Some of you may ask what is a sport physiotherapist? Is there a sports physiotherapist in Singapore? What is the role of a sports physio? Well, we’ll find out all these and more in the article below!
What is an exercise and sport physiotherapist?
Exercise and sport physiotherapists are involved in the prevention and treatment of injuries caused by exercise and sports of all ages and levels of ability. These professional physical therapists provide evidence-based advice on safe participation in sports and exercise. In addition, they promote an active lifestyle to help people improve and maintain their quality of life. Exercise and sports physiotherapists also play a very important role in helping athletes of all ages and all ability levels improve their performance.
Sports Physiotherapy treatment
What do exercise and sport physiotherapists do?
The sport physiotherapy organisation defines a sport physio as “A recognized professional who demonstrates advanced competencies in the promotion of safe physical activity participation, provision of advice, and adaptation of rehabilitation and training interventions, for the purposes of preventing injury, restoring optimal function, and contributing to the enhancement of sports performance, in athletes of all ages and abilities, while ensuring a high standard of professional and ethical practice.”
Physical therapists in sports and exercise work in a variety of situations. Many private physicians and hospitals are working with active recreational athletes. You can also participate in social and club level sports or take part in training sessions.
Sports and athletic physical therapists often work in elite athlete settings in competitive and professional sports, travel with elite individual athletes or teams, and integrate services with other health care professionals, coaches, strength and conditioning personnel, and other support personnel. Sports and athletics physical therapists are also actively involved in various sports organizations to coordinate physiotherapy services, injury prevention, rehabilitation, and injury monitoring programs.
Sports physiotherapy singapore
Sport and exercise physiotherapy roles and competency areas
Ashton (2015) describes the advanced functions of sports physiotherapists in injury prevention, providing advice to promote participation in safe physical activity aimed at contributing to the restoration and promotion of optimal functioning, and adaptation of rehabilitation and educational interventions. Improving sports performance in athletes of all ages and abilities while ensuring high standards of professional and ethical practice. The role of a physical therapist varies and may depend on:
The sport they are involved in
The performance of the sport, local level or international, amatuer or professional
Theri specific role within the team
The International Federation of Sport Physical Therapy has identified 11 competencies that are required for sports and exercise physiotherapists. Along with these competencies are a set of specific skills or standards that needs to be upheld. These competencies and standards are related to the various overlapping roles that the sports and exercise physiotherapist fulfil. The various roles and competencies can be:
Manager of client/patient
Professional leader
Injury prevention
Acute inteventation
Performance enhancement
Performance enhancement
Promotion of a sade, active lifestyle
Promotion of fair play and anti-doping practices
Professionalism and management
Life-long learning
Extending practice through innovation
Dissemination of best practices
Research involvement
The role of the sports physiotherapist
What does a sport physiotherapist do?
Athletes clearly understand the role of a sports physical therapist, but there are cases where it is limited. They see the role of sports physiotherapists primarily focused on injuries.Four themes came to mind from an athlete’s interview about the role of a sports physical therapist:
Injury treatment
Injury prevention
Performance enhancement
What should a sports physiotherapist not do?
Break medical confidentiality, this highlights the important of trust between the athlete and the  sports physiotherapist
Become complacent about their position, athletes expect their development and should be striving to better their abilities, just like athletes
Qualities of a sport physiotherapist
Athletes indicated that these qualities are important for sports physiotherapist to possess:
Being open-minded with regards to athletes idea regarding their management and use of the other practitioners
Good communication skills
Good personal qualities
Being accessible
Being professional
Have an interest in the athletes that they are working with
Good personal qualities
Qualities that athletes do not like to see in sports physiotherapists are:
Bad personal qualities
Being unapproachable
Not being a team player
Physiotherapy treatment techniques
Athletes feel that the following treatment techniques are beneficial:
Exercise prescription
However, this is also dependent on athletes’ exposure to the range of treatments. Athletes feel that the physiotherapist is the expert and they put their trust in the physiotherapist to resolve any injury issues that they athlete might have.
The sports medicine team
We have now reviewed the roles and required competencies of a sports physical therapist. We reviewed how well it fits the larger sports medicine team. This will depend on the type of sports environment in which you are working. Often, working with a local sports team, whether or not they apply in training and competition, is the only sports medicine profession who works directly with an athlete or team. In this situation, you will need to make a decision about leaving the field, managing your injury and returning to independent play.
Links between national teams and professional sports teams can be completely different. Often there may be no more than one sports medicine specialist on a much larger network of teams serving the team. Sports medicine is a very broad field, and this helps a multidisciplinary team of experts to practice. Each of these specialists has a specific set of expertise to provide optimal treatment to players as well as to enhance the knowledge and skills of their peers.
The best sports medicine team depends on your environment at large. At major events such as professional sports teams and the Olympics, sports medicine teams can be organised as follows:
family physician
sports physician
massage therapist
athletic trainer
orthopaedic surgeon
exercise physiologist
fitness advisor
In summary, a sport physio is a professional dedicated to the assessment and treatment of sports and exercise injuries of all levels and ages. If you are looking for more information relating to your sports injuries or if you just wish to speak to someone to address your pains and issues, do give us a call or visit our website here!
