piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Implementation challenges
The main challenge I see my client facing from my recommendations, is an increase in overall content production and sharing. As the Central Michigan University Help Desk, they are not actively looking for people to purchase any kind of products or service. This is more of a campus resource that is free for people to use, so content can be difficult to make at times. Things that are good to share would have been general information last week during the large-scale data breach that effected many students, which the help desk did to a degree.
The Help Desk would be wise to share more content posted by other news outlets and departments regarding events happening in the university that may affect any students reading.  These could be posts from residence life, the police department or any other department that may have valuable information.
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I suggested that the Help-desk use a content calendar and made a mock one up for them but finding content to fill time slots on different days would be tricky if there are no events going on in the technical side of the university that students would need to know about. A lot of issues are a need to know basis, so publicizing them would not make much sense.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Developing Effective Content
Developing effective content and sharing that content properly is essential to gaining traction online, as well as having that content shared and accepted by consumers. The first thing to consider when developing content, would be who the targeted audience is. Once you have a specific audience in mind, it is easier to tune the presentation of this content to resonate with that group easier. This will be received better by them, and they would be more likely to share it. Another thing to consider while developing and sharing content would be to keep in mind, that different platforms will have different audiences. Looking into which content is received best among different platforms, and tuning content based off the trends, will make content received better. At the same time, if a message is to be distributed among multiple platforms, ensuring the message is tailored to the specific strengths.
Other things to consider would be to ask participants what they want to see, engaging the audience more and giving them exactly what they want. Look into what competitors are doing and fill any potential niches that they have ignored or not identified, and lastly, paying attention to what is received well, and adapting what is being made and shared to match that correctly.
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As a social organization, you should be responsible for what resonates well with your audience and matches the vision of the organization. This is the style of content that should be developed. A social media organization’s content strategy should flow naturally from your social media strategy and objectives. Members should monitor for trends and tailor content production accordingly. A social organization should share curated content from other trustworthy sources to build trust within a community. Content should also vary, so that it does not get stale and repetitive, and also should have strong titles, wording and imagery to attract attention.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Online Community Creation
Without effective principals for building an online community with social media, people will not feel the need or urge to join. According to The Social Organization, what people need is a reason to collaborate with online social media. Providing the technology and an uninviting purpose is not enough to get people into collaborating in an online community. There needs to be deeper definitions around what you want collaborations for, and why you want people to collaborate. People need a compelling cause or else the option will go unnoticed or ignored.
Important things to keep in mind while building an online community with social media would be
1.       Who are the targeted participants?
2.       What is the nature or focus of their collaboration?
3.       What’s in it for the participants?
4.       What value will the organization realize?
People need a target, specific and engaging purpose to participate in an online social media community or else it will not resonate with them. Is someone is offered to join in on something that means little or nothing to them, then they will either not participate, or not supply anything of value, where as if the correct people were targeted or rallied behind some social media organization that has meaning to them, then that community will be strong, prosperous, and continue to be a growing community.
For my client project I have been working with the CMU OIT HelpDesk. After reviewing the content in Hootsuite module 4, one thing that stood out to me was the section about brand advocates. This applied to my client because the HelpDesk does try to maintain a good relationship to anyone who may be a potential influencer on campus, so that they can spread the word about the HelpDesk’s assistance, or their connections in the university.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
The Legal Side of Big Data
Businesses should be aware of ways to protect big data that they have either generated or received. Protecting that data is essential to keeping it out of the hands of hackers or competitors. When transferring, handling or storing data, businesses should ensure that every location and everyone that handles that data, are either places they own, data they own or people who are loyal to the company. Businesses should ensure that employees are bound via employment contract/documentation to keep data a secret and do not distribute it. As well as keeping security ahead of the curve to protect the data in all locations. Businesses should be aware that it is better to spend money to prevent issues from arising, than it is to pay out to fix an issue after something has happened.
Consumers should be aware that their data might not always be private. Certain organizations or skipped through contracts and user agreements my say that data can be sold. If the consumer is not okay with this practice, they should not affiliate with that company. Consumers should also be aware that hacks do happen, and that data is not always secure, so that in case something does happen, it’s not a complete surprise.
The best way to balance the use of big data between opportunities and threats is to use it legally and responsibly. Big data should be used to gain an advantage as long as it is not hurting someone or something. Big data should always be used legally and users should be informed of what big data is, and how it could affect them. Big data should be protected and stored securely, if this cannot happen, then that organization should not be collecting it or storing it.  
