pikabot · 2 years
In Which I Get Absolutely Furious About a Programming Talk on YouTube
If you came here for some friendly media criticism then, boy howdy, is this absolutely fucking not the post for you. (more…) “”
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pikabot · 3 years
Five Short Thoughts on the Matrix Sequels
Five Short Thoughts on the Matrix Sequels
Well, with a trailer drop a couple weeks ago, it seems that it is indeed time to go back to the world of the Matrix for the first time since The Matrix Revolutions hit the screens in 2003. Which, like…that was the same year as the invasion of Iraq. Wild. I’m naturally skeptical of the film, but I’ll probably see it anyway. With one of the Wachowskis involved, there’s a decent possibility that…
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pikabot · 3 years
Dungeons and Dragons Must Be Destroyed
Dungeons and Dragons Must Be Destroyed
Now that I’ve caught your attention with that sensational hot take of a headline, allow me to walk it back a little. When I say ‘Dungeons and Dragons must be destroyed’, I do not mean that the game, Dungeons and Dragons, created in its first edition by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson in the mid-1970s, and currently published by Wizards of the Coast, should cease production, should no longer be sold,…
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pikabot · 4 years
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pikabot · 4 years
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pikabot · 5 years
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pikabot · 5 years
Doctor Who returns, and my optimism has been vindicated.
I didn't care for series eleven of Doctor Who. Spyfall (Part One) isn't perfect, but it's a marked improvement, and a jolly good time.
In case you weren’t here for my episode reviews of Chris Chibnall’s first series of Doctor Who, let me catch you up: I didn’t care for it. I thought the visuals were muddy, the writing painful, the exposition sludgy, and the Rosa Parks episode, although well-meaning, an enormous mistake. However, I did enjoy the New Year’s special, which though imperfect felt like an across-the-board improvement,…
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pikabot · 5 years
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Some Heathers (and an Alessa) for SH3′s sweet 16!
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pikabot · 6 years
Resolution finishes off this year's Doctor Who series with a bang, rather than the anticipated whimper.
Resolution finishes off this year's Doctor Who series with a bang, rather than the anticipated whimper. Thank god.
It is with great relief that I declare that Resolution, the Doctor Who New Years Day special, and the last episode of Doctor Whothat we’ll be getting until early 2020, is…pretty good! I was braced for disappointment after a thoroughly lackluster series, and if it had been bad, I may have found myself marinating in bad feelings about the show for a full year, which would not exactly be setting…
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pikabot · 6 years
Chibnall Reclaims The Reins, and It's...Okay I Guess
Chibnall Reclaims The Reins, and It’s…Okay I Guess
After a string of guest writers, during which the writing quality spiked noticeably, showrunner Chris Chibnall returns to the writer’s chair to pen The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, the series finale of Doctor Who. Low-rent Ice Warrior Tzim Shah, him with the teeth in his face, returns from the series premiere, this time in command of a genocide machine powered by a pair of psychic aliens with…
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pikabot · 6 years
'It Takes You Away' Is The Weirdest Episode Of the Season. I Can't Decide If That's a Compliment.
‘It Takes You Away’ Is The Weirdest Episode Of the Season. I Can’t Decide If That’s a Compliment.
In this episode of Doctor Who, we travel to Norway, where the Doctor and her companions discover an isolated cabin, its doors and windows all barricaded. Its only inhabitant is a blind young girl named Hanne, who warns them that there’s some kind of monster in the woods outside, which broke into the house and stole her father away. When this episode opened, I hoped that we might be getting into…
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pikabot · 6 years
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pikabot · 6 years
The Witchfinders is a Mess...But a Fun Mess
The Witchfinders is a Mess…But a Fun Mess
Doctor Who travels back into the past once again, this time to 17th Century Lancashire, where the Doctor and her companions find themselves in the middle of an old-fashioned witch hunt. It’s an episode with a few too many moving parts, but which manages to be a lot of fun, especially by the standards of historical episodes, which I tend to not enjoy as much.
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pikabot · 6 years
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i was looking through medieval drawings of demons the other day and i found the demons that make you gay  
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pikabot · 6 years
Kerblam! is a Fun Sci-Fi Romp, But it Gets a Bit Confused At The End
Kerblam! is a Fun Sci-Fi Romp, But it Gets a Bit Confused At The End
Series eleven of Doctor Who continues the trend of being substantially better when Chris Chibnall’s not getting a writing credit. Kerblam! is not a true classic, but it isan awful lot of fun, by turns funny and frightening, with a great spooky robot design and an actual mystery to solve. Ultimately, what holds the episode back from true greatness is an excess ambition without direction; it has…
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pikabot · 6 years
I don’t like Zutara because Zutaga has a much higher damage/MP cost ratio
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pikabot · 6 years
It Finally Happened
I’ve been waiting expectantly for this day to come. Finally, the eleventh series of Doctor Who has a properly good episode. Unlike much of this series, Demons of the Punjab is not merely adequate or mediocre, and while it is not as sweepingly ambitious as Rosa, it also dodges many of the problems that plague that episode. At last, Jodie Whittaker stars as the Doctor in an episode that I can feel…
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