach that questions sensitive capacities and potentialities. Whether it is to investigate the primacy of the visual in thought and imagination (image of thought, metaphor and ocularcentrism), the relationship between sensitivity and abstraction (ideasthesia), or more fundamentally, the alleged unity of sensations and feelings (syn-aesthesia). This edition seeks to develop syn-aesthetic experiments that test sensuality and its norms. This could happen, for example, through an innovative staging of olfactory activity in the environment, through tactile painting whose roughness shakes the distance of the gaze, by means of a performance around the sensations of bodily movement in space and time, through figures whose features plunge into the sensitive depths of the body, etc.
Regardless of the forms and state of completion of the project, this laboratory for amateurs and experts wants to question what we usually call the five senses and their interactions, we want to question the sensitive hierarchies and their socio-political consequences to explore realms beyond the traditional philosophical categories of the phenomenon. Let’s work and reflect together on a true democratic experience of our sensitivies and find new and better sensory regimes for the ecologically precarious sense-scapes we are inhabiting!
True to its manifesto, Philosophy Unbound wants to support new forms and open new spaces for philosophy outside its usual habitats and formats. We invite you to send proposals for performance, painting, dance, drawing, lectures, photography, sculpture, audio and visual interventions, as well as anything that could express ways of overturning and rethinking the sensible!
Send us your ideas, questions or proposals (not necessarily in textual form) until the 9th of October to [email protected]
The event will take place on Saturday 7th November at the Chambre de l’Art et de la Culture (Brussels). Send us your proposals until October 9th. (don’t hesitate to speak of “masquerade” ahah)
More info: http://philosophyunbound.tumblr.com
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philosophyunbound · 4 years
Panel Talk: Phenomenon to Film
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Porn Film Festival Vienna x Improper Walls x Philosophy Unbound
October 3rd, 2020
How to artistically portray bodily intimacy?
And how to transfer feel, touch and closeness into different media?
In this panel talk, we invite selected guests and the audience to think together about the link between embodiment and artistic creation. How can sexuality, mostly considered a matter of feel, be transferred into an audio/visual medium? Is it purely a matter of feel? What about the role imagination plays in sexuality? And how does our relation to this imagination change with the omnipresent audio-visual availability of pornographic images?
Porn Film Festival Vienna offers us a possibility to think about the link between the epistemological question of how to generate meaning and the possibilities of artistic expression. How do we turn matter into meaning? In how far is meaning also a normed construct, heavily dependent on its context? How to challenge and re-imagine traditional artistic expressions of sexuality? How to artistically portray consent? How to deal with the boundary-crossing between public sphere and private sphere in the act of publicly watching porn? And how can traditional hierarchies be re-imagined and deconstructed through this crossing?
Gloria Dimmel (AT), hosts genital casting sessions https://gloriadimmel.com/
Nora Scherer (DE), performance artist 
Guus Diepenmaat (BEL), director, actor, visual artist https://guusdiepenmaat.com/
Jaskaran Anand (AT/IND), director, performance-artist, choreographer  http://jaskarananand.com/
Valentina Duelli (AT), representing Porn Film Festival
Host: Flora Löffelmann (AT), feminist philosopher
October 3rd 2020, 15:00
Register via [email protected]
Location: Improper Walls, Reindorfgasse 42, 1150 Vienna
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philosophyunbound · 4 years
Philosophy Unbound #27 - Platz fĂŒr Wien
Philosophy Unbound in collaboration with Platz fĂŒr Wien will take place on the 18th of September 2020 from 18h-21h in the temporarily occupied public space of KettenbrĂŒckengasse between Wienzeile and GrĂŒngasse (exactly here). 
Find the program below. For more recent info (regarding weather etc.) please consult the FB-Event (LINK coming soon).
Am 18.9. schaffen Platz fĂŒr Wien und Philosophy Unbound in der jĂŒngst wieder aufgelösten temporĂ€ren Begegnungszone KettenbĂŒckengasse neuen Platz fĂŒr Begegnung!
Statt still und heimlich die halbherzigen temporĂ€ren Corona-Begegnungszonen wieder aufzulösen, fordert Platz fĂŒr Wien 60 Kilometer dauerhafte und wirklich nutzbare Begegnungs- und FußgĂ€nger*innenzonen.
Mit Philosophy Unbound erobern wir deshalb temporĂ€r die KettenbrĂŒckengasse vom dominierenden Autoverkehr zurĂŒck. Wir wollen gemeinsam erforschen, was fĂŒr andere Weisen des öffentlichen Zusammenlebens möglich sind. Diverse kĂŒnstlerische, performative und philosophische Interventionen laden ein, die Grenzen der heutigen NormalitĂ€t zu ĂŒberschreiten und in kollektiven Experimenten die Stadt der Zukunft auszuprobieren!
Nehmen wir uns gemeinsam Platz fĂŒr Begegnung. Kommt vorbei, setzt euch dazu, bringt GetrĂ€nke mit und lasst uns gemeinsam utopische Potentiale von Öffentlichkeit in einer temporĂ€r eingerichteten Zone ausprobieren.
Programm (18:00-20:00)
--> Neben dem angekĂŒndigten Programm sind spontane Aktionen und EinschĂŒbe jederzeit willkommen.
Smashed to pieces
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Lawrence Weiners mittlerweile entfernter Schriftzug am Flakturm im Wiener EsterhĂĄzypark ist Namensgeber und Leitfaden der seit 2018 bestehenden Formation. StĂŒcke ĂŒber die feinen Wurzeln und AuslĂ€ufer des Totalitarismus, Stimmungsberichte aus dem seelischen Halbdunkel: „Das Gemetzel findet innerhalb des Erlaubten und der Sitten statt.“ (Ingeborg Bachmann) 
Ungewöhnlich und unplugged werden sie im Schein der wĂ€rmenden Feuertonne ihre Lieder in gemĂŒtlicher LagerfeueratmosphĂ€re auf der Straße wiedergeben.
