Elinor Carucci
I love Elinor Carucci personal work. I can careless about her editorial work or advertisement. there is something special bout her personal work that feels obviously stage and at the same time so real in time, like a moment on a everyday life but not necessarily your average daily life. 
I can see myself producing work like hers. Intimate and private. soft and close up!! and thinking about it, I will love to start documenting my life so open and romanticize way. That will help me to really open up and take me out of my comfort zone. Maybe document my life in sometime in the Dominican Republic where I feel more like myself so that my true self can be portray through the images. 
Carucci work is totally different of what I life or see myself doing, so growing a interest in her amazed me. But I think I really like her because of the way she uses flash in her photographs, she is not trying to hide the fact that she uses artificial light for many of her portraits. 
Overall I think Elinor Carucci is the perfect example of environmental portraits and studio, which are two part of photography I enjoy vey much.
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Angel Franco
I did not speak much during the visit of Angel Franco to our class. At first I did not know what to say or ask just because I am not a journalist and my work reflects that, so I thought that Mr. Franco will not understand the type of work I produce and the work I am interested in. After the class was over I saw Mr. Franco talking with my fellow classmate and I like how friendly he was to them. 
Seeing Mr. Franco out of the class environment gave me the will to talk to him and show him the work that I an proud to produce. He initially was planning to go home after the class but he came with me to the photo lab office and we spoke for over an hour there. We talked about my work and complimented me because of it and I ask him for advice for school and careers wise. He told me to not be afraid of doing whatever I want and to take risk for it To never stop on my education and my career in the arts, and honestly that was what I need it to hear. 
But talking about my future and career was merely a portion of what we really talked that afternoon. I connected with him on a personal level. We both went through similar situations, so I saw a reflection of me in him. The conversation gave me so much hope on life in general, that my past should not be an obstacle for my future. I love that we connected on a personal level and not so much necessarily as photographers because at that time and moment I needed it a life lesson not a critique on my art. 
I have so much respect the Angel Franco and his ethic. And I am thankful to Scott for inviting him for class so I can have the opportunity to meet him and able to talk to him about just life in general.
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One of the best memories Ii have at the Hager Farm is about this cow. I as was getting ready to photograph something I feel something moving behind me. It was the cow licking my butt! Gross but unique experience.
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at the Hager Farm, this section of the farm is focused on sick cows. The sick cows are separated from the rest and go into a process of healing and milking their milk while they are treated for the bacteria, as soon as they are fully recover they will join the others.
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Photojournalism students at the Hager Farm amazed by a cow in labor. This was an unique experience but I felt we were bothering the poor cow, one can tell because at the moment the cow was baking up as the stable was getting more crowded by the students and the other cows were actually watching over the one in labor as if the cow was in danger.
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..... something like This
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it was this or ......
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stephanie sinclair
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Olivia Arthur 
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ICP Museum Trip
Going to ICP Museum I was expecting to see a high level of quality on the photos. I was expecting to be more amaze by many of the photos rather than finding myself to skipped through many of the images. I was so concerned criticizing the photographers technical abilities that it became distraction and I could not enjoyed the entire exhibition and its message.  
As you walk into the exhibition you encounter with photographs of the reality on war, the struggles and impact on society and finally its way to freedom. In a way many of the photographers romanticize war. After the first part of the exhibition, the photographs are very beautiful in such a way that one forget that what we are admiring is actually chaos and misery.
The one section that I thought was superb was the one with the prisoners. Those photographs look like they were taken in studio, making the men in the prisons like fashion models. Usually prisoners have a negative connotation on whether they were actually innocent or guilty that they are bad people, on this section they all look innocent due to the soft lighting and composition of the frame. To me it looked like a photoshoot inspired on the Italian Renaissance, all fiction for an magazine issue or an advertisement campaign.
The out of focus and very dark images were a turn out for me, it is like everything I have being taught does not matter. But I have come to the conclusion that my professors needed me to know those rules because they are essential to photography but at the same time I know when to break them because it does not always apply to every project you are working on.
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Susan Meiselas
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Pace/MacGil Gallery review
I am a huge fan of Irving Penn's Still Life photography and as I entered the Pace/MacGil Gallery I thought I was going to see more of that but soon I realized by the tittle of the exhibition "Irving Penn 1950" that I was not going to see that commercial part of his career although there is a heavy concentration of his time during vogue magazine.
The gallery's exhibition is on Irving Penn's portraits of workers, fashion and body landscapes. The portraits of workers have a very similar loos to as of August Sander photos but Penn took those environmental portraits of Sander and apply it into the studio. Although the portraits of workers are very well accomplished, they are not the best images on view.
The body landscapes reminded me of Andre Kertesz photographs, but Penn's torsos are very light and do not explore distortion like Kertesz, which can symbolized the human discomfort with the body. I believe these are by far the weakest images on the exhibition. I do not like the contrast of them and when it comes to composition the photographs are just a straight-forward image of a woman torso and buttocks. It seems like the body landscapes do not belong with the rest of the portraits due to the lack of emotion that someone like me cannot grasp. Just because these are my least favorite does not mean by any chance that the photographs are great, it is just a personal taste. Maybe they deserve to have they own exhibition for them to stand out.
With no doubt Irving Penn's fashion portraits are the best in this collection of photographs. His approach to the images enable him to portray a daring feeling and a very dominant presence through the models. The models look so powerful and overly confidant without giving a feeling of arrogance.  
I do not know why the galley decided to do an exhibition on Irving Penn focusing on his word from the 1950s but if they have decided to do the collection on only his fashion work I believe it would have been a better complete show. This is the same thought I have to the Irving Penn's exhibiton at the Met, although it was a successful show and most people would agree with me that his fashion imagery and still life for fashion advertisement campaigns that revolutionized how we look at the fashion industry today are his most amazing pieces of work.  
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John Moore
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Chasing the American Dream
Recently I started to think how different my life is since I came from The Dominican Republic, so I want this photo essay to be close to a first generation immigrants trying to achieve the "American Dream." I want to do a compare and contrast of the life my family had in The Dominican Republic and how we are living in The United States. Not long ago I came across color films that I do not know what they contain and depending on what they are I will incorporate them into the project. I also will search for family documents to show how life was for us before we moved to the U.S. As I unraveled the past, I will be following my mother's daily journey to work, from the moment she wakes up and her way to work and at the end of her labor day I will pick her up and accompany her to do her errands. I will also follow how my sister is trying to have a better life than our parents have by working and her process of graduating High School and going off to college in Pennsylvania.  
I will become part of the documentation not only as a photographer trying to convey their while making it in America but as a person who has rejected academicals opportunities and the decision of becoming an artist against my parent's will who wanted me to become a business man or a doctor but to their surprise, that life making decision I made has open many doors to which they are proud of.  
Are we happy here? Is our life condition better than the one in The Dominican Republic? Does The United States was what we expected to be for our family? Are question I hope the viewers get answers to and in accordance to this, does my family feel displace with the language barrier and with everything that is going in the U.S politically speaking? This are the same questions I will ask myself and family members in hoping to figure out if the life we left in our dear county was worthy to start a new one in a foreign nation.
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