phyrek · 5 years
                               hi i’m alive™ i swear
i thought i should give an update since i’ll be even slower-erererrrrr at replying. work has finally done it and burned me out. so that’s wonderful. my motivation to sit down and write has taken an extreme nosedive  ( and while at least now i can log onto tumblr without feeling exhausted, i still need time to recover ) also it doesn’t help that like, 95% of my threads are like 2938474893 paragraphs long and i already get... majorly distracted and take forever to write. H O W E V E R !!!! i’ll be making use of my queue system for any replies i do make. it’ll post once a day whenever i... have posts that i actually finished. i’m probs gonna use this from now on ngl, so i don’t get overwhelmed with replies.
anyways, my schedule will hopefully be as follows: ☆  starters ( LMAO I SUCK AND I FEEL SO GUILTY.... @betterhealing​ i swear i haven’t forgotten to answer that meme you sent me forever ago to make a starter out of ) ☆  replies ( in order from oldest to newest, and i have 11 in my drafts rn, definitely have had worse than this but i wanna keep it under control sobs ) ☆  asks
thank you for your patience everyone, i appreciate it !!!!                                   - xoxo kalia ♡
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phyrek · 5 years
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            BITTERNESS left an unsatisfactory taste in his mouth, causing him to keep silent around his two companions.A bar most people were familiar with came into view, meaning PRIDE had to be swallowed as much as he could allow. Receiving help from a former ENEMY was still hard for him to stomach, but he had been persuaded this was the only way. At least for now. For a little bit. But it didn’t mean he was happy with the decision.
With Tseng and Elena’s status unknown, however, they didn’t really have a CHOICE. They learned from last time that he couldn’t be left alone. While this time, he was more mobile, they still couldn’t make any risks. Not with the package currently hidden on his lap. Besides, Reno and Rude had another duty to attend to. The whereabouts of the two other members on their team was essential to their plans. Retrieving them as soon as possible was, outwardly, a move for necessity. Their group was small, but efficient as long as all members were together. It was harder to function when they were split apart like this. Inwardly, those were his thoughts alone—better left hidden from the crumbling world they lived in.
The door opened, and his disgruntled expression disappeared with it. Lips curled smoothly, in greeting as he was rolled into the bar. While he LOOKED completely harmless, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Playing with people’s expectations was what separated him between dying in a moment, or persevering for another day. Even though it had been decided that Tifa Lockhart would make the perfect ( temporary )caretaker, the blond didn’t trust her. If given the chance, surely, she would leave him to die. HOWEVER, it wasn’t like he could blame her for it. After they had previously been enemies—no, she probably still considered him one. ShinRa was no longer a threat though, so it wasn’t like she had anything to worry about. If she let him temporarily stay there, wasn’t it better for her? It would ensure that he and his Turks weren’t causing what she would consider to be problems.
Convincing anyone from AVALANCHE that he had turned over a new leaf would be a waste of time. None of them would believe him.
Though, there was some sort of poetic irony that he was once again dealing with AVALANCHE— even if the group had technically disbanded and she was a former member. Something in the universe kept pulling him back towards the group. Financier, enemy, and now, he was acting as some sort of client, asking for protection.As if he hadn’t already lost enough power within the past few years, here was something else to tack onto that. Add insult to injury.
Yet, as they talked, all of his feelings were hidden behind a perfectly placed mask—with a good portion of his own PRIDE having been eaten. A consensus had been made, eventually, and with it both Reno and Rude left the two alone. Former enemies with little in common, knowing absolutely nothing about the other. Making small talk, for him, wasn’t particularly hard. Though, he did have a legitimate question.
               ❝  How much should I pay you? I don’t expect to stay here for free.  ❞     The topic was brought up nonchalantly as the door to Seventh Heaven closed. As someone who always had enough money, always had enough RESOURCES, it wasn’t a problem for him to bring it up. Not to mention, with as many mouths as she was feeding, the help would be more of a relief.
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phyrek · 5 years
       Rufus was good at influencing Reno in many ways. And Reno was good at following orders. Even though this wasn’t exactly an order, he’d still do what Rufus asked for despite the elders wouldn’t approve of it.
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     ❝ Gold Saucer? ❞ he was convinced the second Rufus mentioned it. The brain of a mere teenager would prefer they’d be at an amusement park than stuck in a boring place. ❝ A'ight, I’m down. How do ya want this t’ go? ❞ he was ready for it.
