pineapplescooter · 3 years
News Anchor in my area loses it over a Fat Cat that likes to swim.
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
I’ve never been to Las Vegas but I love it in concept because it sounds so made up. Imagine if you were reading a fantasy novel and they were like “smack in the middle of a deadly inhospitable desert there is a glittering city of indulgence and lawlessness and cheap sin that has specifically engineered itself to obfuscate your sense of time and keep you there as long as possible while they take all your valuables.” You’d be like yeah that’s some wizard shit. 
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
*goes to Coachella in a white linen suit like an antebellum lawyer, sweating profusely and dabbing at my forehead with a handkerchief* now, I’m no fancy scientist, but would you folk know where a simple gentleman such as myself could obtain some acid? Now, I’m no big city lawyer, but could any of you fine youths point a country boy such as myself in the direction of some fucking acid?
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
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Boycotting Whoever Annoys Me
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
We’re the SAME AGE
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
Becoming increasingly frustrated with the entire concept of “weed-out” classes at an undergraduate academic level.
IF you have a deliberately engineered a class that has a pass rate of less than 40%, you are a bad teacher! That is UNCONSICIONABLE in a world where a single college course can easily cost over $1000 plus books and materials! These are undergrads! Their ability to continue to attend school and get out with a Bachelor’s in ANYTHING is probably reliant on scholarships and grants and loans, and you are PROUD of designing a money-pit deliberately set up to make them fail?? Absolutely disgusting tbh
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
I think part of the issue is people assuming that everyone MUST want to move upwards. Like... it's the next logical step for a person to want to move up the chain: from worker to manager, to district manager, eventually owner.
But I always think of growth like plants.
Aspens grow tall to reach the sun, for sure. But dandelions grow deep, understanding themselves fully so that if some misguided fool tries to uproot them they'd have to try damn hard. And then there's thyme and other creeping plants, which spread themselves out so much that if you chop a part of it off it roots wherever it can find dirt to root in.
It's okay not to have lofty dreams. You know what kind of plant you are better than anyone else.
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
cinematic parallels: tumblr somehow becoming one of the most bearable social media platforms in 2020/2021, and that speed skater who made it to the olympics because everyone else fell over
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
do you think truckers realize that theyre dentists of highways
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
me on ellen 
ellen: so i hear you’re a big fan of the fallout series
me: yeah 
*loud, thundering booms are heard from outside of the studio and a siren begins to wail as the audience breaks out into complete pandemonium* 
me: oh my god ellen you didn’t
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
I one hundred percent believe Prince Philip died yesterday but the royal family didn't want to give us the satisfaction of having his and Margaret Thatcher's deaths on the same day
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
breaking news: prince philip, the dad from the royal family, is a nasty little thottie. and he just died from making it clap on instagram
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pineapplescooter · 3 years
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honestly such an underrated moment
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