Verena DĂŒrr: vox / keys / computer David Hoffmann: vox / gitarre Jakob Kraner: vox / bass / computer
Genre: Post/Punk/Spoken-Word/Falsett
Philomation - materialisiertes Wohnen
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"Als AusdrĂŒckende und Ausdruck sind wir selbst bildhafte Theorie, verwoben mit dem wechselwirkenden Geschehen des uns umgebenden Raumes. Wir wollen sie sichtbar machen die eingeschriebene und die sich-erschreibende Verbundenheit theoretisierten Ausdrucks in seiner WidersprĂŒchlichkeit von Festigkeit und Vollzug. In geradezu existenzialer Analogie unseres Selbstseins kreiert sich die RĂ€umlichkeit in einem Wechselspiel aus Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion als unaufhörlich Werdendes immer wieder neu.”
philomation (Evi JĂ€gle, Christoph MĂŒller): studieren Kunst und Philosophie in Wien und Leipzig und sind das performative Philosophie-Kollektiv philomation (philomation.com)
Grove - Poetry Pouch
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Poetry pouch is an installation that accommodates reading and writing poetry in public spaces.
Based in Mussoorie, India Grove is an ecology of creation engaged in nurturing artistic, philosophical, naturalist, and imaginative cultural forces of nature.
Performed by Sarvesh Wahie - Poet & (Re)searcher from Mussoorie India
Claudia Heu & Tobias M. Draeger - dafĂŒr legen wir uns hin. Eine Begegnung.
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Die ChoreographInnen Claudia Heu und Tobias M. Draeger geben Körperarbeit in Osteopathie und der Talmi–Methode Ÿ *Ihre gemeinsame Recherche  ...dafĂŒr legen wir uns hin, folgt dem Interesse, Formen von BerĂŒhrungs- und Körperwissen in andere RĂ€ume zu transferieren: von einem intimen Behandlungsort in belebte, öffentliche  RĂ€ume; Die BerĂŒhrung von einer intimen, privaten Handlung, zu einem kollektiven Ereignis und Erlebnis zu machen.  Als performativen Akt, Ritual oder ganz simpel: als BerĂŒhrungssequenz. 
 ...dafĂŒr legen wir uns hin, lĂ€dt ein, ein kollektiv fĂŒhlendes, empathisches Körperbewusstsein wieder lebendiger zu machen; Körperwissen mit unterschiedlichsten Menschen zu teilen, auszutauschen und daran weiterzuforschen.
 Fragen, die wir uns stellen. Wo fĂ€ngt BerĂŒhrung an? Wie verĂ€ndert sich Denken, in Form von erinnern, wahrnehmen, Intuition, wĂ€hrend und nach einer BerĂŒhrung? Was macht es mit denen die berĂŒhrt werden und berĂŒhren, wenn jemand zusieht? Was macht es mit denen die zusehen? FĂŒr  den 18.9. zwischen 18 und 21 Uhr laden wir stĂŒndlich jeweils 2 Personen zu einer BerĂŒhrungssequenz ein. Bitte anmelden. Das Setting besteht aus 3 Personen ( Beobachterin/ BerĂŒhrte /BerĂŒhrender) und soll vorerst eine Mini - Anordnung fĂŒr das  kollektiv GrĂ¶ĂŸere sein. Wir werden ZeitrĂ€ume fĂŒr PassantInnen, die zufĂ€llig vorbeikommen und Lust haben sich hinzulegen, freihalten.
Anmeldung und weitere Informationen unter: [email protected]
 Mit UnterstĂŒtzung von Im_flieger, Wien Kultur, BMUKK und KoresponDance Festival, Festspielhaus St.Pölten/NÖ Kulturszene
htpps: // >www.talmi-methode.com/
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Das Kollektiv carless.earth wird performativ und interventionistisch Ihre Utopie der autofreien Welt vorstellen.
“Von den InnenstĂ€dten ausgehend wollen wir das Auto zurĂŒckdrĂ€ngen um neue RĂ€ume und Möglichkeiten der Bewegung und des Verharrens zu schaffen, die das Auto unattraktiv oder gar unmöglich machen. Dazu braucht es Reibung : von nun ab werden wir dem Auto ĂŒberall wo geht Reibung entgegensetzen. Seinem schamlosen Glattheitsanspruch werden wir noch mehr Barrikaden entgegensetzen : sei es aus E-Scootern, Schildern – oder einfach beim langsam ĂŒber die Straße gehen. Unser Anspruch ist es, das Autofahren so unangenehm wie möglich in unseren Umwelten zu machen. (So unangenehm wie Radfahren und Zufußgehen in Beisein von Autos und hoffentlich noch viel unangenehmer!) Das sollen sie noch so laut hupen, diese Verlorenen an ein altes Ideal
 Um uns endlich auf eine ökologisch nachhaltige Gesellschaftsform hinzu zu bewegen, mĂŒssen wir dieses Projekt endlich entschieden angehen: Nieder mit dem Autoregime! Weg mit den Autos aus der Welt! Auf zu neuen, schöneren, inklusiveren und viel sinnlicheren Welten! Mit vielfachen Mitteln, tausenden verschiedenen Transport- und Lebensweisen werden wir uns dorthin bewegen, wo die Monokulturalisierung des Autos nicht mehr stattfindet.”
(Zitat aus dem carless.earth-Manifest)
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engagée is an independent journal at the intersection of politics, philosophy and art. The project gives special importance to current political issues, publishing critical analyses and theoretically informed interventions. engagée puplished 2 issues on municipalism titled "radical cities" and "urban citizenship" that will be presented at the event.
gegen 20h: Einrollen der Critical Mass und Afterparty
Location: KettenbrĂŒckengasse / Wienzeile - 48.1966433, 16.3594206
Die Forderungen von Platz fĂŒr Wien könnt ihr hier unterschreiben: https://platzfuer.wien/forderungen/
Wir danken der freundlichen UnterstĂŒtzung durch:
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philosophyunbound · 4 years
CALL - Philosophy Unbound #27 “Platz fĂŒr Wien”
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Call: Philosophy Unbound #27 - Platz fĂŒr Wien
- English Version below -
Der öffentliche Raum ist besetzt! Maschinen nehmen uns die Luft zum Denken, Atmen und Handeln weg! 
Über 70% der öffentlichen FlĂ€che Wiens gehört den Autos – einem Verkehrsmittel, das nur 30% der Wiener*innen besitzen. Was ist mit den restlichen 70%, die sich mit Fahrrad, Öffi und zu Fuß durch ein Verkehrsnetz schlagen mĂŒssen, das nicht fĂŒr ihre BedĂŒrfnisse geschaffen wurde? 
Das Auto, gleichzeitig Abschottungs- und Verpestungsmaschine, ist DAS Symbol eines UmweltverhĂ€ltnisses, welches wir aufgrund seiner katastrophalen ökologischen und sozialen Konsequenzen ĂŒberkommen mĂŒssen. Der kapitalistische Warenverkehr und seine Ausbeutungsstrukturen wĂ€ren ohne Autos so kaum denkbar. Wo sie fahren, wird der Boden versiegelt, das unachtsame Leben bedroht. Sinnliche Teilnahme, körperlicher oder geistiger Austausch ist mit ihnen in der NĂ€he erschwert.
