phlox-pages · 5 years
life is a rich, unpredictable boyfriend, who wants to make sure that you deserve him.
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phlox-pages · 5 years
gamma twilight
Ok so I'm in love with a guy, who is in love with me. I saw him a year ago at a music festival called GAMMA, which my brother organized, and felt a sparkle of first-sight-true-love between us, when he looked back at me.
He was tall, black-haired, vampire-looking. He wasn’t handsome, but something magnetized me in front of him - and when I looked away, he was still staring at me. I was seeing him here and there, but he never approached straighlt. I was too shy to do it. I was dreaming about our meeting half of that summer, but soon I forgot it as a half-romantic failed episode. This summer, I saw him again, when I was with a friend. He tried to catch my eye again, and things were getting a bit weird, until he finnaly reached me when I was making picture in the mirror, with some funny idea of photoshooting (he was a photographer). I agreed, and so we spent the evening at the festival together. I introduced him to my brother, and it turned out that they knew each other before, due to festival work. Nothing happened between us that night, because I left the bar where the festival afterparty was going on, quite early. The guy wrote me a message, asking where I had been, and since I was already home when I've read it he wished me a good-night. Next time we have met was already after the tragedy that occured to me, and all my family - death of my brother. His heart stopped, but mine kept on beating - and I knew, that it's beat should work for two now - for me, and for blood of my blood, which was gone forever. The guy (I would name him Dima) showed me condolescence and visited Moscow, in order to remember my brother and share sorrow that me and family were going through. He was nervous and couldn't look straight into my eyes. He was nice with my parents, and with me, and we ended up slightly drunk, on the rooftop of my house which Dima unlocked, using my emerald earring. It was warm and romantic to say goodbye in the night, because he had to leave for the train going to St Petersburg where he lived. He kissed me in the forehead, as if I was a little girl, and so I kissed him in the cheek, feeling that it made him shy. He invited me soon to visit him in the North capital, and so I did. However I refused to stay in his place, because it seemed to me a bit rushed invitation, and stayed in my apartment. We agreed to go together at the autumn party devoted to the festival, which my brother organized, although I felt a bit messy about it. MY brother died soon after he was fired from organizational commitee of this festival, and he also was quite abused by his bosses there, as I found out afterwards. So my wish to go there was uncertain. However I still hoped to spend good time with Dima there, and to remember good times when my brother was still alive. When I came to St Petersburg, we met the same day - at the metro station where he lived, and where I used to live in childhood. It was a mesmerasing subway station, decorated in a form of cosmic ship - flying saucer. It was shining with blue evening lights. Troitsky bridge was sparkling not far from there - and so we've met there, Dima arrived suddenly from the darkness, holding two coffee cups - one of them was for me. I was glad to see him. However, something seemed to me wrong in his movements and words. He was tensed, couldn't look me in the eyes. He was talking short and sharp. When we came to his flat, he looked into the floor and apologized for a "mess". However, when I looked around, the flat seemed to me in a perfect order. It only looked a bit empty, with almost no furtniture, as if nobody lived there. I was expecting him to take off my coat, however he didn't, so I handled it by myself. I didn't touch the coffee, and when he asked me why, I said - "I don't want it now". He said, "So you want it when it would be cold?" and chuckled. IT seemed to me, that he was irritated with something - yet I didn't know by what, not yet. He was working in his computer, making photo editions, while I was cooking pasta with sauce made by my grandmother. I was trying to make conversation, however Dima replied shortly and showed that he was busy. I was a bit disappointed by it - I didn't see signs that he missed me, or that he wanted to see me at all, and so I said: - If you don't have time for me, I think I should leave. He was immediately irritated by it. - If I would not have time for you, I would not invite you in, right? I would find a reason not to see each other. - Ok, - I said, and started eating. Alone. He said that he wasn't hungry. I went into his room, where a huge bed with black iron borders was standing. The walls in the room were grey, and I sat