phoenix-follower · 2 years
Jessica Allison - Bourne
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
The Lemon Hex
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For when someone has REALLY done you dirty and you just need a quick and powerful burst of baneful energy. This one is powerful, fast-acting, and short-lived, by nature it can really f a person up and can't be undone/reversed once you've cast it. As always, practice responsibly and be safe!
What You Need
A lemon (naturally.)
A knife to help handle said lemon
A leaf or piece of paper with your target's name/identifying info on it (taglock)
Ginger/Cayenne Pepper to help empower/speed up the spell. Both preferred, but just one can do.
Salt/Black Pepper, good baseline ingredients for most hexes
Anything nasty or spicy you can think of. Hot sauces/peppers, old vegetable juices, lint/dust, dish scum, you name it.
Important note: This is not a spell you want to use needles, nails, or other hard things in. Keep it soft and organic if you can. You'll see why.
Throughout all of this, I find hexes to be a good opportunity to speak your mind, let the target know exactly how they fucked up and how this is the consequence of their actions.
Prepare your taglock and cut an opening in your lemon. Give it some room in the middle.
Roll up or stuff the taglock inside the lemon alongside all of the other ingredients. Be sure to add the ginger and cayenne for best results.
Once it's all in there, give it a little roll/squeeze to make sure those lemon juices permeate all the nasty insides. Let the citrus sting and the spices burn, let the grossness reflect the grossness they've wrought on your own life being sent back.
Chop the whole thing into pieces in preparation for the next step.
Once you're ready, chuck it into the garbage disposal.
If you don't have a garbage disposal, a blender with some liquid should work too. You could even continue using nasties like lemon or pickle juice.
Your lemon is now ground up and liquefied. Dispose of the remains however you please.
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
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How to do Shadow work
First of all, what is your shadow?
Your shadow is basically all about YOU that you have suppressed and/or pushed away. The things you have not accepted in yourself and you’re not aware of, because they were pushed to the subconscious. The shadow is not about evil or bad, it’s about the things you were judged on, by your parents as a kid (as the shadow begins to build in childhood), or by YOURSELF as you become more aware, and didn’t welcome those parts of YOU into yourself.
Carl Jung, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud’s student, is the person who was first to introduce the concept of shadow to the western world. Although, ancient cultures have known about the shadow long ago. Jung stated the shadow to be the unknown dark side of the personality. According to Jung, the shadow is the unconscious aspect of the personality that the conscious ego does not identify in itself.
On a spiritual level, your shadow is also contains suppressed energy from your past incarnations.
So, how to do shadow work?
Simply begin to be aware of the shadow, bringing the unconscious to conscious. Notice what triggers you, what about YOU you don’t love or accept, what you judge in yourself, and what about YOU that you fear. Also, notice what you were judged on by your caretakers in your childhood, what emotions and feelings of yours were not welcomed by them. You may do mindfulness meditations to get a better view on those things you need to notice in yourself, or even past life regressions, but in my opinion, the one should work first on the shadow that was created in this lifetime, this childhood, and only if he or she missing parts, the one may dig deeper into the soul, and do past life working too. Anyway, do journaling, write down the things that come up, and you’ll see a greater picture of your shadow. And remember, as you bring light into the shadow, the shadow fades, it gets smaller and smaller…
What to do further?
Hug yourself, and celebrate your wholeness. 💜
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
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Finally someone said it!
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
Everyday things you probably already do that can be WITCHY with intention:
🌙 Showering - As every witch knows, it’s important to cleanse your space often! A daily shower is a perfect way to cleanse yourSELF! Ritual baths are amazing, but when life gets busy, we don’t always have time to sit and soak. Use your alone time in the shower intentionally. Clean your body while imagining all of the negative energy of the day washing off of you. Use certain soaps or bath products in conjunction with specific intentions. (Rose for universal love, peppermint for wealth, chamomile for purification, etc.) Remember to be intentional in your thoughts as well. Showers are a great place for meditation and manifestation!
🌙 Applying makeup/doing your hair - These are things we typically do in front of a mirror. A mirror is the perfect gateway to connect with ourselves for a bit of reassurance. Use this time to state positive affirmations or mantras.
🌙 Cleaning your home - Cleaning our sacred spaces is another great way to banish negativity and protect our energy. Use certain scents around your home to match certain intentions, and listen to high frequency music while cleaning to keep your energy lifted.
🌙 Falling asleep - If you’re anything like myself, having noise in the background while you’re getting ready for bed can be very comforting. However, it is extremely important to be intentional about the things we watch or listen to, even subconsciously, before laying down. The alpha and theta brainwave states of consciousness we enter before bed are heavily influenced by our surroundings. Try to watch or listen to TV shows or movies with positive or uplifting messages that are light hearted, or even better yet, try guided meditations!
