phoebeseb · 2 months
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phoebeseb · 3 months
Is no one going to talk about how Ren called doc his husband not once, but TWICE in skizz's episode?
(It happened around the 6-8 min mark of skizz hc s10 ep 16 if anyone wants to check)
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phoebeseb · 3 months
This single handedly sent me back to my bokuaka brainrot
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akaashi who works very hard to get muscle references for udai’s manga!! ù_ú⭐️ (why does he keep travelling to osaka to get them, tho??)
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phoebeseb · 6 months
god bless cubfan for the massive and ridiculous array of goat horns he's collected. there hasn't been a single time they've shown up so far that they HAVEN'T been funny and he's managed to find some ridiculously deep cuts for the meme. also, i can't imagine the grind of actually getting the goats to de-horn. that man lives and dies by the bit, and we all are benefiting from it,
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phoebeseb · 6 months
What do you mean "played with his feet"???
Does he mean like he used foot pedals to control stuff or... *shivers* straight up (and somehow) learned how to you a keyboard or a controler with his feet? You'd think the last one is dumb and impossible, but have you considered the fact that we're talking about etho?
i already see people talking about etho mentioning he's played video games using his feet before. however i feel like not enough people are mentioning that he brought this up as a suggestion for what iskall could do instead of using the wrist he sprained, and that his next suggestion was "maybe if you wore some kind of collar", which i think is actually way more insane than just having played with his feet in the past,
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phoebeseb · 6 months
i think my favorite thing about the hermitcraft murder mystery party idea is that stress and iskall will be writing the roles for people. stress and iskall. those two. will have sat on a call or in dms wherever they have them, writing the murder mystery roles for their friends. iskall is literally already snickering about the idea of mumbo having a role and there isn't even actually a concrete plan yet. like we'd need to throw all fanon out the window for "what role the characters would play" and instead carefully pull back in the window "what would stress and iskall think is funny to force the other hermits to play" which is way funnier,
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phoebeseb · 7 months
Unrelated to the comic but kinda related to it... this is the best portrayal of the juppet that I have ever seen.
Obsessed with the fact that joe's always there, controlimg the juppet but just laying down and trying to go unnoticed
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Anyways... what?
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phoebeseb · 7 months
The Slovenian public broadcaster has announced they will ask the EBU to open a consultation with all their members about the participation of Israel in Eurovision! This was in response to a public letter by Slovenian musicians and NGOs demanding Israel be banned from Eurovision. The pressure is working and it's only going to build in the coming months!
Here is a contact list for all the broadcasters participating in Eurovision with a template letter translated into 20+ languages. Message your national broadcaster and keep up the pressure!
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phoebeseb · 7 months
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La Zarra still mothering ❤️
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phoebeseb · 7 months
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i fucking love hatari
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phoebeseb · 7 months
Thia is the funniest edit to have come out of a recap recently.
Still dying at Tango's "project the L" from like last recap (or 2 recaps ago?) but this??? This is it right there
Scam a Keralis, you get a glockalis
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phoebeseb · 8 months
Your fan art is being used on tiktok by not you
I have drawn some stuff but that was quite a while ago... can you provide links/ screenshots or names so I can do something if it's true?
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phoebeseb · 8 months
oh poor xisuma- he dosent know what he is getting in to
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phoebeseb · 8 months
I can't decode joels message, can someone help me?
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phoebeseb · 8 months
hermits vs kids irl, my favourite stories:
the time Joe and his kid were at a shared pool somewhere and another kid was talking so loudly about how cool Iskall is
the time Cleo was teaching in primary school and got asked 'have you ever heard of mumbo jumbo, miss' and then having to act like they haven't known him since he was 17
the time etho was out with a friend and the friend's kid went 'omg that's etho' to their dad, and the dad came back like 'why does my kid know you?'
the time that Cleo left their job to be a YouTuber and their whole class was desperately trying to figure out who she was
Joe's kid going from 'minecraft sucks' to my friends are grian stans so I am too, dad explain grian to me (dad can we get hermitcraft (grian), no we have hermitcraft at home (Joe Hills))
Impulse's whole extended family being made to watch his new hermitcraft rap as Christmas entertainment by his mum
every take my kid to work hermitcraft video. from stress' kid dissing her season six castle, to Joe's kid getting multiple hermitcraft episodes dedicated to how much he loves her, keralis' ongoing joke about making his kids do all his grindy work, doccy chirping in the background of videos, and on and on and on
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phoebeseb · 9 months
absolutely love how the multiverse works in mcyt. like, most servers all have their own character regardless of where the cc has been before. for example, dsmp!wilbur and qsmp!wilbur are different people that come from different universes. they’re even different charcaters between seasons, for example empires season 1 and season 2 jimmy are different people. Generally, even the most powerful mcyts like Phil can’t travel between universes.
hermits on the other hand can and frequently do multiverse travel with ease. for example, hermitcraft season 6 grian and season 9 grian and even evo smp grian are all the same person. hell, most seasons end because the mere presence of the hermits caused a portal to open up or the world to end or something else strange. hermits are inherently harbingers of chaos and all the other mcyt charcaters are a little terrified of them.
also it’s worth mentioning that they can’t really “die” like the other mcyts. every other mcyt (unless they have some other reason to be immortal) can permanently die. sure, they can be revived or come back as a ghost, but they will never be the same person they were when they were alive. Hermits don’t experience this even in the slightest. A hermit can literally watch the universe collapse around them, they can be hit by the moon, they can be canonically killed like in trafficlife, and every single time they just dust themselves off and get back up like nothing happened.
anyways tldr most mcyts are confined to their universe but hermitcraft members have something more Sinister going on.
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phoebeseb · 9 months
No LISTEN. If you weren’t there when Yuri on Ice was airing you don’t get it!! We were just having fun!! Just a pretty little sports anime, good music and lovable characters, we all know we’re being queerbaited but hey, it’s nothing new. We’re used to it. My expectations are extremely tempered. Any minute now a female love interest will appear for Yuuri or Victor or both, and the whole thing will probably end with like, an emotional declaration of friendship between them. Just two guys being dudes, very good friends. It’s fine. I know how this works. I’m just having fun in the meantime.
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