pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
SOOO cute! Love it!
0E1A0062 by Ottawa Humane Society
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pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
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Got this costume for my guinea pig! Not gonna lie, kinda cruel, but SOOOOOO adorable!
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pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
a pig has crossed the rainbow bridge
If you follow fuzzberta, then you probably know that little fuzzberta passed away recently. I just found out today and I am very sad. We will all miss little fuzzberta and fuzzberta’s family is in my prayers.
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pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
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This is one of the saddest things I’ve ever had to write: Little Fuzzberta passed away suddenly while we were on vacation. It was completely unexpected, and we were blindsided by her loss. Fuzzberta brought smiles and happiness to many people, but for me, she was my little baby. She was my donut-lipped baby guinea pig of destiny, and the center of my universe. Her favorite things were carrots and playing outside. She loved MiniGuineaPig and her mom and dad. This was her simple and happy little world, and I was so, so lucky to have gotten to be a part of it.“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.” I’ve been completely devastated by her loss, and too sad to even log back onto Instagram until today. Thank you @lauren_bellydancer, @burrito_nibbler, and the other human for posting while I was so sad. Thank you everyone for loving Fuzzberta ❤ Fuzzberta.etsy.com
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pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
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Just some of my fave guinea pig memes! Part two on the way!
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pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
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Ahhh, my favorite season! Sweater weather is back Where I live in IL!!!!
(I did not take this picture, but I do not know who actually took it)
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pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
A house is not a home without a Guinea pig!
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pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
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To make the perfect hairstyle for a lazy day, just put your hair in a half-up bun, and then straighten the hair that is down and you are done!
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pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
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This is my youtube channel! Go check it out!
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pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
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This quote is so true!
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pigs-and-more-blog · 8 years
Just so cute!!! Love it!
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When you ask who poop is this all over the floor and you have an honest piggy :)
via Guinea Pig Zone 
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