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Why Junk News Spreads.
Algorithms have been discussed frequently in the social media outlets that I usually find myself involved with. YouTube for example has an algorithm in place, where for a video to be likely to show on display results or be accessible to certain users, the content and length must fit into unspoken categories, otherwise that content would be hidden. This has allowed users to abuse this system and manipulate connect to be more likely to be shown to users, where as the information that people are intentionally looking for, may remain hidden, as it does not fit YouTube’s agenda. People should be aware that this is a way that the social media platform is operated, and that specific information may be repressed or hidden from them. Users and businesses may need to refine searches on platforms to be very specific and ignore the top results if they intend to bypass algorithms.
Advertising to spread junk news through click bait and targeting has been something that a lot of us have seen over the past few years, as much of it has been politically charged from elections and so on. We as users need to be better at recognizing this information as being fake if anything seems off or is playing into biases. Users can prevent falling into advertising traps by simply reading the titles of things before they click and either, looking to see if other viable sources have reported the same story, or looking into how has posted that advertisement and story to see if they are a legitimate company, or one known for these types of schemes.
Exposure is an interesting topic to look at regarding junk news. We see that people are purposely selective of what information they see, believe and share, based off pre-established biases and beliefs. This makes sense, because everyone wants to be right or believe that they are doing the right things. We filter out anything that might be bad regarding the views we support or dismisses those accusations as false. On top of that we share those stories that paint our beliefs in a better light for others to see skewing the relevance and balance or factual news being distributed. I believe that we all have seen this on Facebook, with friends sharing obviously fake information, but defending it viciously because it fits their own perspective on life. I feel like the best way for us to defend ourselves from this is to not be so closed minded and try to filter out these kinds of news stories from our feeds due to their inaccuracy.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Social Media Consulting
In my opinion, one of the most important qualities for a social media consultant to have, would be their connection to those they are communicating to. There needs to be clear communication to those that the consultant is interacting with, and making sure that expectations and suggestions are set correctly. A high level of transparency with all associated parties is an important quality as it builds trust and a strong relationship.
One of the suggestions I have made as a consultant recently at my CMU job was to post more regularly on social media platforms, and to post content that can be used repeatedly. So posts about relevant topics that are current and ongoing within the university, as well as informational posts that are not set to any specific time constraints, but will always be useful. This ensure that there is always engagement with users even if there is not a recent posting. I fell that relevant information that is current, as well as older information that is still useful is important to have accessible to anyone interested.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Its interesting that you mention blackmail as a possible factor of big data usage. Thats not something that would have crossed my mind, but its interesting to think about. Its very interesting to think about where or which data center holds all of the information related to us. Theres so much mystery surrounding these things, but if we really wanted to find out what others know about us, I suppose we could buy that data from a data broker.
Big Data
When we look at the definition of big data, we understand that it is the storage and analysis of large and complex data sets. This data comes from us and what we do online. The sites we visit and the things that we buy gives unique information about us, which ultimately invades our privacy when we don’t know it.
Big Data is so powerful because it collects data about a person that does not meet the eye, its very valuable to some companies and I am sure in other cases it can lead to black mail. The best way to limit being harmed from big data is to 1) be aware of the sites you go on and the things you buy and 2) Be very careful where you put your personal information and what you display to the public.
Another thing to be cautious about is that sometimes you’re not alone on a website. Internet business models can allow third parties to follow your movements through the website. You’ll notice many pop-up ads that have relevancy to what you were just browsing on a website. With The Cloud as well, in Maceij Ceglowski’s “The Internet with a Human Face,” he illustrates it as a huge data center, loads of personal information being brought together into a file just for you.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
I understand what you are saying when you mentioned that you didn't really mind your data being collected and having ads targeted to you. honestly, if im going to see ads online, the might as well be things that i could actually be interested in, as opposed to something completely random. I can also relate to being raised informed of the fact that anything done online can be traced back, which is a good incentive to behave and maintain a level of professionalism. Also i said a similar thing where users should be able to opt in or out of having data collected and sold, I feel like that is a good idea.