on front of the window staring at the driving road. I heard that Dima turned on music aloud. I was bored quite soon, and went back to the corridor where he worked. I opened the door in his library - and immediately Dima reached me with a nervous phrase "Never do it". - Do what? - I asked. - NEver open doors in my house. - Oh... I'm sorry. I just thought there are only books... - IT doesn't matter. You cannot open cupboards that are not yours. It sounded rude, and when I turned back I saw that his eyes are burning. He was completely distracted from work. - Ok, fine... - I said, but couldn't resist adding a notion about myself, very calmly: - However, you cannot tell me what to do and what not to do, in general. And you cannot talk to me as if I'm under your supervision, as well. It only made him more angry. I saw that he is full of emotions - negative, mostly, despite that he also felt a sort of desire towards me. He started critisizing each moment of our communication - that I talk to him from the other room, when he can't hear; that I smile contantly, just in order to make him feel miserable and losing to me in the argument; that I try to manipulate him, in order to make him do what I wanted; that I try to distract him from work on purpose; that I can't remember important things that he tells me, because he doesn't really matter to me and I only think about myself; that I'm selfish, manipulative, evil girl... I ended up crying in the bathroom. When I went out, I decided to leave, realizing how destructive Dima was - or, how destructive my presence made him that evening. I was sad, but also angry, and was thinking to never meet him again. I was putting on my coat silently, when he arrived in the hall and asked, why I'm leaving. - Because I don't want to distract you anymore, - I said. - No, - he said, still - with sort of playing anger in his voice. As if he wasn't really angry, but wanted to make me think that he was. - You are leaving in order to make me feel guilty, after you will leave. - ... Can you tell me, why are you so cruel with me? - I asked, - What's going on? What are you playing at, with me, exactly? He was just staring at me madly, and smoking. I couldn't understand expression in his eyes. - Why should I tell you? You would not listen anyway, because you never do. It sounded crazy and as funny as in the italian comedy, where everyone is shouting at each other because of nothing. I couldn't feel angry or sad anymore - I just realized that there is something wrong with him, with Dima. As if something is broken there, deep inside. Still wearing my coat, I approached him, and calmly hugged him. I sensed that he realized and felt better, although he couldn't relaz completely. - Ok, so, let me drink wine with you, - he said quietly, - I should change my mood, otherwise I can become very toxic. I was gladly that he changed his mood so quickly, and so after a few minutes we were drinking wine together in the living room. However, quite soon he started talking to me sharp again. I was trying to make conversation, however he was telling me that he is busy. Then he suddednly said, that he will leave soon. - Where? - I asked. - At the festival. I was surprised. - But I thought, we decided to go together... - Did we? - he asked, and I saw that he didn't play. He really didn't know, although we talked about it a few days ago. - Yes, we agreed to go, as I remember. - Ah, that, - he said, and looked into his laptop again, - Well, I didn't think that it was for sure. You didn't sound certain, when I asked you if you wanna go. So I thought that you don't want and gave a free ticket to my mate. I was, slightly, shocked by this, and didn't hesitate to show it to Dima. - What? - I said, - but... this is so important for me. Vitya [my brother] was there, you should know how I want to go there.. - Well I shouldn't read your mind, I guess, - he said coldly, but with a note of regret, - unfortunately I have given the ticket away. - Ok, - I said, also coldly. I felt cold as well, and so I went to his room, shut the door, turned off the light and opened the window. It was time for me not to be distracted. Dima opened the door and asked why I turned off the light. I looked at him from the window sill, his eyes glaring from the darkness. He went closer, in order to turn on the light, I supposed, but - just in case something crazy will come into his unstable mind - I jumped from the sill down. I felt something in the air, the same thrill that was following me when I saw him for the first time at the festival - something that was only between him and me. Was it a destructive desire to ruin each other, or was it a psychotic charm shining from Dima, or was it his crush on me, or was it my imagination - I didn't know. - You did it, - he said, when he turned the lights on. I was on the other side of