🌙 Working - This one is so much easier said than done. Sometimes when we are working, our mind tends to wander to things we’d rather be doing instead. Alternatively, if you struggle with happiness or contentment at work, try to avert your thoughts into a positive direction. Think about your dream job. Think about how you’ll achieve your career goals, and how what you are doing now will help you progress forward with these motivations. The universe is always listening. Instead of thinking about how you dislike your job, even if you do, instead think about how much you’d LOVE to do your dream job. This will bring you much closer to your end goal a lot more quickly. Always remember: Positive attitude = positive results!
Follow here and IG @petriquartz for more tips
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
Subtle Witchcraft Tips
(coming from a closeted witch of 3-4 years)
stitch sigils or runes into your clothing - use a thread that’s the same colour of the fabric for extra subtlety
use bandanas to veil
display certain items as if they’re just decorative - all of my crystals are on a shelf and when my family asks i just tell them i like crystals! they’ve now assumed i’m a geology nerd lol
look into tea magick! tea is such a powerful tool for witchcraft and simply stirring your tea with intention can be a form of magick
if you wear makeup, paint sigils on your face with your foundation or concealer before blending
similarly if you wear nail polish, paint sigils on your nails
use perfumes or body products with certain scents that correlate to certain meanings e.g my shower gel and body oil are both lavender scented
create a shoebox altar - this makes it small and easy to hide
household herbs and spices can easily be used in spells!!
remember that a pendulum doesn’t have to be a fancy crystal on a chain, any small weight on a string can work just as well
any basic candle can be used in spells
research the correspondences of wearing rings on certain fingers
i love doing kitchen magick!! it’s so easy to incorporate into everyday life without blatantly being a form of magick
house plants can be great in magick
i know i briefly mentioned sigils before but don’t underestimate how powerful sigils can be!!
create small spell jars that you could easily hide
and remember: your craft is uniquely your own. don’t let anyone tell you what is and isn’t required to be a valid witch. i’ve had to be subtle about my practice for years and it’s taken a while for me to realise that i’m just as much of a witch as someone who openly practices.
blessed be <3
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
Small happiness spell 🍊
What you’ll need
An orange
Sugar (brown or white)
Lemon juice
Red wine or cider
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Peel the orange and separate its wedges
Place the wedges in a circle on a plate and charge them with your intent, in this case, happiness
Sprinkle sugar over the circle for sweetness, then cinnamon for spiritual power
Let honey drip at the center of the circle while saying: ‘For days doused in sunlight, I drip honeyed delight’
Add a few drops of lemon juice at the center of the circle and say: ‘For luck to come my way, I keep hexes at bay’
Now drip the alcohol at the center while saying: ‘For blessings along the road, I invoke powers of old’
Eat the orange one wedge at a time, starting from the top and working clockwise. Dip each of them in the mix at the center before eating.
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
What's good for your mental health based on your Mercury sign
If you’re an IG page and want to repost this, don’t forget to tag the creator: @sacerdotess4 on IG
Don’t plagiarize, you were born original, don’t die a copy.
Aries Mercury: take action
You need to get physical, walking, running and sexual activities are the best for you. You tend to feel mentally drained when you have the feeling to be late in life, behind with your projects, feeling stuck in life makes you feel depressed, you need a lot of stimuli and excitation.
Taurus Mercury: avoid multitasking
Concentrate on one thing at the time, take some time for yourself after job, indulge in self care, you need some time to rest, you should never overwork yourself. You tend to feel mentally drained when it comes to abstract topics, you feel more confident when you can talk about pragmatic things.
Gemini Mercury: share your ideas
You need to connect with others, to talk about your ideas and new projects, learning new things is also extremely important for you. Feeling lonely, disconnected and isolated is something that you can't tolerate, social stimuli are crucial for you, take some time to take care of your social life every day.
Cancer Mercury: connect with positive memories
Thinking about positive memories of your childhood, light up a candle with your favorite smell, bake a cake for someone you love, share your feelings and connect emotionally with someone you trust. When you don't have a place to express your feelings you feel mentally drained and unsatisfied.
Leo Mercury: repeat positive affirmations
When you feel mentally drained, check your internal dialogue, tell yourself how proud you are, take some time to appreciate yourself. You feel mentally drained when you can't express yourself, when you're around people that doesn't allow you to express your opinions and insights.