Big Data
I think to obtain “big data” there needs to be some kind of invasion of privacy. I was always taught, and it was mentioned in Ceglowski’s talk and the article, “The Internet’s Original Sin,” that Americans were trained to think that everything is available on the internet and is obtainable. Personally, I don’t see an issue with my own personal information being collected. Sometimes ads are helpful for me and if they weren’t tailored for me I wouldn’t have the ones I do. 
From the 60 minutes video they interviewed the Federal Trade Commissioner and she said that all the information collected is linked to every individual and is being sold to marketing firms and other companies. I found it interesting about even retailors collecting information about their customers that the information was more valuable than the products they were even selling. This information makes sense though. If you ever have the chance to go to Culver’s, or any fast food or quick service restaurant and fill out the survey at the bottom of your receipt. This collects information about your visit. At the end, of the Culver’s survey anyway, you can say that this is your first time at a Culver’s, if you choose this it prompts you to enter information about your annual income, ethnicity, and age range. This information is collected to help better target our main guests as well as help emerging franchises find locations that would best suit our customer base. I think that while this information can be harmful it can also be useful. However, I think that websites that allowing sharing or viewing of the information we give, should better advertise the fact they are doing so. Like the OkCupid website that had it listed in their legal terms, but it took a while to find the legal terms on their website or from a third party.
 I like in Ceglowski’s talk he said that, “Fear is what drives the ability to forget things are online.” As I mentioned before I was taught to know that anything I post online can be tracked and found again. The story about the “Pink Files,” he also mentioned was interesting. Ceglowski said that we just can’t bring ourselves to delete the files. I think people feel the same way about pictures, posts, and comments. They don’t want to think about them right now, but they also don’t want to forget so we keep things, everything. In the article, “The Internet’s Sin,” the author talks about companies manipulating information for their own benefit, “Don Marti uses the same set of Facebook earning numbers to demonstrate that print newspapers make roughly four times as much money in advertising as Facebook does in the United States.” 
I would like to end this post with a reiteration of Ceglowski’s mentioned steps for more limitation on the invasion of privacy for all, not just Americans, because I believe they would work well if implemented correctly. Limit what can be collected and how it is stored. Limit how long the information can be kept. Let users opt out. Privacy policies include a clause that things can change at any time. People need the right to download their own information. Right to delete personal information. Mechanism also needs to be included for letting people opt into letting everything be used, sold, and stored. rity48 \
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Big Data
After gaining an understanding of big data, it’s safe to say this relates specifically to information privacy. The information gathered about us that we do not even think about is being harnessed and put into records. What we search, where we go, who we talk to and even more, compiled into databases with people of similar habits and sold off to those who are interested in that information. A lot of this information is data that we would normally think is private, but through agreements that we usually skim through, it is collected and filed, meaning most of what we do online isn’t really that private if people know where to look. This can cause issues if there is information out there about yourself that you would like to remain hidden, but anyone can find this data out if they purchase it from someone like a data broker. Meaning you can’t keep anything a secret. I feel like there are certain things that should not be stored or able to be sold off, like out online footprint unless we sign off on it like some kind of agreement. It could be seen as an invasion of privacy, and company’s should make it more clear before we start using services if they are going to collect and sell the information, or if there was a way to opt out of this service, make it an option.
Regarding internet business models, the incentive on monetization is everything. All the good and bad on the internet comes from the desire to make money off services and web pages. After reading the article the internet’s original sin and watching the talk, it is clear to see why surveillance of users is important to online markets. The better the targeted ads are for users online, the more likely they are to click on the ads. This motivates people to monitor users and collect that data about who they are. It’s understandable and a good move to make money, but a lot of people are not fond of the idea.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
24 Hours Offline.
Based off my log that I made earlier in the week, I really don’t use social media much in a 24-hour window. I checked social media and sent out enough texts to count on two hands, which I know is an unbelievably small amount for some people who may have 10 or so texts and times checked into twitter or Facebook in a few minutes. This made me have to think about that kind of experiment I wanted to do, as limiting social media wouldn’t be that big of a change, but I do sit in front of a computer for long periods of time due to work on the weekdays, therefore I decided to not use a computer or check my phone for 24 hours, which would be a significant change for me.