bed, leaving into the kitchen. - You ruined, completely destroyed my evening. - You are welcome, - I said, my usual social mood was coming back to me. Mood which meant that nothing deserves being sad, until everyone is alive. However, he didn't get my sarcasm at all, and got mad again. - No, I just mean it, - he said. He started smoking again, looking at me. He took his phone and made a call: - I'm sorry, I can't give away the work today because of circumstances, - he said, with a changed, nice, polite voice, to someone on the other end of the phone line. - I will try to give it away tomorrow. HAve a nive evening. He turned back to me, and talked in his more natural angry tone: - So, that's it. Thank you. - Ok, - I said. Nothing really touched me in his behaviour anymore, because I realized that he was just a sort of abusing type. - You could hit me for that, too? - I asked, taking a sort of risk. - No, - he said, looking at me. - Even if you would ask me to. I didn't realize what he meant by it, but his next question was about sex. - When did you have it last time? I was silent. I thought that it was not his business, but saying this could make him even more angry and tensed. - Let's say, ages ago, - I said. - You didn't answer. - I know. HE looked at me, as if I didn't dare to talk to him like that. And so I said it to him. - You know, what, Dima? - I said. He was looking into his computer and pretended not to notice my question, so I kept on talking. - I think that you have a problem. Some global problem in your life, which you project on me. Instead of trying to be friendly and nice with someone who is in grief, you use another person in order to make yourself feeling better... About yourself. Talking about sex - I'm a virgin, ok? For you. Because my sexual life is not your business, and it never will be. You wonder, why I smile all the time. Well, it's because I'm glad to see you and I liked you - prettyn natural, isn't it? Not anymore, though. I'm quite embarrased in you right now. Instead of being nice and caring with me, you are rude, sharp, unbearable... That's what you are. I wonder, what should I do, instead of smiling - crying? Well I already did ! I knew that I touched his weakness by saying it - or, more exactly, I shouted it out - and reaction could be unpredictable. However, the situation did change. Now it was me who was mad and fire-breathing, and Dima was calm and still. He said coldly: - I know. - Know what?! - That you cried. - And you... did nothing to make feel better?! - YEs. Because in order to make you a better person, I must be rude and must have no mercy. So I won't. Because you are a selfish ssadist , and you deserve it. - YOU are selfish ssadist, and also a cruel one. - No, I'm not... However, girls cry sometimes, when they see me naked. - You will not get it, sorry. - If I have wanted, I would already have it. - No way, - I said. The door bell rang. It was Dima's mate - tall blond cute guy. I realized that 4 hours have passed since I came to Dima's place, and wanted to leave. However I met the guy - he introduced himseld, then it trned out that he knew my brother, and so we started drinking together. Dima tried to interrupt our conversation, drinking wine quite hard. He was trying to continue his lecture about life and how I should live it, however I was only joking and tried to talk to his friend now. - Let's turn the song by Killers, - the guy said, - Mr Brightside? - The one where a girl breaks a stupid guy's heart? - I asked, - sure, let's do this, but... I'm afraid that Dima doesn't allow to touch his precious laptop... - oh, come on, Dima, - Kirill said, and we turned on the song. When Kirill went to smoke, I tried to talk to Dima again - however he completely ignored my presence. So I just went to the hall and prepared to leave. It was enough of a scandal for the rest of my life, I decided. - Are you leaving already? - Kirill asked, meeting me in the corridor. - Yes, Dima is not nice with me today, - I said, - is he always like that? - He just shows that he likes you this awkward way, - Kirill said. - You will be grateful to me for that, - Dima said, appearing with his coat on. He was also going to leave. - Next time we see each other you would be really grateful that I showed you myself as I truly am, and that I didn't try to use you. - No, we won't see each other, - I said coldly, - not anymore. It's obvious now, that we are not for each other. - It was obvious from the start, but I still could use you. Despited the fact that you are a little, selfish girl. -Believe me, even if you would organize a nice date in your place with 10 free tickets for the festival for me and all my friends, even then I would not sleep with you. And I’m not a little girl whom you can teach, even though you want me to be one. Kirill was going to leave with me, in