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Sorts of Physiotherapy Exercises
Physiotherapy hones are an essential bit of the recovery strategy of a patient with musculoskeletal issues. There are differing sorts of exercises centered at different parts of the body and is every now and again used identified with other treatment methodologies, for instance, restorative strategy and pharmaceutical.
Extent of development works out A champion among the most understood physiotherapy rehearses is the extent of development work out. This is performed by patients encountering joint issues including the knee joint, bear joint and elbow joint. In view of harm, joints are consistently firm, bothered and swollen. Along these lines, the ability to achieve most prominent extent of development is destroyed. Imagine yourself being not capable totally settle your leg or your elbow. It is absolutely going to cause a significant proportion of bother. Extent of development exercises can suitably loosen tight tissues and help to steadily upgrade your joint flexibility.
Strengthening works out Sustaining exercises can be embraced when any restorative system. Preceding medicinal methodology, the muscles must be strong as patients are frequently required can’t avoid being required to rest for a particular time allotment, achieving rot of the muscles. Strong muscles previously therapeutic technique can diminish the level of weakness and better help the hurt parts. After restorative system, the muscles ought to be fortified to help better help the recovery parts and bear the weight and grunt of the body.
Sensitive tissue planning Sensitive tissue planning relaxes up tense and tight muscles which would by one means or another or another be making an extensive proportion of pain and torment the patient. It is performed by pros doing ply on the affected district, static reaching out to loosen up and quiet robustness and the utilization of medicinal tapes which most likely improves circulatory system.
General trim General trim as its name suggests gives embellishment of the body through various cardiovascular exercises, for instance, walking, swimming and running. It assembles versatility of the joints and also upgrade all around prosperity.
Modifying works out As a result of wounds, the body’s ordinary ability to alter the body may be to some degree off and consequently, honest Physiotherapy Singapore practices are an essential piece of the recuperation procedure of a patient with musculoskeletal issues. There are diverse kinds of activities focused at various parts of the body and is frequently utilized related to other treatment strategies, for example, medical procedure and solution.
Scope of movement works out A standout amongst the most well-known Physiotherapy Singapore practices is the scope of movement work out. This is performed by patients experiencing joint issues including the knee joint, bear joint and elbow joint.
Because of damage, joints are frequently firm, aroused and swollen. Therefore, the capacity to accomplish greatest scope of movement is impeded. Envision yourself being not able completely rectify your leg or your elbow. It is unquestionably going to cause a considerable measure of uneasiness. Scope of movement activities can successfully release tight tissues and help to gradually enhance your joint adaptability.
Fortifying activities Fortifying activities can be recommended when any medical procedure. Prior to medical procedure, the muscles must be solid as patients are regularly required will be required to rest for a specific timeframe, bringing about decay of the muscles. Solid muscles before medical procedure can lessen the level of shortcoming and better help the harmed parts. After medical procedure, the muscles should be fortified to help better help the recuperation parts and bear the weight and snort of the body.
Delicate tissue assembly Delicate tissue assembly loosens up tense and tight muscles which would somehow be making a ton of inconvenience and agony the patient. It is performed by specialists doing knead on the influenced territory, static extending to unwind and soothe firmness and the utilization of remedial tapes which apparently enhances blood stream.
General molding General molding as its name recommends gives molding of the body through different cardiovascular activities, for example, strolling, swimming and running. It builds adaptability of the joints and in addition enhance by and large wellbeing.
Adjusting works out Because of wounds, the body’s characteristic capacity to adjust the body might be marginally off and in this manner, practices that assistance, click more www.corefitness.com.sg
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Physiotherapy in Singapore
7 Key Benefits of Physiotherapy
Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, sickness or inability through development and exercise, manual treatment, training and counsel. physiotherapy Singapore joins significant data on how the body capacities and uses medicinally demonstrated systems for the appraisal and treatment of patients. Singapore physio can help in maintaining the overall wellness of a person.
1.Keeping away from medical  surgery:
Surgery is sometimes the only way to treat a physical condition, the more conservative approach is to first try physical therapy. If physio Singapore can eliminate pain or help you recover from an injury, surgery may not be necessary. Moreover, if you need to undergo surgery, preoperative physical therapy can usually put you in a better physical condition to withstand the surgery and may help provide better recovery results.        
2.Recovery from stroke or paralysis:
Neurological exercise based recuperation can assist individuals with neurological issues and conditions like Alzheimer's infection, mind injury, cerebral paralysis, different sclerosis, Parkinson's sickness, spinal rope injury, and stroke. best physiotherapy Singapore rehabilitation for stroke or paralysis can help elderly patients with conditions that affect their mobility.
3.Manage age-related medical problems:
Particular age-related issues like Rheumatoid arthritis(RA), Sciatica, Osteoporosis, Dementia, Knee Substitution, Neck torment, Back torment and so on can undoubtedly be treated by physiotherapy Singapore cost .
