pineappleisgod · 7 hours
The Fauci testimony was such a shit show.
He is such a reasoned, impressive speaker who understands nuance and communicates it well.
But Republicans are allergic to nuance. So that did not matter at all.
And they can't handle that he made suggestions based on a complex set of variables during a time when we did not have all of the information necessary. Yes, he and his team guessed. And those guesses were mostly accurate. But they are acting like the guesses that didn't turn out to be 100% right were some horrible travesty.
Aside from the conspiracy theories the big thing they tried to trip him up with was the 6 foot distancing. He said that recommendation was not based on science. And it wasn't. There were no studies at that point. It was just a common-sense measure.
Like, if someone is infected with a potentially deadly virus, what's the closest you want to be to them?
Later studies showed 3 feet was probably enough distance. But do you really want to be the minimum distance away? So doubling that is probably exactly the distance it should have been.
That was a good fucking guess.
And they are acting like this kept grandmas from hugging their grandkids and everyone is going to be sad forever.
It was the COVID. The COVID kept them from hugging.
And then Marjorie just yelled for a while and kept repeating we should put an 80 year old retired scientist in prison for... reasons?
Personally, I'd prefer to put the convicted felon in prison.
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pineappleisgod · 7 hours
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pineappleisgod · 7 hours
Will graham would absolutely kill that tiktok trend that’s like “things my boyfriend did but I STILL stayed” like can you imagine
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pineappleisgod · 7 hours
I have an ice-cold take to share but I'm trusting you all with my vulnerability
Obviously Taylor Swift's private jet carbon footprint is a fucking problem but also I think if she did the alternative and flew on commercial airplanes to get to her concerts then someone would absolutely bite her.
I think she'd safely get through about 5 flights but on the sixth there will be some Swiftie who spots her and enters a complete hyperventilation fugue state that manifests with something similar to cute-aggression but it would manifest in the form of biting Taylor Swift as much as possible. I don't think she would leave unscathed.
Like politicians already travel privately to avoid assassination and it's just that I believe the number of political assassins out there pales in comparison to the number of 23-year-old white sorority girls who are one Taylor-Swift-spotting away from putting their invisalign into practice.
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pineappleisgod · 8 hours
the reason you're meant to read from a bunch of different sources and attempt to interpret and discuss them in school btw is bc your reading comprehension is based on your ability to discern different and varied meanings in a text
like some ppl on socmed wilfully misinterpret text and so many others entirely lack this critical skill and rely on tiktokers and youtubers to explain sentences to them and in the absence of someone to explain they just entirely go off their own projected vibes and make shit up
like it's. honestly frightening and bizarre, the takes i regularly see, that are so far beyond a "bad faith reading" and are literally not a reading. someone just saw three words they recognised, imagined a scenario they might be used in instead of reading the post, then got MAD
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pineappleisgod · 13 hours
I remember someone saying "mad scientists in fiction aren't scientists because there's never a control group"
I think if you've created an elixir that turns people into goat men you have sort have gone past the need for a control group. The control group is not going to placebo themselves into goat men. You can probably not run the control group, and safely assume that none of them would have turned into goat men. That said, having a control group for that would make the mad scientist seem extra crazy and be really really funny, especially if he was carefully testing them for goat like features from the dyed water they drank instead of the elixir
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pineappleisgod · 13 hours
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this is the craziest painting i have ever seen
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pineappleisgod · 13 hours
I'm losing my fucking mind. Gay people on tiktok are trying to make "gang signs" for all the letters of the acronym and it's the cringiest thing I've ever seen in my life. Fellow white gays please we have already fucked up enough please stop digging our hole deeper I'm begging you
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pineappleisgod · 13 hours
Florida bans on trans care have been overturned! 🏳️‍⚧️
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pineappleisgod · 13 hours
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I'm sorry I keep posting my tiktok comments but please. What does this mean. What do people THINK shipping is for anymore???
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pineappleisgod · 13 hours
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pineappleisgod · 13 hours
"cinema is dying how can we save it" if you have eddie and the symbiote fuck NASTY in venom 3 you will make 10 billion dollars
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pineappleisgod · 14 hours
me: i'm adding realism to this medieval fantasy setting
what people think i mean: grime, gratuitous sexual assault and murder, misogyny, child marriage
what i actually mean: everyone reads out loud, women are spinning wool all the time, peasants marry at 20, people wear colors.
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pineappleisgod · 14 hours
the thing that tends to frustrate me about the debates people get into re: rainbow capitalism on this site is that i think two things are equally true:
1: corporations are not our friends, they do not plaster rainbows on things because they are reliable allies and ought to be trusted and defended for doing so, there is no need to be grateful to them
2: how much money companies think they can wring out of us via plastering those rainbows and how much they think they can get away with that wringing without incurring social backlash from those who hate us is a good bellwether for where social acceptance is re: our rights, and a pulling back on doing so often indicates Concerning Trends
the first fact doesn’t make the second not true, and the second doesn’t negate the first, it feels like we should be able to negotiate this nuance without ignoring either truth
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pineappleisgod · 14 hours
of course that character lives in my brain rent free do i look like a fucking landlord to you?
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pineappleisgod · 14 hours
Thinking About Fictional Character while you have music on is such a risky activity. there’s no way EVERY song on this album is literally about Fictional Character. and yet��…..
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pineappleisgod · 14 hours
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neil causing problems for fun
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