pierrotguru · 3 hours
okay here's my "never going to happen" nintendo direct wildcard prediction: new 2d zelda - but with playable zelda.
it's a soft launch of the idea by putting it in a 2d game. 2d zeldas are not the massive console seller juggernauts as 3d zeldas, so its a safer "test" AND more realistic to put at the end of the switch's life cycle.
the game itself would be somewhat lighthearted, but not condescendingly simple like the peach game. it has a similar artstyle/feel as the links awakening remake. there's a bigger focus on puzzles than fighting.
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pierrotguru · 3 hours
HEY big lobster news.
Idk if any of you remember me answering questions last year about lobster genes and how I wasn’t sure if a fancy-colored lobster would produce normal or colorful babies, but we might end up having an answer to that soon.
Because! Chipotle the calico (who we thought was a male) is a girl and she has eggs.
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Will her babies be normal or calico? What will the ratio be? Will there be other genetic mutations to the baby’s color (like blue or yellow)? I have no idea but I hope we will find out.
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pierrotguru · 3 hours
I love you overgrown gardens, i love you graffiti, i love you weeds growing through the cracks of the cement, i love you roof gardens, i love you vines climbing up walls, i love you nature and creativity overpowering governmental structures, i love you nature reclaiming abandoned buildings
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pierrotguru · 3 hours
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Happy Make A Terrible Comic Day 2024!!! I hope you enjoy participating in this annual tradition which we’ve all done for ages!!! You must participate so you might as well enjoy it!!!
If you make a comic (again, it’s mandatory) and you want to share it, post it on the tag #makeaterriblecomicday2024! Or don’t, I’m not a fucking cop.
Remember, the goal is to make something terrible! So if you can’t draw or have never made a comic, or if it’s just been ages since you made something just for fun — that’s perfect! You’re all set! If you fuck up and make something that’s NOT terrible… well, some might say there’s a joy to that too.
Ok stop reading this and go make something!!!
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pierrotguru · 3 hours
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pierrotguru · 3 hours
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I have never understood the phrase “power move” as clearly as I do in this very moment.
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pierrotguru · 3 hours
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pierrotguru · 3 hours
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pierrotguru · 3 hours
Please support this initiative! For every $10, SIHA Network is able to provide one menstrual hygiene kit for a Sudanese woman or girl. That is a small amount to pay for an incredibly powerful donation.
Donate directly at the link below.
(I found this charity from this tweet. The price for menstrual hygiene kits seems to have gone up since it was written.)
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pierrotguru · 8 hours
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pierrotguru · 8 hours
@pulim-v thanks for the help and @oh-cramity-its-amity thanks for the idea! Also cramity do you want me to make a separate poll for the a wild prev appeared cause that’s just what I was gonna do but I can do it different
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pierrotguru · 8 hours
"Who's Hotter?" Pride Month Event: Canon vs Fanon LGBTQ+ Characters
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pierrotguru · 8 hours
I'm never sure what the intended message is when i recieve it so I tried to put the most common emoji meanings I've heard
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pierrotguru · 8 hours
it sucks that the money you get to spend on like rent and gas is the same money that you get to spend on records and plushies. there should be a serious currency and a fun currency
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pierrotguru · 8 hours
When I was 20 and got married, older women loved to try to scare me with stories of what it's like to live with a man.
My marriage is wonderful 20 years later.
Through my 20s into my 30s, older women loved to try to predict when my baby fever would kick in and they'd tell me horror stories of motherhood.
We chose not to have kids and baby fever never hit me.
Now, I'm in my 40s and older women love to tell me about how I'm going to suffer through menopause. They gleefully recount hot flashes, the weight gain, how I'll have to "work harder to be a woman".
I'm not even perimenopausal. I'm only 41. I know about menopause. It's not a secret.
Can women just let women age? This isn't support. This is aggression in pink.
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pierrotguru · 8 hours
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Since I saw pictures of her wearing the ronin outfit, I felt the need to portray her in this amazing version while she still captures the attention of many people with this beautiful outfit.
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pierrotguru · 8 hours
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The onion absolutely skewering AI tech bros.
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