I needed to do this experiment over the weekend when I wasn’t at work for this to work, so Friday into Saturday would be my window. Everyone I live with works on Friday, so I spent the first half of the day alone. I mostly spent the first half of Friday catching up on some manga reading I have been putting off since school started. Luckily what I was reading I have as physical volumes, so I didn’t need a phone or a computer to read these volumes. This was relaxing an I was able to pay more attention to what I was reading without the potential of distraction from a phone or computer and social media. Although it wouldn’t have been a huge distraction in the first place. Later in the day some friends from work came over as we had planned this the night before at work and we just hung out and talked. None of the 3 of us are huge phone users so checking my phone or social media never really came into my mind, so this was no big deal for me. After a while it was already late into the night, so they went home, and I was ready for bed. After getting up the next day and checking my phone for the first time I really didn’t miss much, a couple pictures of my dog from my parents playing outside, emails from school/work and some notifications from a work snap-chat group that I hadn’t seen yet.
I feel like this type of experience would really affect heavy users of social media and technology, or those how have a separation anxiety over staying connected online, but for me it wasn’t a huge deal. I’m a more in person socializer anyways and never really have conversations online or over media, I just organize meetups and thing of that nature, so when my Friday plans were already pre-set from Thursday, this didn’t affect me. The amount of notifications I missed over a day was not much, so I must not be in the loop for a lot of things. Overall the experiment for me was relaxing, getting caught op on some reading is always nice and something I have been putting off and I’m not sure if I would have done this if I had my computer available to me because I could have just watched YouTube or something else with my day off. So overall it was a positive experience.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Hello, I'm glad that you mentioned how phones at the dinner table would not be allowed in the past and still now within your family. This reminded me of my family where this would be the same situation. My mother is completely against having any phones at dinner time, this is because of my sister and dad mostly but I understand where the situation arises. Face to face conversations are slipping away and its good practice to preserve locations where these still happen. Great post.
Social Media’s Influence
Sherry Turkle’s interview and the article “Before the Internet” by Emma Rathbone put into light just how much we rely on social media in our everyday life.  The interview and article both describe how big of a grasp social media have on our lives and how much we rely on using our smartphones every single second of our lives. One of the major items that hit me was that kids nowadays will be on their phones instead of communicating with their families. This is something that would have never been allowed at my house when I was a kid and it is not even allowed now. Dinner time in my house is a time to talk about how everyone's day was and to communicate any important items that are coming up in that week. Many people of the younger generation that I deal with struggle talking face to face and I strongly feel that it is to do with the dependence of being locked into social media and not having to communicate with people like other generations have had too. When Turkle brings up cyberbullying it is a major issue that has come up with social media. It is a lot easier to be mean to someone over the phone than it is doing it face to face. It is very hard to police this and it is just going to continue to get worse as more and younger people are going to get phones and social media at a younger and younger age. 
Emma Rathbone article really hits home to me. When I would spend the summer days with my grandparents. They did not have cable television or internet. So I spent my summers doing exactly what her article talks about. I would sit and read different books all summer and drift off into thought as I would look past my book and look at the wall. Another thing that sticks out from Rathbone’s article is when she talks about how when a new student would transfer to a different school no one would know anything about them. I totally agree with that, when a new student came to my school it would take a few months until we felt we truly got to know them, but nowadays a new student can be known in a matter of seconds with a Facebook or Twitter search. To think in a span of 10-15 years where we went from only a select few people knowing what goes on in our personal life to now hundreds of people knowing our every move just boggles my mind. 
Social media has a bigger impact on my life that I thought. It is where I get most of the news I read on a daily basis. With classes it is hard for me to sit down and watch the news because I am either in class, working on homework, or working. The internet affects my life vastly. Anytime I am watching tv and I recognize someone instead of trying to remember where they are from I will just do a simple google search. Everything we do today involves the Internet. I communicate more through email than I do normal mail. I turn in most of my assignments on Blackboard rather than a hard copy. Almost every aspect of my life is affected somehow by the Intenet. One of my favorite times of the year is deer hunting season and I get to go to deer camp. Deer camp is out in the middle of nowhere with very little to no service at all. At first, it feels weird not checking my phone but after a while, I do not even realize I am not on it. There is just so much going on with food and catching up with everyone and reminiscing old hunting stories and funny stories that happened way back in the day. The Internet and social media are just going to continue to grow but we need to make sure we do not let it consume our lives. 
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Hello, Its very interesting to me to see someone on a different end of the spectrum where outside of responding to a couple of texts per day, I don't really use my phone for all that much. when Im at work or home im talking to people face to face so I do not need a middleman device to feel connection. I can relate to growing up without a device in had and how the newer generations will not experience the same things we did as kids. It will be interesting to see how this impacts them as they grow to be our age. Great post.
