photoshoppedcats · 5 years
Go Pet Club F206 Cat Tree Condo Scratcher Post Pet Bed Furniture , 67 inch , Black
(Product Link)
Okay, 1.) I copied the name of this product exactly as it came from Amazon, and neither color options for this condo are black. 2.) Neither of the not-black colors are any good anyways.
Here we have your standard Smoker’s Lung Brown...
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And your “Can I Speak to the Manager” beige.
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We once again have an example of using the same exact cat in multiple poses for both images. Only this time, they seemed to have gotten a Grumpy Cat knockoff. I call him, Perturbed Feline.
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The fake mouse looks more amused than this cat does.
Anyways, back to the Photoshop job. It’s bad. It’s no bueno. These knockoff stock image cats look like they were cut out of a magazine.
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Fig. 4: How I suspect the Photoshop job went with cropping out this cat.
It also looks like they actually shrunk the images of the cats with an image distortion tool. This cat is either proportionally smushed all the time, or someone went ham with the Shear tool.
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There, now he’ll definitely fit onto this image!
The worst is that, on top of cutting the cat poorly out of another image, it’s really obvious they cut him out of a dark background of another image.
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Come on, Go Pet Club. Use some of your membership dues and find a new graphic designer.
Overall Rating: 3/10
0 notes
photoshoppedcats · 5 years
AmazonBasics Multi-Level Cat Tree
(Product Page)
Like most products on Amazon, this listing is actually multiple products in one. There’s also a Dual Condo, Hammock, Multi-Condo, Multi-Level, and more included in this link, along with three beautiful, neutral colors for all varieties of boring.
I’d normally want to review each product type separately, but I realized upon browsing the images, that every single variation of this AmazonBasics condo USES THE SAME CAT.
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Same cat!
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Same cat!!
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Same. Cat.
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SAME CAT! (AND, the one in the condo is exactly the same image as the previous one!)
Is this Jeff Bezos’s cat or something? Did they just photograph all the images of these products in Jeff’s house one morning and went “Hey, might as well grab plenty of stock images of the cat, too”? (Yes, I assume all AmazonBasics product images are actually taken in Jeff Bezos’s house.)
Okay, I’ll be fair. Not ALL of the product images use Cat Bezos. Sometimes they use his brother, Sir Remington Fluffugus Bezos the Third. Suspiciously, he is only used in the images of the darker brown condo that looks like it was in my chronic smoker grandma’s house since 1976.
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I’ll be fair to the scoring of these images though: These aren’t bad Photoshops... Mostly. Some of them have motion blurs that make the final product look a little choppy. Because, well, they’re cats. Cats live in a state of perpetual motion blur.
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Totally determined. He’ll definitely get that springy ball that he’s not really looking at.
But the Photoshops, not bad at all. I’d even hazard to say that they’re kind of... GOOD. No abundantly fuzzy edges that look like they cropped these cats out of an Instagram post. The cats are at least SOMEWHAT proportionate to the actual height and planar slope of the images. I’d even guess those sneaky professional photographers photographed them in the same lighting! Way to go, photographers!
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Wanna make your 5′3″ (IN HEELS) wife feel even shorter? Give the cat something to stand on to make him taller than her! Train him to leap on her head! That’ll show her!
Overall, Amazon proved that, at the very least, they spent some of that $111 billion untaxed income on some decent graphic designers and product photographers. And really, that’s all I can ask for some days.
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I’ll get that bitch... I’ll show HER for not feeding me at 4AM, when I was clearly meowing in her face.
Overall Rating: 9/10
0 notes