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          HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER. Granted, it wasn’t like it was ever COMPLICATED to rope Reno into one of his plans. The blond was ( honestly ) a H O R R I B L E influence on the young Turk—often luring him in with mostly illegal activities. At least this time, the Gold Saucer was harmless enough. The only problem was trying to leave. The heavy security made it almost impossible for him to do anything. ( though it was a terrible habit of his to sneak off in the first place ) Of course, being the Vice President didn’t help either.
❝  We need to make it look like AVALANCHE kidnapped me. That way when they notice I’m missing, they’ll look elsewhere and we can spend more time there. Then, I’ll need you to smuggle me out. If we cut the power so the security cameras don’t record us, that’ll also distract everyone so we can make a clean getaway.  ❞     Lips curved deviously as he explained his plan, clearly one of many that he had come up with.     ❝  Have you ever cut the power to anything before? I’ll need you to do it.  ❞
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phyrek · 5 years
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A laugh rang out, charming and refreshing like the water before them. She moved behind the wheelchair, wanting to be closer to an old friend. Their history was rich and thrilling, like a roller coaster ride. Thinking back to it all, she wouldn’t trade those memories, even the bitter ones, for anything. It’s what made them theirs.
“It’s alright. It’s the thought that counts, anyway. Though, a flower or two would’ve been nice.” Lily white hand placed upon broad shoulder, as if reinforcing just how solid she was in this moment. “I know. You’ve gone through a lot.”
In fact, she saw it all. The pain and torment Rufus underwent after Weapon’s attack on Shinra. While she had been incarcerated by Sephiroth in the Lifestream, she wasn’t completely restricted. She saw everything. What her friends, Shinra, and the rest of the world was struggling to accomplish - she saw it all. Rufus, in particular, had broken her heart a few times with all that he had suffered the second power was stripped from him. It was a lesson that needed to be learned, and at least now he was wiser for it.
“There’s going to be more. Are you up for it?”
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            EVEN after all they had been through, together and separately, it was nice to have a change of pace. For the world to slow down, and the two of them to enjoy this simple moment. After the past two years, he needed this. A peaceful moment where he didn’t have to think about the state of the Planet. Where he could reconnect with an old friend, just like nothing had ever happened. As if he never threatened her life on multiple occasions.
❝  You’re still as demanding as ever. Do you know how rare it is to find flowers? It’s harder than it was before.  ❞     Not that it wasn’t impossible. But he had to tease her, still. It was strange, though. Her hand on his shoulder as if she was REALLY there, something more than a hallucination. But even if it really was her spirit, she shouldn’t have been this solid.
Really, she was something else, and not just because she managed to be corporeal. To be able to forgive him so easily, despite being so antagonistic towards each other was incredible. Granted, he would never voice it out, but something told him she already understood. Everything that he had gone through was a lesson, it helped him adapt to the changing world—just as how he had to adapt into the perfect successor to lead ShinRa, especially in a time of DISASTER. The him as a child was weak and inadequate. Kindness would’ve only made him easy to manipulate, nobody would’ve respected him. But now, it wasn’t entirely necessary to have such a stone hard grip on the world. ShinRa was now something completely different from what it once was. Instead of extorting people and the environment for comfort, they were working to preserve what they could so the Planet was livable again.
A hand lifted and waved dismissively, not wanting to talk about the recent past. How much of it did she see? He wouldn’t be surprised if it was a good majority of it. But that was why he would dodge any attempt to talk about his weakest moments. From it, he had grown. It was the Planet’s way of getting back at ShinRa for all they had done, and what he would have continued had the world not turned into chaos when it did.     ❝  You already know the answer to that. I’ve just been set back a little, that’s all. Things can only get better from here.  ❞     After having already hit the lowest point in his life, nothing could be worse than what he went through. Not only that, but not even DEATH could touch him.
❝  What about you, though? It seems like you have your fair share of problems.  ❞     Holding his bandaged hand up, glacial hues landed on it. Geostigma. More than anyone else, Aerith would know what was happening in the lifestream.
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phyrek · 5 years
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡. [x] // @phyrek
       His palm collided with the wall yet his front frame remained a few inches away from the President’s. It was like he could go this far but stop himself at the closest point not to touch him. His chin hovered upon the man’s shoulder, his neck only visible for him to look at. He warmly breathed down on it, almost obvious that he was resisting to misbehave. Yet he’d done a lot to capture his boss’ attention and corner him in an inappropriate position.
       His other hand rested against his own side, and the arm up the wall he’d sustained from making contact with the boss’ clothing or even his smooth blond hair. So close yet so far from satisfying his urges.
       The redhead’s hand slowly slid down on the wall with the President’s hand curled in a grip on his arm. This was what Reno liked most, however stern did Rufus sound he didn’t use physical force to pry him away. So he was shamelessly allowing himself to cross the line sometimes.