4.Reduce or eliminate pain:
Remedial activities and manual treatment methods, for example, joint and delicate tissue assembly or medicines like ultrasound, taping or electrical incitement can help ease torment and reestablish muscle and joint capacity to diminish torment. Such physiotherapy Singapore can likewise keep torment from returning.
5.Prevent a sports injury:
Actual advisors see how various sports physiotherapy Singapore can expand your danger for explicit sorts of wounds(for example, stress breaks for distance sprinters).
They can configure proper recuperation or counteraction practice programs for you to guarantee a protected re-visitation of your sports.
Physical activity and sports participation is empowered by all medical care experts as it has various beneficial outcomes on an individual's wellbeing. There is nonetheless, the huge weight of game related musculoskeletal injury, with the most serious danger being in the adolescent and youthful grown-up populaces.
The sport related injury trouble is anyway huge and there is a requirement for investigation into the assessment of injury counteraction techniques in all games across all ages. Sports and Exercise sports physiotherapists are engaged with the anticipation and management of injuries coming about because of Sport and exercise interest at all ages and at all degrees of capacity. These particular sports physiotherapy  give proof put together guidance with respect to safe support in game and exercise.
6.Posture and Health
Posture is characterized as the disposition accepted by the body either with help   throughout solid movement, or because of the organized activity performed by a gathering  of muscles attempting to keep up the Stability. Physiotherapists can recognize act style and give active treatment, posture correction exercises and supportive home items for you to accomplish extraordinary stance.
Many people  wonder whether posture correction really implies. Is it a state of being? Is it simply drooping, or is it something you are brought into the world with?
In the event that you have worries about your posture correction and experience the ill effects of any of the results of helpless stance, then, at that point don't stress – you have a ton of authority over it and in most cases, the capacity to fix it.
Physiotherapy Singapore is the best wellbeing expert to survey your posture correction Singapore and provide you with the right counsel to address your position.
A body posture corrector   is a postural appraisal, guidance about your back posture corrector  and activities to assist you with improving your stance. At physiotherapy Singapore will take a best posture corrector at your stance in the treatment meeting.
On the off chance that apparently posture correction Singapore  is adding to your issues and pain, the best posture corrector will be included as part of your treatment.
7.Clinical Pilates:
For Injury Restoration and Underlying Support core Fitness is the pioneer and leading supplier for Clinical Pilates in Singapore.
Clinical Pilates is the blend of physiotherapy medicines and rehabilitative clinical Pilates equipment works out. manual treatment for torment recuperation and utilize rehabilitative Pilates activities to support the design of the body. This is especially helpful in reestablishing typical examples of development in harmed individuals. The joined methodology of physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates engages customers to assume responsibility for their own recuperation and reestablish their general wellness and prosperity.
Clinical Pilates physiotherapy is an arrangement of activities utilizing exceptional devices, intended to improve actual strength, adaptability and posture correction in Singapore  and upgrade mental mindfulness.
clinical Pilates improves your core stability on the exercise that the activities are intended to explicitly target and reinforce this region. A more grounded center steadiness empowers us to do our ordinary exercises without hardly lifting a finger.
Put your Initial Assessment into action with the expert guidance of a clinical Pilates cost to get you started on the right track.
Top Physiotherapy Through clinical Pilates near me in physiotherapy Singapore.
Exercise based recuperation is a significant part in the treatment of back pain disorders. More wise utilization of non-intrusive treatment, both as far as patient profile and as far as timing of reference is the objective to accomplish the most ideal outcomes and decrease unhealthy state of mind.
This investigation plainly demonstrates that doctors demand non-intrusive treatment administrations dependent on certain patient attributes.
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“My Back Hurts Like Hell!”
I have always been playing tennis since I was a little girl. I had imagined that something like this would not happen to me due to my experience and my responsibility to take good care of myself. I get checked one or twice a month for my posture correction. Little do I know that this incident is unseeable. It all happened in a flash during my tennis match which caused my back  to hurt.
Now, I walk and sit in a strange posture and due to Covid-19, it makes it almost impossible to sit and not have back pain. It makes my life a living hell. I tried to see many different doctors and they seem to not be able to help. I did my research all day and night to find something that may help with my back pain and I found Core Fitness. At first, I was sceptical about it as it is too good to be true. I asked my coach about it, he said give it a go maybe they could help since other doctors are unable to help me.
I took the advice and called Core Fitness to ask more questions about it. They made me feel that I could trust. They suggest that I should take a body posture correction trial for my first two sessions with a 20% discount. Each session costs $155, 20% discount is actually a lot so I took the deal and I went on my off day.
I met up with the physio that I asked to on that day and he will be my physio for the rest of my session that i will be attending. I explained to her what happened, how it happened and why I chose to go here at last as it was my last and only option. I asked tonnes of questions. She was understanding and answered my questions. She explained to me the different types of treatment I can get here. For my case, the physio said that I will get a sport injury management treatment and body posture corrector services.
