phrog-time · 4 years
The Riddler hijacks the local TV airwaves and appears onscreen holding a comically long roll of paper. After dramatically clearing his throat, he proceeds to read from it.
“The following is a list of people who can suck it. Number One: The Joker. I don’t think I need to explain that one. Number Two: Cluemaster. Fuck you, you stole my bit, and I will be like a plague unto your house. Number Three: King Tut. You also stole my bit, but did it while killing people and got me arrested for murder. Also, I’m, like, 93% sure you’re a white guy and your costume is racist.
“Number Four: The Scarecrow. I know you ate my leftover Chinese, Jon, even though I wrote my name on it. I was saving that for lunch. I had to eat a goddamn peanut butter and jelly sandwich like a five-year-old. It was all you had in the hideout. For fuck’s sake, go shopping, not all of us can live like a bridge troll.
“Number Five: The Penguin. You- No, no, wait, wait… That one should be crossed out. He replaced that and apologized. Never mind, Oswald, you’re fine. Drinks at 7:00 tomorrow, right?
“Anyway, where was…? Ah, yes. Number Six: The Mad Hatter. You carded me and left me like that for six hours because I, and I quote, ‘would not stop talking about Mythbusters.’ Well, excuse me for trying to make intellectually stimulating conversation on a level you could understand. I suppose every time you prattle on about mome raths and borogoves it’s goddamn Shakespeare? Well… Well, it’s Carroll, but… Oh, you know what I mean!
“Number Seven: Catwoman. You left me hanging by one hand from a ledge five stories up and holding a twenty-pound bag of jewels and very pointy  objets d'art while you ‘distracted’ the Dark Knight. I know you were making out with him, Selina. You were gone for fifteen minutes. My shoulder almost dislocated. Very unprofessional.
“Number Eight: Kite Man.”
Here the Riddler pauses, lifting his narrowed gaze to glare at the camera, voice dropping to an ominous tone.
“You know what you did…”
His demeanor shifts quickly, and he’s back to reading from his list almost cheerfully.
“Number Nine! Th-”
He’s interrupted by a crashing noise in the background and looks over his shoulder just an instant before a deep voice angrily growls, “Riddler!”
“Oh, for the love of-” He turns to glare at the camera, speaking quickly. “Number Nine: Batman! Interrupting me while I’m on television making very important- Hm-mmph!”
He’s reduced to muffled curses as a black gloved hand covers his mouth and pulls him out of frame. The camera tilts, a cracking noise is heard, and the broadcast turns to static.
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phrog-time · 4 years
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Heard some important information on Twitter today, and thought I’d post it here for anyone who may not have heard it. This is actually a thing, devised by human rights organisation called Karma Nirvana.
Reblog to save a life?
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phrog-time · 5 years
(Moon and Kinkajou can’t find Umber in a crowd)
Kinkajou: Hold on Moony I got this. (uses talons as a microphone) QIBLI IS AN OBNOXIOUS FROG FACED BLOB OF CAMEL SPIT!
Umber: (sprinting full speed) WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
Moon: I think we should start running. Now. (turns around)
Winter: (jumps out in front) YOU’RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE 
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phrog-time · 5 years
qibli realizes that winter isnt coming back, he goes after him. Entering the icewing kingdom despite warning.He ignores it and goes to the kingdom and forces his way through but collapses from intense temperature that a sand wing should not be dealing with. Winter is notified that they had a sandwich coming into the premise and he later comes to see winking fainted and take him back out the kingdom and waits for him to wake up. Winter loves him and love that he risked his life just to see him.
Imagine tho,,, Qibli asking Turtle to make him something so that he could withstand the cold of the Ice Kingdom, but then a blizzard hits and he loses said object but despite the freezing cold he continues on because he so badly wants to see Winter again and make sure he’s okay. However, he has no idea how he’s going to get over the Great Ice Cliff without being killed. As he’s passing through the outskirts of the kingdom, he sees several IceWings in a village who are all completely in shock because how on earth did a SandWing manage to get this deep into our kingdom without dying? They all want to help him, and Qibli keeps saying no at first because I have to get to Winter. But then he realizes that if he doesn’t take these IceWings up on their offer he’s going to die without seeing Winter again, so reluctantly, he stays with a small family of IceWings while somebody else flies into the kingdom to call for Winter. However, Qibli has fallen ill from the cold and none of the IceWings know how to cure him because 1. they’re IceWings living outside the palace who have barely any education/doctors who know what to do and 2. he’s a SandWing and clearly very different from IceWings. So by the time Winter arrives, Qibli is incredibly sick and he doesn’t have much time left. Winter at first is pissed at Qibli because HOW COULD YOU COME HERE KNOWING YOU CAN’T STAND THESE TEMPERATURES YOU IDIOT, but then he calms down and real panic starts to set in because oh my god, Qibli’s going to die, and he just scoops Qibli into his arms and flies as fast as he can to Queen Snowfall’s palace and just shoves everyone out of the way because my friend is dying. He takes him to the medical ward and just orders the doctors to fix him before it’s too late. At this point, Winter is crying but hardly acknowledges it. He just wants Qibli better. Not much later, after Qibli has been warmed up and given medicine and food, he wakes up to see Winter’s face just inches above his, his blue eyes glistening with tears and worry. Qibli smiles. And you said you didn’t care about me. Winter’s claws find Qibli’s and he squeezes them tightly. Yeah? I might have to retract that statement.