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       ❝ You know what I want, Boss. ❞ he voiced with a whisper, turning his head but titled it back the moment he’d realised his lips were too close to his pale neck. He could yet again inhale the scent of the familiar cologne the President typically wore. He continued to slither his hand down the wall before removing it from the cold surface and rested it to his side as well, not minding the other’s hand holding onto it knowing he’d no longer had him pressed against the wall with it. But even without the use of his hands, there was just a little distance between them. Reno found it amusing that he couldn’t dare to touch him without permission since it’d be the only time he couldn’t get himself such luxury. His lips formed a haughty smile as he moved back a tad so he could face Rufus.
       ❝ Funny. I could let myself go as far as this on ya. Didn’t think it’d frustrate me this much, huh.  Are ya enjoyin’ that? I bet ya do. ❞  he spoke with a light tone, not making a big deal out of the situation. He gazed at him, his face expressing a tiny bit of impish glee.
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             BREATH hot with desire blanketed his neck, causing a small shiver to run down his spine. It was exhilarating, really, wondering how far the other man would take this. But he always stopped enough, before it became a violation of unspoken rules. Even as frustrated as the ginger was, he still couldn’t bring himself to touch his boss. Nothing could possibly amuse him more than THAT. The thrill of adrenaline and power rushed through his veins, making his heart beat fast. He W A N T E D Reno to step out of line, take a bite out of the forbidden fruit. Then he would have a reason to tangle his fingers in his hair and order him to be OBEDIENT. What would it take to force him onto his knees, because he stepped out of line? He would look so alluring taking whatever punishment was gifted to him.
Yet, despite these DESTRUCTIVE thoughts, the blond knew that wouldn’t be enough to satiate their innate desires. Yet, he also couldn’t stop their game of cat and mouse. Pushing and taunting, how much would TRULY be enough to push Reno at his wit’s end? Or would he go crazy before even DARING to touch him? Feeling Reno’s hand slip off the wall and returning to his side, the blond let go of his arm, hand lifting to brush a few crimson locks out of the other’s face. He took extra care to make no skin contact.
❝  I have a lot to keep track of. So why don’t you remind me—what do you want?  ❞     The smug grin curving the edges of his lips wasn’t worth his time hiding. So what if his words were revealed to be a blatant LIE? They both knew the truth, either way. There was no point in hiding, but teasing was an entirely different topic altogether. Whatever it took to run Reno’s patience thin, he wanted to test it out. There was no danger to it, after all.
Leaning forward so there was once again a thin layer of air between their bodies, back no longer pressed against the wall, fingertips lightly brushed against the collar of his shirt, as if debating about pulling him down. Instead, Rufus side stepped so he was no longer cornered. Blond locks were brushed out of his face, mischief sparkling in glacial hues.     ❝  I didn’t think you’d get frustrated with me at all. As expected, though, you can restrain yourself. Don’t you have work you should be doing instead of going after me? We’re both busy, so can’t this wait until later?    ❞     The catch was, however, that Rufus was ALWAYS busy. He always found work to do, keeping himself busy and productive. If you wanted his attention, you had no other choice but to PRY him away from his work. ( and pin him down )
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phyrek · 5 years
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❝   i’m a babe, i’m a boss, and i’m making this money.   ❞
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      Reno in the bg, making money rain on the President for the effect.
♫I’m a babe, I’m a boss and I’m makin’ this money (Uh-huh)   I can flip like a switch and I cut like a blade (Try to get it now)   I can sting like a bee, but I’m sweeter than honey (Uh-huh)  And I’m quick as a whip so get outta my way (Come and get it now)♫
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phyrek · 5 years
       He wished he’d done it on purpose, maybe then he would have been even bolder now. However, with this opportunity to flirt with his own boss for the amusement he didn’t even half regret the typo. When was the last time he played with someone in such manner?
       The red tint that graced his face deepened its colour but his smirk remained. Never would he have considered Rufus as a potential person he found attractive more than the friendly way. It was those appealing words coming from his luscious-looking lips that he found himself staring at. A man who had a pretty face, striking blue eyes, and a tongue that could manipulate and twist whatever he said so to have his way. Reno admired that but never took a moment to look into it deeper and find any of that alluring.
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       ❝ You have a way of words, Boss. But that typo made me realize a thing or two. ❞ the corners of his lips curved up as he displayed a grin. He’d not moved the slightest, letting his boss hold his chin to his liking. After all, he could not disobey without permission. But it would be a lie if he didn’t want to misbehave just now. He had all the eye-candy in front of himself but he couldn’t allow himself to take a bite from it. Rufus had him around his pinkie, he only could do as far as he told him to.
