pigeon-conartist · 7 months
I do wish that “oppositional sexism” was a more commonly known term. It was coined as part of transmisogyny theory, and is defined as the belief that men and women, are distinct, non-overlapping categories that do not share any traits. If gender was a venn diagram, people who believe in oppositional sexism think that “men” and “women” are separate circles that never touch.
The reason I think that it’s a useful term is that it helps a lot with articulating exactly why a lot of transphobic people will call a cis man a girl for wearing nail polish, then turn around and call a trans woman a man. Both of those are enforcement of man and woman as non-overlapping social categories. It’s also a huge part of homophobia, with many homophobes considering gay people to no longer really belong to their gender because they aren’t performing it to their satisfaction.
It’s a large part of the reason behind arguments that men and women can’t understand each other or be friends, and/or that either men or women are monoliths. If men and women have nothing in common at all, it would be difficult for them to understand each other, and if all men are alike or all women are alike, then it makes sense to treat them all the same. Enforcing this rift is particularly miserable for women and men in close relationships with each other, but is often continued on the basis that “If I’m not a real man/woman, they won’t love me anymore.”
One common “progressive” form of oppositional sexism is an idea often put as the “divine feminine”, that women are special in a way that men will never understand. It’s meant to uplift women, but does so in ways that reinforce the idea that men and women are fundamentally different in ways that can never be reconciled or transcended. There’s a reason this rhetoric is hugely popular among both tradwifes and radical feminists. It argues that there is something about women that men will never have or know, which is appealing when you are trying to define womanhood in a way that means no man is or ever has been a part of it.
You’ll notice that nonbinary people are sharply excluded from the definition. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply to them, it means that oppositional sexism doesn’t believe nonbinary people of any kind exist. It’s especially rough on multigender people who are both men and women, because the whole idea of it is that men and women are two circles that don’t overlap. The idea of them overlapping in one person is fundamentally rejected.
I think it’s a very useful term for talking about a lot of the problems that a lot of queer people face when it comes to trying to carve out a place for ourselves in a society that views any deviation from rigid, binary categories as a failure to perform them correctly.
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pigeon-conartist · 7 months
trans people who are anti t4t make me so sad. because beyond just not knowing what being t4t means, the fact that they believe that t4t is just being a chaser is indicative of a deeper issue, being that cis people have ingrained the idea that we are unfuckable and unloveable, disgusting by nature, and that anybody who would voice attraction to us, a step further, ONLY CHOOSE TO DATE TRANS PEOPLE, would be a pervert with a disgusting fetish who wont see them as equal.
thats not what t4t is.
t4t is the rejection of the idea that we are inherently disgusting, just because we are in the eyes of a cisnormative society.
t4t is the understanding that we are safer and stronger together as a community than apart.
t4t is seeing your trans boyfriend try on clothes from your old boy wardrobe that you hated growing up but now your least favorite shirt is your favorite because its the perfect shade of red that brings out his eyes.
t4t is teaching your trans girlfriend that has been scared to do her own makeup how youve learned from other trans women, who learned from other trans women, who learned from other trans women.
t4t is doing your testosterone shots together and kissing each others sticks after you put the bandaid on.
t4t is holding the door for your trans girlfriend and showing her the chivalry she didn't get from her dad growing up, but its ok because you can show her now.
t4t is being on the phone with your partner who just came out as trans/nonbinary after seeing you, YOU, live your truth, and them asking you to help them find a new name, the perfect name for them, and you hope theyll carry that part of you forever.
you are trans and that is beautiful. your transness is beautiful. trans love is beautiful. dont let ANYBODY make you feel unworthy of sex or love. THATS what being t4t means.
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pigeon-conartist · 7 months
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This map is the most up to date version as of 3-4-2023 and takes into account all recent movement on anti-trans legislation
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pigeon-conartist · 8 months
If you’re an adult, do the stuff you couldn’t as a kid.
Like, me and my sister went to a museum, and they had an extra exhibit of butterflies. But it cost £3. So we sighed, walked past, then stopped. We each had £3. We could see the butterflies. And we did it was great. We followed it up with an ice-cream as well because Mum and Dad weren’t there to say no.
I was driving back from a work trip with 2 other people in their early 20s, and we drove past a MacDonalds. One of the others went “Aww man, I’d love a McFlurry.” And the guy driving pulled in to the drive through. It was wild. But it was great.
I went to a park over the weekend and I was thinking “Man, I’d love to hire one of those bikes and cycle round the park.” It took me a few minutes to go “Wait, I can hire one of those bikes!”
I guess what I’m saying is, those impulsive things you wanted to do as a kid - see the dinosaur exhibit, play in the fountains with the other kids, lie in the shade for 2 hours - you can do when you’re an adult. You have to deal with a whole lot of other bull, but at least you can indulge your inner 8 year-old.
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pigeon-conartist · 8 months
The Jabirian Corpus should not be this difficult to find. It was published in the eighth fucking century.
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pigeon-conartist · 8 months
If things ever get better on turtle island (Hannunnah is i think a good indigenous name for the continent that should be adopted yesterday (from i believe the Seneca language, i do know the name comes from the Haudenosaunee) ). Do you think it would be a worthwhile and cool endeavor for the government to do a really cool library/super college. Like a modern Academy/Bagdad House of Wisdom/Library of Alexandria. Like obviously we should work to make digital copies of everything but wouldnt be cool if we could have in the modern age to do things like translate every single historically noteworthy text into every single language spoken or written by humanity and then tponted in enough copies to be accessible to everyone, like wouldnt that be tight?
I am always in favor of giant libraries and well funded mass-translation movements.
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pigeon-conartist · 9 months
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Source: Eden: It's an Endless World! エデン
by Hiroki Endo
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pigeon-conartist · 9 months
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The LGBTQ community deserves our respect. Leave them the fuck alone.
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pigeon-conartist · 9 months
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פֿון פֿאָרווערטס, נאָוועמבער 19, 1936
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pigeon-conartist · 10 months
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pigeon-conartist · 10 months
It's embarrassing that it took me till I was in my 30's to actually discover who the lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars is, but every time I think about it I'm like "no way, no way"
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pigeon-conartist · 10 months
Working in a male dominated field is kind of a treat because you get to see what goes on behind the scenes of like male friendships and let me tell you. It gets real fuckin gay
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pigeon-conartist · 10 months
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pigeon-conartist · 10 months
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pigeon-conartist · 10 months
ur first and last recent emojis are ur gender now. mine is 🅱👨‍❤‍💋‍👨
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pigeon-conartist · 10 months
I’m curious about this because my OCD started when I was around 7/8 years old, and I’ve been psychotic my whole life! but I am aware that my experiences are not universal so 👀
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pigeon-conartist · 10 months
The Trans Pride Centre – the UK’s only trans-focused center run by trans people – will have to close its doors for good unless it raises £27,500 to keep it open to provide vital support services for the trans and non-binary community.
Donate! Share!
Please, spread the word in any way you can!
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