The physiotherapist guides me through all the necessary things that I need to know and guides me through what has to be done on a daily basis to recover from my back pain and posture. At the end of the day, I realise that Core Fitness is the only posture correction service in Singapore that has all the necessary things needed and has all the treatment to better peoples living life.
After 3 full sessions with Core Fitness, my back started to feel better and it started to not hurt as bad as it usually does. I am able to say that is because, since Covid-19 has struck, I have been working from home ever since and been sitting on the chair for about 10 hours, 5 times a week. My back hurts from sitting for a long duration of time and not only that, the way I have walked ever since the injury actually gotten better. I usually walk like I am limping on one leg. After the 3 sessions, my walk has gotten better, I do still limp here and there but it does not hurt as much as before the sessions even start.
Currently, I am done with my last session and I am telling you that my life has been really wonderful after I have gotten my treatment from Core Fitness. Now I could sit on my chair for 10 hours, 5 times a day without complaining about my back hurting very much. I could sit up straight and go through a night meeting without having to think that I am going to die on the spot due to my back pain that is unbearable. From walking with a limp every time and back hurting almost every hour to not having a limp and back not hurting anymore. I could actually or I would say go for a run without worrying about my back and how it is going to hurt me in the long run.
I would say it is actually amazing to have my normal life back. Now I can play tennis and compete in matches again. Thanks to Core Fitness, I am able to live my life to the fullest once again by doing the things I love without complaining. After all my sessions were done, the physiotherapist gave me advice and tips on how to maintain my back posture so such things would not happen again. In the worst case scenario if it happens again, they are willing to help me with open hands.
I would give Core Fitness a rating of 5 stars as they provided me with excellent service and their physios and staff were really helpful and comforting. If you guys have any back pain, sports injury or anything to do with your body, do contact Core Fitness. They are the best posture corrector in Singapore and I promise you that you would not regret a single thing. Also, ask questions if you need to, they will help and make you feel comfortable by addressing any doubts or queries that you may have.
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Diabetes, or high blood sugar, is Singapore’s fastest-growing chronic condition. It occurs when the body is unable to use blood glucose effectively for energy, resulting in high levels of blood sugar. The hormone insulin is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy, but in diabetes, insulin production is either not sufficient or what is available does not work properly.
The disease can cause a number of long term complications, resulting in disability, reduced quality of life, and premature death. Exercise plays an important role in diabetes. Physiotherapists are experts in exercise prescription for people with chronic illnesses and are therefore able to provide advice on physical activity and promote self-management practices. Physiotherapists also assist with the management of complications associated with diabetes.
How Can Physiotherapy Help Manage Diabetes?
Physiotherapists are active in services that focus on advice regarding general healthy behaviors, work and lifestyle. They coach and encourage self-care in the management of diabetes symptoms. A regular physio check-up, similar to dental check-ups, as a wellness routine has the potential of improving the health outlook of someone with diabetes and becoming a standard part of prevention.
Exercise is Key to Diabetes Management
Physical activity is an important part of diabetes management. Exercise causes muscles to use sugar for energy. The body uses insulin more efficiently with the help of regular exercise. Choice and increased demands by consumers leads to significant growth in the area of Physiotherapists for the treatment of diabetes.
There are few exceptions to the rule that increased activity levels promote weight loss. Lack of exercise and being overweight are the most significant environmental factors related to Type 2 diabetes. Increasing exercise and losing weight are beneficial in glycemic control in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Regular exercise significantly improves glycemic control and contributes to weight reduction. The exercise regimen needs to be part of one’s lifestyle. Regaining weight limits the effectiveness of managing glycemia.
Those seeking the help of a physiotherapist in the management of their diabetes with be prescribed an exercise regimen that consists of muscle-strengthening and aerobic exercise. An experienced physiotherapist will help diabetes management by deploying a variety of methods including exercise, manual therapy (to reduce muscle and joint pain), foot care, promoting general health and education of diabetes prevention. In addition, ongoing studies shows combining medication and lifestyle intervention. So far, there is no indication that the combination has more benefits than lifestyle intervention alone.
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GYROTOCIC is a relatively unheard type of exercise in Singapore. It involves the motion concept from Yoga, dance, gymnastics, swimming and tai chi. The Gyrotonic exercise system stretches and strengthens muscles using flowing, circular motions, while strengthening connective tissues in and around the joints.
Benefits of Gyrotonic
Physiotherapists in Singapore recommends gyrotonic exercise to complement patients’ recovery process because of its benefits.
Decompresses Joints
Gyrotonic movements mimics movements of our daily life activities. It uses the body’s natural spiraling patterns to decompress and strengthen the joints and, especially the spine. It is believed that the spine is the origin and foundation of all movement in the body.
When there is too much tension accumulated in the spine, it usually leads to poor posture. This can affect the functions of the internal organs, which can cause poor digestion, as well as shallow breathing and fatigue. It puts strain on the body and causes key muscles in your core, hips and back to become weak while others get tight.
