picavirgo · 7 years
There’s one line that says, “I am the eggman” – and that’s really not the weirdest bit of the song.
[ he smiles softly, leaning his head against her hair as she snuggles up against him. he never thought this would happen to him, holding a pretty girl in a blanket fort with a mug of tea. ]
Right, a tree house. I had one of those growing up, it was great. Tire swing and everything. 
[ he laughs softly ] True. [ he smiles a little and nods ] Yeah, of course.
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I am the eggman? That’s... I don’t even know how to begin to describe that. 
[ she closes her eyes for a moment, relaxing against peter. it’s warm and safe and quiet here, and peter’s arm is around her. it feels impossible that the day before this was so insane and horrible ] 
Did you? It sounds like they would be cool. A little scary, but like it could be a lot of fun. 
[ she smiles a bit and kisses him ] You’re incredible, do you know that?
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riddle’s curse ;;
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picavirgo · 7 years
[ he laughs ] We do have to sleep sometimes! But you’re right. I might snore a little bit. But at least I don’t talk in my sleep, right?
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[ she laughs ] You are mere mortals, I suppose. Oh, no, talking in your sleep is really freaky. One of my foster sisters does that, and I thought she was actually talking to me. Not that “everything I own tastes like peanut butter” makes any sense, but it really freaked me out at the time. 
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picavirgo · 7 years
[ he laughs ] Beatles lyrics are a bit weird, they’re actually kind of famous for them. But forts are just an art form, you know, they take practice. 
[ he has an arm around her, his thumb absently stroking the skin of her arm. he’s glad that she’s safe, that everyone he loves is safe, and ow they’re sitting in a blanket fort ] 
[ he laughs ] I never thought about that bit. That’s a good idea. Maybe we can find a nice tree to hang out in.
[ he smiles back ] Me too. [ he laughs a little ] I mean, people can just work around you, who cares? When you’re in the fort, you make the rules.
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Oh, really? How weird? [ she laughs ] I’ll have to practice, then. 
[ she leans her head against peter’s shoulder, tracing little figure eights absentmindedly on his leg. it’s safe here, and calm, and she wishes more than anything that she could just stay here forever ] 
Oh, yes, like those... tree houses? That’s it, right? The little forts in trees that kids make. Those look like fun too. 
[ she lifts her head from his shoulder so she can look at him ] Well it is your house, I assume you make the rules. [ she smiles softly and shakes her head, expression bemused ] Would you camp out with me if I did? 
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riddle’s curse ;;
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picavirgo · 7 years
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If that’s true, I’d be really impressed. 
Sorry to disappoint. I had to take the fate of my cranium into my own hands. 
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picavirgo · 7 years
I have! I have. Did you take my helmet advice? 
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Yes, thank you for saving me from a concussion. That was so helpful.
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picavirgo · 7 years
Er, are we talking about building forts or Beatles music? [ he gives a little laugh ]
[ he smiles as she moves closer to him, keeping the mug in one hand and putting his arm around her with the other, rubbing her shoulder gently ] 
[ he chuckles ] That seems like it would be cozy, too. You can take yourself away from everyone up there and just do whatever you’d like. [ he smiles over at her as she leans back, moving with her ] 
Yeah, I know. [ he smiles ] Of course it’s okay. I feel the same way when I’m with you. Sometimes it’s just like it’s the two of us in the whole city, or even the whole world. It’s nice.
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Oh. [ she laughs, flushing ] Forts, sorry. I’m sure the Beatles are complicated too, but I meant forts.
[ it’s easy to just relax here. she doesn’t need to think about it, and she thinks about everything. especially overthinks, she’s good at that ]
It was isolating, but in a good way. I felt safer up there, having some distance. Plus it was harder for people to get my stuff if I put it up there. I got a lot of books torn up over the years.
[ she smiles at him, soft and gentle ] Yeah, it does. I wish it could always be like that. [ she lets out a small huff of laughter and shakes her head ] Maybe I’ll just hide here all night. Completely disrupt everything by camping out on the floor, but it’s quite nice.
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riddle’s curse ;;
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picavirgo · 7 years
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Our last conversation was really weird. 
In my defense, you started that one. Please tell me you’ve left Peter alone, though.
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picavirgo · 7 years
I didn’t even do anything yet. 
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I am so not in the mood. 
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picavirgo · 7 years
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Tom Holland and Jacob Batalon | Cinema Buzz Interview
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picavirgo · 7 years
Oh yeah. [ he nods ] It’s different than just seeing us at school, huh? All wild, all the time. Except when we’re sleeping. Even we have to take a break sometimes.
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I wasn’t around you guys much in school, I tended to stay away. Little too loud for me. I bet you guys snore, I don’t think it’s possible for you not to be at least a little disruptive. 
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picavirgo · 7 years
[ he laughs so hard he needs to take a moment to breathe ] I’m sure if you stick around, you’ll get to meet them and they’d probably love to meet you.