Interventionen im öffentlichen Raum bestimmen seit Anfang die Geschichte der Philosophie: Sokrates, der am Marktplatz von Athen durch Fragestellen politisches Missfallen erregte, Diogenes, der Proto-Dadaist im Fass, Hipparchia, die öffentlich fĂŒr das Recht von Frauen auf Selbstbestimmung und Bildung stritt – sie alle fassten Philosophieren als Akt, der, um Wirksamkeit zu erzeugen, einer Öffentlichkeit bedarf. Heute ist die Philosophie großteils in akademische Hallen gesperrt, von ihrer Öffentlichkeit und PerformativitĂ€t befreit und auf das beschriebene Blatt beschrĂ€nkt. Gehirne im Tank mit Körpern dran.
Weil wir unser Recht auf ein gutes Leben in der Stadt einfordern, fragen wir uns: Wie kann heute eine performative Philosophie, eine philosophische Performance im öffentlichen Raum, aussehen? Welche Anforderungen muss der öffentliche Raum erfĂŒllen, damit wir wieder freier denken und handeln können? Gerade in postcoronalen Zeiten muss die Frage aufs neue gestellt werden: Was fĂŒr ein gestaltendes VerhĂ€ltnis wollen wir zu unserer Umwelt eingehen? Wie kann Öffentlichkeit nachhaltiger gedacht werden? Und wie soll eigentlich die Stadt der Zukunft aussehen? 
Philosophy Unbound #27 wird, in Kollaboration mit der Initiative Platz fĂŒr Wien, diesen und anderen Fragen nachgehen. Auf einer temporĂ€r besetzten Straße bieten wir am 18.9.2020 Raum, sich kĂŒnstlerisch, performativ, philosophisch, fragend und antwortend mit der Öffentlichkeit und Möglichkeiten ihrer Gestaltung auseinanderzusetzen. Wir freuen uns auf Eure Proposals: Sendet uns Ideen fĂŒr performative Interventionen, Spontanskulpturen, Sozialplastiken, Tanzimpulse, VortrĂ€ge, MusikstĂŒcke, Projektionen und alles andere, mit dem ihr den Bewohner*innen der Stadt Wien zeigen wollt, wie viel besser der öffentliche Raum genutzt werden kann. Wir sind gespannt!
Bitte sendet uns Eure Proposals bis 23.8.2020  an [email protected]
Der genaue Ort – eine temporĂ€r besetzte Straße irgendwo in Wien – wird aus organisatorischen GrĂŒnden zeitnah bekannt gegeben werden. Wir freuen uns auch diesbezĂŒglich ĂŒber Anregungen! 
Die Petition von Platz fĂŒr Wien könnt ihr jetzt schon hier unterschreiben. 
Call Philosophy Unbound #27 - “Platz fĂŒr Wien” (English Version)
Public space is occupied! Machines are taking away our air to think, breathe and act!
More than 70% of Vienna's public space belongs to cars – a means of transport only 30% of all Viennese humans own. What about the remaining 70% who have to make their way by bike, public transport and on foot, through a transport network not created for their needs?
The car, at the same time a separating and polluting machine, is THE symbol of a relation to our environments that we have to overcome in order to undo its disastrous ecological and social consequences. The entire capitalist movement of goods and its exploitative structures would hardly be imaginable without it. Where cars drive, the ground is sealed, and other life-forms are threatened. Sensual participation, physical or mental exchange are rendered difficult when they are nearby.
Interventions in public space have shaped the history of philosophy since its beginning: Socrates, who aroused political displeasure by asking questions in the marketplace of Athens; Diogenes, the proto-Dadaist in the barrel; Hipparchia, who publicly argued for women's right to self-determination and education – they all grasped philosophy as an act which requires a public sphere in order to be effective. Today, philosophy is largely locked up in academic halls, with no trace of its publicity and performativity, limited to the written page. Brains in a tank, with bodies attached.
By claiming our right to a good life in the city, we ask ourselves: what can a performative philosophy, a philosophical performance in public space, look like today? What requirements must the public space fulfill so we can, again, think and act more freely? Especially in postcoronal times, the question must be asked anew: What kind of formative relationship do we want to engage in with our environments? How can the public sphere be thought more sustainably? And what should the city of the future actually look like?
Philosophy Unbound #27, in collaboration with the initiative “Platz fĂŒr Wien”, invites you to explore these and other questions. On a temporarily occupied street, on the 18.9.2020, we will open up a space to deal with the public sphere and the possibilities of shaping it in artistic, performative, philosophical, questioning and answering ways. We are looking forward to your proposals: send us ideas for performative interventions, spontaneous or social sculptures, dance impulses, lectures, pieces of music, projections and anything else with which you would like to show the inhabitants of Vienna how much better the public space can be used. We are curiously awaiting your proposals!
Please send us your proposals until 23.8.2020 to [email protected]
For organizational reasons, the exact location – a temporarily occupied street somewhere in Vienna – will be announced in due course. If you have suggestions, send them our way!
You can already sign the petition of “Platz fĂŒr Wien” here. 
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philosophyunbound · 4 years
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Some photos of performances that took place during Philosophy Unbound #26 - Toxicity at Chitkara University, Punjab, India. 
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philosophyunbound · 4 years
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Some of the installations that were created during Philosophy Unbound #26 - Toxicity at Chitkara University, Punjab, India. 
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philosophyunbound · 4 years
Philosophy Unbound TOXICITY 2020 @ Chitkara University
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Toxicity 2020 -International Alternative Art Symposium                                 from 15th to 18th January 2020 
The list of the participants is now finalized. More details on their works will follow!