order to smoke outside, I thought, however Dima ordered him to stay in. I just left them with this, and decided never to see this monster again. However, despite all the mess that he could create, I felt that I still remembered fire sparkle that shone between us in the beginning. I realized that he is emotionally obsessed and paranoidal towards me, and thinks that I'm not good enough for relationship with him. Which means that I should develop myself into a better person - more mature and independent, more sincere, less selfish, and to be more like a woman than a child. I told him that I'm enough independent, very sincere and not selfish at all - otherwise why would I cross 1000 km to see him and bring food and wine from my family, experiencing at the same time depression from terrible loss - death of my brother which occured a month ago - and why would I still hope to find a friend, if not a lover, in someone whom I liked. He did not hear what I said, and only said that I don't really care about him and speak whatever to make him love me. This is what he said. He was very rude, cruel even, and said aloud that he isn't going to be gentle and nice with me, because I need to learn what "real life" is - the same way as he did, living life without family and safety. He tried to make me feel real life and expected me to be impressed - but I could only cry because of awareness of another loss - loss of hope at another friendship and love.
I saw his photos from that night on the public page of the festival - there were photos of girls swinging on the swings. One of the girls was awkwardly looking like me, but she was dressed much more frankly - it could be seen that she weared no bra.
A few days later after our meeting, I sent him a voice message telling that I’m not mad at him, but that I don’t accept his point of view anyway. He replied me with gratitude for the sauce, which he ate with italian bread.
We are not friends anymore, not even facebook friends, because I impulsively deleted him from there, or instagram friends, because he unfollowed me there too. But still I sense that he is thinking about me sometimes, in a strange way and by a strange reason - the same way he did, all this time from the beginning.
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phlox-pages · 5 years
легкие иллюзии
В 8 утра воскресенье просвечивало через занавесь белого. Граница между сном и реальностью размывалась, и я не хотела вставать, чтобы не потерять ее. В одном из снов я читала Коран пассажирам городского автобуса, обреченного на теракт. Я никогда не видела арабских текстов, но во сне буквы были четко выведены в книге, и я ясно читала вслух. В другом сне я ехала на трамвае мимо бабушкиного дома на Проспекте Ветеранов, хотя трамваи там не ходили. В последнем, Роберт прислал мне селфи с белым котенком. Уже проснувшись и открыв телефон, я увидела несколько ночных сообщений. На этот раз, он не присылал гифки из деснеевских мультфильмов, а написал «Хочешь придти?». Старый город был наполнен суетливыми туристами,  сбивающимися в стаи во главе с тур-ведущими. Молодой итальянец, сидящий на краю ступенек на главной площади, улыбался прохожим. Я улыбнулась тоже, но больше от мыслей от предстоящей встречи, и ускорила шаг. Мне хотелось набраться храбрости в разговоре с приятелями из бара "Терасса бабочек", но он оказался закрыт. Я сказала себе вслух "Все будет хорошо" и прошла еще несколько улиц в направлении застекленных апартаментов Blue Radisson, где жил Роберт. Лифт ехал минут пять. Мне хотелось, чтобы в нем играла легкая музыка 90х, как  в такси - но во всем 50этажном здании стояла тишина эстонского летнего уикенда. Я смотрела в зеркальные цифры в лифтовой, испытывая все, что испытывают парашютисты перед прыжком, когда Роберт появился в холле. От одного взгляда на него, мне захотелось вернуться на два месяца назад, в морозный весенний вечер, когда мы виделись в последний раз. С красным лицом и сонными глазами, он, как казалось, всю весну пропил, не выходя из дома. Роберт стесненно простер руку в направлении открывавшегося холла в его квартиру, говоря «Добро пожаловать в грязные апартаменты, которые тебе так не нравятся». - Не такие уж грязные, - сразу отозвалась я, пытаясь быть как можно менее критичной. На полу был слой пыли, горы одежды были скомканы в углах, вдоль раковины - ряд немытой посуды. Его квартира-студия, и правда, мало изменилась, но это бросалось  в глаза меньше, чем вид самого Роберта. Его объятие было настоящим - совсем не таким, как прижимание приятелей из компании брата, или смазливого бармена из «Терассы бабочек», который скорее пытался овладеть, чем обнять, или школьного друга Андрея, обнимать которого - все равно что простирать руки к дереву. Он перенес меня на софу, и я уставилась на город, который был полностью виден из застекленной стены - от берегов моря до торговых центров.