       ❝ One of it is that you an’ I like t’ get what we want. You’ve got th’ upper hand here, tho. Can’t deny that. But I’m selfish. ❞ he was half disappointed that he couldn’t have his own hands on the Prez but have him touch him however he wished. ❝ An’ another is… It ain’t fair. You can mess around with me like that but I can’t do it with ya. ❞ the only thing between them was the scent of their colognes mixing into the air which Reno breathed in to take notice of. Red lips parted open slightly, inhaling softly as the other withdrew his hand from his face and motioned it lower to his thigh. He exhaled silently in delight with Rufus’ every motion sending chills down his spine. He could feel goosebumps form on his body each time Rufus placed his hand on him in such a seducing way.
       ❝ I can do alotta things for ya. Like I’d care who knows an’ who doesn’t. For ya I can also hold back. But you tempt me, Boss. That ain’t easy for me t’ do. ❞ he only spoke the truth. He felt like he was held back by a leash and was under Rufus’ command for what to do and what not. Perhaps he craved the treats he could get from him but he wouldn’t admit that. He decided to stay patient and wait on Rufus.
       ❝ Heh, inappropriate. Since when am I proper anyway? It’s all on ya, Boss. Let me an’ you’ll see what I have in stock for ya. ❞
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             DISAPPOINTMENT was far  from what he felt at the moment. As hilarious as it would have been to see Reno avoiding eye contact and trying to deny the embarrassment that typo caused, this was far better. How far this ended up going was what interested him the most. While ( originally ) he had intended this to be simple teasing, the quick buildup into bold FLIRTING was a fascinating development. Neither one of them showed signs of budging, instead only urging the other to go further. It was almost laughable that a typo was what caused this all, too. Perhaps—they were taking this a little too far, a little too SERIOUSLY.
Is what he would have thought, were the situation with someone else. As long as the physical attraction was present between the two of them, as long as they TRUSTED each other, Rufus wouldn’t think twice about what they were doing. He would tease and talk about how SCANDALOUS it was, simply to play hard to get. It was a test, to see if there would be any desperation from Reno’s part. If anyone’s patience could drive someone insane, it was none other than Rufus Shinra’s. Waiting, planning, scheming, if anyone knew what he was like, it was the Turk before him. The two of them had gotten into a lot of trouble in their younger years—with all of the blame pointing at the blond as the mastermind of their adventures.
Listening with intrigue as Reno explained himself, head tilted inquiringly, as if not comprehending what he was saying. A false pretense of innocence. Even his smirk had lessened, now a subtle trace of what it once was.     ❝  Oh? It took that text for you to realize all of this? Though, I can’t entirely agree with you. I haven’t done anything to you. ❞     He was making it seem worse than reality. Could a few simple touches render him so HELPLESS so easily? It sounded like he was already addicted to him, like a poison slowly infecting his body. Theory was proved right as soon as his hand moved against the Turk’s body enticingly. The way Reno’s breath seemed to be CONTROLLED by him was a powerful feeling. What else could he do to him?
❝  And here I thought I had stopped tempting you. I guess you haven’t grown out of your rebellious teenage phase, have you?  ❞     The words danced off of his tongue teasingly, lower lip lightly, slowly bit down upon and released. It wasn’t enough if Reno wasn’t STOPPING himself from trying to touch him.     ❝  I have a reputation I need to uphold now, though. So it’s important to me that this is handled properly. Though, I am curious what some of your plans are. If you give me a good enough sales pitch, I may let your fantasy come true.  ❞     Tongue traced over his lower lip, as if hungrily awaiting for physical contact. Voice lowered into an intimate whisper as his sentence continued, an important add on that started it all:     ❝  Babe.  ❞
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phyrek · 5 years
kabedons u
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            SUDDENLY pressed against the wall, glacial hues landed upon the culprit blocking him from proceeding on with his day. Lips curved upwards, as if hiding a secret behind them. How impatient was he for attention? Clearly, some limits had been broken for him to even consider daring to corner him like this. Head tilted to the side, almost rolling onto his shoulder as he gazed up at the ginger. Soft, pale neck was barred, exposed in a TANTALIZING manner. No matter how much the Turk wanted to, the blond already knew he wouldn’t dare reach out to touch him. Hand reached up, fingers GINGERLY coiling around his arm. In contrast to Rufus’ expression, his actions seemed rather COY in nature.