Umesh Kumar Singh - Installation - Varanasi/India Bhisaji Gadekar - Installation/Performance - Goa/ India Kaur Chimuk - Performance/ Research and talk - Kolkata/India Vidhi Vora - Performance - Pune/India Waseem Zagroo - Performance - Punjab & Kasmir/ India Indira Prasad - Sound Performance - London,Delhi/ UK Vinay Kumar - Installation - M.P., India Intaz Ansari - Performance - Santiniketan , WB Kulpreet Singh - Installation - Patiyala, Punjab Anil - Mural - Rohtak, Haryana Abin Abinsreedhar - Installation Painting - Kerela, India Parul Dar - Sculpture - Chandigarh, India Satadru Sovan & Prashant Singh - Performance - Delhi, India Lokesh Singh - Photography, Performance Delhi Mukesh Kumar Mural - M.P., India Ashwariya Sultaniya - Performance Art - Delhi, India Rajesh Chandran - performance - Delhi, India Kajal Kashyap - Installation - Delhi, India Monica Ahluwalia - Installation Painting - Delhi, India Lydia Moyer- Video - Covesville, Virginia, USA Lola Lustosa - Film - Berlin/ Germany Reyad S M - Video - Chittagong, Bangaldesh Ritesh Maharjan - Sound - Kathmadu, Nepal Fenia Kotsopoulou - Film - Lincoln (UK) Prithivi  Shrestha - Film - Kathmadu, Nepal Pierre Jolivet - Projection - Paris, France Caspar de Gelmini - Film - Berlin, Germanny Andre Perim - Film - Rio de Janeiro,Brazil Nika Lopez - Film - Valencia, Spain Jonathan Longuet - Video - Bordeaux,Paris, France Joseph Nix - Film Galway, Republic of Ireland Enzo Cillo - Film - Rome, Italy Pierre Jolivet - Seminar - Paris, France Kilian Joerg - Installation, Performance-Lecture - Vienna, Austria Flora Loeffelmann - Installation / Performance - Vienna, Austria Jaskaran Anand - Performance/installation - Vienna, Austria Renu Hoessain - Sound Art - London, UK Jihyoung Park - performance art/Installation - Gwangju, South Korea B Ajay Sharma - Performance/Installation/Video - Chandigarh, India
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philosophyunbound · 4 years
CALL - TOXICITY - Philosophy Unbound #26 @Chitkara School of Art & Design, Chandigarh, India
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We live in toxic times. By using the concept of «Anthropocene», we try to make sense of our ecologically catastrophic condition of global warming, mass extinction, rising sea level, CO2 and acidification levels. Toxic pollutants such as sulfurdioxides, plastics and aerosols are marking more and more of our landscapes, which will take millennia to recover.
Toxicity has come to stay. The question at hand is if we, as humans, as mammals, as earthly critters, and who of us – since we are all differently vulnerable to these changes by virtue of our global positioning and socioeconomic status – will be able to stay as well, living under these increasingly toxic conditions.
To a certain degree, we will have to learn to live with Toxicity as a planetary condition for the next millennia. Of course we will have to reduce our toxic emissions as much as possible, but: Our soil is already depleted, our earth is already filled with millions of barrels of nuclear waste, our rivers are already spoiled, our landscapes are full of plasticides and our air has thickened.
The catastrophic times we live in call for the invention of lifestyles that cultivate Toxicity in new ways, in order to overcome it on the long run. This includes a re-thinking and decomposition of toxic gender roles and norms, pernicious global chains of production and exploitation, and poisonous politics of hate and segregation. 
How to live within toxic lands and discourses? How to create a saner place within madness? How to minimize toxicity without becoming poisoned? How to decompose the status quo in order to create more sustainable relations of living and dying on this planet?
The Festival «Philosophy Unbound #26 - Toxicity», taking place from 15th to 18th of January 2020 at the School of Art & Design of Chitkara University, is committed to such questions. We invite proposals for lectures, performances, dances, audio- and video-works, installations and everything in between. During the festival festival, we will engage with the Malwa region and its problematic engagement with Toxicity, as well as review more global takes on the phenomena from a trans-disciplinary perspective, including philosophy, performance, ecology and anthropology.  
Please send your proposals, ideas and questions until the 5th of January to [email protected] & [email protected] . 
We are cordially awaiting your ideas !
the PU team
more detailed information from Chitkara University:
Support from Chitkara University - 
1. Chitkara University will provide food, and local accommodation/Guesthouse (From 13th January 2020 to 18th January 2020) 
2. Artist’s production fee -INR5,000-10,000/ 
3. A valedictory from Chitkara University 
4. Technical assistance and support. 
5. Photography portfolio printing and display. 
6. To and fro transport from Airport/Railway station / Bus Stand to Chitkara University.  
From Artist side- 
1. Travel cost 
2. Project proposal (300- to 500 words) 
3. Technical details of your project. 
4. PPT presentation of your practice 20-25 minutes 
5. Bio, CV and Profile Photo (JPEG 300dip) 
6. Interaction with Chitkara students. 
7. Prior list of tools and materials required.
8. 4-5 images(JPEG/PN300 dip)  of your previous projects.
If you have any query kindly contact on 9582188169
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philosophyunbound · 4 years
Philosophy Unbound #25 - Program
- version française plus bas -
8.12.2019 - 16-21h @Studio Thor Rue Saint-Josse 49 1030 Bruxelles
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EN Thought has for too long been associated with language, Philosophy has for too long been restrained to mere textual practices! The collective Philosophy Unbound wants to open up new forms and spaces for doing philosophy outside its usual habitats and formats. We believe that a clever philosophical thought can also be expressed in dance, that a song can be more convincing than the most rigorous argument, that you can perform metaphysical problems and incorporate ethical stances. For the first edition of Philosophy Unbound in Brussels, we have received many proposals and are excited to see them make philosophy alive in all its pluridisciplinarity with us. 16:00 Welcoming by the hosts Thibault Galland & Kilian Jörg 16:20 Sarah Blissett, Lisa Moravec, Philip Leitner with participants in the Room - "Rehearsing: Moving together a/part" 17:15 Rachel Hoekendijk & Odile Devaux - Versions de femmes 18:00 Martin Zenker (Sluff) - "Vile" - PAUSE - 18:45 Pablo Alvez Artinprocess - "PhĂ©nomĂ©nologie de l'Ă©ros" 19:30 Discussion & Conclusive Remarks (spontaneous interventions welcome) 20:00 Helena Dietrich - "Trance Reading" Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/846731335769791/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- FR La pensĂ©e a trop longtemps Ă©tĂ© associĂ©e au langage, la Philosophie a trop longtemps Ă©tĂ© restreinte Ă  des pratiques textuelles! Le collectif Philosophy Unbound (traduisez DĂ©chaĂźner la Philosophie) veut solliciter de nouvelles formes et ouvrir de nouveaux espaces pour faire de la philosophie en-dehors de ses enclaves et formats habituels. Nous croyons qu'une pensĂ©e philosophique intelligente peut aussi ĂȘtre exprimĂ©e par la danse, qu'une chanson peut ĂȘtre plus convaincante que l'argument le plus rigoureux, que vous pouvez performer des problĂšmes mĂ©taphysiques et incorporer des positions Ă©thiques. Pour la premiĂšre Ă©dition de Philosophy Unbound Ă  Bruxelles, nous avons reçu de nombreuses propositions et nous sommes impatients de les voir faire vivre la philosophie dans toute sa pluridisciplinaritĂ©. Event Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/846731335769791/