Роберт почти все время молчал, читая какую-то статью в телефоне, на мои вопросы и предложения отвечал шутками. Может быть, он испытывал то же состояние нереальности, что и я, а может, он просто думал о своем, и я была для него лишь спонтанным отвлечением. Мне это было не так уж важно, потому что я погружалась в новый мир, в котором от Роберта было лишь отражение — все то, что я о нем знала. Маниакально-депрессивный маркетолог из Новой Зеландии, работающий в казино, в свободное время делающий ставки на баскетбольные матчи. Мы познакомились в «Голливуде» - дешевом ночном кл��бе в Старом городе, в котором туфли прилипали к полу от разлитого алкоголя. Я была одна в толпе пьяных танцующих, и он стал делать мне комплименты, после чего проводил до дома и напросился на чай. Мы встречались еще несколько раз, и в наших встречах становилось все больше язвительной конфронтации и почти болезненной химической зависимости. - Если ты хочешь меня видеть, тебе придется вызвать уборщицу - говорила я на одном из наших последних ужинов в Старом городе, проводя ложкой по мороженому. - У меня нет того лошадиного здоровья, которое есть у тебя. Мне вредно находиться в пыльных квартирах. Он кивал, говорил “Yes, of course”, как будто понимая, а когда мы вышли на морозную улочку старого города из теплоты каминного ресторана, настойчиво потянул в сторону своего дома. Я отняла руку и пошла на трамвайную остановку. - Думаешь, ты выдержишь? - бросил он вдогонку. - Что именно? - Без меня. - Кровь дракона все выдержит - я продолжила на ходу цитировать «Игру Престолов», копируя своего любимого персонажа — вымышленную королеву драконов Даенерис с несгибаемым характером. Играть с Робертом в «Игру престолов», притворяясь тем или иным персонажем, было моим развлечением. Он неохотно вызвал такси, и мы доехали в полуночной тишине до моей квартиры, расположенной на окраине города, у моря. Маленькая, чистая хрущевка с плюшевыми игрушками на подоннике внушала новозеландцу недоверие, и он всегда замерзал, потому что отопления весной почти не было, а за окном были морозы. Наутро он уехал на работу, и я долго плакала без причины. Мы перестали видеться. Когда вышел новый сезон «Игры престолов», Роберт спросил, смотрела ли я первую серию. В ней Даенерис и Джон Сноу летали на драконах и обсуждали будущее Семи королевств на фоне замороженного фонтана. Я смотрела только эти отрывки, поэтому сказала, что нет, не ожидая продолжения переписки. Мои чувства принадлежали не мне одной, а всему миру, и распространялись на все, чем я занималась, постепенно исчезая. Вскоре я совершенно забыла о Роберте, вспоминая о нем как о сонном видении.
- Заблокируй его, - советовала Моника, когда я присылала скриншоты сообщений от Роберта, приходивших обычно в 5 утра субботы. Я молчала, пока, наконец, он не предложил встретиться у него дома.
