pinarbirdal-blog · 7 years
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Avrupa Yakası This is Turkish Sitcom. It basically takes it's topic from it's name. As a TV series it had episodes that are shown each week regularly that makes it non-stop as a property of TV series. The actors and actresses has affected the social life in both good and bad ways. For example the stripp that Sumer Bank used to produce has become popular again since ine of the characters has wore stripped pyjimas. The theme and the background information of characters also took attention of the society and made some critics about them. The plot and setting of the sitcom has affected the social life in short. The audiende that this sitcom has reached is every kind of people from every region of Turkey because it had different kind of characters that came from different education and city from each other. The way how this sitcom used humar was also commin that everyone could understand the point. As economic prospect, this production has earned 4 million dollar to it's producer. Since it was a TV serie, everyone could be able to watch this easily. Under the humor this sitcom made some critics about the problems in society.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 7 years
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Invisible Girl When someone looks at this photograph, it is seen that the black is used as background and green is used as a majority of photograph. A girl sits and holds a mirror,the clothes of girl is not visible from this perspective. But as secın context of photograp, the gestures and mimics of the girl is open to commentary. In my point of view, this girl is afraid of something and hiding behind from that mirror and may be she wants to be invisible. And also she looks very scared or may be she is very shy person. She holds the mirror in a hard eay so that noone can take in from her and she could hide there forever. It can benher shelter.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Rober Indiana:Eat Die: As a pop art artist he uses vibrant color and also contrast colors to indicate legibility in his works. He gived the main idea that eat and die directly. As a reflection of consumerism culture this eat and die message is given through the use of capital letters and big letters to take the attention of the beholder. By this way the message of eating and aldı buying is given.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Andy Warhol: "Interview" Magazine Signed,1982: As an pop art culture artist he reflects the consumerism. In this painting he drew a woman that looks like an actress. For taking the attention he chose to usena blonde woman figure since his main aim is reflect the idea of consumerism.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Dali: The Enigma of Willam Tell,1933: The name of this oainting came from a tale which has mentioned in Bible to reflect the sacrification of Isaac by his father Abraham. Dali has conveyed this idea to his painting in sexual way as a surrealist painter. The color dominancy is preferred as brown and yellow to indicate the elements in the painting. In this painting the main element of pop art culture: consumerism is not very visible when it compared with the other works. But as a property of pop art culture, vibrant block colors are used by Dali.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Jackson Pollock: Autumn Rhythm, 1950 He is reflecting the abstract expressionist movement. He detaches his art through the colors. He has looked for new means to describe pictorial space. For this painting he prefered to use yellow amd brownish color to indicate the fall feeling to the beholder.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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The Fireside Angel (1936) by Max Ernst In this painting Ernst reflects the fantastical creatures to the beholder. Behind this painting, Ernst reveals his perspective against world politic events.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Poeme (1924) by Andre Breton In this work, Breton has worked on collage which reflects the surrealism to the beholder. Here, Breton reflects the belief in journalism not the poem.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Person Throwing a Stone at a Bird by Joan Miro In this painting Miro has worked on surrealism again. The foot is drawn in an exaggurated way. The figures are drawn in an unusual way as a feature of surrealism.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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The Ear of Grain by Joan Miro, 1922 Joan Miro is affected by the movement of surrealism and dadaism. In this painting Miro has worked on everyday objects that can be seen by everyone, but he combine these things unusually and his own style that is called as trademark style.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Egg in the church or The Snake( Date Unknown) by Andre Breton Andre Breton is French Theoretician and Writer. He is affected by the movement of Dadaism and Surrealism. In this work, the photographic collage is used. The title of this work is used as symbolic and enigmatic by Breton. The idea of female body in the surrealism movement is indicated in this work by the artist. Breton's work of collage emphasizes the sexual repression.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Two Children Are Threatened by a Nightingale by Max Ernst, 1924 Max Ernst who affected by both the movement of dadaism and surrealism, conveys the dream-like idea through his paintings. In this painting the choice of colors make the beholder to consider this paintind as a dream because blue is used as background. The door is openning another place as a reflection of surrealism, unusual things are combined by Ernst.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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The Pilgrim by Rene Magritte, 1946 Rene Magritte indicates the surrealism in the paintings. The face of the man is not located between the hat and the body as usual, but it is the perception of the artist to put the face there.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Bicycle Wheel by Marcel Duchamp 1951 Just like The Fountain, artis highlights the art perspective of him. According to him any work that is done for art not for money or patronage is the real art. In this work Duchamp again indicates this idea through a bicycle wheel that everyone sees around them everyday but it was his idea to put it in an art area.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Etude de l'oeil by Salvador Dali In this painting, the background of the painting is seen as unusuak since there are some figures or sketches. The eye of the portre is exaggerated by Dali may be for indicating Surrealism in the painting. Also the lines are not drawn as linear and woman figures are seen by beholders.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman by Albrecht Durer In this painting, the lighting is used in order to make the expression more legible and to indicate the perspective of the painter.
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pinarbirdal-blog · 8 years
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Fisher Boy by Frans Hals 1630-32 In this painting the happiness is seen througj the facial expression of the boy. Hals reflects the emotion of people who belong to lower class in the society not only the higher class.
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