The Program in Detail (more tba)
Sarah Blissett, Lisa Moravec, Philip Leitner with participants in the Room : “Rehearsing: Moving together a/part“
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This ‘intra-active’ (Barad 2007) bodily test ground begins with an exploration of how three performers improvise movement with sound and philosophical texts. We invite participants to join us in flowing together but a/part, beyond any fixed movement language, where bodies perform with self and other through choreographed encounters. The space is an experimental constellation of bodies, which seeks to deconstruct the historically static viewing model of performance and perform a philosophical dialogue beyond the verbal. This performance blurs the line between rehearsal and performance, body and verbal languages. Our aim is to explore how individual bodily expressions--understood as forms of cutting-together-apart--can meet, when verbal and bodily limits are recomposed and habitual movement patterns are unlearned. The performers begin by moving to become perceptible in the space, their subjectivities and ways of communicating are felt in the here and now, through mutually attentive encounters. If participants are affected by the impulse to move, we invite you to join and perform with us, to build new connections and dialogue through shared vulnerabilities and language beyond words. Sarah Blissett is an artist, writer and dramaturg, her current PhD research explores embodied approaches to making-with algae in performance. This work considers how radical intimacies, between humans and nonhumans, can highlight ecological and psychological entanglements as vital forms of material affect during environmental crisis. Interdisciplinary performance, across movement, film and installation, considers practices of care and nourishment that aim to disrupt dominant narratives of production and consumption. She is a recipient of the Vice Chancellor’s scholarship at the University of Roehampton and the 2016 ASTR Thomas Marshall Graduate Student Award. Her writing has been published online with Something Other, Feast Journal and Theatre Journal. Among others, work has been shown at Modern Art Oxford, Lofoten International Art Festival (LIAF) Kelp Congress, Whitstable Biennale, Arnolfini and Battersea Arts Centre.
Lisa Moravec is a freelance critic, writing about performance and visual art for German and English-speaking platforms, is a visiting lecturer at Kingston School of Art, and movement practitioner. After studying art history, she is currently a fully-funded PhD researcher at Royal Holloway, University of London where she co-edits the journal Platform. Her research focuses on human/animal dressage practices and examines how political and ethical issues intersect with aesthetics in experimental works, encompassing dance, theatre, performance in relation to their material leftovers and new media representations mainly after 1968. Her research stems from her durational interactions with ‘dressaging’ horses and humans. She is a qualified horse-riding instructor (FN Germany), has worked with European Olympic and classical dressage and jumping riders alongside training in different dance styles, the Alexander Technique, and yoga.
Rachel Hoekendijk & Odile Devaux - Versions de femmes
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Nous partons d'expériences singuliÚres mais partagées. Et ces expériences diront quelque chose de nos rapports au réel et à la subjectivité (ou plutÎt à la dé-subjectivation), médiatisés par des relations de domination. Ce qui apparait, c'est que les dominants ont le pouvoir de décider du réel et que les dominé·e·s tentent de résister, d'exister quelque part en faisant concourir d'autres versions du monde; ici, des versions de femmes.
Odile Devaux et Rachel Hoekendijk ont un jour découvert qu'elles étaient des femmes. C'est en tant que femmes qu'elles prennent la parole.
Martin Zenker (Sluff) - "Vile"
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Born and raised in Vienna, Martin Zenker recognized from early days that music is a great way to expression. After getting taught classical piano lessons he started to teach various instruments to himself. After a residence in Hamburg he returned back to Vienna, where he started his studies of sociology and history. At the same time he also set foot in the Viennese DIY scene, where he played in various groups and formation. In 2015 he joined forces with friends to start the band Sluff, where he plays the guitar and also is the lead singer. After releasing their the debut EP in 2016 they followed it up with their full length ‚On Debris‘ in 2018, which was well recognized by international and national media and gave them the chance to play shows in various European countries. Currently he’s working on their second album, as well as on his master degree in sociology.
Pablo Alvez Artinprocess - "Phénoménologie de l'éros"
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“PhĂ©nomĂ©nologie de l’éros” is a performance by Pablo Alvez Artinprocess which feeds on the homonymous section of the book “TotalitĂ© et Infini” by the XXth century philosopher Emanuel Levinas, and feeds back into the text: each of the multiple performance experiments it encompasses, and their ensemble, are an attempt to clarify the meaning of the text, to understand its potential but also its limitations, and therefore to promote a critical “reading” of it. It discusses what is Eros and what it is not, under a beam of light or submerged into darkness, showing and revealing, teasingly or full-frontally, fluidly or staccato, slaloming ambiguously between modesty and shame. As a performance, Seeing the glass half empty, “PhĂ©nomĂ©nologie de l’éros” exposes the evident limitations of phenomenology when applied to the erotic. Seeing the glass half full, it shows how phenomenology can almost be seen as a precursor of auto-ethnography
 but lacking some of  the self-awareness. Pablo created this performance during a residency at Point ÉphĂ©mĂšre in Paris in July, and started touring it later this year. Because it is organised in modules (i.e., the individual performative experiments), the selection and order of presentation of those is always a new one, which allows Pablo to test the new energy yielded by transitioning from one experiment to the following one, and to try to figure out the status of such transitions. “PhĂ©nomĂ©nologie de l’éros” was awarded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in the framework of programme Apoio Ă  circulação internacional de criadores em dança.
Pablo Alvez Artinprocess is an artist-researcher, active in performance art and installation. He is taking a PhD in Arts and Sciences of Art at the Catholic University of Louvain and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts from Brussels. His transdisciplinary research in art focuses on the relationship between ethics and aesthetics, including trying to understand if ethics can create opportunities in art rather than constrain them. He had art residences at InBetween, Zsenne Art Lab, Barlok and the RĂ©sidence-laboratoire de recherche en art Aire (Brussels), the MusĂ©e de la Marionnette (Tournai), Wolubilis (Woluwe), FĂłrum Dança (Lisboa) and Point EphĂ©mĂšre (Paris). He received training from Steven Cohen and Rocio Boliver in performance art, from Dirty Martini in burlesque, from Roger Bernat and Roberto Fratini in participative theatre and from Bernard Clair in thĂ©Ăątre d’objets.