Self-Massage Through Movement
Gyrotonic is special in the way that it opens up the physical structure of the body while also facilitating awareness, physical ease, comfort and a connection to nature.
Experienced gyrotonic trainers in Singapore teach how to use a machine with weight and pulley system to guide the body in a circular, 3-dimensional motion to the point you feel like you are actually massaging yourself. Its three-dimensional movements can also help people regain elasticity. After a gyrotonic workout, the spine opens up and gets stronger, making you feel fresh and light on your feet, just like the feeling one has after having a full body massage.
Stress Management
According to a study in Singapore, stress and lack of physical activity are the top health issues facing workers. 56% of employers said that stress has affected many of their workers. 52% said they lack physical activity, while 32% said it is lack of sleep, and 24% are suffering from obesity.
Gyrotonic exercise is one way of stress management. It helps in the body’s movement by distributing a fluid flow throughout. The more the joints are in motion, the less stress there will be. By doing more joint mobilization exercises, one distributes forces equally in the body which results into less stress, more breathability, calmness and more power to the body.
Gyrotonic vs Pilates
Pilates and Gyrotonic complement each other because they are both methods of complete mind and body movement. While the movements in Gyrotonic are much more circular and focuses on body integration using breathing techniques, Pilates is much more linear and focuses more on core strength, pelvic stability and building flexible muscles. Gyrotonic has a wide variety of techniques that can expound your capabilities.
Pilates and Gyrotonic are more similar in the way that they use machines. The two give a wide scope of activities according to resistance, ensuring maximum limits are reached within the body.
Both methods of exercise increase abdominal and pelvic strength, help maintain or increase spinal integrity, and are adaptable to all body types and levels of experience.
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There are a couple of physiotherapy programs in Singapore. But what differentiates them all? Maybe you are a parent and your kid decided to pursue sports even when you did not expect it. Now you are wondering what will ever happen in case an accident happened or he/she gets an unexpected casualty on the field? Should you take them to the doctor or should you take them to physiotherapy if you are not sure it works on kids?
Well, you are not the first to ask. That is why there is sports physiotherapy and specifically, physiotherapy for kids.
What is Sports Physiotherapy?
Sports Physiotherapy is the specialized branch of physiotherapy which deals with injuries and issues related to sports people. Sports injuries are different as compared to normal injuries simply because sports’ men and women require to be at a high level performance. This makes them stretch out their bones, joints and muscles to the limit.
Every sports physiotherapist has sport-specific knowledge that looks into the overuse of muscles. But for children, the case is a bit sensitive.
What Is Physiotherapy for Kids?
The bodies of children are always developing. This makes them more vulnerable to injuries than adults are. However, this is also an advantage as with good management, they always respond better and heal faster.
Physiotherapists treat a wide range of conditions and injuries that children suffer from. They include basic injuries such as sprains, strains and bruises, pain resulting from bad posture, growth disorders and traumatic fracture rehabilitation.
In most cases, they are caused by the healthy active lives they have of sports and recreational injuries, falling, sprains, crashing and bashing. Overuse of muscles causes pain or injury from even having a heavy school bag on their backs.
The most common conditions physiotherapists in Singapore treat are:
Neck pain
Bad posture pain
Overuse injuries
Ankle sprains
Lower back pain
Flat feet
Toe walking
Post-surgical rehabilitation
The most common sports that children get injuries from are:
Martial arts
Ballet and dancing
What Do Physiotherapy for Kids Treatment Entail?
First of all, the children are carefully assessed. The sports physio asks you and your child about the activities they take part in, their general routine, history of their injuries, accident details, amount of pain they experience and the frequency at which it keeps coming back, and any restrictions they feel when they move. After which, they will review any x-ray scans, run a number of manual or movement based observations and tests – including range of motion, impingement, imbalance, strength among others.
After being diagnosed, just like adults do, the treatment now goes into manual and exercise therapy, with education based on stretches one can do at home and other exercises to improve strength.
In all this while, the sessions will be made fun and safe for the kids to have a wonderful experience and not feel like all is lost.
Does My Child Need to See a Sports Physio in Singapore?
Physiotherapy for kids is designed specifically for children. They provide one-on-one treatment for children with physical disabilities and athletic injuries. They mainly nurture and empower children to reach their highest gross motor potential.
Some physiotherapists have rehab assistants that provide an extra set of hands by implementing exercise programs for the children and provide a creative edge to make sure all the therapy sessions are super fun and the kids have a great time too.
Kids physiotherapy provides treatment to children from birth up to 18 years of age. Some of the physical disabilities treated include:
Cerebral palsy
Brain injuries
Autism spectrum disorder
Post-orthopaedic surgery
Children with developmental athletic injuries
Children with ankle sprains or dislocated shoulders
All in all, there are a lot of treatment techniques and ones which are specifically tailored for different kinds of injuries.
Parents would really be glad to see the kind of progress their kids make after physiotherapy sessions. It is quite remarkable.