❝  Do you have to be so rough? Reno, I understand you wanted to get my attention before I walked off, but this is overstepping boundaries. Though, since you have my attention now, why don’t you tell me what it is you want?  ❞     Already, he could make a few guesses as to what the ginger would say.
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phyrek · 5 years
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phyrek · 5 years
       A moment ago he was slouching on the couch and now he was sitting at the edge, keeping a proper position since Rufus sat down as well. His eyes peered up to look at the clock, the only thing that could have him focused on was the arrow pointing the seconds passed.
       But he was bold and blunt to attempt to prevent further embarrassment, so only to provoke more to head his way. If he knew Rufus wouldn’t bring it up then he would have kept shut about it. Alas, he wanted to cover for his ego too soon.
       To have his chin positioned by the grip of the Prez and getting called ‘babe’ back forced a thrill to spread throughout his body, his hand pushing away the phone underneath it. How convenient, with a light red dusted on his face, Reno chuckled some.
       He wasn’t just going to fluster about it, so he rested an arm on the couch’s back-lean. His blue gaze was focused on the President’s, a little mesmerized to be this physically close to him. That was enough hiding his face, it seems. If Rufus was going to test him playfully like that then he had another thing coming.
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       ❝ Oho, Boss. Don’t jus’ flip your hair back an’ look all pretty sayin’ that, yo. ❞ he teased back, lips curving into a conceited smile, ❝ What if it gets stuck in my head an’ I’ll have t’ go on missions rememberin’ this every time? It ain’t good for my performance. ❞ he added, his expression growing smug.  
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            BROW arched with intrigue as the ginger slowly recovered from his prior embarrassment. Who would’ve known that the exact teasing he was trying to AVOID would give him the courage to try and tease him back? The blond couldn’t help but wonder what exactly triggered the switch—but he couldn’t complain. It wasn’t often that either of them could have this friendly banter. Their colleagues weren’t necessarily the types who teased, not to this extent, anyways. If there was no risk, he wasn’t half as interested in it. For example, if someone were to walk in on them now, the string of misunderstandings it would create would be quite interesting.
Part of him honestly hoped that would happen. He needed a longer break from work.
❝  Hm? Now you’re making it sound like you didn’t accidentally make a typo. Was this your sinister plan all along? I never thought the day would come where you’d catch me in one of your traps, Reno.  ❞     As if that could ever happen. In this case, the student would NEVER surpass the master. Slyness curved at his lips more, tilting his head inquiringly, as if he were searching for the truth. But the truth of the matter was that this was all a game. Logic didn’t necessarily have to play a role. However, if it made Reno back track, that would prove to be just as amusing.
Glacial hues flickered challengingly, DARING Reno to surpass him.     ❝  Not to mention, should you really be thinking about your Boss in such a way? That would create quite the scandal if it got out. So, are you sure you want to continue with your confession? It would be highly inappropriate, especially with your cute rose-kissed cheeks. I’m sure you feel like you’re burning up, so perhaps I should stop you before you take this too far. It would be highly inappropriate if I let you continue.  ❞     Though the T O N E in his voice said otherwise. Even his actions seemed to beckon Reno to worm his way out of the situation he had been placed in. Or continue, if he chose. Fingers positioned underneath his chin slowly slid away in a stroking manner, as if ENTICING Reno closer. With his hand now free, and eye contact unwavering, he set it down ( delicately ) on the Turk’s thigh.
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phyrek · 5 years
@cockysadist is killing me I can’t I have ascended
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phyrek · 5 years
       He couldn’t sleep and his stomach rumbling didn’t help either. He tried to shut it off but even sleeping on an empty stomach was difficult. It was late but that didn’t matter to him. Reno got up from his bed and headed out of his room and straight into the kitchen. He was slick enough not to make a noise on his way to it but once he’d gotten in there…
       Paper plastic was held in between his teeth, perfect quality meat slices. His hands continued to rummage into the fridge to find something else. He took the preferred products out and placed them on the table. Now it was time to combine them together, but first— he needed a knife. As he reached to the cutlery, his hand searched to find the knife. What a MISTAKE, he didn’t turn on the lights. And the fridge remained open as the only light it could deliver. As he took the knife, he pushed the other utensils and they balanced off before falling to the floor.
       W H O O P S.
       Reno leapt backward to avoid the forks from falling on his feet. whO THOUGHT going out in just socks and no shoes would be a good idea?? That didn’t matter, he needed a plate to put all that food on. What else could go wrong from now on anyway—
       A l o u d noise coming from dishes getting broken killed the little silence left for Reno to spare. And JUST then did he decide to turn the lights on to look at the mess on the ground. Yikes.