(photo credits: Jean FĂŒrst)
Helena Dietrich - "Trance Reading"
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Helena performs a trance-reading session about metamorphosis, exploring relationships between human and nonhuman, and addressing bodies in their various (trans-)formations. She mingles different texts, theoretical, anthropological, poetic with voices, live sound, a loop pedal and effects to create a somatic score that is experienced as a meditative listening journey. She explores how discourse can be experienced viscerally rather than rationally. How language touches and moves a body, creating shifts in perception and inviting altered states of consciousness such as trance or hypnosis.
Gus Djeppenmate - Collages
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The work i make is about bodies and the way we perceive and think about those bodies. Porn and sexuality are both topics I think should be discussed more in our everyday lives. One of my biggest inspirations are pornmagazines from the sixties, seventies and eighties. How did porn shape our vision?
Gus Djeppenmate makes theatre. She studied Arts, Culture and Media at the University in Groningen (NL) and decided to move to Brussels to do Theatre School. In 2016 she graduated at RITCS and with her graduation performance HOHOHOHO she won The Special Mention Price in Warsaw, Poland. She works as an actress, director and she is building an incredibly soft and shiny installation about gender fluidity.
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philosophyunbound · 5 years
CALL for Proposals Philosophy Unbound #25 - Bruxelles
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- version français plus bas, Flemish version in preparation -
EN Thought has for too long been associated with language, Philosophy has for too long been restrained to mere textual practices! The collective Philosophy Unbound wants to open up new forms and spaces for doing philosophy outside its usual habitats and formats. We believe that a clever philosophical thought can also be expressed in dance, that a song can be more convincing than the most rigorous argument, that you can perform metaphysical problems and incorporate ethical stances. 
For the first edition of Philosophy Unbound in Brussels, we want to invite you to send us proposals for performances, lectures, musical performances, and everything in between you could think of expressing your philosophy. Show us how gender norms can be twisted, how ontologies can be shaken by dance movements, how your politics won't stop short of the body, how your arguments can be sung, etc. - let's together work on new forms of practicing philosophy! 
In this laboratory we are open to experiments that can be further developed, it is the process we are looking for, not the finished products.
→ Please send your ideas, questions and proposals (not necessarily in text) to [email protected]
The event is taking place on December 8th at Studio Thor, Rue Saint-Josse 49, 1210 Saint Josse-ten-Noode. Please send us your proposals until 20th of November. 
FR La pensĂ©e a trop longtemps Ă©tĂ© associĂ©e au langage, la Philosophie a trop longtemps Ă©tĂ© restreinte Ă  des pratiques textuelles! Le collectif Philosophy Unbound (traduisez DĂ©chaĂźner la Philosophie) veut solliciter de nouvelles formes et ouvrir de nouveaux espaces pour faire de la philosophie en-dehors de ses enclaves et formats habituels. Nous croyons qu'une pensĂ©e philosophique intelligente peut aussi ĂȘtre exprimĂ©e par la danse, qu'une chanson peut ĂȘtre plus convaincante que l'argument le plus rigoureux, que vous pouvez performer des problĂšmes mĂ©taphysiques et incorporer des positions Ă©thiques. Pour la premiĂšre Ă©dition de Philosophy Unbound Ă  Bruxelles, nous vous invitons Ă  envoyer des propositions de performances, de confĂ©rences, d'interventions audio- et visuelles, ainsi que tout ce qui pourrait exprimer votre philosophie. Montrez-nous comment les normes de genre peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ©faites, comment les ontologies peuvent ĂȘtre Ă©branlĂ©es par des pas de danse, comment vos positions politiques ne feront pas abstraction du corps, comment vos arguments peuvent ĂȘtre chantĂ©s, etc. - travaillons ensemble sur de nouvelles maniĂšres de pratiquer la philosophie!
Dans ce laboratoire, nous sommes ouverts aux expĂ©rimentations qui peuvent ĂȘtre prolongĂ©es, nous sommes plus intĂ©ressĂ©s par le processus que par des produits finis. → Envoyez-nous vos idĂ©es, questions ou propositions (pas nĂ©cessairement textuelles) Ă  [email protected]
L'Ă©vĂ©nement aura lieu le 8 dĂ©cembre au Studio Thor, Rue Saint-Josse 49, 1210 Saint Josse-ten-Noode. Envoyez-nous vos propositions jusqu’au 20 novembre.
Image credits: Peter Jacquemyn
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philosophyunbound · 5 years
Disruptive Intervention at the Viennese Rathaus, 28/9/2019
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We have been invited to creatively disrupt the normal ongoings of "Schwarzmarkt Wissen / Blackmarket Knowledge" having its 20th edition on "Rotes Wien / Red Vienna" on the 28th of September 2019 at the Viennese Rathaus.
To reflect the hidden presumptions and exclusions of (Habermas'ian) discourse ethics, we will investigate the corporeality of "rational" argumentation, how the skin of an argumentative opponent feels different to one you agree with, how a subject position any holder of an argument needs to acquire is subverted by bodily touch and ... cuddling. We are very much looking forward to invite you into our lustrous, fleshy and smelly underground cave behind the scenes and stages of Schwarzmarkt Wissen.
The full program folder can be found here & more information here.
Feel you at the Viennese Rathaus!
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philosophyunbound · 5 years
MAKING KIN (PU#24) - the performances, installations, short-films, lectures, etc. ...
Below you can find the details for the performances, installations, short-films and lectures that will be joined with the already announced program (see here).
The short films will be screened as supporting films to Storytelling for Earthly Survival on all three dates.
All performances will happen on Saturday after 20h, except Moritz Matschke’s (Friday after 20h) and Mario Strk’s (Sunday after 20h).
Performances & Installations
Kristin Jackson Lerch - "Gerald": Liebe, Angst und Transantagonismus.
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In "Gerald" singt Kristin von einer Liebe voller ZĂ€rtlichkeit und WĂ€rme, aber auch Scham und Angst.
In einem kurzen Vortrag zeigt sie die  gesellschaftlichen HintergrĂŒnde dieser Ängste auf, die in der geschlechtlichen Positionierung der Figuren verwurzelt sind, und stellt die Frage: Wie kann SolidaritĂ€t in einer Trans-Cis-Liebesbeziehung aussehen?