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Fascia – the new buzzword in the exercise and medical industry. But what exactly is it, and should we all be paying more attention to this often overlooked aspect of our anatomy?
So, What Exactly is Fascia?
Fascia a clingfilm-like, elastic substance that wraps around all our muscles and organs, offering support and reducing friction during everyday movement.
It is the connective tissue that is woven around each and every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein in our bodies, as well as all of our internal organs, including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. It is quite literally what holds us together. Evidence suggests that the fascia can be damaged by both physical and mental impact.
In structure, fascia is like candy floss or a knitted sweater; tightly interwoven and web-like. If you picture an orange, it is similar to the transparent layer of skin that surrounds each and every segment. It is thin white layer beneath the skin, similar to what you see when you cut up a chicken breast.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) is just another term for muscle pain. It refers to pain, inflammation and soft tissue manipulation in the body.
MPS is a chronic condition that affects the fascia involving either a single muscle or multiple muscle groups. The area where one experiences pain may not be where the myofascial pain generates from. There is usually a trigger point that causes the pain to be distributed to other areas.
What Causes Myofascial Pain?
It develops from a muscle injury or from excessive strain on a muscle, muscle groups, ligament or tendon. Other causes include:
Injury to muscle fibers
Repetitive motions
Lack of more physical activity
How Is Myofascial Pain Diagnosed?
The diagnosis of myofascial pain is done by a doctor or physiotherapist in Singapore. They mainly look at areas of pain and where it is stiff and adding stress to the place that hurts. It can be diagnosed from trigger points that can be identified by pain that results when pressure is applied to a specific area of the body. They can be categorized as:
An active trigger point – this is the area of extreme sensitivity that exists within the skeletal muscle and is identified by a local or regional pain.
A latent trigger point – this is a dormant (inactive) area that has the potential to act like a trigger point. It may cause muscle weakness or restriction of movement.
How Is Myofascial Pain Treated?
Myofascial pain is not life-threatening but it can significantly affect quality of life. Myofascial Release is a set of techniques that aim to give fascia a movement, stretching and gliding it so your body works at its optimum level. In recent years, doing exercises with foam rollers, massage balls, and the like has gained immense popularity. New products claiming to provide self-myofascial release are constantly being introduced into the market, but knowing what to do and how to do it can be an intimidating task. At worst, doing exercises wrong can lead to pain and discomfort, and ultimately injury.
Myofascial release, if done by a trained professional, can reach out to many systems of the body including the fascia itself, muscles, ligaments, nerves, skin and blood vessels. Benefits include:
Muscle Relaxation It helps in the reduction and elimination of stored tension in the muscles which helps in escaping pain and aches. It activates sensory receptors connecting the muscle fibers to the tendons.
Reduces Soreness and Joint Stress It boosts recovery because of better blood circulation allowing more oxygen and nutrients to reach the muscles and soft tissues.
Improve Joint Range Motion It helps prepare joints for increased range of motion by breaking the knots in the muscles.
Corrects Muscle Imbalance It helps the muscle relax and also provide optimal length-tension to avoid muscle restrictions when one performs an exercise.
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For older adults, the body experiences a lot of changes. Keeping fit is especially important but it can be a bit difficult for them. Most turn to Clinical Pilates as a way to keep in shape as heavy weight lifting exercises may be out of their scope. Furthermore, Pilates is more about quality, controlled breathing and movement, rather than number of repetitions.
Pilates is the best antidote for older adults as it has less physical strain impact on the body as compared to other forms of exercise.
Most workout programs in the gym are severe on the joints and aim at building short, bulky muscles which at times lead to injury. Pilates focuses on the inner core’s strength, which are the abdominal muscles and muscles that are close to the spine. Most of these exercises are performed lying down or in sitting postures with spring resistance from the Pilates machines.
4 Key Benefits Pilates has on the Older Population
Improves Bone Density
Pilates helps improve the bone density of the elderly. In this case, osteoporosis, which is a condition in which bones become weak and brittle, is commonly experienced at old age.
Bones, just like other tissues in the body, are living structures that keep changing from time to time. The new bone is formed and the old one gets replaced. Osteoporosis develops when the speed of the new bone formation cannot keep up with the loss of bone. Elderly with osteoporosis are more prone to broken bones and fractures.
Depending on the stage of the condition, the scenario changes considerably. In case the condition already exists, some Pilates exercises are not recommended as a remedy. For example, weight bearing exercises such as forward bending and other twisting exercises, may cause the situation to get worse.
The good thing about Pilates is that you can still have your own kind of configured exercises by the help of a qualified Pilates trainer.
Improves Stability and Balance
Pilates is based on the midrange movements of the body and not the external parts. If anything, it is based on the principle of starting from within and spreading to the outside.
For seniors, Pilates mainly works for them by teaching control and stability around the joints. Increased control and stability can help older adults gain more confidence and control of their body. They often have problems with functional movement, balancing and maintaining a good posture.