Social Media’s Influence
lIn tracking my social media usage, I thought I learned a lot about my habits. I found that over the course of the day I tracked, I spent over 5 hours on my phone alone. This was not an exception either, this was a normal day for me. 
Reading Emma Rathbone’s article, “Before the Internet” and watching Sherry Turkle’s interview on Being Alone Together I gained a different perspective on my phone, particularly social media, usage. I will be the first to admit that 5 hours on my phone in a day is beyond excessive. Think of all the things I could accomplish with an extra 5 hours in my day! That is not to say that I struggle to do the things I need to do. I get homework done every day, I go to the gym every day, and I typically cook meals vs eating out or throwing something in the microwave. With all of that being said, I could be doing so much more if, at the very least, I cut my screen time in half. I will admit that the internet has full control of my life to an extent. I can function without it if I have to, but the truth is I would really rather not. It is my lifeline. How I communicate with friends and family, it aids me in completing schoolwork, it is a source of entertainment. I take this availability as a convenience and only when it is unavailable to I realize how much I rely on it.
In “Before the Internet,” Emma describes scenarios I realistically cannot imagine. My favorite example of how the internet changes everything she used was the example of moving to a new school and being truly unknown. The first thing I do when I make a new friend is dig through their social media and make a false impression. It is not a fair thing to do, but it is somethig that naturally happens when examining a strangers’ accounts. These impressions are not usually negative, but rather an assessment of what I have found. The ability to meet a new person and have a truly clean slate will probably never happen again to younger generations. It is terrifying and fascinating to think about. I know that I have miles of internet history that will follow me for the rest of my life. If someone were to want to know a little about me without meeting me, they could easily access that information and more just by a Google search. I believe I grew up in one of the last age groups of kids that wasn’t tethered to technology from a young age. I got my first low-tech cell phone when I was in 7th grade, and I was one of the first of my friends to get one. I could only make calls and send texts, but it was incredible. Before that, I enjoyed many years of playing outside all day, every day. In the summers I would get up early and meet a dozen or so neighborhood kids depending on the day and we built tree forts in the woods or played the most competitive games of capture the flag West Michigan had ever seen. It is sad to think that today’s kids will likely not experience such a childhood and it makes me thankful that I did.
Sherry Turkle’s interview gave me hope for overcoming technology addictions that plague us today. I related to a lot of what she said when she was talking about her students being unable to resist the pull of technology. Between my MacBook, iPhone, and Apple Watch I have the potential to receive three different notifications for the same single text message. I too have experienced the essential inability to ignore the urge to check my texts when this happens. There is something that feels good about knowing another person wants to communicate with you. I have definitely noticed times in class where I am taking notes on my laptop and I get a text. I check my text on my computer and respond to it, all the while still looking like I am typing notes. Eventually, I make it back to my notes and look up at the PowerPoint and I have no idea what we are talking about. Sherry’s words on multitasking really hit home to me when thinking about that.
My favorite thing about Sherry’ interview was how she mentioned throughout that technology has the potential to be an aid to us rather than a hindrance. She said when technology and the power of the internet were just emerging she was excited about its potential. When used correctly, it can be an amazing tool for learning, communication, and growth. It is when we let it consume our lives that it becomes a problem. My personal goal for this year is to reduce my screen time and spend that time outside instead. I experience extended periods of time without internet access on a fairly frequent basis, and I would like to try to do that more often. My family has a small cottage on Chippewa Lake, and it can be very difficult to get cellphone reception there. I have gotten used to putting my phone away when I get to the lake and only checking it seldomly, or using it to take pictures. I spend so much more time engaged with family and friends when I do not have my phone. I find that after a couple of hours without my phone on the weekends I tend to forget about it and I do not notice its void in my life. I hope to practice this approach to technology on days at school where I am very busy or do not have an important email string at work that I need to be connected to. I believe technology is a great thing that can enhance our lives, but only if we use it correctly.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Week 2 Post#1
I think that having internet constantly accessible to us makes humans more distracted like what Sherry mentions in the video. We as a species have some ethereal distraction available at all times that pulls us out of our reality and can occupy our time. This can be bad if these distractions are causing harm, like creating accidents where people end up injured, or ruining face to face relationships because we are more engaged online. Inversely, there are positives, like better communication and access to knowledge letting us teach ourselves new skills, not needing a mentor, or providing new communication means in times of emergencies, which are invaluable assets.