       He shrugged, focusing on the food while he still could. He’d clean that later. But the moment he turned around, he flinched to see Rufus standing at the threshold of the kitchen. For him to bring a gun it sounded hella convincing that the devil crept in the kitchen.
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       ❝ Hi, Bwoss. ❞ The plastic bag with the meat slices was still hanging from his mouth. He muttered before finally removing it and held it.
       Double W H O O P S.
       ❝ You want… meat slices? ❞ he asked with a sheepish grin, fiddling with the plastic in his hands. He was standing there, with his freaking socks, looking like nothing happened, surrounded by the broken dishes and cutlery scattered everywhere on the floor.
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            THERE was only one ( 1 ) thing stopping Rufus Shinra from sighing in COMPLETE exasperation, and burying his face in his hands. Internally, yes, he did. Outwardly, even as tired as he was, the blond needed to maintain his air of composure. Could he really call himself a good leader if he lost himself over something so SMALL? Well, he could. Because sleep was a different matter entirely. But that was something he’d rather avoid.
Instead, he looked at the meat slices offered to him, a hand reaching out automatically—gingerly taking the package. What... was he going to do with this exactly? Why had he decided it was a good idea to take this? He wasn’t hungry. All he wanted to do was go back to sleep. But, was it even possible at this rate? For all he knew, the Turk would end up banging on pots and pans the moment he got back to bed. Also, WHY was Reno acting as if nothing happened? As if he hadn’t been trying to wake the entire house? What even caused him to make all that noise? Surely, it wasn’t just the pa—
Pointing at the shattered dishes and scattered cutlery, there was only one immediate response he had:     ❝  W H Y ?  ❞     It wasn’t the most comprehensive thing he’s said in his life, even in his tired state he had to quickly follow up the ridiculous question with something more PRACTICAL.     ❝  When are you cleaning this up?  ❞     Furthermore, was this even necessary at this time of night? Maybe he was actually having a nightmare. For once in his life he would pray that was the case. No, you know what? He would take matters into his own hands, whether this was a dream or not.
                          ❝  I changed my mind. You’re cleaning this up now. I’ll make you a sandwich, if it means you don’t create a bigger mess. Then I’m going back to bed.  ❞     As long as Reno didn’t sound like he was being dragged into the depths of Hell again.
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phyrek · 5 years
angst meme
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been cheated on | been bullied | told a horrible lie | stolen something of value | overdosed on drugs | been drunk | passed out | cheated | bullied | punched someone in the face | been beaten up | broken a bone | been admitted to a hospital | had a near-death experience | been drugged | done drugs | smoked | kissed someone you weren’t attracted to | bled severely | killed someone | had an attempt on your life | made an attempt on your own life | lost someone | loved someone | gone without food for over three days | gone without sleep for over three days | been tortured | been slapped by a parent or higher up | been abused by someone who should have loved you | had a panic attack | been in a car accident | had sex | had sex with a stranger | been raped | felt raped | passed out from pain | cried yourself to sleep | spent a whole day in bed | hurt yourself | taken your anger out on yourself | taken your anger out on someone you love | been used | felt used | used | been terrified | played a cruel game on someone | been dominant | been submissive | been forced to smile | been misgendered | felt too many things at once | laughed when you felt like crying
tagged by: @benevolentmaiden​ &&. @breselin​
tagging: i literally don’t know who hasn’t done this yet ???
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phyrek · 5 years
       He pushed the buttons on the phone, crossing a leg over the other while he just spread over the whole couch with the least care in the world. It was his room to enjoy while no one had come in yet. But that didn’t take long.
       Rufus came into the living room like a gift he never asked for. How convenient. Now he had to put up with eye contact after that typo.
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       ❝ Boss?! ❞ he leapt up as he put his legs down from the sofa and instead sat up. He closed the phone and placed it down on the couch, his hand on top of it. If he’d known better, he would think Rufus came in here to tease him about the typo. But that’s not surprising coming from Rufus either.
       ❝ I was gonna ask somethin’ but it don’ matter anymore. ❞ he replied, eyes squinting on side, awkwardly looking away as he adjusted his pose on the couch. ❝ A'ight, I made a typo. I did somethin’ embarrassin’. Is that what ya want me t’ say? ‘Cause I just did. Can ya spare me th’ teasin’? ❞
       He couldn’t really hide the fact that he was losing his cool but managed to cover it up as much as possible, hoping the Boss wouldn’t give him more to fluster about.