Virgo Mercury: clean up your space
Your house/studio/room is the reflection of your mental state, cleaning up your space is something that makes you feel calmer and more relaxed. You feel mentally drained when you have to talk about abstract themes and when you're around messy places or people who are “too emotional for you”.
Libra Mercury: indulge in beauty
When you feel mentally drained, you should surround yourself with beautiful stimuli, you should go to an art gallery or listen to classical music, do something that reminds you how lucky you are to live in a world full of art. Chaotic people or places makes you feel drained,
Scorpio Mercury: recharge in solitude
Connecting with your higher self, your spiritual and intuitive side is therapeutic for you, solitude is extremely important for your well being, you should always take some space for yourself. You feel mentally drained when you're around superficial people, you need to stay around those who are emotionally deep, just like you.
Sagittarius Mercury: learn something new
You need to explore the world, learning new things and connecting with others makes you feel alive. Talking with interesting and innovative people is extremely important for you, boredom makes you feel drained and unhappy.
Capricorn Mercury: make plans for yourself
Making some plans for the future makes you feel motivated and energetic, you always need to work on something, you consider yourself a constant “work in progress”. You feel mentally drained when you're not in control and when you have to talk about abstract things.
Aquarius Mercury: innovate something
You always feel the urge to make some changes, even when it comes to small things. When you feel mentally drained, you should change the disposition of the things in your room, reorganize something, do something new, innovate your space. You feel mentally drained when you feel like you're stuck in a routine or when you're around people who are “too emotional” for you.
Pisces Mercury: dream bigger
When you're mentally drained, you should read a novel, create art, write a poem, express your feelings through creativity, art is what makes you feel alive. You tend to feel mentally drained when you're around people who are “too logical” or when you have the feeling of being misunderstood.
ko-fi ☕️: sacerdotessa
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
The best crystals for… Part 4 🤍
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
@lovebyluna on instagram
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
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🌲Yuletide Simmer Pot🌲
I know I’m a few days early but I wanted to welcome the season in a little earlier than usual; plus I wanted to do some spell work too after the week I’ve had at work so yeah!
❄️ Ingredients ❄️
❄️A handful of cranberries for Abundance & Love ❄️A few bay leaves for Protection & Manifestation  ❄️Several orange slices for Luck & Prosperity ❄️4 cinnamon sticks for Success & Prosperity  ❄️3 tbsps. of whole cloves for more Protection & Clarity ❄️A whole red delicious apple in slices for Beauty & Wisdom ❄️A few pine branches for Cleansing & Protection
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
Put up wards to keep out unwanted spirits
Put jars of salt by your door to protect your home
Sprinkle some salt in your mouth right before you go to bed to protect your dreams
Light candles to help guide spirits
Tell stories of dead relatives and friends
Write about the dead in your book of shadows
Give offerings to your ancestors
Pray at your altar
Cleanse your space with incense
Drink hot drinks
Bake bread or pies
Add fall recipes to your book of shadows
Paint and decorate pumpkins
Contact spirits through divination
Ask for advice from your ancestors
Be thankful for the food you have
Dust and tidy your altar
Look at pictures of deceased loved ones
Dress in fall colors
Go for a walk in nature, observe the leaves turning. Consider the cycles of life and death that govern our world.
Light a bonfire/small fire (safely!) and burn papers with things that no longer serve you, that you cannot afford to take into winter.
Make an offering to your deities or ancestors
Make food with seasonal ingredients symbolic of the final harvest: squashes, pumpkins, grains, apples, spices. Even wine, if you’re allowed to drink.
Prepare your home and yourself for the coldest part of the year. Redo protection spells, clean out clutter, develop sustaining spells for winter.
Reflect on the past year. What did you lose? What people left your life, what things no longer hold meaning for you? How did you change as a person?
Work with various forms of divination, like runes, pendulums, tea leaves, or tarot.
If you do work with ouija boards you better be SUPER DUPER careful. Do not neglect protections, and if you feel uncomfortable, stop, protection spells and cleanse, cleanse, cleanse.
Give some time or money to a cause you’re passionate about. If your harvest is abundant, give back to those who were not so fortunate.
