phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
With business settled, important documents hand-delivered, and time on the clock before the micro-managing bosses of the world came a-calling, Riley paused as she held the door open for her coworker, eyes trailing on the cafe opposite. "If you'd indulge me, Taihou," she began, a somewhat capricious smile twisting across her lips, "I'd like to make up for that hot cocoa I owe you. As long as you promise you won't tell on me for playing hooky, of course."
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“By all means. It’s not as if you don’t do your fair share of the work anyhow.” Then again you could also look at it as a food run for her co-worker. The both of them seemed to have a mindset for putting the work first, but a break was good, even if it was just getting some air or slipping away to honor a favor. And certainly Taihou had no complaints about that. If her teasingly licking her lips at the thought was any indications. 
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
“For you? I can’t say. But for every else since you’ve been here, at least a couple of days figuring out how and why you ended up frozen in the middle of the ocean. No one can say for sure.” Taihou mouthing this in a huff might’ve seemed like ambivalence, but really she was trying to maintain some desire to make sure things are taken care of. 
“More importantly is the situation you’re in now. Are you aware of your current position? Spy? Defector? Or are you just some rogue vessel?” Even as others looked her over for any semblance of siren technology, it wasn’t clear what kind of ship she was even meant to be. Let alone anything the Royal Navy could come up with.  “Can you tell me your name at least?”
And that flag was all the explanation she needed, but the design of this vessel suggested something strange in itself. Not anything she’d seen of the Royal Navy and yet it bore their emblem. Something to discuss in the midst of her superiors having it defrosted and likely interrogated. 
In the meantime, Taihou kept to herself in a garden nearest to their base of operations. Likely awaiting orders and avoiding her…rival of sorts. Only for someone to arrive with a decree.
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“And you’re sure it can’t be anyone else? I have to babysit an enemy ship?” As long as it wasn’t submarines she could at least feign some enthusiasm. Enough to not look like she wanted to die inside at the thought of her plans being ruined. 
Slowly but surely, the ice melted. The trapped train/shipgirl within remained lifeless until everything above the hips had melted, at which point her generator was revealed – and coughed to life, throwing a burning coal up and out.
“Oh–” was Perseverance’s first sound, gasping for air and shivering. She couldn’t move at all, wrists still frozen in the ice, and everything hip down. But she was clearly somewhere else than a frozen berg…
“Hello?�� Perseverance called out. “Is anybody around…?” She couldn’t exactly look around. “Was my distress signal answered?” How much time has passed…?
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
Time enough had passed that indeed, Perseverance had completely frozen. She’d waited too long for her own generator to work for a rescuer to come, a mistake that could’ve been her eternal grave… had she been in her old world.
Instead, the dreadnought had been found after the ice had fully claimed her, and was to be rescued like this instead, it seemed. But she herself needed to be thawed out, completely lifeless at the moment with her machinery frozen.
The shipgirl’s flag could be seen… the emblem of the Royal Navy. Across the side of her rigging was the name ‘Perseverance.’ But she had a very, very odd design – almost more of a train than a ship.
And that flag was all the explanation she needed, but the design of this vessel suggested something strange in itself. Not anything she’d seen of the Royal Navy and yet it bore their emblem. Something to discuss in the midst of her superiors having it defrosted and likely interrogated. 
In the meantime, Taihou kept to herself in a garden nearest to their base of operations. Likely awaiting orders and avoiding her...rival of sorts. Only for someone to arrive with a decree.
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“And you’re sure it can’t be anyone else? I have to babysit an enemy ship?” As long as it wasn’t submarines she could at least feign some enthusiasm. Enough to not look like she wanted to die inside at the thought of her plans being ruined. 
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
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“I...normally wouldn’t ask, but the suddenness of it is confusing me. What is your intent? Better yet, who are you in full?”
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“…” Don’t mind her, she’s currently thinking of a way to process this.
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“Take your time. It’s sudden, I know, but I couldn’t hold back long. Take your time.”
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
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“...” Don’t mind her, she’s currently thinking of a way to process this.
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“Wait, hold on. But that’s…you couldn’t be serious, could you?”
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“Yes, completely. One hundred percent serious.”
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
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“Wait, hold on. But that’s...you couldn’t be serious, could you?”
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
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“True to my word, you can count on me for anything. Just say the word. Anything at all.”
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
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Truly a body made of steel
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
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“Look as you like then. It’s clearly something to behold.”
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
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The weak shall fear the strong.
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
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Several moods.
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
How well does Taihou get along with the other Sakura Empire ship girls? I often suspect there may be friction between her and the likes of Akagi, for instance.
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To say she doesn't like Akagi is a given, but she does try to show her respect when she can manage it. All the same, other girls in her fleet are usually well respected. Even in the AL she recognizes them as part of her family alongside her commander. Generally she'll be good to have around as a result. Even Kaga doesn't irritate Taihou like her sister does.
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
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How do you think she managed to snag a pipa before chinese new year?
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
What goals does Taihou have post war?
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Usefulness in some way or another. I wouldn't call it a personal tic but she does function well with a purpose or an anchor. Otherwise she just listlessly wanders the ocean.
Or is found on the shores of the dragon empery shopping the depression away.
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
would bote have baby
Far as I can imagine given shipgirls are made rather than born, they can't exactly get pregnant. But she'd be up to raise an S/O's child with them.
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phoenix-in-steel · 3 years
How does Taihou feel about children
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She's surprisingly good with kids. Doting in many cases, though in others kind of unassuming and a little easy to outsmart. Of course the only one that isn't good to be around is albacore and that's more a case of her overly friendly attitude and lack of understanding of what she's caused Taihou. Otherwise, she'll take care of the kids around her.
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