pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
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Pike smiled widely. A new person!
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"Hi, my name is Pike! It's nice to meet you."
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
When she saw Fuko giggling Pike thought it must have been when Pike was thinking about dressing up Ahiru. She blushed a little and thought she must have looked silly.
Seeing Fuko bound to the closet without hesitation made Pike smile. She sure was an energetic gir- er, woman. The term woman didn't really suit Fuko...
Pike walked into her side of the closet and began to undress. She placed her school uniform on the storage bin beside her and started with the leotard. After making sure her accessories fit nicely, Pike nodded in approval to herself in the mirror. She couldn't wait to see Fuko as a ballerina. Pike knocked on the divider and asked "You almost done, Fuko?"
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”Yes, they are Fuko’s favourite thing!” She said, thinking about the starfish. She tried not to think too hard though, because she didn’t want to zone out in front of Pike. To distract herself, Fuko looked at the outfit Pike had chosen for herself. Her eyes widened at how pretty it was was. Fuko herself could not imagine wearing it, as it seemed too cute for Fuko, but she could imagine Pike in it perfectly.
She jumped a little bit when Pike spoke, breaking the silence. She looked eagerly at the outfit that Pike had chosen for her. It was amazing, exactly what Fuko liked. It was extremely detailed. Fuko smiled, happy that Pike had tried so hard to find an outfit that Fuko would like.
”No, Fuko would love to wear it! It’s so very cute!” She looked at Pike, her eyes shining with excitement. ”Where should Fuko put it on?”
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
Pike was already worried when a sudden language barrier kept the two girls from communicating, but she was thrust into a panic when she saw that something was wrong with Yui. Yui looked sickly pale and sweaty, but when the brunette fell to the ground, Pike reacted quickly. She tried to drag Yui back to the inner walls of Kinkan Town, but ballerinas were made of leg muscles, but arm muscles. Pike struggled with her noodle arms, but made it anyway. Thank god we didn't go far!
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Pike grabbed a water bottle from her bag (a ballerina needs to stay hydrated!) and splashed half of it on Yui. She held Yui's head in her lap to keep the gathering mud from getting in Yui's hair.
yuiyuuhirasawa started following you
“Tokyo, Japan” Yui grinned at her when she caught up. “How come you speak Japanese?”
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Yui had never visited Germany before and as they walked every now and then something would pop up that caught her attention. The houses were different from the ones in Tokyo, so were the roads, paths, people… and there were a lot more trees. It reminded Yui about how much she missed living in a more rural part of Japan.
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
"Really?" Pike wasn't exactly expecting her to say yes, but this was a big letdown. "You look like other ballet students at the school I go to!" Pike nodded to herself when she mentally compared the girls of Kinkan Academy to this pinkette in front of her.
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"You sure you don't want to try again?"
trainofhope started following you
When the other pinkette confessed that she was older, amu felt a bit like a baby.(not really a baby just felt younger) This person seemed to be really nice, maybe both could be friends in the future. “R-Really?” she asked curiously.
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“I always meet older people..i think its something like a habit.” she started to think about some annoying guy named ikuto.Anyways after that she let out a cute laughter.
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
Japan? Yui sure was a long way from home! Pike wondered for a moment why Yui's sister would be all the way in Berlin, but decided not to get nosy. "Huh? Japanese, what are you talking about...?"
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In that moment the pair crossed the border between Kinkan Town and the surrounding forest. They were walking along the path when Pike felt a strange sensation. All of a sudden, Yui looked very confused. "Wh-at?" She seemed to be saying something, but Pike couldn't understand. What was going on?
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Yui stood there for a while, staring at her before blinking- “You would do that? Really?!” -and giving her a late reaction. She looked back at the forest path and smiled at the pinkette. “Thank you, Pike.”
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Yui usually had a habit of falling asleep on the train, but it was very rare to find someone who was willing to help her. Especially in Germany. Even she was surprised that she found someone who spoke Japanese.
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
"Ehe yeah, I look pretty young though, huh?" Pike let out a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. She didn't like how young she looked. Nobody ever took her seriously. Pike shook away her thoughts and focused on Amu again.
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Hearing the girl's cute laugh sparked an idea. Pike looked slyly at Amu. "Say, have you ever considered taking a few ballet classes?"
trainofhope started following you
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“Thanks pike-chan.” she smiled as some pink blush appeared on her cheeks.  “I just turned 14.” she smiled and she put her thump up. “How about you?” she asked curiously.
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
Wow what a cute girl. She would make a great ballerina!
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"14? I'm barely older than you, I'm 15." Pike smiled at the younger girl, "it's not often I get to meet people younger than me." Pike always seemed to be the youngest, even out of those in her class. She was always just a few months behind.
trainofhope started following you
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“Pike?” she repeated with a feminine voice , as she streched out one hand to give her the nice and cute girl a friendly handshake. “Nice to meet you, you can call me amu.” she smiled
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
Hearing the girl speak, Pike thought Amu must be younger than her. Pike took the her hand and shook it warmly. "Amu, huh? That's a nice name!" Pike chatted casually, "How old are you, Amu?"
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trainofhope started following you
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This girl’s hair looked a lot like Pike’s. She definitely wasn’t from Kinkan Town…
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you! I’m Pike!” Pike greeted her warmly, “What’s your name?”
