pimongie · 8 years
Why there is no longer version for this mv?
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pimongie · 8 years
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I’m so sorry for making you guys wait for a long time. I wasn’t supposed to be doing this now, but I’ve been feeling ashamed for not posting anything about the giveaway after I’ve been telling you about it for a long time… T^T
Anyways, I’m doing this to celebrate 4 years of doing this blog, and a thank you to everyone supporting the show and the member! :D Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Okay, enough of my nonsense blabbering~ xD
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We will be using a random number picker to choose the winner.
Keep reading
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pimongie · 9 years
MC Mong - Like Nobody Knows
[M/V] 아무도모르게 - MC MONG (엠씨몽) DAISHI DANCE (다이시댄스) X MC MONG [W.D.W] Collaboration Project No. 1
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pimongie · 9 years
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Happy Belated Birthday Mongie! Last year on your birthday, i’ve wish that you may back on stage. Now, you’re back and you look very happy and cheerful. Stay happy and cool. We love you, Mongie. Pic credit -jang850305-
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pimongie · 10 years
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I always repeat on this part because mongie looks funny when he watch on mikey. Lol!
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pimongie · 10 years
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i've got this album. happy me ^^
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pimongie · 10 years
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congrats mongie! although many people dissing you. i'll support you no matter what. music is music! i don't care with your personal matter <3
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pimongie · 10 years
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Warning! This is my own opinion. if you don't like it, kindly skip my post. I just wanna say something about this guy. He has been in controversy for about 5 years due to military issue. Now, he's back with new album. I'm really happy with his comeback although he didn't appear in any tv show. I know not all people welcoming him but for me, who are we to punish him? Yes, i know it is a big issue in korea but how about second chance? Everyone have rights to get another chance. just let him with his personal issue. He may have reflected what he did was wrong. He just wanna share his feeling through this album after what he did. Why we must be so harsh towards him. Do you wanna punish him till he die? Music may be the only way for him to share his feeling. People always busy to find his mistake but never see any good things about him. From what i've seen, people that like to attack a person like him especially keyboard warriors, they don't have life, they just know to attack people with harsh words but in the end their acts will be back to them. Please have a life and live in real world. although this guy have do a big mistake, let alone this guy. We all have right to live peacefully. You know, there is many big things or issue in this world that you should focus on better than you focus on his issue that may not change or affected anything in this world. lastly, welcome back MC Mong! ~sorry for my bad language~
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pimongie · 10 years
he's back! mongie back! at last, he's back after a long time hiatus. welcome back mc mong ^^
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pimongie · 10 years
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this guy will be coming back soon ^^
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pimongie · 11 years
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still not too late right to wish mc mong, better late than never. happy 34th birthday mc mong. hope to see you again on the stage.
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pimongie · 11 years
have you watch this? mc mong talks with Entertainment Exclusive. 
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pimongie · 11 years
remember this moment? one of my favourite episode. miss them so much :")
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pimongie · 12 years
that's him! mc mong! at last, we can see him. really miss him. i believe he will comeback soon. take your time mongie :)
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pimongie · 12 years
you bring out the best in me, i wish you the best if thing
little sunshine ~ mc mong
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pimongie · 12 years
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happy birthday MC MONG!!! i'm kind of busy with the event, final and much more waiting for me out there. so, i wanna wish him happy 33rd birthday. hope he will comeback to us and make some kind of music for us. i really miss his song, i keep replay his old song till i can sing it by myself. he kind of unique person that's not easy to find at any musicians. his lyrics, jokes, weird dance, i totally miss it. well, that's all. happy birthday again mongie :)
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pimongie · 12 years
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nowadays, i rarely update about mongie. not just mongie, even to open the tumblr, i don't have enough time. very busy. actually, i wanna share you something. during Dalmatian comeback, i send congratulatory message to mongie and then, he reply my message with this "^^ ♥" . i never thought he will reply my message again. with this positive reaction, i hope he can regain back what he had loss before and build a new life. C:
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