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[ she can’t help but laugh with him, shaking her head ] I intend to, yeah. Stick around, I mean. Being around Peter’s friends has been weirdly enlightening, I had no idea how insane your group was. I mean that in a good way.
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picavirgo · 7 years
“You and me both,” she says. “Hey, you can go if you want to go — you really deserve a break. And when I, Professional Workaholic say so, you really do. We’ll miss you, but if you want to go, you can, yeah?” She smiles a little. “That’d be nice, yeah. I hate being alone in these kind of moments. I think so too, it’s Edgar. He’s sort of careful.”
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[ she shakes her head ] No, I want to stay. I can send you with them instead? I don’t want to go. I want to stay here. [ she nods, and puts her hand out to amelia ] We’ll find him. He’s a rubber man. That’s it, right? He always bounces back from things. He’s okay. I’m sure of it. 
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riddle’s curse !
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picavirgo · 7 years
“None of this makes any sense,” she says, frustrated. “This whole fucking war doesn’t.” She smiles a little. “That’s nice, that’d be good — she deserves a proper party. And that sounds wonderful, I’d definitely take the opportunity. You deserve a break, you work too hard, and escaping to the French country sounds like a perfect break.” She nods. “Yeah, me too. I think I’d have heard if he wasn’t. I’ll have to do that, I’m going there as soon as possible. I just hope he’s working his butt off somewhere, completely zoned out. Not … there.”
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I know, I hate it. [ she sighs, nodding ] Yeah, she does. I’m not going to go. I have work, I have a job here that needs my attention. And I have you, and Peter. I’m not just going to ditch you. [ she nods ] I can go with you, if you want. Or ask around; we'll find him, though. I promise. 
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riddle’s curse !
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picavirgo · 7 years
Fine. Fine, I promise. 
[ maybe. he maybe promises. ] 
But did you? 
Thank you. 
[ she pauses, frowning a little ] 
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picavirgo · 7 years
[ he wonders about doing that to him in rat form. maybe he wouldn’t have a heart attack then, but they also likely wouldn’t see him for a week, and then he’d have to explain THAT to mafalda, and ‘i’m a giant black dog that looks like the grim’ isn’t a coming out he’s willing to handle. ] 
This has been a fun conversation. 
[ he points between the two of them ] 
It was actually a lot of fun. 
[ she can’t help it; she laughs ] 
It’s been an interesting one, yeah. 
[ her nose scrunches ] 
Is it weird that it was? It feels like it should be weird that it was, but it actually... kind of was, yeah. [ she points at him ] You still can’t ask him, though. Promise. 
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picavirgo · 7 years
I ask him all sorts of things, all the time. That’s the kind of mates all of us are. Why am I not doing this? 
[ he frowns. for the record, he absolutely can put his entire fit in his mouth, but he’s only done it when his fist was abnormally tiny. ] 
Well, it happened. 
I know you do, he mentions them occasionally if he can manage to stammer out the horrific things you ask him. [ she shakes her head ] Because he might have a stroke if you do. He can’t even manage to say the word “girlfriend” around me, how do you think he’s gonna’ respond to you waltzing up to him going “Hey, Pete, I heard you lost your virginity.” He will have a heart attack and it’s not even true. 
[ she’s completely red in the face and trying hard not to just put her hands over her face, curl up on the floor, and not move for the rest of the day ] 
I don’t know if it’s horrifying or kind of funny, if I’m honest. 
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picavirgo · 7 years
[ he chuckles ] Not everybody is into music, there’s nothing wron gwith that.
It’s a lot of blankets. And a lot of pillows. At least six chairs. [ he pretends to think ] Pillows are important. You know, they’re cozy but they can also pin down blankets if you pile them just right.
[ he smiles as he takes the mug of tea, leaning over to kiss her softly on the cheek ] Yeah, I mean, that’s part of the point of a fort, isn’t it? Safety and all. Maybe part of it is that it’s just something you do when you’re a kid, and it kind of takes you away from everything.
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I’m not sure if it sounds more complicated than it actually is, or if it’s actually that complicated. It doesn’t sound complicated, but it still seems like it... is. Does that make any sense?
[ she smiles, eyes closing slightly as he kisses her cheek, before shifting a little so their shoulders press together. one of her legs slides under his, and she tucks herself beside him before taking a sip of tea ] 
I wish I’d done this when I was a kid. I ended up just stealing a lot of top bunks so I could just perch there like a bird to be safe. [ she falls silent for a moment, looking at the fort, before she shakes her head. she leans back against one of the chairs a little bit and half closes her eyes ] 
I wish it could always be like this. You know? Just in the quiet here, with you... I don’t know, things sort of feel like they’re only normal and good when I’m with you. Things are so tense in my family right now with everything that’s going on, we’re all feeling it. But here it’s just... [ she shrugs, and looks over at him ] Is it okay for me to say this?
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riddle’s curse ;;
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