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phrog-time · 5 years
God winter get it right. (This isn’t mine but the person who made this deserves like an award.) The creators account: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvQbOLfAo-N9kf6qd1MsApA
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phrog-time · 5 years
From the mouth of a One Percenter -
Abigail Disney
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phrog-time · 5 years
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phrog-time · 5 years
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Heikala on Instagram
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phrog-time · 5 years
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a friend helped with this but talking animal book alignment chart?
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phrog-time · 5 years
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I haven’t drawn him in years, but I recently finished his book
I really love his story so much and he’s such an interesting character to read
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phrog-time · 5 years
Me, a stupid homosexual trying to flirt with a cute boy: hey let’s do the dumbest fucking shit imaginable together
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phrog-time · 5 years
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phrog-time · 5 years
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phrog-time · 5 years
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I was watching some Salem the cat compilations on youtube and……….. I couldn’t stop thinking about Plagg doing the stuff he does
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phrog-time · 5 years
Can you imagine going back to 2009 and telling people that the guy dancing in the banana suit was eventually going to be investigated by the FBI and would then go on to call 911 on Chris Hansen for showing up at his doorstep.
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phrog-time · 5 years
Idk I feel like I’m on a tightrope and I’m too fat (thanks Seroquel) to be very acrobatic, so I have to kind of just choose which way I’m going to fall. Or maybe there’s a true double standard. Anyway what I’m so conflicted about is historical revisionism. Even as someone who’s in the LGBT+ community for multiple letters—er, identities, I’ve been deeply troubled by people saying that ancient Egyptians or Greeks or Romans are “gay,” etc. The aspect of ancient life I’ve studied the most or at least the most closely is gender and sexuality, where modern conceptions of that stuff would be so utterly foreign they might as well come from another planet. And for every well-meaning gay or queer person assigning those labels to ancient figures, there are at least three “alpha male” types identifying with their idea of what Greco-Roman masculinity is. Fascists especially draw from a largely fabricated idea of “Western Civilization” (fascism is named for the fasces, a Roman symbol of authority) and for every well-meaning, peaceful, and witchy pluralist Unitarian, there is a fascist using runes and reconstructed Nordic/Celtic/Germanic paganism as a means of nationalist expression. American “patriotism” is a thinly-veiled nationalistic revisionism, as evidenced by the “Founding Fathers” being treated as prophet-heroes and the Constitution as an pseudo-biblical doctrine. England has been perpetrating the same nationalist/revisionist “civilization” narrative on a global scale already for hundreds of years before the American colonies. But like... not even nationalism is always bad—And I Don’t Mean Present-Day Israel. I mean national liberation movements like Indian independence from Britain or Scottish independence from also Britain. Colonized nations that don’t want to follow their colonizers into fascist hell. Black nationalism as a response to slavery is understandable considering the US is anti-Black deep in its bones—the 3/5ths Compromise and the electoral college that counted them as population without enfranchising them, the free slave labor that created our markets and then wouldn’t hire Black after abolition, etc.—and especially as someone raised Christian I totally understand the *Nation* of Islam: Christianity was a tool of the slave state and a lot of folks couldn’t make their spiritual home there anymore. So... maybe there is a double standard. Revisionism is almost uniformly wrong when undertaken by oppressors but can be liberating if done by the oppressed. It isn’t always unethical, sometimes it might even be the most ethical response to a political situation or climate. And before you insufferable valedictorians out there taught to argue instead of learn rush to say “double standard is a logical fallacy,” please remember that an argument being categorized as fallacious doesn’t mean its conclusion is wrong. The “slippery slope” is a logical fallacy but if you had a friend from high school fall down the rabbit hole of nationalism from innocent meme-ing, you’ve seen a slippery slope in action. As educators, the best thing we can do is try to provide nuance and point out potential dangers when we see people identifying with historical figures or movements.
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phrog-time · 5 years
So, a lot of people have looked at the comment in the book about demon wings being "better groomed" than angel ones, and gone with the idea that Aziraphale's wings are just a mess, and Crowley ends up grooming them himself just so it gets done.
And that's totally awesome, and I like that take, but I'm just saying that we're kind of missing out on 'basically normal, if slightly scruffy' Aziraphale and 'total neatfreak, one feather's out of place so now the whole wing has to be regroomed, "don't you dare touch my wings after touching your bloody books, angel, you'll get dust on them!"' Crowley.
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