piermcriabcrgia · 4 years
location: palazzo borgia featuring: @piermcriabcrgia​
there were bags underneath her eyes, purple markings that attested to the small amount of sleep maddalena de’ medici had received the night before. she had risen at the same hour, however, knowing her daily responsibilities would soon start. though her children remained in rome, as signora borgia she had much to attend to.
( since the desecration of girolamo’s body, maddalena had woken many nights with terrors in her mind. they became worse upon returning to florence and had only abated after she had crawled into her husband’s bed. )
a yawn was stifled as she sat at the breakfast table, back straight as she nodded her thanks to a passing servant. for all of her responsibility, even in rome maddalena preferred to break her fast alone with her husband; she found an intimacy to the time and she reveled in receiving his sole attention at least one point during the day.
“i received a letter from rome this morning,” she stated quietly, her lips turning upwards in motherly pride. “it appears that giovanni has taken his first steps.”
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when morning broke over the city, splintering its golden rays across the sky like the fingers of god reaching out to his creation, piermaria found that he’d already been awake for several hours. he slipped through the grandiose doors leading into the palazzo borgia with brisk determination, skin glinting with early morning dew and the eclectic fragrances of the bustling city. in spite of his obligations, he arrived home feeling amply refreshed, having laid the foundations for a fruitful day, hours before the others in the signoria had a chance to; occupied with relieving their drunken stupor, bloodshot eyes, and fending off their whores, they would rise to greet the lethargy of noon. 
the large windows of the palazzo caused the interior of the monumental space to be flooded with light, creating an angelic ambiance within; shrouding he head of the family in a soft glow as he waltzed through the corridors, stopping short of the lounge where his wife broke her fast. his knuckles rasped against the door, left intentionally ajar in expectation of their routine for dining as man and wife, before entering, the clearing of his throat making his presence known.  
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piermaria mimicked his wife’s smile, his own albeit softer, if not restrained. “he will be running circles around us in no time,” he mused, joining her at the opposite end of the table, “just as his sister –– and mother. tell me, have we any other news?”
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piermcriabcrgia · 4 years
location: piazza della signoria  featuring: @renatodiippolito​
shrouded in a cloak of anonymity beneath a velvet mantle, piermaria borgia traversed the cobblestone streets of the piazza della signoria with his nose downturned, and little fear of being detected by the florentine citizenry. caravans, artisans, and waywards flanked the streets, thrusting their ruddy fingers at the borgia scion, attempting to entice the gold from his pocket with their novelties –– displaying even less inhibition than vendors in roma. nobles and beggars interwove into faceless hordes in the square, loomed over by a pavilion of blue skies and terracotta domes, blissfully unaware that the obsidian-black eyes observing them belonged to a borgia. and, in his anonymity, piermaria unearthed opportunity. 
in the back of his skull, lingering, was the reminder that those who lifted their voices to coax him into trifling conversation could easily worm their way into the de’ medici household. yet, when a widow whose eyes glinted with genuine sensibility took him by the arm and directed him to a vendor auctioning off imported books, he found that he could not refuse. it was not until the pad of his fingers dusted across the surface of a velvet clad text that his eyes rose, catching the unmistakably sharp profile of his brother-in-law. his brow flickered, mouth clamped as if to brace down upon his tongue, when their eyes met and the window of opportunity to slip away, undetected, slammed shut. 
“renato, mio fratello. what brings you to the city?” 
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piermcriabcrgia · 4 years
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piermcriabcrgia · 4 years
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piermcriabcrgia · 4 years
piermaria borgia
piermaria –– ‘rock, stone’ & ‘the sea’ borgia –– ‘native of borja’ & ‘tower’
signore borgia 
he or him.
ambiguous sexuality.
9 september 1442
married ( maddalena de medici )
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piermcriabcrgia · 4 years
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Which is why I’m relying on your support. For the good of the Medici bank. For the good of Florence. 
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piermcriabcrgia · 4 years
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( borgia 001 ) ☩ per te è la gloria. piermaria borgia has arrived in florence from rome, resembling matteo martari. i have heard talk he is philanthropic & intrepid, so long as you overlook that he is also machiavellian & ruthless. they’re a member of the borgia family, but, in this unholy city, is blood truly thicker than water? one day they might realize their ambition to remove the colonna family from power, but only time will tell… e il regno. ☩ as written by di; est, she/her, 21.
name: piermaria borgia
age / d.o.b.: 36, 9 september 1442
birth order: eldest.
house: borgia.
place of origin: rome.
sexuality: ambiguous. 
horoscope: virgo.
physique / height: slender, tall, muscular, 6'2.
faceclaim: matteo martari.
virtues: protective, philanthropic, astute, calculated.
vices: ruthless, machiavellian, unyielding, coldblooded.
relationship status: married (maddalena de medici)
children: ippolita borgia, giovanni borgia, others
religion: roman catholic.
Piermaria Borgia was born into a Rome red with blood and pale with passion at white-heat; steel, velvet, vivid colour; dazzling light and impenetrable shadow. While ushered into a world where the Borgia name was no more than a footnote in Papal documents, the next few decades would witness an unparalleled mount of power for the Borgia family; their kin would ultimately rise to the peak of the Vatican society, with one of their own, Pope Pius –– born Gioffre Borgia –– gracing the throne of Saint Peter. Since his birth, the Borgia dynasty has given two popes and one saint to the Church of Rome, although their influence and benefaction has pervaded far deeper into the underbelly of the city. While he strayed from the obligations of the church, Piermaria’s determination proved in line with the family values: described as elegant, courtly, choicely elegant, although deeply private, steely, deliberately discreet, and –– at times –– dangerously self-important.
From an early age disillusioned by power although no less motivated to seize it as a result, Piermaria developed an aversion to his father and mother; whilst protective of his siblings and primarily impelled by the desire to not only keep them safe but in similar positions of comfort and prestige, he was an isolated child –– who grew into an isolated individual. It is rare for Piermaria to allow others entrance into his personal reflections, and very few can boast of actually knowing the man behind the tightly-wound facade he maintains in the public gaze.
In the pursuit of pushing his family’s interests, Piermaria has garnered an unprecedented amount of enemies: the patricians who consider the Borgias upstarts, the clergy who considers them sinful, the ancient families of the Roman empire who would stop at nothing to see them six feet under. Many in Rome would consider Piermaria Borgia the city’s staple villain –– foul rumors fly around his history, despicable tales of despicable acts. There is little he has not been accused of, consigned to history’s most wanted list by virtue of his enemies’ wicked pens, although in actuality Piermaria is an incredibly philanthropic individual. Much of the construction surrounding the Borgia’s residence in the city is thanks to his pockets, and much of the advancement of art and culture within his purview is due to his patronage; if there is one love for him, it is Rome, and only Rome.
Piermaria’s devotion and loyalty to the Medici family, to whom he is married into, is… questionable. He is wed to Maddelena de Medici, and together they have two children (born in two years…) christened Ippolita Borgia and Giovanni Borgia. However, Piermaria also has at least three other children born out of wedlock who he recognizes loosely and will use as pawns if necessary. He is not a consummate father, preferring to take a traditional hands-off approach, although he does seek to gain titles for his children and it is through his constant advocacy on their behalf that he ultimately shows his devotion.
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