Herbs and Flowers
Deadly Nightshade
Oak leaves
Witch Hazel
Soul bread (I recommend putting something on it, it can be bland)
Roast turkey or chicken
Sea Bass
Brussel Sprouts
Key limes
Passion Fruit
Fruit Pies
Fruit Cobblers
Apple Cake
Spice Cakes
Apple Cider
Hard Cider
Pumpkin spice Latte
Hot Cocoa
Apple Juice
Adult Appel Juice (wine)
Mulled Wine
Mulled Cider
Grape Juice
Chai Tea or Latte
Herbal Teas
Horned God
Write a list of things you want to release and burn it
Light candles to help guide and honor spirits
Practice Spirit work
Samhain Divination
Family Meals with a place for the dead
Meditate and Reflect
Other names
All Saints Day
All Hallows Eve
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
psychic witch by mat Auryn
Secret teaching of all ages encyclopedia of esoteric teaching
weave the liminal by Laura tempest zakroff
six ways by aidan wachter
the grek magical papyri in translation edited by dieter betz
the complete grimoire by lidia pradas
witchery by juliat diaz
spells for change by frankie castanea
celtic witchcraft by mabh savage
the althlone hiatory of witchcraft and magic in europe
the spell book for new witches by ambrosia hawthorn
kate freuler of blood and bones by mat Auryn
the kitchen witch's spell book by cerridwen greenleaf
love spells by anastasia greywolf
encyclopedia of magic herbs by scott Cunningham
guided tarot by stefanie caponi
the witch's journal by selene silverwind
the casting of spells by Christopher penczak
sacred essential oils edited by claire waite brown
the crystal bible by judy hall
the magical household by scott Cunningham
wicca in the kitchen by scott Cunningham
the house witch by arin Murphy-Hiscock
the heart witch's compendium by anna franklin
the heart witch's kitchen herbal by anna franklin
a spell book for the season
the complete illustrated book of herbs
italian folk magic by mary grace fahrun
the complete illustrated guide to palmistry by peter west
apractical step by step guide to herbs for the home and garden by Shirley reid
top 50 edible plants for pots by angie thomas
the mystical magical marvelous world of DREAMS by wilda b. tanner
the eclectic witch's book of shadows by deborah blake
plant witchery by Juliet diaz
the witch at thd forest's edge
subtle energy by keith miller
protection&reversal magick by jason miller
curses,hexes&crossing by S. connolly
modern witch by devin hunter
the complete book of incense,oils&brews by scott Cunningham
encyclopedia of 5000 spells by judika illes
the good witch's journal by selene silverwind
inner magic a guide to witchcraft
spell crafting by arin Murphy
the green witch by arin murphy
moon magic by diane ahlquist
protection magick by cassandra eason
the little big book by ileana abrev
herbal remedies by andrew chevallier
witchcraft for healing by patti wigington
complete book of correspondences by sandra kynes
poppet magick by silver davenwolf
earth medicine by kenneth meadows
earth power by scott Cunningham
a century of spells by draja mickaharic
positive magic by marion Weinstein
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
If you’re an IG page and want to repost this, don’t forget to tag the creator: @sacerdotess4 on IG
Don’t plagiarize, you were born original, don’t die a copy.
Your Life Path Number (number of destiny)
How to calculate it:
your day of birth + month + year
if your birthday's on 21/12/2002, you should calculate it this way:
2+1+1+2+2+0+0+2 = 10 = 1+0 = 1
1 is your life path number
Life Path 1:
Archetype: the warrior
You're an innovator, an individualistic and independent soul. You're bold, active, strong, stubborn and unique. You could be quite self-centered and prone to rebellious acts, you're unconventional, original and attracted to unique people. You're not suggestible, it's impossible to change your mind. You have great leadership skills. During your lifetime you could face many lonely periods but it doesn't scares you. It's hard for you to express your feelings, you could be more rational and not so emotional. You could suffer of anxiety and your biggest fear could be failure.
Ruling planet: Sun
If you're born on 1, 10, 19, 28 of any months you're influenced by this archetype too.
Life Path 2:
Archetype: the child
You're sensitive, emotional, protective, nurturing and kind. You could crave many attentions from others and you could be kinda passive, more receptive, not so dynamic. You tend to trust other easily, it's hard for you to notice red flags, you're kinda naive and innocent. You love to help others and you're extremely generous. You could be romantic and family oriented, social and friendly. You're creative and attracted to every form of art. Your deepest fear could be loneliness and rejection.
Ruling planet: Moon
If you're born on 2, 11, 20, 29 of any months you're influenced by this archetype too.
Life Path 3:
Archetype: the jester
You're creative, expressive, optimistic, joyful, inspiring and smart. You could be talented in every artistic field, you could also be a great communicator, actor and writer. You have an innate good taste in clothes and style. You can't stand routine and monotony, you need constant stimuli, you could be multi-potential or someone with many different hobbies. You have great leadership skills, you're charismatic and persuasive. You're friendly, chatty and fun to have around. You could be quite anxious and with an unstable sense of identity.
Ruling planet: Jupiter
If you're born on 3, 12, 21, 30 of any months you're influenced by this archetype too.