- Знаешь, - говорила я Андрею, пока мы прогуливались по парку на Томпееа, - Мне кажется, в жизни нужно кого-то любить. Просто, быть влюбленным, безотносительно ситуации. - Поехали ко мне, - сказал Андрей, и я посмотрела в его лицо, на котором пустовали шизоидные светло-зеленые глаза. - Или к тебе. - Тут же добавил он. Я рассмеялась. - В общем, дай знать, - довершил Андрей. Приятель со студенческих лет, Андрей был мне слишком хорошо знаком и, как следствие, скучен. Его образ не вызывал искры, когда мы прощались - не было тепла, которое окутывает влюбленных. - Ты не совсем меня понял, - сказала я с грустным смехом, - Я имею ввиду, мне хочется испытать это особенное чувство. И не так, чтобы что-то испытывал кто-то один, односторонне. У меня обычно так: мне кто-то нравится, а человек ко мне равнодушен. - В нашем случае это не так, - уверенно сказал Андрей. Тема себя исчерпала.   Мы поднялись по лестнице в Старый Город, древесные ветви качались от малозаметного ветра. Городскую атмосферу можно было полностью описать словом «безмятежность». Погода была не жаркой и не холодной, в фонтанах безмятежно пенилась вода, туристы безмятежно прогуливались по барным кварталам, Андрей безмятежно смотрел куда-то вдаль… Все было так безмятежно, что мне хотелось, чтобы над площадью взметнулся песчаный вихрь, чтобы молния пересекла приторно-голубое небо, чтобы плоское, как ладонь, море, взметнулось в шторме. Андрей гармонично сливался с атмосферой северной цивилизации: умиротворенный и тихий, он вписывался в сообщество коренных эстонцев, как родной. Я была другой, и войти в мир морского штиля, холодных взглядов и стеклянных зданий, не потеряв себя, казалось почти невозможным.
Пыхья-Таллин считался русским кварталом: женщины за 40 в красном и обтягивающем, бабушки, выгуливающие кошек на поводке, матерящиеся пьяницы в солнечных очках и в дождь, и в солнце, мрачные подростки — все они жили в Пыхья-Таллине, в самой холодной области Таллина. Ветер здесь был всегда, потому что рядом было Балтийское море: находиться на его пляже было приятнее всего весной. В жару в нем было не искупаться, потому что глубина начиналась через несколько километров от берега, а зимой разыгрывалась антарктическая метель. В ту субботу когда я надела леопардовое платье, было особенно жарко. Была середина эстонского лета — Иванов день: закрытые магазины, безлюдные улицы, потому что все коренное население уехало отмечать традиционный праздник на дачи. Солнце скручивало северные растения в экзотические букеты, в воздухе не было ни малейшего движения, но я продолжала идти по балтийскому берегу, чтобы потом пересечь несколько кварталов и дойти до центра. У меня не было конкретного плана дня, я просто шла по улицам, опустошенным празднованием. Жара была 29 градусов и почти не было тени, над рекой в Томпеа кружились чайки с розовыми от мяса клювами. Я шла, пока не оказалась на улице, ведущей к Blue Radisson. Впоследствии я пыталась, вспомнить, почему - и нашла несколько причин. Помимо пекла, которое притягивало редких гуляющих к фонтанам, и пары неотвеченных сообщений, было еще предчувствие, что  пойти к Роберту просто необходимо, именно сейчас, именно в этот, особенный день празднования. Я прошла мимо уличного бара рядом с железнодорожным вокзалом — завсегдатаи всех цветов кожи танцевали языческие танцы, перегораживая проезжую часть, под ремикс 80х. В другой день я бы присоединилась к ним, но идея о том, что нужно идти к Роберту, не покидала меня. Свернув на улочку старого города под названием «Малая нога», я шла, испытывая легкий ажиотаж, который всегда приходил ко мне, когда я осознавала красоту и ловкость того или иного плана действий. Консьерж вежливо поинтересовался, в какую я квартиру - «К Роберту», ответила я, маниакально улыбаясь, так как не знала номер квартиры. После лифта, домофон, и вот Роберт открыл мне дверь, с непривычно ясным выражением лица. При виде меня, он неопределенно улыбнулся. - Что ты здесь делаешь? - вполголоса спросил он. Он