Pilates works best for seniors because it improves the core strength and flexibility which automatically translates to the body gaining back coordination. It also trains the body to be balanced and helps reduce the risk of falls.
Improves Breathing
Breathing becomes a challenge once we age. The muscles in charge of breathing become less responsive and the rib gets stiffer. This results in the lack of oxygen flowing in the bloodstream and therefore, dizziness and confusion. Pilates has a breathing technique that sets the tight ribcage loose and strengthens the muscles responsible for breathing and improves the respiratory system.
A Cure for Many Sicknesses
Pilates helps with a lot of age-related sicknesses. For example, people with arthritis can benefit from mid-range movements which reduces the event of joints compressing while still maintaining the extent of movement around them. For those who have lumbar stenosis, there are exercises that can help you stretch out tight back muscles and strengthen the extensor muscles of the spine to fight back gravitational forces that pull people into a hunched position.
Pilates can also slow down other diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. The exercises, through controlled motion, helps overcome rigidity and make one become limber. Furthermore, it can help prevent stroke out of brain traumas.
Pilates exercises is a mind body exercises that help one to achieve balance by moving in a symmetrical motion and eventually, gain a sense of peace within.
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In ships, even a small fire can lead to fatal accidents. The reason is that the space in ships has a high intensive structure hence it is crucial to detect the first sign of fire at the time of its generation in order to make a prompt response. This timely fire detection can help to limit damages and protect the safety of onboard crews and passengers. One of the recommended marine fire protection is the Nohmi Marine Fire Protection System. Made in Japan by Nohmi, the largest Fire Safety & Fire Protection manufacturer in Japan, Nohmi Marine Fire Protection System is easy to operate and user-friendly
Approved by the following Ship Classification Societies as well as National Authorities: Japan (NK/JG), France (BV/CCS), Norway (DNV/NMD), UK (LRS/MCA), U.S.A (ABS/USCG), Denmark (DSS), Netherland (NSI) & China (CR)
Nohmi Marine Fire Alarm Panels are available in two types:
The correct application is determined by their intended use as well as the vessel’s nationality and classification.
You can always contact Firetronics and our well trained personnel will be able to provide you with information about Nohmi products and fire protection matters.
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Anatomy of the Shoulder Joint
The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint made up of three bones: The shoulder blade, the collarbone, and the upper arm bone, or humerus.
Connective tissue, known as the shoulder capsu­­­­le, surrounds this joint. Synovial fluid enables the joint to move without friction.
What is Frozen Shoulder?
Frozen Shoulder (or Adhesive Capsulitis) thought to happen when scar tissue forms in the shoulder. This causes the shoulder joint’s capsule to thicken and tighten, leaving less room for movement.
It can be a very painful, debilitating condition and is more common in patients between the ages of 40 and 60.
The Stages of Frozen Shoulder
Stage 1. Freezing Stage
Pain gradually increase. Shoulder slowly become stiffer due to pain and the lack of movement in the shoulder.
Stage 2. Frozen Stage
Pain does not worsen and it may decrease at this stage but the stiffness persists or worsen. People will struggle to move the shoulder in this phase.
Stage 3. Thawing Stage
Slowly regain mobility in the joint, pain may fade but occasionally recur.
For some people, the pain worsens at night, difficult to sleep on the side of frozen shoulder.
When Should You Seek Treatment?
You should get physiotherapy singapore treatment at the end stage of Stage 1 (Freezing Stage) to reduce pain due to inflammation and improve shoulder blade and upper back movement. Good shoulder blade and upper back mobility may shorten your overall recovery time and help improve your pain free movement.
How Can Physiotherapy and Pilates Help?
It is the frozen stage where physiotherapy treatment and Pilates exercises become crucial to regain your shoulder range of movement and improve your strength. Our experienced physiotherapist and Pilates instructor will utilize Pilates equipments to target the immobile part precisely. When the range is better, we will incorporate Pilates strengthening exercise which using a combination of dynamic and static strength training. This is important as to make sure you are not at risk of regressing back into freezing stage.
To start a treatment plan for frozen should, get in touch with us to speak to one of our experienced Physiotherapists today and let us develop a health care plan best suited to your needs.
