pigglety · 2 years
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Kali Ma
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pigglety · 2 years
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I think my tears have reached my bones
Creo que mis lágrimas han llegado hasta mis huesos
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pigglety · 2 years
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pigglety · 2 years
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Mein bunter Tier-Atlas. Written by Ernst W. Bauer. Illustrated by Hermann Fay. 1994.
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pigglety · 2 years
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Golden Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera steindachneri)
Also known as the Pacific Cownose Ray, the golden cownose ray is a species of eagle ray (Myliobatidae) which occurs in the eastern Pacific, ranging from central Baja California south to Peru and the Galapagos Islands. Golden cownose rays like other eagle rays are a transient and highly mobile species, often forming large schools or moving in loose aggregations. R. steindarchneri feeds mainly on molluscs and other hard bodied invertebrates, using its plate-like teeth which are specialized for crushing and grinding. 
Animalia-Chordata-Chondrichthyes-Elasmobranchii-Myliobatiformes-Myliobatidae-Rhinoptera-R. steindachneri
Image: Atomische
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pigglety · 2 years
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Spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari)
is a species of stingray found in most tropical waters around the world. This ray gets its name from the bright spots/rings that line the animals back. they can get fairly big with mature adults growing up to 16ft long and can have a wingspan of up to 10 feet. Spotted eagle rays are usually found near the bottom where they dig through the sand with their snout to find small crustaceans and burrowing fish, they are also known to jump out of the water and there has been one instance of one striking and killing someone in a boat…..
Image Sources: 1,2
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pigglety · 2 years
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Giant Devil Ray (Mobula mobular)
Also known as the devil fish, the giant devil ray is a species of mobula ray (not a manta) native to the Mediterranean Sea and Eastern Atlantic. As its common name suggests this species is the largest in the genus mobula with individuals reaching a length of up to 17 ft long. Like other mobula species these large rays spend most of their time in the open ocean feeding on plankton and small fish. Sadly this species is in decline as accidental catching by fisherman has caused this species to be listed as endangered.
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pigglety · 2 years
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Yellow Boxfish (Ostracion cubicus)
…a species of boxfish that is found in reefs throughout the Pacific, Indian and south eastern Atlantic Oceans. Yellow boxfish are reef dwellers and will feed mostly on algae. However, they are also known to eat sponges, crustaceans, molluscs and other small invertebrates as well.
 Juvenile yellow boxfish have a bright yellow coloration with black spots. As they age they will lose this and older adults will have a blue-grey coloration with a hint of faded yellow.
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*Fun Fact: this fish’s boxy shape inspired Mercedes-Benz to make its Bionic Car.
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pigglety · 2 years
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Vegas Dream (1988)
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pigglety · 2 years
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Bullock’s Orioles are medium-sized songbirds with slim but sturdy bodies and medium-long tails. Orioles are related to blackbirds and share their long, thick-based, sharply pointed bills.
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pigglety · 2 years
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Roaming with Torterra 🐢
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pigglety · 2 years
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pigglety · 2 years
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black velvet petunias
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pigglety · 2 years
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pigglety · 2 years
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pigglety · 2 years
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pigglety · 2 years
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