Life Path 4:
Archetype: the builder
You're traditional, methodical, materialistic and not so spiritual, you value facts over words, you could lack of creativity and flexibility, you're quite determinate, goal oriented, persistent and stubborn. You're someone others can easily trust, you're predictable, organized, helpful and practical. You could be kinda inflexible and intolerant toward those who are different and new ideas.
Ruling planet: Sun
If you're born on 4, 13, 22, 31 of any months you're influenced by this archetype too.
Life Path 5:
Archetype: the researcher
You're a free spirit, an open minded individual always in search of an adventure. You like to explore the world, to travel, to know new people and to expand your social circle. You're bold, optimistic and attracted to new ideas. Changes doesn't scares you, you accept the fluidity of life. You're dynamic and always in search of new stimuli and interesting things. You're sensual and attractive, you like to experiment with your sexuality and you're intolerant toward jealousy. You're charismatic and impulsive. You could have some problems when it comes to discipline and structure.
Ruling planet: Mercury
If you're born on 5, 14, 23 of any months you're influenced by this archetype too.
Life Path 6:
Archetype: the angel
You're loving, friendly, charismatic, kind, protective and tolerant toward others. You're classy and attracted to aesthetically pleasing things, you could be talented in every artistic field. You're connected with your heart and your emotions, kinda sensitive and emotional. You're not so attracted toward changes, routines are good for you. You're a big dreamer but you could be prone toward laziness. You could be kinda insecure and rely too much on others.
Ruling planet: Venus
If you're born on 6, 15, 24 of any months you're influenced by this archetype too.
Life Path 7:
Archetype: the wise
You're intellectual, skeptical, always in search for the highest truth, knowledgeable, introverted, attracted to philosophy and psychology. You're attracted to the occult and mysticism. You're ambitious, inspired, deep, complex and prone to anxiety. You tend to isolate yourself and suffer of loneliness, you could be a perfectionist and kinda cynical.
Ruling planet: Moon
If you're born on 7, 16, 25 of any months you're influenced by this archetype too.
Life Path 8:
Archetype: the king
You're gifted with charisma and leadership skills, ambition, an high self esteem, independence and a strong willpower. You're logical, objective and impartial. You're not scared of obstacles, you're motivated and willing to learn something by every challenge. You could have high standards and feel like a failure if you feel like your life is not equivalent to your expectations. If undeveloped, you could be quite arrogant, stubborn and vindictive.
Ruling planet: Saturn
If you're born on 8, 17, 26 of any months you're influenced by this archetype too.
Life Path 9:
Archetype: the freedom lover
Your personality is filled with a feminine and earthy energy, you're spiritual, open minded, caring, humanitarian, sensitive and emotional, you care about every creature of the Earth, you want to make the world a better place. You're alternative, non-conforming, different and original, you like to make things in your own way. Order and balance are extremely important for you, you hate every form of conflict. It's hard for you to regulate your emotions, they are strong and intense.
Ruling planet: Mars
If you're born on 9, 18, 27 of any months you're influenced by this archetype too.
ko-fi ☕️: sacerdotessa
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phoenix-follower · 3 years
What I Burn When I Need Help
Burning herbs can be more than just cleansing. It can help banish, invoke, encourage, invite, and much more. A lot of times, when I feel like I'm struggling with a specific issue (with myself or with what is around me), I find myself drawn to burning single herbs to help me get back into the headspace I need to be.
Cinnamon: When I feel like I'm falling behind in my shadow work, I burn a bit of a stick of cinnamon to help encourage healing and mindfulness.
Dried Apple Peel: Apples are symbols of friendship and love. When I feel particularly down on myself or lonely, burning apple peels can help invoke an increased sense of patience towards myself.
Pine Needles: Burning pine needles welcomes new beginnings and fresh starts. Super helpful for things like breakups, graduation, and repelling negativity.
Rice: A bit tricky to burn! I tend to hold two or three in tweezers ad just roast the ends for a moment or two and waft that little bit of smoke around my space. Burnt rice invites financial gain, and protects you from negative energies.
Rose Petals: Rose petals invoke soft, genuine feelings of love and appreciation.
Rose Thorns: On the other hand, burning rose thorns protects you from people who have terms for their love, and protects you from people who lie about their affections for you.
Rosemary: This herb encourages good health, and is helpful in strengthening memory when burnt. It's also effective as a shower/bath additive!
Tangerine Peel: I use tangerine peels because that's what I have, but orange peels work the same! Burning these citrus peels invites more energy into your space, and can be great for sleepy mornings and early morning college classes.
As always, practice in a cleansed environment and do your research! There are many, many things that can be burnt for great effects. Blessed Be! <3
Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi
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