Social media does not have a huge impact on my life. The most I use any social media for is sending messages to people to organize in person event, so its serves not different purpose to me then a regular phone call or text might. I don’t scroll through twitter or Facebook for entertainment purposes. I will casually use twitter if there is a news story that I want information on immediately, but that’s not using it for collaboration or communication, just news updates. I don’t have enough time in the day between school and work to feel the need to fill any of my time with constant social media exposure.
The only times that I can think of not having access to the internet for an extended period that was not intentional would be when I broke my phone. This was a weird experience. I was less concerned with not having a connection to the internet as I was not having the ability to receive phone calls in case of emergencies. I feel like that stress overshadowed the fact that I didn’t have internet. I was also at home with my parents over holiday break at this time, so I was outdoors most of the time cutting down trees and hauling wood up to their house to burn for heat, So I don’t think I would have had the time or desire to use the internet much anyways.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Its great that you have an idea about starting a Franchise with Culvers and plan to continue with a career you are already involved in, Im sure a lot of us cant say anything like that. 
Its great that you pointed out DOVE’s YouTube as how the company can be transparent. I wouldn't have thought of that, but ts a great way for them to reach out to their consumers with the interviews of real consumers that we can relate to. Also, relating their messages about inclusiveness to their Collective and Persistence is a great example, because it shows that they are out there trying to make a change for the better and getting people involved. 
Hello! I am Nikki Watson. I am a senior graduating in May with Major in General Business Management and a Minor in Information Systems! I am from Trenton Michigan and have been residing in Mount Pleasant for about 3 years now. I have two younger sisters. one attending a trade school in Ohio to be a veterinary technician, the other is a freshman in high school. We grew up doing things as a family and around movies. Naturally, outside of work and school I love to spend time with my family and friends, cooking, watching movies, and I love exploring nature parking!
I originally wanted to be a Math teacher in secondary education and decided that wasn’t for me after two semesters. I wanted to help people but I wasn’t sure how. I started working for Culver’s in 2014 in high school. I have since worked at 2 other Culver’s and am now the General Manager of the Culver’s in Owosso. My goal after school is to continue with Culver’s and eventually start my own Franchise with them. 
With this blog I hope to be able to network with others who are excited about learning and coaching others. I would also like to be able to share our thoughts and experiences to help strengthen our skills. 
A company I believe is exemplary with its use of social media is DOVE. 
The release of their new #GirlCollective in October of last year, as part of their Self Esteem Project, sparked a new discussion about empowering women and helping women realize their beauty potential. 
Below are the links to their different social media accounts
With regards to the six principles covered in Chapter 2 of the textbook, The Social Organization, by Anthony Bradley and Mark McDonald, DOVE does an exceptional job covering them all. 
Participation and Independence:  Through their different pictures on Instagram they show pictures, videos, and comments from and about women and children from all over the world and their stories of self love and growth.  They encourage other to share in the comments their own experiences as well. 
Collective and Persistence: Dove is trying to make the world a more beautiful place. In their twitter account you can find their inclusiveness and more about their partners. In a specific tweet Dove thanked Kellie Brown for her commitment to end online bullying. Even The New York Times got involved in the conversation. 
Transparency: Dove also has a YouTube account that shows interviews with women and children who share their personal stores about using Dove and finding their confidence. Their YouTube channel has upwards of 150 different videos with over 136,000 subscribers. 
Emergence: Their latest campaign #GirlCollective as mentioned before is part of the Self Esteem Project. This campaign was started in October of last year and followed the #Raisethebeautybar and #LikeaGirl campaigns. The previous campaigns sparked the conversation about stereotypes around beauty and what it means to be beautiful. Leading to the newest campaign. 
What do you think the next conversation will be?
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
That’s awesome that you found a occupation that you believe that you will be happy working for from now on! Best of luck moving up the ladder and getting those higher positions you desire.
I like that for Peel, you noted the coupons that provide incentive for participation with their audience through referrals. Its a good tactic and it makes sense for a business. Spreading their products and making a sale at the same time. The persistence aspect pointed about about how they accept reviews and comments goes to show they really engage with their consumers. Great Examples.