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Opting for Digital photography
Almost everyone in this entire world is fond of making poses and has that wonderful picture of themselves either for remembrance or for something to extol being photogenic. Others tend to make it a pastime acquiring all these fantastic cameras with all the other gizmos offered to make every image the best it can be. Having all the skills as well as skills in Corporate photography. probably one can think of beginning a service out of it. Trying to install your photo studio in Singapore would be something that you would in fact make cash from as long as you have the appropriate approaches from setting every little thing approximately clicking and have those photoshoots. Although it is easy to claim to begin a company similar to this, it could end up the other means around if you do not take into consideration all the important things you need to discuss before starting. One of the most essential points that have to prepare in advance is the tools and also gizmos for Corporate photography. Without these special tools, that everything would certainly just be a mess in the long run. Besides the area on where to establish up the workshop itself, you have to intend out the budget for whatever. We need to put in mind that beginning this kind of business does not just set you back for centavos yet a great deal of money also. You have obtained to have a specific timeline on exactly how to put up everything since you do not want to squander any of your moment on just preparing out as well as not emerging every little thing. It is really crucial certainly to understand essential info before in fact setting up for the said service. Once you get to determine the place for your company, having sufficient area for every topic as well as the gizmos is entirely an important thing. Convenience as well as the next vital thing to think about because you do not want your topics to be worried whenever they will certainly have their photoshoot. With all the devices, areas, as well as preferences of topics all set in hand, all you have to do to obtain interest from individuals is to have ads regarding your new business. Having all the skills as well as talents in photography, maybe one can think concerning beginning a business out of it. It is simple to claim to start an organization like this, it can turn out the other method around if you do not consider all the things you have to touch on before getting began. Once you get to decide the place for your service, having enough room for every subject as well as the gadgets are completely a vital thing. With all the gizmos, areas, as well as preferences of topics ready in hand, all you have to do to get attention from individuals is to have ads concerning your new organization.
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Sports Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Being active is good and healthy, but it may also increase the chances of getting injured. Injuries can always be avoided and prevented. Our approach to sports injury and management includes the following stages:
Identify and understand the biomechanics relating to the injury
Identify movement demands for specific sport
Holistic treatment for body alignment and imbalances
Improve movement strategy to optimise sport performance
Educate on injury prevention and recurrence
The common sports injuries we treat includes:
✔ Spinal disc injury ✔ Muscle strain or ligament sprain ✔ Joint degeneration/arthritis ✔ Stress fracture ✔ Dysfunctional movement patterns
✔ Golfers elbow/ tennis elbow ✔ Shoulder pain – rotator cuff impingement ✔ Hip arthritis ✔ Meniscus or ligament injury in the knee
Our sports physiotherapists are experienced and confident in treating a wide variety of sports injuries, from the legs up to the spine problems. These include sprains, muscle strains, dislocations, and recovery from surgery.  The initial management focuses on resolving pain, reducing swelling, facilitating healing, minimise scar tissue, regain mobility, strength, and stability. We customise treatment that will get you back in the sport as quickly as possible.
Structural Bodywork
Structural bodywork is a process-based approach typically involving soft tissue manipulation and movement therapy techniques that help to release tension holding patterns in muscles, improve joint movement, and achieve balance within your body and gravity. Through therapeutic soft tissue work and awareness movement training, you can release painful, stressful patterns of tension and chronic pain. Structural bodywork can enhance the sport performance by balancing the structure (joint, muscles) of the body and help to resolve any old injuries.
Golf Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Our physiotherapists can help golfers with a holistic approach to improve golf swing efficiency, resolve pain, improve stability and mobility of joints, core strength and balance.
Our step-by-step approach includes:
Identify the limitations of body structure which contribute to the pain of joints in golf swing.
Revolve the pain and improve muscular flexibility, joint mobility, core strength and balance.
Connect the structure of the body to improve the golf swing efficiency.
Movement Restoration
After resolving the pain and injury, our physiotherapist will help you to regain full function with sport specific exercises and address underlying biomechanics issues, improve agility, power and injury prevention. At Core Fitness, our physiotherapists work together with our highly trained Pilates and GYROTONIC® instructors to help you with the conditioning of your body.
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For Pain Relief & Pain Management
We treat all sorts of acute and chronic pain which are related to joints and soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments etc) injuries.
Musculoskeletal Pain
✔ Head, Neck and Shoulder✔ Elbow and Wrist✔ Spine✔ Hip and Groin✔ Knee, Ankle and Foot
Degenerative & Chronic Conditions
✔ Chronic Stiffness✔ Osteoarthritis✔ Lumbar Spondylosis✔ Stenosis✔ Frozen shoulderEvery patient’s body is unique to us. Our physiotherapists are experts in physical movement assessment, manual therapy and exercise prescription. We know how to tailor the best treatment program to get rid of your pain and help you return to an active lifestyle.
Treatment for Muscle Pain
How Does Physiotherapy Help Treat The Injury?
Upon your first visit, our
Physiotherapy singapore
will begin their assessment by gaining background knowledge on why, how and when your injury occurred.A physical examination will then be done to evaluate the extent of the muscle injury. Muscle strains are classified as 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree which defines the severity and establishes guidelines for the treatment plan and anticipated recovery time. The presence of bruising will indicate that there has been some tearing of muscle fibres – and the location and extent of the bruising helps the
Physiotherapy singapore
determine the degree of injury.After a thorough assessment, the physiotherapist will create a treatment plan that will address the acute stage of your specific injury as well as long-term recovery goals. The rehabilitation process also includes education and suggestions to prevent recurrent and future injuries.Physiotherapists choose, as indicated by the specific injury, from a variety of different methods of treatment to treat the injured muscle.We provide a number of treatment options including:
Manual therapy
Clinical Pilates
Exercise therapy
Shockwave therapy
Taping and Strapping
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