Kristin Jackson Lerch ist TÀnzerin, Performerin und Songwriterin. Ihre Musik stellt Fragen nach den Grenzen zwischen Vergebung, Empathie, Wut und Werturteil. Sie beschÀftigt sich auch sozialwissenschaftlich mit medizinischen Themen.
Thordis Wolf - m i l kk i n
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wir sind transformatoren.
wir verwandeln quellwasser in billiges fleisch und minderwertige kleidung, machen aus seen wĂŒsten, die der wind vertrĂ€gt: sand, der uns in den augen schmerzt. dennoch transformieren wir wasser. wir machen global corporations aus ihm, in form von hĂ€sslichen t-shirts und unnĂŒtzen bettlaken, deformierte wesen, materialitĂ€ten ohne seele, ohne aura.
DOCH: wir sind transformatoren.
wir verwandeln wasser in 4.000 lebende, lebendige wesen pro ml. 4.000 wesen pro ml, durch die wir mit-werden, co-werden, kompost werden.
wir sind transformatoren und erweitern: water to milk to kin
stop wasting water / use our milk instead
make milk, not babies!
video-installation & interaktive kostprobe
thordis wolf: vienna-based artist, living on the internet as
Moritz Matschke - Zug Vogel Mensch
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"My artistic research project develops cross species practices which aim to destabilize the anthropocentric idea of exclusive human subjectivity in the discipline of satellite-based animal tracking. The parametrical travelling with a migrating stork for the duration of one cycle of migration is the main part of my artistic practice. Both bird and human are equipped with a RDF-transmitter [1] and connected via telemetrical signals. The destination and the route between Westafrica and Europe are determinded by the avian participant. On the basis of being on the move together potential forms of intersubjectivity [2] between nonhumans and humans are being located. My tracks of being in the world are becoming temporarily distorted by avian flight ways. For the stork my performative presence incorporates a human willingness to listen to his/her articulations. With this in mind, following their flight ways means to propose and receive new identities. Through this sometimes productive, sometimes destructive mutual contamination subversive figures of “anthropo-zoo-genesis“ [3] may come into being."
[1] A Radio Direction Finding Transmitter can measure via satellite the direction from which a received signal was transmitted
[2] Despret, Vinciane: The Becoming of Subjectivity in Animal Worlds, Article in Subjectivity, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, 2008, p. 135
[3] C.f. Despret, Vinciane: The Body We Care For: Figures of Anthropo-zoo-genesis, Article in Body & Society, SAGE Publications, London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi, 2004
Richardp - Earth on a Space Couch (Konzept)
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T-Raumzeit 7153: interstellare Navigatoren stoßen in Dimension 3⁄4 auf Weltraumschrott + ++ Darauf Zeichen: „NASA“, darin Platten aus Metall +++ Vermuteter Ursprung: die benachbarte Spiralgalaxie +++ Der Decoder entschlĂŒsselt: Bilder und Laute organischer Wesen – einfache Algebra – Maschinendröhnen +++ GrĂŒĂŸe einer primitiven Lebensform, Eigenname: Humans +++ Zeugnisse einer Spezies mit kollektivem Todestrieb +++ Und diese beĂ€ngstigende Botschaft von Waldheim, ihrem ReprĂ€sentanten +++ Was bleibt sind Fragen: Warum sind die Humans so kaputt? Wieso schießen sie ihre Symptome ins All? Existieren sie ĂŒberhaupt noch? Und wenn ja: Was machen wir mit ihnen?
Ein höchst sensible Spezies findet die „Golden Records“, 1977 von der NASA 1977 ins All geschossen. Die Grußbotschaft der Spezies Mensch wird zum Zeugnis einer gefĂ€hrlichen Zivilisation. Wie wird der interstellare Rat entscheiden: friedliche Koexistenz, Kinship oder harte „Therapie“? Richardp (alias Richard PfĂŒtzenreuter) wurde in den Steppen Ostdeutschlands geboren. Von 2004-2015 studierte er Theaterwissenschaft in Berlin und arbeitete im Theater- und Sozialbereich. Seine Magisterarbeit behandelte anti-heimatliche Kunst aus Österreich. Neben der Arbeit fĂŒr VolksbĂŒhne, Neumarkt Theater und SophiensĂ€le kooperiert er mit den freien Gruppen EGfKA, Panzerkreuzer RotkĂ€ppchen, FYTA (Athen) und der Athen Biennale. Mit ihnen verbindet ihn oft die Hauntologie, also die Suche nach uneingelösten ZukĂŒnften und den Spuren der Vergangenheit im heute. Aktuell seziert er Ideologie und Biopolitik im Rahmen von physical lectures und Performances. Bei Philosophy Unbound wird er seine geplante Performance konzeptuell vorstellen.
Jasmin Hoffer - eggs on the slide 
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An egg, purchased in the supermarket, stored at a temperature that would keep any fertilised chick embryo from developing further, produced inside a hybride chicken breed for total overproduction, cracked open to become scrambled egg, mayonnaise or a cake. How to relate to this potential live, outside a consumerist exploitative relation. Can there be a glimpse of companionship or at least  acknowledgement and appreciation?
Mario Strk - Performance as a mirror
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The "Performance as a mirror" is about our imagination. Donna J. Haraway writes or tells of Terrapolis, speaking of a speculative fable in which trans-species secularization is happening. How to make this space tangible, how to activate this space? We should not worry, though Donna more than recommends to make trouble, she even proposes to make keen instead of babies. That tingles and sounds, it's best to sit back, because one thing seems certain, the more we want to enter Terrapolis, the more it moves.
Marcus Fisch / Jeremy Ch. Alfaro - Make Kin Not Babies
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»And so I look for real stories that are also speculative fabulations and speculative realisms« (Donna Haraway: Staying with the Trouble)
The audience is invited to join Jeremy and Marcus in their session on kinship. How precise is our understanding of the discursive construction of love, sex, relationships and the concept of family systems? How can we mark the situatedness of our knowledge – for instance, when we here in Europe talk about "Latin American family cultures"? However, life is not just language and performance, there are material facticities that influence us beyond our control and even beyond logic. In a sense, our very own desire queers our perception of life. And what about our ability to critically reflect on ourselves? Here, Haraway refers to a figure filled with unrivaled potential: the trickster. Since the trickster always seems ambiguous regarding (its) gender and sexuality and pushes cultural restrictions in a way that is perverse, mysterious, and weird, it can be understood as a very queer and arty critter.
Jeremy Ch. Alfaro is a costume and fashion designer and face painter from Costa Rica. Jeremy works in the field of contemporary dance and performance and is based in Vienna and Berlin for a while. Jeremy identifies as queer and performs as a Club Kid (»Aura Kills«) in a Ballroom family.