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          FLIPPING his hair back, he had to repress an amused hum. Someone was certainly talkative today—which of course he knew it was due to the embarrassment. How many times had he embarrassed the Turk in the past? Too many to count. Each one just as enjoyable as the last. The blond settled on the couch like Reno hadn’t just been spread out on it, carefully biding his time. 
Though, it’d appear like Reno wanted to address the text right away. He could honestly say he was disappointed, but what else could he do? It wasn’t like he could ignore his words, only to address them later.
❝  Reno, I came here to see what you actually wanted. I wasn’t going to bring it up at all. But since it’s bothering you so much— ❞     With a minor tilt of his head, nimble fingers took hold of Reno’s chin, forcing the ginger to look up at him. Honestly, he had no one but himself to blame for this. Rufus was going to take his time, but since Reno seemed to want to get it out of the way, he was more than happy to indulge him.
                ❝  Is there anything I can do to ease your embarrassment, babe?  ❞ 
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phyrek · 5 years
    eyes of deep brown silently awaited rufus to release his grasp on his tie, watching the fabric slip from pale && nimble fingers - ah, he had finally uttered a word too many.
    although he was released from the former presidents hold, tseng remained where he stood, feet planted firmly against imported rugs threaded with silver && gold. his tongue sat idly in his mouth, retaining no intent to speak, merely directing his vision to lock what was an awfully long, awfully tense, stare with his colleague.
   his tie ? dishevelled - undone at the base, hanging slack from his dress shirt. be aware of the hierachy, tseng, was one thing he oftenmost thought to himself. whilst he stood in a position of undeniable, unrefutable power, there would always be those who stood above him.
and he had little intent to disrupt the pecking order, albeit, he often did so without meaning to. whether it be by meddling with orders regarding cetras && soldiers or speaking out against kilmister ( a false prophet, a man who paraded himself as the saviour of humanity whilst poisoning it simultaneously ).
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    ❝ forgive me, sir. i spoke out of hand - i should give kilmister credit where it’s due. ❞
   a brief pause broke his musings. absolute silence - stinging to the ears. he could not think of a single thing he thought good of kilmister. perhaps he played an integral role in the recovery of rufus or saving his life, but tseng knew well that the blonde would only grow frustrated were he to mention the fact rufus had to rely on others to get him out of his abduction.
he allowed his tie to stay where it was. the air was thick - perhaps rufus did not wish for him to adjust it.
    ❝ however, i disagree with the notion that my feelings are disrupting things. i haven’t changed anything in the lab, nor have i said a thing to kilmister himself. my place in this plan is to advance whatever is in your best interest.
     … but, i would hope that you aren’t trusting kilmister more than your own turks. tell me, what exactly do you intend to do about the addiction in edge? we’re constantly at threat for security breaches of medication being stolen. ❞
   he doubted rufus was aware of what his absence did to the turks. sleepless nights, or if any sleep were due, they were powernaps against a nicked up leather couch as they gathered the energy to scower desperately for his whereabouts. tseng himself had hardly slept a day - pits of despair welling deep within his stomach.
  the care the turks retained for their president ran beyond a paycheque and a contract. they were no longer paid, no longer sworn by oath. all that remained were unbreakable ties forged beneath a meteor and the constant impending risk of death.
    ❝ i trust you, sir. but if nobody asks you to explain your actions, then you may find yourself making mistakes across the way, and a mistakes will always be costly. ❞
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           FROM time to time, they would often butt heads like this. Tense air and looks were nothing new, but perhaps everything felt ESCALATED because they were trying to SURVIVE. Making it through this mess, the aftermath of the calamity Meteor caused, was proving to be a challenge for them all. And with this disease that affected him, it was only added stress about whether they would all make it through this situation. If he had any say in the matter ( which he did ) neither human nor disease could end his life. Nothing could dictate how or when he died, except for himself.
Expression softened, yet still held a certain amount of firmness from just moments before. A soft chuckle filled the room, hand raising as his finger playfully batted at the hanging tie—making sure it lightly tapped against the Turk’s chest. The loyalty of dogs was always an admirable quality, it was why he preferred owning them over cats. Tseng TRULY was a dog personified. Loyal to a fault, and doing whatever he thought would make his master happy. If left uncontrolled, it could prove to be dangerous for the Turk—especially in a world that had been turned upside down. He had to redirect that feeling of over protectiveness, so it wasn’t so over bearing. So STIFLING. But, if anything, Rufus at least felt REASSURED.
