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Vashti Bunyan, 1968
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Oh my god, I got so fucking stoned and Phoebe has fucking blessed us. I am understood.
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Someone hit me so I can cry.
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I'm back and I'm sad
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My guitarist had gotten me to the point where I just needed one little reminder that they existed in order to dive fully into Girlpool. No regrets.
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My older brother played this song in the car once on the way home from high school. He usually played Kendrick or LORDE so the contrast almost made me laugh, but I could tell he needed that moment to himself. Now I know he was going through a lot. He struggles a lot with mental health and he was incredibly cold in high school. I felt manipulated and abused trying to connect with him and soon after he left for college he insulted a friend of mine and I just stopped talking to him altogether. I truly hated him. I later realized that his friends were the problem, they forced him to act hypermasculine and social when all he really wanted to do was play dnd and write. He abused drugs a lot and tried to kill himself twice. A friend of mine came to me and told me he swallowed enough xanaxes to kill a person. Only after he got new friends in college and a loving girlfriend, did he open up and become the person he was supposed to be, and he's so sweet and kind.
So here's to all the people out there who just need a little more space and time to grow, you're not a robot <3
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Why can't I cry?
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This is one of those songs you learn so you can belt it and cry.
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Queer christian shit. Love God by loving your queer ass.
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"Sometimes sorry's just another word to say."
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I think the laws of music blogs state that if it makes you cry, you have to post it.
My ex's brother picked up an order from the place where I work. Yay.
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when u hear your favorite band in public
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At this point, I feel like I'm just filling this blog with the music I would show to you if we were still friends, maybe more. Happy anniversary my lovely. Maybe one day I'll find a piano and play this song and you'll come and listen. Sit next to me while I sing to you. Stay safe
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For someone special.
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Ooh! I'll keep that in mind.
people who collect and play records have the excuse of the music really having a unique, better quality than digital formats or cds. if you collect cassettes theres no excuse, because it is objectively one of the least efficient ways to store music- its lower quality with lower storage space and theyre easy to fuck up and they degrade really fast and are all around just terrible
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The Yeah Yeah Yeah's debut/demo EP.
All of these songs are great for fucking to.
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