Marcus Fisch works as an academic, performer, and writer in Vienna and Berlin in the interdisciplinary field of artistic research. After touring internationally with SocĂŹetas (Castellucci), Marcus recently collaborated with brut / F. Futterknecht and A. Juren. Marcus graduated in Gender Studies and co-wrote a master thesis about queer desire and feminist New Materialisms.
Katrin Euller - Render Jelly (Screening: Saturday, 18h)
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Render Jelly is a fragmented piece, built upon the story of Mary Read and Anne Bonny, two female pirates in the 18. Century, as well as Kathy Acker‘s "Pussy, King of the Pirates" and Shakespeare‘s Ophelia. (An) ambivalent character(s), searching for new allies and a better future. This is happening in a digital dream, a nightmare maybe, where failure and success are no polar opposites. Render Jelly re-arranges language, words, images and sounds, trying to engender something different than the classical narration. Let‘s think about ambivalences, tension, fears and failures, and especially about another future, beyond those categories and the discriminating labels of capitalism. Render Jelly analyses the cinematic language of (hi)story telling, recombines sound, image and text, interlinks narratives of different times, sticks together fragments, hoping that somewhere in the chaos, new possibilities arise.
Katrin Euller (b. 1987, Vienna, Austria) works with video, text, sound / music and installation. She works as an artist, ecologist and as a music producer in Vienna. She has recently exhibited in Chongqing, Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna and published her first EP “weaving technologies” in 2019. Her interests include the distance between utopia and dystopia, fragmented narratives and antiheroes, burying capitalism and the longing for new allies and collaborations. 
Amina Lehner & Chista Wall: FEELING FEELERS - ENTANGLED TENTACLE PLEASURE (Screening: Sunday, 18h)
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FEELING FEELERS - ENTANGLED TENTACLE PLEASURE verwickelt uns auf sinnliche Weise in leuchtende Verflechtungen. Wir befĂŒhlen eine lustvolle Verstrickung des gemeinsamen Versuchens, Antwortens, Agierens, und Begreifens. Es ist von Gewicht welche FĂŒhler andere FĂŒhler fĂŒhlen. Es ist von Gewicht welche Tentakel sich mit welchen Tentakel verstricken. Mit-fĂŒhlende Netzwerke die lusterfĂŒllt das gemeinsame Versuchen, Zuwenden und Mitteilen zelebrieren. Amina Lehner verwebt Kunst mit Aktivismus zu Cunt-Art. Sie ist videograph_in und radikale queer-feminist_in u.a. bei fiftitu%. Christa Wall betastet mit ihren FĂŒhlern die RĂ€ume zwischen Performance und Gesang, zwischen Ritual und Aktivismus, zwischen Volkskultur und Queerness. Vivian Bausch's Arbeiten bewegen sich zwischen Dokumentar- und Spielfilm, Video-Art, Konzeptkunst und Performance. Gemeinsam sind sie im feministischen KĂŒnstler*innenkollektiv FAQ (feminists ask questions) aktiv. 
Sabina Teichert: THE BODY WE CARE FOR : Figures of Anthropo-zoo-genesis (Screening: Friday, 18h) Video based on an Essay by Vincianne Despret
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The video based on the paper of Vinciane Despret, focuses on the value of mixed methods and approaches for researching questions about social experiences and lived realities. Mixed-methods approaches raise challenges in reconciling different epistemologies and ontologies, and integrating different forms of data and knowledge. The camera is becoming a ‘camera stylo‘ without script in view of the field, while a set of multiple retellings of old stories, ones with iconic status in the histories of researched methods, is being discussed. While we are interacting, other entities are interacting with us, intervening in our scenario. Desprets retold stories turn out to be about clever bodies and things which, at the very edge of apprehension, attune themselves to one another: an interactive agency we can call ‘learning to be affected’.
Freya HĂ€berlein - Narces (Screening: Friday, 18h)
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Nacres (2018) ist ein Kurzfilm, der sich mit Kommunikationsdifferenzen innerhalb einer geteilten BiosphÀre befasst. Durch gleichförmige, rhythmische Bewegungen entsteht ein ambivalentes VerhÀltnis des Protagonisten zu seiner Umwelt.
Freya HÀberlein studiert Philosophie und Medien an der UniversitÀt Hildesheim. Ihre interdisziplinÀren Forschungsschwerpunkte sind (Kultur-)Landschaftskonzeptionen, postkoloniale Geschichtstheorien und Technikphilosophie.
Fr 22-0h Murmel  https://soundcloud.com/m-u-r-m-e-l
Fr 0-4h Ballhausen & Saupper
Sa 22-1h Rita Arsenal https://www.mixcloud.com/RitaArsenal/
Sa 1-4h Luca Carlotta (Ghost Notes)  https://soundcloud.com/lucacarlotta
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philosophyunbound · 5 years
Making Kin - PU # 24 - the Program (more tba)
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We are glad to announce the program of our upcoming Mini-Festival MAKING KIN, taking place at Vienna’s Schikaneder from 24-26th of May. On each day we will show the remarkable film-portray of Donna Haraway STORYTELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL made by Fabrizio Terranova and accompany it with various lectures, screenings, Q&As, presentations etc.
24.5 will be devoted to Kinships, Oddkin, Alliances and will contain a talk by Fahim Amir and presentations of the kin-making work of two collectives: Philosophy Unbound and Stoffwechsel - Ecologies of Collaboration.
25.5 will consist of a “classical” Philosophy Unbound evening, in which we once again will open up new spaces for experiments in form and medium for expressing philosophy. The Call is still open and more details will be posted at a later point!
26.5 is titled “Belebbare Welten. Sprache und Ökologie” and will address the topic of translation, language and new ways of relating to a devastated planet through manifold voices. Karin Harrasser, Clemens and Ulrich van Loyen will engage in a conversation, moderated by Fahim Amir.
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More concrete program information will be published in the weeks before the festival.
Organisation: Kilian Jörg, Flora Löffelmann, Sara Lanner, Ina Sattlegger, Thomas Ballhausen, Anita Kaya Photocredits: Fabrizio Terranova Flyerdesign: Johanna Nielson Sponsors & Partners: Im_Flieger, Schikaneder Wien, Literaturhaus Wien, ÖH Uni Wien, Bagru Gender Studies, Bagru Thewi, IG Philosophie, MOB (mob-industries.com)
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