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
"Well of course I would, what kind of person leaves a lost girl alone?" Pike responded. Although she didn't know much about the outside world, Pike saw no logical reason to not help Yui out. Seeing she had made Yui happy, Pike smiled widely back at her.
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Luckily Pike had a social studies textbook in her backpack that contained maps, so she didn't think she would get very lost. The pinkette began to walk towards the forest path. She turned to Yui and asked "So, where are you from?"
yuiyuuhirasawa started following you
Yui caught her attention by waving her hands and head at her “Oh, no, I was in a different town before..” She gasped at her and pointed towards a lane behind her. “I tried walking down there but I ended up here…”
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“I was meant to be visiting my sister in Berlin…”
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
"Berlin? That's pretty far from here. It'll take you a while to get there by walking." Pike wanted to help Yui, but she wasn't so sure about leaving the walls of Kinkan Town. Every time she did, something weird happened in the surrounding forest. 
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"I bet there's a train station at a bigger city. I could try and take you there if you want..."
yuiyuuhirasawa started following you
“Ehhh… I guess you could say that…” Yui replied while taking in her surroundings. “I wonder if I got off at the wrong train stop again…”
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
"Train stop?" Pike didn't remember there being any trains in Kinkan Town. "I've seen those in books before, but I don't remember there being any here..."
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"I've never seen a real one before..."
yuiyuuhirasawa started following you
“Hmmm… Kinkan Town? so that’s what this place is called…”
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
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Hmm, this girl seemed cautious, maybe Pike was making her uncomfortable? 
"So Yui, what brings you to Kinkan Town?" Pike asked politely.
cool--girl--yui started following you
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Cool girl, huh?
“Hello! Nice to meet you, I’m Pike!”
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
cool--girl--yui started following you
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Cool girl, huh?
"Hello! Nice to meet you, I'm Pike!"
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
Pike smiled widely when she saw Fuko's reaction to the outfit she had picked out. Pike was pretty good at picking out outfits for the ballerinas at Kinkan Academy as well. When show time came, Pike somehow always knew what would go together and what wouldn't. All of her fellow classmates would come to her for costumes, and Pike would always tease Ahiru by picking out duck related clothes and accessories.
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She giggled at the memory, but snapped back to reality. "Oh, there's a divider in the storage closet, so you can change in one side and I can change in the other." Pike suggested, "Well, that is, if you're ok changing in a closet." Pike didn't think there would be any problem since there was a light bulb on both sides, but Pike knew of a few people who were claustrophobic, and she wanted to make Fuko happy.
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“Hmm, I guess they are pretty cute!” Pike looked back at the pale pink one she had chosen for herself. Would Pike look cute wearing something like this? She blushed at the thought. Nobody ever really thought of her as cute, being the tomboy she is. Having Fuko around to make comments like that really made Pike feel special though.
Smiling, Pike turned back to Fuko when an answer was given. “Orange starfish huh…” Pike searched the long racks of costumes and dug into the boxes of accessories. She found a few things here and there that she felt would satisfy Fuko.
“Here, how’s this?” Pike handed Fuko a little outfit she picked out. There was a light orange leotard, a red orange tutu that had folds in the shapes of triangles (almost like a starfish), small orange slippers, and a yellow star clip for Fuko’s long hair. “You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to though!” Pike didn’t want to pressure Fuko or anything.
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
"Hmm, I guess they are pretty cute!" Pike looked back at the pale pink one she had chosen for herself. Would Pike look cute wearing something like this? She blushed at the thought. Nobody ever really thought of her as cute, being the tomboy she is. Having Fuko around to make comments like that really made Pike feel special though.
Smiling, Pike turned back to Fuko when an answer was given. "Orange starfish huh..." Pike searched the long racks of costumes and dug into the boxes of accessories. She found a few things here and there that she felt would satisfy Fuko.
"Here, how's this?" Pike handed Fuko a little outfit she picked out. There was a light orange leotard, a red orange tutu that had folds in the shapes of triangles (almost like a starfish), small orange slippers, and a yellow star clip for Fuko's long hair. "You don't have to wear it if you don't want to though!" Pike didn't want to pressure Fuko or anything.
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“Yes, it will! I didn’t even think about that before! Thank you, Fuko!” This dance lesson was going to be great, Pike could just feel it.
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“W-wow, really?!” Pike was seriously blushing now. Nobody had ever complimented her as much as Fuko had, and the two had just met! Pike was determined to be the best ballet teacher to Fuko. She wanted to thank her for being so kind, and besides, this was going to be fun!
“Yeah, sure!” She trotted over to the costume closet on the far left side of the studio and opened the small door. She reached for a frilly pink tutu for herself then turned to Fuko. Fuko’s waist looked about the same as Pike’s. It wouldn’t hurt to put her in a tutu as well, right?
“We have a lot of different costumes that go with the tutus, is there anything you really like? Colors, shapes, animals, characters?”
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pikethepinkette-blog · 12 years
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"Oh...are you lost?" She seemed pretty happy for a lost person.
yuiyuuhirasawa started following you
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“Hello, I’m Pike! Who might you be?”
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