My name is Ryan Brantley. I am a senior at Central Michigan University. I am a simple person with a wonderful wife. I will be majoring in accounting and I plan to graduate in May. I was born and raised just outside of Mt. Pleasant. I do not plan on leaving this area. I never really knew what I wanted to do for a career. One day I was reading a poster in my high school math class that said accounts use algebraic math, I liked algebra, the rest is history.
I currently work at an accounting firm downtown Mt. Pleasant. I plan on working there the rest of my life and will hopefully move up the ladder. My only career goal is to provide for my family and feel successful no matter what position I get to.
The company I choose to focus on and the company I think has a good media presence is Peel. It is a company that creates and designs phone cases and other associated items for phones. Their website is https://buypeel.com. I think that they use their media sources very wisely and have an appearance to them that attracts many people. How do they meet the six principles mentioned in our book? Lets take a look!
The first principle is all about participation. There would be no social media if it wasn’t for individual’s interaction with each other through these forms. You must get people engaged and reason to use your service or product. Peel has incentives for people to use them. You can get 30% of one of their products by referring others to purchase. That creates engaged incentives.
The second principle is collectivism. You need to be on a platform where people collect together for a specific purpose. Facebook is a great example of this. People collect together to look at each other’s likes, dislikes, what they are doing that day, fun trips people go on, keep up to date on family members that do not live close by, all sorts of reasons. This is a platform to promote a product, because people are there, all the time. Peel runs adds on Facebook to try and catch consumers attention.
Transparency is the third principle. This is a principle that shows the people what your product is, how they can use it in their everyday live. With Peel, they have catchy phrases and they demonstrate the practicality of their product. They do that very well through twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets.
The fourth principle laid out is independence. How can you be available all the time to every person regardless of their schedule, no dependency on other individuals, and zero coordination. With the internet, this should never be a problem. Peel has links set up in social media platforms with a    hour service page that allows any individual at any time purchase or view their products completely separate. This is a must, and Peel has it.
The fifth is persistence. You must be able to see what other say all the time. And keep record. Peel express this by allowing reviews to be posted, keeping comments on their Facebook page, keeping tweets from individual and themselves. This lets the conversation keep going. And Peel can learn from what the public is expressing.
The last principle is emergence. I understand this as being adaptive with the times. And Peel is. When new social media outlets are available you need to show your face on all platforms. They are not just showing adds on Facebook. They are on much more accounts that many different people use.
These few reasons are why I believe Peel is using social media effectively.
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piercebrownoit-blog · 5 years
Week 1 BIS 315 , Bungie
I am a 4th year Information Technology major on main campus CMU. I have been focusing on Multimedia Design and Web Applications. I hope to be able to assist a company in the future with application design the increase productivity or improve work flow. I hope for my blog to highlight accomplishments I have made along this journey. I believe that Bungie ( bungie.net ) does a great job managing social media for their company. They have dedicated members whos job is to actively work these accounts to provide active feedback to individuals regarding their services and products. 
For The participation  Principal, this shows heavily on the users of the forum platforms. The forum topics are all community generated, and the top voted ones are what the company sees the most often to address. these forums are populated with many people and are always receiving new content.  
For the Collective principal, all of the users are unifying to either share their feedback from the products presented by Bungie, through both twitter and Community Forums, or they are sharing there love and admiration with other like minded individuals. 
Transparency of Bungie is something that has been focused on more recently. Due to some backlash over the past year this company has changed the way that they present content to the consumers, buy specifically stating everything that a consumer gets when purchasing a product, and what they should bot expect. They have been making large changes to be a fully Transparent company. 
Independence of Participation is big with Bungie’s social media presence. All users can make a post tagging their twitter anytime, independently looking for a response, or generate a entirely new forum on the Bungie website. There is no need to involve anyone. This can all be done by one individual, anytime. 
Persistence, Bungie’s social media does a good job in keeping communication and posts with individuals at a steady rate, keeping everyone informed of changes or news, but it does it at a good rate. Nothing is over-saturated and is present indefinitely on twitter. The user responses to these posts keep them in the spotlight and are always being replied to meaning there is persistent activity on the media platforms like Twitter. 
Emerging from Bungie’s social media platforms are what I would say is a unified and informed community of product consumers. Feedback and information appear to be what Bungie has shifted their focus to, directly engaging community users and trying to keep everyone on the same page, which I believe works for the type of company they are. 
For these reason I believe Bungie is doing well with their Social media usage.
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