не обнял меня в ответ, и я расцепила руки. В квартире послышались голоса, и это дезориентировало. - Я скучала, решила зайти. Из темноты холла блеснули светло-голубые глаза - в дверях показался коренастый пожилой мужчина. - Это мой папа, - смущенно сказал Роберт. - Здравствуйте, какая приятная встреча! Я - Эн. - Рад знакомству, Эн.. - Зашла увидеть Роберта…! Папа понимающе улыбнулся и куда-то ушел. У меня пронеслась сотня идей о том, почему он ни разу не намекнул, что к нему приедет отец. - Эмм... Я не знала. - Ты в прошлый раз забыла очки, - подсказал Роберт, - там, на подоконнике. Я прошла в квартиру, замечая наведенный порядок. Не было прежней пыли, вместо горы одежды на диване лежали пицца и бутылки пива. В кресле сидел упитанный парень, смотрящий в телек, на котором шел матч по крикету. - Привет, я Эн, - с отчаянным дружелюбием сказала я, забирая с подоконника очки. Подозрительные глаза глянули на меня исподлобья. Парень ответил не сразу, как будто что-то припоминая — потом сказал на эстонском «Я Оливер». - Я тоже говорю по-эстонски, - пояснил он уже на английском. - Я пока не выучила эстонский, - сказала я. На экране телевизора по солнечному полю бегали игроки в белой форме и черных шлемах, отбивая дубинками невидимый мяч. Энергичный голос комментатора заполнял комнату. - Английский сойдет, - сказал Оливер, опрокидывая в себя бутылку пива. - А мы тут пьем и смотрим крикет. Роберт прошел в комнату, наблюдая за мной слегка расфокусированным взглядом. Я пронеслась к выходу, запихивая очки в портфель. - Извини, что так вышло, - сказала я ему в лифтовой, - Я не знала, что у тебя... - Не бери в голову. - Ты мог бы написать мне, что не один. Отец Роберта снова показался на пороге, все еще улыбаясь. - Как дела? - спросил он, с интонацией то ли любопытства, то ли сочувствия. - Все хорошо, - сказала я. Солнечный удар был в силе, и темные стены холла сверкали в перламутровых узорах. - Увидимся в следующий… - чуть не добавила я, но оборвала себя, и закончила фразу повторением первого слова - «Увидимся». Папаша ушел, я вызвала лифт, и Роберт мягким голосом сказал: «Может, встретимся сегодня позже вечером.». Уже в лифте я решила, что мне это послышалось, - так же, как показались узоры на стенах.
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phlox-pages · 7 years
day 5
He said, I need more reality. I said, I don’t need more thought control.
The car door closed, I left to school.
There were books, words, walls and grown-up children with uniformed brains, wanting to obey, imagining life beyond it, not knowing that real life ends with the first too loud school bell.
0 notes
phlox-pages · 7 years
day 4
When you are in the darkness, you see less and feel more than usually. I slowly learn to see everything and to feel nothing in the blinding light of lost possibilities and approaching chances.
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phlox-pages · 7 years
day 3
It makes sense to devote oneself to something that brings high feelings.
0 notes
phlox-pages · 7 years
2 nights out in a raw in here
0 notes
phlox-pages · 7 years
day 2
Whatever disappeared in the summercity, falling cotton will veil it with september indifference.
I’m on a beach, looking down at town lights eaten by soft clouds.
Only 4 days left until the end of bitter sugar august.
I’m bored and excited. My 40-years-old man left me, and my 20-years-old boy came back to me. I’m on the outskirt of the earth, and in the middle of the sea.
0 notes
phlox-pages · 7 years
day 1
My loved suburbian school is empty, like lungs, everyone in uniforms left to holidays. I’m on the private summer class and teacher tells something, but I’m listening to rap. I’m all concentrated.
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phlox-pages · 7 years
Phlox pages
First you learn how to differ colors, then you start distinguish passion from need to hurt, friendship from usage and living from dead.
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