pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
Going to attempt to write about things that I feel good about, like a pick me up because right now I feel like a failure because no more tuition. I kind of feel like I have lost so much. I think I've been focusing too much on money. I just settle and get by. I need to start offering valuable things. And work more than what I deemed to be worth. Yes I'm guilty. It's all on me. I tried. But I didn't try hard enough and now it's biting me on my ass.
I'm quite sad. I am questioning myself and I feel like I fail in everything I do. But I know it's not. So I'm going to try to sweep that thought off and focus on the good things instead.
For eg, I got a job! I got hired because people love my personality. I give good vibes and I make people feel comfortable.
I also got good grades for my studies! Albeit in not a very good sch, but it's evident I work harder than my peers, work smarter than them and I even got rewarded for having higher than average mark. I'm v happy I got 92 for my AFM too. It was a v difficult assignment but I got it done!
I disciplined myself today to finish up my isac research. I spent the entire day writing it up. I'm so close to being able to submit it for real.
I'd like to think that I'm a good friend. And a good girlfriend.
I'm vvvvv excited to do well for my first job. Excited for japan and batam. I love spending time w people ultimately.
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
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So we shared a table with two other ladies next to us. They left shortly. AND THEY ALSO LEFT TWO GYOZAS UNEATEN ON THEIR TABLE. We got slightly triggered cause their gyozas are damn good one WHO WOULDNT FINISH THEM. Ours came and Wilf was done with two out of five gyozas by this time. We kept discussing about whether we would take those two poor wasted gyozas next to us. HE SAID HE WOULD, but he didn't dare. I would too, but I didn't want to, just cause I'm satisfied w my share, but I dare HAHAHAHAHA SO I CASUALLY USED MY CHOPSTICKS AND KIAPPED THOSE TWO UNWANTED GYOZAS (luckily they were stuck tgt if not I'd have to kiap twice wtf) OVER TO OUR PLATE LIKE NONCHALANTLY I couldn't believe I did that HAHAHAHA but it wasnt crowded at that time and the staffs were busy la (um sounds ironic but they were rly walking around doing stuffs) BUT STILL HAHAHAHA there were two guys right beside us hopefully getting lost in their own conversation oblivious to my shameless act. Wilf ate them, I just did the kiapping. Best gf ever right.
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
12 May Monday Fishball noods Grapes Water Pocky Oats choc Curry rice Timtam X1 Cherries and grapes
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
May 13 Sat - water - rice roasted duck and char siew - pasta and meatballs - some cake - few bites of Krispy Kreme - one and a half egg, bean sprouts and two gyoza and some ramen and broth
May 14 Sun Water Half of prawn noodle Half pumpkin pie Grapes and two cherries Some guava Curry rice Pineapple
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
Initially I thought it was gna be nth cause I thought we could still text everyday but then came the surprise confiscation of phone and pms wtf But now that the day is drawing nearer the dreadful wait is turning into this massive excitement!!!! He said he's gna hug me for 10000 years 😂😂
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
Today was okay. Before going to school Wilf managed to text me using his friend's phone and he told me about what he's going to do over the 4 days of mission coming up tomorrow. He will be ending on Tuesday. Finally! I honestly cannot wait to see him. I miss him so much and I think about him everyday. He said he was hoping he could see me at the airport and hug me for 10000 years hehe. How cute. Gotta keep in mind and be sweet, cuddly and patient when he's here! Cherish every moment I've got with him xx
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
My bby managed to call me today!!! Thankful for Kenneth for letting everyone use his phone. And he is so friendly!!!! Also the five guys asking which one is your boyfriend WTF HAHAHAHHAAHA MAKE ME SUPER STRESS but it was really fun and funny hahahaha Really glad I managed to talk to him hehe MY WEEK IS MADE AND I AM SATISFIED
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
I've finished reading The Miniaturist, a gift from Esther. I love the book. Love the beautiful writing, the intricate details about the history of Amsterdam, nothing much was happening in the first half of the book but I was still very intrigued for some reason and couldn't put it down. Then it gets more intense towards the back and that's when I wish I'd read the book a little slower just so I wouldn't finish it this soon. And there, I've reached the last page. I re-read that page a few more times because I couldn't believe it ended just like that. So who exactly is The Miniaturist?? Why did she do all the things she did?? What is her role in the book?? So many unanswered questions and there were no resolutions anyway. I also felt depressed. Why must the good characters die. Not one but two. It's cruel. And it's not the author whose cruel. The society is. It's especially evoking pain because I know that such situations is real and has happened before and it's more common than we think. I feel terrible for Johannes. And Nella is truly incredibly kind, brave and all sorts. Full of dreams and hope and she never gives up. Marin on the other hand, seemed pretty respectable initially but she turns out to be the most cowardice character in the end. She's still a pretty strong woman though, defying society and all. I'm just quite confused about why cant she just marry Otto??? I also think Cornelia has a crush on Otto that's why she always hoped that Marin's lover is Agnes hub.
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
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<p>THIS GUY APPEARED IN MY ROOM AT 9.06AM WHILE I WAS STILL IN DEEP SLEEP AND SURPRISED ME WITH BREAKFAST IN BED 😭😭😭😭😭 MY FAV ROSEMARY CHICKIIIIIIIEN</p> <p>But my first reaction was squealing and covering my face frantically cause my #iwokeuplikethis look cmi AND HE SAW ME WITHOUT MY TAPE AND NAKED BROWS AND MORNING BLOAT FUGLAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY luckily I’m buried deep beneath my pillows and blanket and my room was dark</p> <p>But thanks babe what a random and lovely surprise FIRST TIME LEH omg I’m a VERY HAPPY GIRL WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
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Love it
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
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I love my bubbi
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
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Amazing food at Harry's
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
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My baby 😍😍😍
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
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Took way too many selfies with the tropical juice
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pinkcess13-blog · 7 years
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His pov
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