“You go through spells where you feel that maybe you’re too sensitive for this world. I certainly felt that.”
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This one time I was at a street festival hosted by my Uni and there was a guy doing card tricks. I was watching him when I noticed he dropped a card. (7 of spades) I quickly pu my shoe in it and then bent down to act like I was tying my shoe. He then asks for a volunteer so I raise my hand. He asks me to say the name of a card at random so I say “7 of spades” he does his trick that I guess was supposed to make it come on top. He holds up the Ace of Hearts and says “is this your card?” And I hold up the card and said “no but this is” and the crowd LOST IT. I handed the card back to the magician and walked away. Later he comes up to me and asks me how I did it. I looked him in the eye, smiled and said “magicians never reveal their secrets” and walked away.
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#tag yourself i’m Bob
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18-22 is a confusing age. I got friends getting married, some in prison, and some still have to ask their parents to stay out past curfew.
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I like to think that Rita Skeeter totally lost whatever renown she had after the war and so Harry and Ginny and the others like to pick up her stories for fun without worrying about the effect it’ll have on their image? Like Harry just idly turns a page every morning and goes, “Oh, we’re getting a divorce.” And Ginny yawns as she fetches two coffee mugs and says, “Is it because I’m snogging Neville?” “No,” says Harry, “it’s because I’m snogging Neville.” And Ginny slams down her mug and says, “Goddamnit, Harry, let me have my affair in peace, would you?”
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Catarina made up the Bermuda Triangle?“ said Alec. ’‘Don’t be ridiculous, Alexander. That was Ragnor.
Cassandra Clare, Lord of Shadows (via seminaked-mark-blackthorn)
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Livvy: and now for a gay update with Kit Herondale
Kit: getting gayer
Livvy: thank you Kit
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Today at therapy was really hard. I was sitting here crying, and generally being miserable, when I felt a nudge at my knee. I looked down to see that Zeus, my service dog, was doing his job… and brought me a potato. it is very hard to cry with a gift of potato.
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Okay so you know how in Beauty in the Beast…
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This lady can’t afford six eggs, which always struck me as a little odd but I figured maybe that was normal in a poor French village. I mean, look at all the little kids she has; she probably struggles to afford any kind of food that would feed all of them… Right?
But later we discover something interesting about Gaston:
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Gaston eats five dozen eggs every day. That’s 60 eggs. SIXTY. Which adds up to 420 eggs per week. No wonder this poor village doesn’t have enough of them to go around!
Gaston, who is very well-respected and successful and probably makes good money from his fabulous hunting skills, is cornering the entire egg market. To feed his addiction, he probably has to constantly go around and buy out every farmer’s supply of eggs, which causes the price on any remaining eggs to skyrocket.
Gaston is singlehandedly destroying the town’s economy.
Way to go, Gaston. You may be popular, but I’m sure that at least the chicken farmers were relieved when you fell to your death.
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Most people depict their anxiety/insecurity voices as ghosties and snakes and stuff, but mine are telemarketers
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welcome to doctor who
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get to know me meme: [1/5] movies: moana
     » whatever just happened… blame it on the pig.
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people sansa learned from shaping her into the political genius she is today (requested by anon)
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“My people are going to need a master wave finder.” “They are already have one.”
Moana (2016) dir. John Musker and Ron Clements
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