❝  You’re doing yourself a great disservice if you actually believe that, Tseng. Do you honestly believe I would trust a scientist more than you? Don’t tell me that you’re feeling jealous because I’m paying more attention to Kilmister. Just because I’m telling you what he has done doesn’t mean I value him more than you.  ❞     Amusement tinged his voice. Wouldn’t that be something, making Tseng admit he was jealous for his attention. He was teasing, though, making light of what he could in this serious discussion.     ❝  There’s nothing we can do about the addiction until we have more balanced medication. I know if I talk with Kilmister, I can get something out of him.  ❞
What a shame, though, that he had to talk about his currently formulating ideas. Presenting unfinished products always left a distasteful feeling in his mouth. Yet, in order to appease Tseng this one time, it appeared he had no other choice.     ❝  Right now, I simply need all the information I can get about these drugs, and what Kilmister is planning. I realize how frustrating it is, but neither one of us knows how to create the stimulant, nor how to possibly cure this disease. Keep notes on his research. If we can create something ourselves based off of what he’s learned, then we won’t need him anymore.  ❞     Former Shinra scientists were dangerous in their own right. If they could separate from him soon ( or KILL him ) then it’d be for the better.
❝  I’m not trying to discourage you from giving advice, either. I have a reason for everything I do. Kilmister has a tendency to run his mouth while changing my bandages. I can acquire more information this way. Understand? People I can handle, and it’s not like I’ll be going anywhere else again. I know you’ll provide me with the best and most accurate information so I can come up with the best plan in our current situation. And as always, you’ll be the first to know.  ❞
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phyrek · 5 years
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“I never took you as someone who visits graves.”
A woman stood by the wheel chair. She was just far enough to be noticed, but out of arm’s reach. Face hidden by chestnut hair, only a smile could be seen, glimmering softly like the light reflected upon water’s surface. She was facing that water, hair softly grazed by a breeze and otherwise undisturbed.
Her image was real. So real, one could swear they could touch. In fact, any onlookers who didn’t know her would assume she were living. This had been the place she was put to rest, and so had a stronger connection to the world, making it easier to communicate with anyone who bothered to come by.
Rufus Shinra was one such person, someone’s presence that surprised her. Then again, they had a strange connection. Honestly, she was happy to see him again, to speak with him after all that had transpired.
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           FAMILIAR voice rang out cheerily, as if they were old friends who had seen each other yesterday. If that were the case, maybe the Planet would be a little brighter. The familiar splash of color was a refreshing sight, yet brought its fair share of GUILT with it. Never, in his life, did he believe he would ever come to regret anything. Yet here he was. Gaze briefly trailed over to her figure before returning to her reflection in the water—as if staring at her would cause the brunette to fade away. Or, more likely, that she was a hallucination. If it really wasn’t her, if she was just a figment of his imagination, for now he’d like to ignore it. Having one last conversation with her, real or not, meant more to him than he’d ever admit.
❝  It just shows how little you knew about me, then. After everything we’ve been through, I almost feel disappointed.  ❞     Refreshingly, they seemed to have gone back to their friendly banter of childhood. So much had changed in the years since their last meeting. If she was watching, NO, she probably was. Seeing the change in him more than likely was why she appeared before him.  ❝  I would have brought a souvenir along with me had I known you were here. I’ve done a lot of traveling these past few years. ❞     If only it were as pleasant as that, but he wanted to keep the mood light and friendly between them. This was, after all, THE last memory that they would share between themselves.
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phyrek · 5 years
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡.[x] // @phyrek
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      How embarrassing…
      Part of him was relieved he wasn’t going toget his pay cut for that autocorrect. But now he was finding himself slowlyleaning back in his seat, in the living room. Luckily no one was there, noteven Rude, to see him looking awkwardly at his phone. He slid down, lounging, slouching, hisphone placed to his chest while he had a flustered—’oops’ look on his face.
     Reno just picked his phone up and textedback before things got way too awkward.
[text] nvm [text] I’ll handle that [text] uhh [text] stay cool, Boss
      This time he MADE SURE he typed ‘boss’ ANDspellchecked it twice before sending the message. He brought a hand up andrubbed the back of his neck as he sighed. The redhead shrugged and opened arandom game on his phone to play to kill time and forget about it.
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         THOSE texts screamed embarrassment. Not even bothering to reply, the blond stood up and made his way around the house as quietly as he could. It would be a waste to NOT see what was happening with his own two eyes. For about a minute, he watched as Reno played on his phone. The red hair was hard to miss, plus, he figured this was where he’d be if not in his room. After having his fill of the situation, he took a seat next to the Turk.
❝  Is this how you handle whatever you needed to ask me? I doubt you were going to ask me what game you should play. You can ask me now that I’m here in person, can’t you?  ❞     Now wasn’t the moment to talk about the typo, as much as he was itching to see just how red Reno would get.
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